structure regAllocation = struct local open HolKernel Parse boolLib pairLib bossLib (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Definition of types *) (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) structure T = IntMapTable(type key = int fun getInt n = n); structure S = Binaryset; structure G = Graph; in type edgeLab = int; (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Machine model *) (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* NumRegs is the number of registers *) val NumRegs = ref (11); (* The following flag controls whether we spill only one node at a time *) (* If set to be false, then all potential nodes are spilled at once. *) val spillOneOnce = ref (true); (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Inputs of the whole program *) (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun intOrder (s1:int,s2:int) = if s1 > s2 then GREATER else if s1 = s2 then EQUAL else LESS; val precolored : (int S.set) ref = ref (S.empty intOrder); val firstnArgL : (int list) ref = ref []; val tmpTable : (string T.table) ref = ref (T.empty); fun newTmp () = let val tmps = T.listItems (!tmpTable); fun getNewVarNo n = case List.find (fn x => x = Temp.makestring n) tmps of SOME y => getNewVarNo (n+1) | NONE => n; val newVarNo = getNewVarNo (Temp.newtemp()) in ( tmpTable := T.enter(!tmpTable, newVarNo, Temp.makestring newVarNo); newVarNo ) end; val cfg : (({def : int list, instr : Assem.instr, use : int list}, edgeLab) G.graph) ref = ref (G.empty); val memIndex = ref (~1); (* the stack pointer pointing at the next available memory slot for spilling *) (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* for debugging *) (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun els ([]:(int Binaryset.set) list) = [] | els (x::xs) = (S.listItems x)::els xs; (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Data Structures *) (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Node work-lists, sets, and stacks: precolored: machine registers, preassigned color intial: temporary registers, not precolored and not yet processed simplifyWorklist: list of low-degree non-move-related nodes freezeWorklist: low-degree move-related nodes spillWorklist: high-degree nodes spilledNodes: nodes marked for spilling during this round; initially empty coalescedNodes: registers that have been coalesced; when u <- v is coalesced, v is added to this set and u put back on some work-list (or vice versa) coloredNodes: nodes successfully colored selectStack: stack containing temporaries removed from the graph Move sets: coalescedMoves: moves that have been coalesced constainedMoves: moves whose source and target interfere frozenMoves: moves that will no longer be considered for coalescing worklistMoves: moves enabled for possible coalescing activeMoves: moves not yet ready for coalescing Other data Structures: adjSet: the set of interference edges (u,v) in the graph. If (u,v) in adjSet then (v,u) in adjSet adjList: adjacency list representation of the graph; for each non-precolored temporary u, adjList[u] is the set of nodes that interfere with u degree: an array containing the current degree of each node moveList: a mapping from a node to the list of moves it is associated with alias: when a move (u,v) has been coalesced, and v put in coalescedNodes, then alias(v) = u. color: the color chosen by the algorithm for a node; for precolored nodes this is initialized to the given color. *) fun intTupleOrder ((u1,v1):int*int,(u2,v2):int*int) = if u1 > u2 then GREATER else if u1 < u2 then LESS else if v1 > v2 then GREATER else if v1 < v2 then LESS else EQUAL; fun buildNumList m n = if m > n then [] else m :: buildNumList (m+1) n; val initial : (int S.set) ref = ref (S.empty intOrder); val simplifyWorklist : (int S.set) ref = ref (S.empty intOrder); val freezeWorklist : (int S.set) ref = ref (S.empty intOrder); val spillWorklist : (int S.set) ref = ref (S.empty intOrder); val spilledNodes : (int S.set) ref = ref (S.empty intOrder); val toBeSpilled : (int S.set) ref = ref (S.empty intOrder); val coalescedNodes : (int S.set) ref = ref (S.empty intOrder); val coloredNodes : (int S.set) ref = ref (S.empty intOrder); val selectStack : (int Stack.stack) ref = ref (Stack.empty ()); val coalescedMoves : (int S.set) ref = ref (S.empty intOrder); val constrainedMoves: (int S.set) ref = ref (S.empty intOrder); val frozenMoves: (int S.set) ref = ref (S.empty intOrder); val worklistMoves: (int S.set) ref = ref (S.empty intOrder); val activeMoves: (int S.set) ref = ref (S.empty intOrder); val adjSet : ((int * int) S.set) ref = ref (S.empty intTupleOrder); val adjList : ((int S.set) T.table) ref = ref (T.empty); val degree : (int T.table) ref = ref (T.empty); val moveList : (int S.set T.table) ref = ref (T.empty); val alias : (int T.table) ref = ref (T.empty); val color : (int T.table) ref = ref (T.empty); val spilledTmps = ref (S.empty intOrder); val MAX_DEGREE = 65535; val memT : (int T.table) ref = ref (T.empty); (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Auxiliary functions *) (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun forall p [] = true | forall p (x::xs) = p(x) andalso forall p xs; fun zip ([], []) = [] | zip (x::xs, y::ys) = (x,y) :: zip(xs,ys); fun getNodeLab (n:int) = #3 (G.context(n, !cfg)); fun mk_edge ((n0:G.node,n1:G.node,lab:edgeLab), gr:('a,edgeLab) G.graph) = if n0 = n1 then gr else if (List.find (fn m => #2 m = n0) (#1(G.context(n1,gr)))) <> NONE then gr else let val ((p1,m1,l1,s1), del_n1) = G.match(n1,gr) in G.embed(((lab,n0)::p1,m1,l1,s1),del_n1) end; fun rm_edge ((n0:G.node,n1:G.node), gr:('a,edgeLab) G.graph) = if n0 = n1 then gr else if (List.find (fn m => #2 m = n0) (#1(G.context(n1,gr)))) = NONE then raise G.Edge else let val ((p1,m1,l1,s1), del_n1) = G.match(n1,gr) in G.embed((List.filter (fn el => #2 el <> n0) (#1(G.context(n1,gr))), m1,l1,s1),del_n1) end; fun PrintProgram (cfg : ({instr : Assem.instr, use : int list, def : int list}, edgeLab) G.graph, tmpT) = (fn inst => print ((Assem.formatInst inst) ^ "\n")) (CFG.linearizeCFG cfg); fun isMoveInst (Assem.MOVE {dst = Assem.TEMP d1, src = Assem.TEMP s1}) = true | isMoveInst _ = false (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Calculate liveness of a program *) (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun computeUseDef (gr : ({instr:Assem.instr, use:int list, def:int list}, edgeLab) Graph.graph) = G.ufold (fn ((predL,nodeNo,inst,sucL), (use:Temp.temp Binaryset.set T.table,def:Temp.temp Binaryset.set T.table)) => ( let val (dst,src) = (#def inst, #use inst) in ( T.enter(use, nodeNo, S.addList(S.empty intOrder, src)), T.enter(def, nodeNo, S.addList(S.empty intOrder, dst))) end)) (T.empty,T.empty) gr; fun CalLiveness (cfg) = let val inS = (fn elm => (S.empty intOrder)) (G.nodes cfg); val outS = inS; val (useT,defT) = computeUseDef cfg; fun unionAll [] = S.empty intOrder | unionAll (h::tl) = S.union(h, unionAll tl); (* discard spurious edges (i.e. those whose labels equal to 2 ) *) fun getSuc n = let val sucEdges = #4 (G.context(n,cfg)) val realEdges = List.filter (fn edge => not (#1 edge = 2)) sucEdges in (fn edge => #2 edge) realEdges end fun compOut 0 inS = [] | compOut n inS = compOut (n-1) inS @ [unionAll ( (fn index => (List.nth(inS,index))) (getSuc (n-1)))]; fun round (inS, outS)= let val old_inS = inS; val old_outS = outS; val inS = (fn n => S.union(T.look(useT,n), S.difference(List.nth(outS,n),T.look(defT,n)))) (G.nodes cfg); val outS = compOut (length inS) inS in if forall (fn (x1,x2) => S.equal(x1,x2)) (zip(inS,old_inS)) andalso forall (fn (x1,x2) => S.equal(x1,x2)) (zip(outS,old_outS)) then (inS, outS) else round(inS,outS) end in round (inS,outS) end; (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Initialize data structures, then compute the values of these structures *) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* When a valid allocation isn't found, the whole process is needed to restart. Procedure init() initializes data structures *) fun init (cfg, tmpTable) = ( spilledTmps := S.union (!spilledNodes, !spilledTmps); initial := S.difference (S.difference(S.addList(S.empty intOrder, T.listKeys tmpTable), !precolored), !spilledTmps); simplifyWorklist := S.empty intOrder; freezeWorklist := S.empty intOrder; spillWorklist := S.empty intOrder; spilledNodes := S.empty intOrder; coalescedNodes := S.empty intOrder; coloredNodes := S.empty intOrder; selectStack := Stack.empty (); coalescedMoves := S.empty intOrder; constrainedMoves := S.empty intOrder; frozenMoves := S.empty intOrder; worklistMoves := S.empty intOrder; activeMoves := S.empty intOrder; adjSet := S.empty intTupleOrder; adjList := List.foldl (fn (n,ll) => T.enter(ll,n,S.empty intOrder)) (!adjList) (T.listKeys (tmpTable)); degree := List.foldl (fn (n,ll) => T.enter(ll,n,0)) (T.empty) (T.listKeys (tmpTable)); moveList := !adjList; alias := List.foldl (fn (n,ll) => T.enter(ll,n,~1)) (T.empty) (T.listKeys (tmpTable)); color := !alias ); fun AddEdge (u:G.node, v:G.node) = if not (S.member(!adjSet,(u,v))) andalso (u <> v) then (adjSet := S.add(S.add(!adjSet,(u,v)),(v,u)); if not (S.member(!precolored,u)) then (adjList := T.enter (!adjList, u, S.add (T.look(!adjList,u),v)); degree := T.enter (!degree, u, T.look(!degree,u)+1)) else (); if not (S.member(!precolored,v)) then (adjList := T.enter (!adjList, v, S.add (T.look(!adjList,v),u)); degree := T.enter (!degree, v, T.look(!degree,v)+1)) else ()) else (); (* Construct the interference graph using the results of static liveness analysis, and initializes the worklistMoves to contain all the moves. *) fun Build (cfg) = let val (inS,outS) = CalLiveness cfg; fun investigate_one_node nodeNo = let val nd = getNodeLab nodeNo; val (def,use) = (#def nd, #use nd); val (def,use) = (S.addList(S.empty intOrder, def), S.addList(S.empty intOrder, use)); val inst = #instr(nd); val live = List.nth(outS,nodeNo); val _ = if isMoveInst inst then let val live = S.difference(live, use) in moveList := List.foldl (fn (varNo,lst) => T.enter(lst,varNo,S.add(T.look(lst,varNo),nodeNo))) (!moveList) (S.listItems(S.union(def,use))); worklistMoves := S.add (!worklistMoves,nodeNo) end else (); val live = S.union(live, def); val _ = List.foldl (fn (d,lv) => List.foldl (fn (l,lv) => (AddEdge(l,d);lv)) lv (S.listItems live)) live (S.listItems def) in S.union(use, S.difference(live, def)) end in investigate_one_node (G.nodes cfg) end; fun NodeMoves n = S.intersection(T.look(!moveList,n), S.union(!activeMoves, !worklistMoves)); fun MakeWorklist() = let fun round n = (initial := S.delete(!initial,n); if T.look(!degree,n) >= (!NumRegs) then spillWorklist := S.add(!spillWorklist,n) else if not (S.isEmpty(NodeMoves n)) then freezeWorklist := S.add(!freezeWorklist,n) else simplifyWorklist := S.add(!simplifyWorklist,n)) val _ = List.foldl (fn (i,s) => round i) () (S.listItems (!initial)) in toBeSpilled := !spillWorklist end; (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Merge moves, push simplified nodes into the stack *) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun Adjacent n = S.difference (T.look(!adjList, n), S.union(Stack.stack2set (!selectStack, S.empty intOrder), !coalescedNodes)); (* When the degree of a neighbor transitions from K to K - 1, moves associated with its neighbors may be enabled *) fun EnableMoves nodes = let fun round n = List.foldl (fn (m,s) => ( if S.member(!activeMoves,m) then (activeMoves := S.delete (!activeMoves, m); worklistMoves := S.add (!worklistMoves,m)) else ())) () (S.listItems (NodeMoves n)) in List.foldl (fn (n,s) => round n) () (S.listItems nodes) end; fun DecrementDegree m = let val d = T.look(!degree,m) in (degree := T.enter(!degree, m, d-1); if (d = !NumRegs) then (EnableMoves (S.add(Adjacent m, m)); spillWorklist := S.difference(!spillWorklist,S.add(S.empty intOrder,m)); if not (S.isEmpty(NodeMoves m)) then freezeWorklist := S.add (!freezeWorklist,m) else simplifyWorklist := S.add (!simplifyWorklist,m)) else () ) end; (* Add a low degree node into the select stack *) fun Simplify() = let val n = hd(S.listItems (!simplifyWorklist)) in ( simplifyWorklist := S.delete (!simplifyWorklist,n); selectStack := Stack.push(n, !selectStack); List.foldl (fn (m,x) => DecrementDegree m) () (S.listItems (S.difference(Adjacent n, !precolored))) ) end; (* Coalesce moves *) fun AddWorklist u = if not (S.member (!precolored,u)) andalso S.isEmpty(NodeMoves u) andalso T.look(!degree,u) < (!NumRegs) then (freezeWorklist := S.delete (!freezeWorklist,u); simplifyWorklist := S.add (!simplifyWorklist,u)) else (); fun OK (t,r) = T.look(!degree,t) < (!NumRegs) orelse S.member (!precolored,t) orelse S.member (!adjSet, (t,r)); fun Conservative nodes = let val k = List.foldl (fn (n,k) => if T.look(!degree,n) >= (!NumRegs) then k+1 else k) 0 (S.listItems nodes) in k < (!NumRegs) end; (* fun Conservative(u,v) = let fun dgr u n = if S.member(Adjacent u, n) then T.look(!degree,n)-1 else T.look(!degree,n); val k = List.foldl (fn (n,k) => if dgr n >= (!NumRegs) then k+1 else k) 0 (S.listItems (Adjacent v)) in k < (!NumRegs) end; *) fun GetAlias n = if S.member (!coalescedNodes, n) then GetAlias (T.look(!alias,n)) else n; fun Combine (u,v) = ( if S.member(!freezeWorklist,v) then freezeWorklist := S.delete (!freezeWorklist,v) else spillWorklist := S.difference (!spillWorklist,S.add(S.empty intOrder,v)); coalescedNodes := S.add(!coalescedNodes,v); alias := T.enter(!alias, v, GetAlias u); moveList := T.enter (!moveList, u, S.union(T.look(!moveList,u), T.look(!moveList,v))); EnableMoves (S.add(S.empty intOrder,v)); List.foldl (fn (t,s) => (AddEdge(t,u);DecrementDegree t)) () (S.listItems (Adjacent v)); if T.look(!degree,u)>=(!NumRegs) andalso S.member(!freezeWorklist,u) then (freezeWorklist := S.delete (!freezeWorklist,u); spillWorklist := S.add (!spillWorklist,u)) else () ); fun Coalesce () = let val m = hd(S.listItems (!worklistMoves)); val inst = getNodeLab m; val (def,use) = (#def inst, #use inst); val (x,y) = (GetAlias (hd def), GetAlias (hd use)); val (u,v) = if (S.member(!precolored,y)) then (y,x) else (x,y) in (worklistMoves := S.delete (!worklistMoves,m); if u = v then ( coalescedMoves := S.add(!coalescedMoves,m); AddWorklist u) else if S.member(!precolored,v) orelse S.member(!adjSet,(u,v)) then ( constrainedMoves := S.add(!constrainedMoves,m); AddWorklist u; AddWorklist v) else if S.member(!precolored,u) andalso (forall (fn t => OK(t,u)) (S.listItems (Adjacent v))) orelse not (S.member(!precolored,u)) andalso Conservative (S.union(Adjacent u,Adjacent v)) then ( coalescedMoves := S.add(!coalescedMoves,m); Combine(u,v); AddWorklist u) else activeMoves := S.add(!activeMoves,m)) end; fun FreezeMoves u = let fun freezeOneMove m = let val inst = getNodeLab m; val (x,y) = (hd (#def inst), hd (#use inst)); val v = if GetAlias y = GetAlias u then GetAlias x else GetAlias y in ( activeMoves := S.difference (!activeMoves, S.add(S.empty intOrder,m)); frozenMoves := S.add (!frozenMoves, m); if S.isEmpty(NodeMoves v) andalso (T.look(!degree,v) < (!NumRegs)) then ( freezeWorklist := S.difference (!freezeWorklist, S.add(S.empty intOrder, v)); simplifyWorklist := S.add (!simplifyWorklist, v)) else () ) end in List.foldl (fn (m,s) => freezeOneMove m) () (S.listItems (NodeMoves u)) end; fun Freeze () = let val u = hd (S.listItems (!freezeWorklist)) in (freezeWorklist := S.delete (!freezeWorklist, u); simplifyWorklist := S.add (!simplifyWorklist, u); FreezeMoves u) end; fun spillPriorities nodes = List.foldl (fn (n,max) => if T.look(!degree,n) > T.look(!degree,max) then n else max) (hd(S.listItems nodes)) (S.listItems nodes); fun SelectSpill () = let val m = spillPriorities (!spillWorklist) in ( spillWorklist := S.delete (!spillWorklist,m); simplifyWorklist := S.add(!simplifyWorklist,m); FreezeMoves m) end; (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Assign colors to nodes, spill nodes when a valid allocation couldn't be found *) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* In a effort to compile with the APCS standard *) (* The arguemtns are in r0-r9 and then the stack *) fun AssignColors () = let fun initColors ~1 = S.empty intOrder | initColors n = S.add(initColors (n-1),n); fun assign_precolored () = List.foldl (fn (n,c) => (color := T.enter(!color,n,c);c+1)) 0 (!firstnArgL); fun spillNodes n = if (!spillOneOnce) then S.add(S.empty intOrder, spillPriorities (!toBeSpilled)) else (!toBeSpilled) fun chaseColor n = let val c = T.look(!color, GetAlias n) in if (c = ~1) then chaseColor (GetAlias n) else c end; fun assign () = if Stack.isEmpty (!selectStack) then (List.foldl (fn (n,s) => color := T.enter(!color,n,T.look(!color, GetAlias n))) () (S.listItems (!coalescedNodes)); ()) else let val n = (!selectStack); val _ = (selectStack := Stack.pop(!selectStack)); val okColors = initColors ((!NumRegs)-1); val okColors = List.foldl (fn (w,s) => if S.member(S.union(!coloredNodes,!precolored),GetAlias w) then S.difference (s, S.add(S.empty intOrder, T.look(!color, GetAlias w))) else s) okColors (S.listItems (T.look(!adjList,n))) in if S.isEmpty(okColors) then (spilledNodes := spillNodes n; selectStack := Stack.empty ()) else ( coloredNodes := S.add(!coloredNodes, n); color := T.enter(!color, n, hd (S.listItems okColors)); assign() ) end in ( assign_precolored(); assign() ) end; (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* When a node is spilled, we modify the program by replacing the temporary with a memory slot *) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun updateNode(cfg, n:int, inst) = let val ((preN,nodeNo,nodeLab,sucN),cfg1) = G.match (n,cfg); in G.embed((preN,nodeNo,inst,sucN), cfg1) end; fun insertBefore(cfg, n:int, inst) = let val (preN,nodeNo,nodeLab,sucN) = G.context (n,cfg); val newCfg = List.foldl (fn (p,gr) => rm_edge((p,n),gr)) cfg ( (fn (lab,n) => n) preN); val ct = (preN, G.noNodes cfg, inst, [(0,n)]) in G.embed(ct, newCfg) end; fun insertAfter(cfg, n:int, inst) = let val (preN,nodeNo,nodeLab,sucN) = G.context (n,cfg); val newCfg = List.foldl (fn (s,gr) => rm_edge((n,s),gr)) cfg ( (fn (lab,n) => n) sucN); val ct = ([(0,n)], G.noNodes cfg, inst, sucN) in G.embed(ct, newCfg) end; (* t : TmpTable, gr : control-flow graph *) fun updateProgram (old_cfg, spilled : int S.set) = let fun replace l old new = (fn x => (if (x = old) then new else x)) l; fun substituteVars (Assem.OPER {oper = p, dst = d1, src = s1, jump = j1}) old new rhs lhs = Assem.OPER {oper = p, dst = if rhs then replace d1 old new else d1, src = if lhs then replace s1 old new else s1, jump = j1} | substituteVars (Assem.LABEL x) old new rhs lhs = Assem.LABEL x | substituteVars (Assem.MOVE {dst = d1, src = s1}) old new rhs lhs = Assem.MOVE {dst = if rhs andalso d1 = old then new else d1, src = if lhs andalso s1 = old then new else s1}; fun not_bl (Assem.OPER {oper = (Assem.BL, NONE, false), ...}) = false | not_bl _ = true fun is_nop (Assem.OPER {oper = (Assem.NOP, NONE, false), ...}) = true | is_nop _ = false fun update_node gr nodeNo (varNo,newVarNo) (for_lhs,for_rhs) = let val {instr = curInst, def = df, use = us} = #3 (G.context(nodeNo,gr)) in updateNode(gr, nodeNo, (if not_bl curInst andalso not (is_nop curInst) then { def = if for_lhs andalso List.exists (fn n => n = varNo) df then newVarNo :: (List.filter (fn n => not (n = varNo orelse n = newVarNo)) df) else df, use = if for_rhs andalso List.exists (fn n => n = varNo) us then newVarNo :: (List.filter (fn n => not (n = varNo orelse n = newVarNo)) us) else us, instr = substituteVars curInst (Assem.TEMP varNo) (Assem.TEMP newVarNo) for_lhs for_rhs } else { def = if for_lhs then (List.filter (fn n => not (n = varNo)) df) else df, use = if for_rhs then (List.filter (fn n => not (n = varNo)) us) else us, instr = substituteVars curInst (Assem.TEMP varNo) (Assem.TMEM (!memIndex)) for_lhs for_rhs } )) end fun insertLoadInst gr nodeNo varNo = let val newVarNo = newTmp (); val {instr = curInst, def = df, use = us} = #3 (G.context(nodeNo,gr)); val newInst = {instr = Assem.OPER {oper = (Assem.LDR,NONE,false), dst = [Assem.TEMP newVarNo], src = [Assem.TMEM (!memIndex)], jump = NONE}, def = [newVarNo], use = []}; val gr1 = update_node gr nodeNo (varNo,newVarNo) (false,true) in if not_bl curInst andalso not (is_nop curInst) then insertBefore(gr1, nodeNo, newInst) else gr1 end; fun insertStoreInst gr nodeNo varNo = let val newVarNo = newTmp (); val {instr = curInst, def = df, use = us} = #3 (G.context(nodeNo,gr)); val newInst = {instr = Assem.OPER {oper = (Assem.STR,NONE,false), dst = [Assem.TMEM (!memIndex)], src = [Assem.TEMP newVarNo], jump = NONE}, def = [], use = [newVarNo]}; val gr1 = update_node gr nodeNo (varNo,newVarNo) (true,false) in if not_bl curInst andalso not (is_nop curInst) then insertAfter(gr1, nodeNo, newInst) else gr1 end; fun process_one_variable gr varNo = let val _ = (memIndex:= !memIndex + 1; memT := T.enter(!memT, varNo, !memIndex) ) in G.ufold (fn ((predL,nodeNo,inst,sucL),gr) => let val (def,use) = (#def inst, #use inst); val (def,use) = (S.addList(S.empty intOrder, def), S.addList(S.empty intOrder, use)); val gr1 = if S.member(use, varNo) then (if isMoveInst (#instr inst) then let val (Assem.MOVE {dst = d1, src = s1}) = #instr inst in updateNode(gr,nodeNo, {instr = Assem.OPER {oper = (Assem.LDR,NONE,false), dst = [d1], src = [Assem.TMEM (!memIndex)], jump = NONE}, def = #def inst, use = []}) end else insertLoadInst gr nodeNo varNo ) else gr in if S.member(def, varNo) then insertStoreInst gr1 nodeNo varNo else gr1 end) gr gr end in List.foldl (fn (varNo, gr) => process_one_variable gr varNo) old_cfg (S.listItems (spilled)) end; fun RewriteProgram () = ( cfg := updateProgram (!cfg,!spilledNodes); init (!cfg,!tmpTable) ); (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Register Allocation *) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun printAllocation () = let fun color2reg c = if c >= 0 andalso c < (!NumRegs) then "r" ^ Int.toString c else "not found"; fun allocation tmps = List.foldl (fn (n,_) => if S.member (!spilledTmps, n) then () else let val c = T.look(!color,n) in print (T.look(!tmpTable, n) ^ "\t" ^ (Int.toString c) ^ "\t" ^ (color2reg c) ^ "\n") end) () (T.listKeys (!tmpTable)) in ( print "Node\tColor\tRegister\n"; allocation ((T.numItems (!tmpTable)) - 1)) end; fun AllocateReg () = let fun allocate () = ( if not (S.isEmpty (!simplifyWorklist)) then Simplify() else if not (S.isEmpty (!worklistMoves)) then Coalesce() else if not (S.isEmpty (!freezeWorklist)) then Freeze() else if not (S.isEmpty (!spillWorklist)) then SelectSpill () else (); if S.isEmpty (!simplifyWorklist) andalso S.isEmpty (!worklistMoves) andalso S.isEmpty (!freezeWorklist) andalso S.isEmpty (!spillWorklist) then () else allocate ()) in ( Build(!cfg); MakeWorklist(); allocate(); AssignColors(); if not (S.isEmpty (!spilledNodes)) then ( RewriteProgram (); AllocateReg ()) else () ) end; fun RewrWithReg () = let fun subs (Assem.PAIR(a,b)) = Assem.PAIR(subs a, subs b) | subs ( Assem.TEMP n) = Assem.REG (T.look(!color, n)) | subs x = x fun replace ll = subs ll; fun substituteVars (Assem.OPER {oper = p, dst = d1, src = s1, jump = j1}) = Assem.OPER {oper = p, dst = replace d1, src = replace s1, jump = j1} | substituteVars (Assem.LABEL x) = Assem.LABEL x | substituteVars (Assem.MOVE {dst = d1, src = s1}) = Assem.MOVE {dst = hd (replace [d1]), src = hd (replace [s1])}; in G.ufold (fn ((predL,nodeNo,nd,sucL),gr) => let val {use = us, def = df, instr = stm} = nd in updateNode (gr, nodeNo, {use = us, def = df, instr = substituteVars stm}) end) (!cfg) (!cfg) end; (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Interface *) (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun RegisterAllocation (gr, tmpT, preC) = ( tmpTable := tmpT; firstnArgL := List.take (preC, if length preC > !NumRegs then !NumRegs else length preC); precolored := S.addList(S.empty intOrder, !firstnArgL); cfg := gr; memIndex := ~1; memT := T.empty; spilledTmps := S.empty intOrder; init (gr, tmpT); AllocateReg (); PrintProgram(!cfg, !tmpTable); printAllocation (); (RewrWithReg (),!tmpTable) ); fun regOrder (r1,r2) = let val (Assem.REG n1, Assem.REG n2) = (r1, r2) in if n1 > n2 then GREATER else if n1 = n2 then EQUAL else LESS end fun getModifiedRegs stms = List.foldl (fn (Assem.OPER {dst = d, ...}, regs) => (List.foldl (fn (Assem.REG r, regs) => Binaryset.add(regs,Assem.REG r) | _ => regs) regs d) | (Assem.MOVE {dst = d, ...}, regs) => Binaryset.add(regs,d) | (_,regs) => regs ) (Binaryset.empty regOrder) stms fun convert_to_ARM prog = let fun replace_with_regs (Assem.PAIR(v1,v2)) = Assem.PAIR (replace_with_regs v1, replace_with_regs v2) | replace_with_regs (Assem.TEMP v) = ( case T.peek(!memT, v) of NONE => Assem.REG (T.look(!color, v)) | SOME n => Assem.TMEM n ) | replace_with_regs v = v val ((fun_name, fun_type, args, gr, outs), t) = CFG.convert_to_CFG prog; val argL = Assem.eval_exp (Assem.pair2list args); val (gr',t) = RegisterAllocation (gr, t, argL); val (args,outs) = (replace_with_regs args, replace_with_regs outs); val stms = CFG.linearizeCFG gr'; val rs = getModifiedRegs stms in (fun_name, fun_type, args, gr', outs, rs) end (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Verification of register allocation on origial program *) (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun RewrBody rules body = let fun stripInst insts = if not (is_let insts) then subst rules insts else let val (lt, rhs) = dest_let insts; val (lhs, rest) = dest_pabs lt; val lhs = subst rules lhs in mk_let (mk_pabs (lhs, stripInst rest), subst rules rhs) end in stripInst body end fun check_allocation prog = let fun mk_reg_rules tp = (fn n => {redex = mk_var (T.look(!tmpTable,n), tp), residue = mk_var ("r" ^ Int.toString (T.look(!color,n)), tp)}) (List.filter (fn n => n >= 0 andalso T.peek(!memT,n) = NONE) (T.listKeys (!tmpTable))); fun mk_mem_rules tp = (fn n => {redex = mk_var (T.look(!tmpTable,n), tp), residue = mk_var ("m" ^ Int.toString(T.look(!memT,n)), tp)}) (List.filter (fn n => n >= 0) (T.listKeys (!memT))); val rw = (RewrBody (mk_mem_rules (Type `:num`))) o (RewrBody (mk_mem_rules (Type `:word32`))) o (RewrBody (mk_reg_rules (Type `:num`))) o (RewrBody (mk_reg_rules (Type `:word32`))); fun replace exp = if is_let exp then let val (lt, rhs) = dest_let exp; val (lhs, rest) = dest_pabs lt in mk_let (mk_pabs(replace lhs, replace rest), replace rhs) end else if is_cond exp then let val (c,t,f) = dest_cond exp in mk_cond (replace c, replace t, replace f) end else if is_pair exp then let val (t1,t2) = dest_pair exp in mk_pair (replace t1, replace t2) end else rw exp val (decl,body) = dest_eq(concl(SPEC_ALL prog)) handle HOL_ERR _ => (print "not an program in function format\n"; raise ERR "buildCFG" "invalid program format"); val (f, args) = dest_comb decl; val newDecl = mk_comb (f, rw args) val newProg = mk_eq(newDecl, replace body) in GEN_ALL (prove ( newProg, METIS_TAC [prog, LET_THM] )) end end (* local open *) end (* structure *)