structure compiler :> compiler = struct (* for interactive use fun load_path_add x = loadPath := !loadPath @ [concat Globals.HOLDIR x]; val _ = load_path_add "/examples/mc-logic"; val _ = load_path_add "/examples/ARM/v4"; val _ = load_path_add "/tools/mlyacc/mlyacclib"; (* load_path_add "/examples/dev/sw2"; *) val _ = quietdec := true; app load ["arm_compilerLib", "Normal", "inline", "closure", "regAlloc", "funcCall", "refine"]; val _ = quietdec := false; *) open HolKernel Parse boolLib bossLib boolSyntax; open compilerLib; val _ = numLib.prefer_num(); val _ = Globals.priming := NONE; (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Interface Functions. *) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* val arm_compile = arm_compilerLib.arm_compile; *) val normalize = Normal.normalize; val SSA_RULE = Normal.SSA_RULE; val expand_anonymous = inline.expand_anonymous; val expand_named = inline.expand_named; val optimize_norm = inline.optimize_norm; val close_one_by_one = closure.close_one_by_one; val close_all = closure.close_all; val closure_convert = closure.closure_convert; val parallel_move = regAlloc.parallel_move; val reg_alloc = regAlloc.reg_alloc; (* val printSAL = SALGen.printSAL; val certified_gen = SALGen.certified_gen; *) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Auxiliary functions. *) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) structure M = Binarymap; fun resultOf (PASS x) = x; fun head eqns = strip_comb (lhs(snd(strip_forall(hd (strip_conj(concl eqns)))))); (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Compiling a list of functions. *) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun defname th = fst(dest_const(fst(strip_comb(lhs(snd(strip_forall(concl th))))))); fun compenv comp = let fun compile (env,[]) = PASS(rev env) | compile (env,h::t) = let val name = defname h in print ("Compiling "^name^" ... "); case total comp (env,h) of SOME def1 => (print "succeeded.\n"; compile(def1::env,t)) | NONE => (print "failed.\n"; FAIL(env,h::t)) end in compile end; (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Compile a list of definitions, accumulating the environment. *) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun complist passes deflist = compenv passes ([],deflist); (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Conversion 1. *) (* Simplify to standard format. *) (* Basic flattening via CPS and unique names *) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) val cond_lift = ref true; fun convert1 (env,def) = let val def1 = Normal.pre_process def val def2 = if !cond_lift then refine.lift_cond def1 else def1 in (Normal.SSA_RULE o refine.refine_const o normalize (* o refine.refine_const *)) def2 end; (* All previous, plus inlining and optimizations *) fun convert1a (env,def) = let val def1 = convert1 def in Normal.SSA_RULE (inline.optimize_norm env def1) end; (* All previous, and closure conversion. *) fun convert1b (env,def) = let val def1 = convert1a (env,def) in case total closure.closure_convert def1 of SOME thm => Normal.SSA_RULE (inline.optimize_norm env thm) | NONE => def1 end; (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Conversion 2. *) (* All previous, and register allocation. *) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun convert2 (env,def) = let val def1 = convert1 (env,def) val def2 = regAlloc.reg_alloc def1 in def2 end; (* Different convert2, in which some intermediate steps are skipped. *) fun convert2a (env,def) = let val def1 = convert1a (env,def) in regAlloc.reg_alloc def1 end; (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Conversion 3. *) (* All previous, and refinement. *) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun convert3 (env,def) = let val def1 = convert2 (env,def) in funcCall.caller_save_call def1 end (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Compiling a list of source functions. *) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun defname th = fst(dest_const(fst(strip_comb(lhs(snd(strip_forall(concl th))))))); fun compenv comp = let fun compile (env,[]) = PASS(rev env) | compile (env,h::t) = let val name = defname h in print ("Compiling "^name^" ... "); case total comp (env,h) of SOME def1 => (print "succeeded.\n"; compile(def1::env,t)) | NONE => (print "failed.\n"; FAIL(env,h::t)) end in compile end; (* Compile a list of definitions, accumulating the environment. *) fun complist passes deflist = compenv passes ([],deflist); (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Compilation phases in front end. *) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Basic flattening via CPS and unique names *) val pass1 = complist convert1 (* All previous, and register allocation. *) val pass2 = complist convert2 (* All previous, and refinement. *) val pass3 = complist convert3 (* All previous, and the following: *) (* 1. enforce caller-save-style function calls *) (* 2. tune the normal forms for the back-end *) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Replace function f with f' when f is called. *) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) val renamed = (* Format: [function's old name |-> function's new name] *) ref (M.mkDict regAlloc.tvarOrder) fun renamed_rules () = List.foldl (fn ((f,f'),ys) => (f |-> f') :: ys) [] (M.listItems (!renamed)); val only_one = ref false; (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Front end. *) (* the flag indicates whether we start all over *) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun f_compile_basic defs flag = let val _ = if flag then (renamed := M.mkDict regAlloc.tvarOrder) else () fun redefine def = let val (fname, fbody) = dest_eq (concl def) val (args,body) = pairSyntax.dest_pabs fbody val def1 = CONV_RULE (RHS_CONV pairLib.GEN_BETA_CONV) (AP_THM def args) val (cname, ctype) = dest_const fname val new_name = cname ^ "'" val cvar = mk_var(new_name, ctype) val vtm = subst [fname |-> cvar] (concl def1) (* rename the function name in function application *) val vtm1 = subst (renamed_rules ()) vtm (* val _ = HOL_MESG "redefinition" *) val PASS (defn2,tcs) = TotalDefn.std_apiDefine (new_name,vtm1) val def2 = LIST_CONJ (Defn.eqns_of defn2) val ind = Defn.ind_of defn2 val (def', ind') = let val lem = prove(mk_eq(mk_const(new_name, ctype), fname), REWRITE_TAC [FUN_EQ_THM] THEN SIMP_TAC bool_ss [pairTheory.FORALL_PROD] THEN REWRITE_TAC [Once def1, Once def2]) val ind2 = case ind of SOME th => ONCE_REWRITE_RULE [lem] th | NONE => TRUTH in (def1, ind2) end handle _ => let val newc = mk_const(new_name, ctype) val _ = renamed := M.insert(!renamed, fname, newc) in (def2, case ind of SOME th => th | NONE => TRUTH) end in (def',ind') end; val result = pass3 defs in case result of PASS defs' => PASS ( redefine defs') | FAIL x => FAIL x end fun f_compile_one def = hd (resultOf (f_compile_basic [def] false)); fun f_compile defs = f_compile_basic defs true; (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Join the front end with Magnus' backend *) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* val style = ref (InLineCode); fun b_compile_one (def, ind) = let val (th,strs) = arm_compilerLib.arm_compile (SPEC_ALL def) ind (!style) val code = fetch "-" (#1 (dest_const (#1 (head def))) ^ "_code1_def") in (th, code) end fun b_compile norms = let val _ = arm_compilerLib.abbrev_code := true val _ = arm_compilerLib.reset_compiled() val _ = optimise_code := true; in case norms of PASS defs => PASS ( b_compile_one defs) | FAIL x => FAIL x end (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* End-to-end compiler. *) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) val pp_compile_one = b_compile_one o f_compile_one; val pp_compile = b_compile o f_compile; *) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) end