structure ANF :> ANF = struct (* For interactive use: loadPath := (concat Globals.HOLDIR "/examples/dev/sw") :: !loadPath; app load ["pairLib", "cpsSyntax", "wordsLib"]; quietdec := true; open pairLib pairTheory PairRules pairSyntax cpsTheory cpsSyntax; quietdec := false; *) open HolKernel Parse boolLib bossLib pairLib pairSyntax pairTheory PairRules cpsTheory cpsSyntax; type env = (term * (bool * thm * thm * thm)) list; val _ = (Globals.priming := SOME ""); (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Ensure that each let-bound variable name in a term is different than the *) (* others. *) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun std_bvars stem tm = let open Lib fun num2name i = stem^Lib.int_to_string i val nameStrm = Lib.mk_istream (fn x => x+1) 0 num2name fun next_name () = state(next nameStrm) fun trav M = if is_comb M then let val (M1,M2) = dest_comb M val M1' = trav M1 val M2' = trav M2 in mk_comb(M1',M2') end else if is_abs M then let val (v,N) = dest_abs(rename_bvar (next_name()) M) in mk_abs(v,trav N) end else M in trav tm end; fun STD_BVARS_CONV stem tm = let val tm' = std_bvars stem tm in Thm.ALPHA tm tm' end; val STD_BVARS = CONV_RULE o STD_BVARS_CONV; val STD_BVARS_TAC = CONV_TAC o STD_BVARS_CONV; (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Compiler frontend ... largely pinched from examples/dev/compile.sml *) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (*****************************************************************************) (* Error reporting function *) (*****************************************************************************) val ERR = mk_HOL_ERR "ANF"; (*****************************************************************************) (* List of definitions (useful for rewriting) *) (*****************************************************************************) val SimpThms = [Seq_def,Par_def,Ite_def,Rec_def]; (*****************************************************************************) (* An expression is just a HOL term built using expressions defined earlier *) (* in a program (see description of programs below) and Seq, Par, *) (* Ite and Rec: *) (* *) (* expr := Seq expr expr *) (* | Par expr expr *) (* | Ite expr expr expr *) (* | Rec expr expr expr *) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) (*****************************************************************************) (* Convert_CONV ``\(x1,...,xn). tm[x1,...,xn]`` returns a theorem *) (* *) (* |- (\(x1,...,xn). tm[x1,...,xn]) = p *) (* *) (* where p is a combinatory expression built from the combinators *) (* Seq, Par and Ite. An example is: *) (* *) (* - Convert_CONV ``\(x,y). if x < y then y-x else x-y``; *) (* > val it = *) (* |- (\(x,y). (if x < y then y - x else x - y)) = *) (* Ite (Seq (Par (\(x,y). x) (\(x,y). y)) (UNCURRY $<)) *) (* (Seq (Par (\(x,y). y) (\(x,y). x)) (UNCURRY $-)) *) (* (Seq (Par (\(x,y). x) (\(x,y). y)) (UNCURRY $-)) *) (* *) (* Notice that curried operators are uncurried. *) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) val LET_SEQ_PAR_THM = Q.prove (`!f1 f2 f3. Seq (Par f1 f2) f3 = \x. let v = f2 x in f3 (f1 x,v)`, RW_TAC std_ss [Seq_def, Par_def, LET_DEF]); val SEQ_PAR_I_THM = Q.prove (`!f2 f3. Seq (Par (\x.x) f2) f3 = \x. let v = f2 x in f3 (x,v)`, RW_TAC std_ss [LET_SEQ_PAR_THM,combinTheory.I_THM]); fun is_word_literal tm = ((is_comb tm) andalso let val (c,args) = strip_comb tm val {Name,Thy,Ty} = dest_thy_const c in Name = "n2w" andalso numSyntax.is_numeral (hd args) end) handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "is_word_literal" ""; fun Convert_CONV f = let val (args,t) = dest_pabs f handle HOL_ERR _ => (print_term f; print"\n"; print "is not an abstraction\n"; raise ERR "Convert_CONV" "not an abstraction") in if not(free_vars f = []) then (print_term f; print "\n"; print "has free variables: "; map (fn t => (print_term t; print " "))(rev(free_vars f)); print "\n"; raise ERR "Convert_CONV" "disallowed free variables") else if is_var t orelse is_word_literal t orelse numSyntax.is_numeral t orelse is_const t then REFL f else if is_pair t then let val (t1,t2) = dest_pair t val f1 = mk_pabs(args,t1) val f2 = mk_pabs(args,t2) val th1 = PBETA_CONV (mk_comb(f1,args)) val th2 = PBETA_CONV (mk_comb(f2,args)) val th3 = ISPECL [f1,f2] Par_def val ptm = mk_pabs(args, mk_pair(mk_comb(f1,args),mk_comb(f2,args))) val th4 = TRANS th3 (PALPHA (rhs(concl th3)) ptm) val th5 = CONV_RULE (RHS_CONV (PABS_CONV (RAND_CONV(REWR_CONV th2) THENC RATOR_CONV(RAND_CONV(REWR_CONV th1))))) th4 val th6 = GSYM th5 in if aconv (lhs(concl th6)) f then CONV_RULE (RHS_CONV ((RAND_CONV Convert_CONV) THENC (RATOR_CONV(RAND_CONV Convert_CONV)))) th6 else (print "bad Par case\n"; raise ERR "Convert_CONV" "shouldn't happen") end else if is_cond t then let val (b,t1,t2) = dest_cond t val fb = mk_pabs(args,b) val f1 = mk_pabs(args,t1) val f2 = mk_pabs(args,t2) val thb = PBETA_CONV (mk_comb(fb,args)) val th1 = PBETA_CONV (mk_comb(f1,args)) val th2 = PBETA_CONV (mk_comb(f2,args)) val th3 = ISPECL [fb,f1,f2] Ite_def val ptm = mk_pabs (args, mk_cond(mk_comb(fb,args),mk_comb(f1,args),mk_comb(f2,args))) val th4 = TRANS th3 (PALPHA (rhs(concl th3)) ptm) val th5 = CONV_RULE (RHS_CONV (PABS_CONV (RAND_CONV(REWR_CONV th2) THENC RATOR_CONV(RAND_CONV(REWR_CONV th1)) THENC RATOR_CONV(RATOR_CONV(RAND_CONV(REWR_CONV thb)))))) th4 val th6 = GSYM th5 in if aconv (lhs(concl th6)) f then CONV_RULE (RHS_CONV ((RAND_CONV Convert_CONV) THENC (RATOR_CONV(RAND_CONV Convert_CONV)) THENC (RATOR_CONV(RATOR_CONV(RAND_CONV Convert_CONV))))) th6 else (print "bad Ite case\n"; raise ERR "Convert_CONV" "shouldn't happen") end else if is_let t (* t = LET (\v. N) M *) then let val (v,M,N) = dest_plet t val f1 = mk_pabs(args,args) val f2 = mk_pabs(args,M) val f3 = mk_pabs(mk_pair(args,v),N) val th1 = ISPECL [f1,f2,f3] LET_SEQ_PAR_THM val th2 = CONV_RULE(RHS_CONV(SIMP_CONV std_ss [LAMBDA_PROD])) th1 val th3 = TRANS th2 (SYM (QCONV (SIMP_CONV std_ss [LAMBDA_PROD]) f)) val th4 = SYM th3 in if aconv (lhs(concl th4)) f then CONV_RULE (RHS_CONV ((RAND_CONV Convert_CONV) THENC (RATOR_CONV(RAND_CONV (RAND_CONV Convert_CONV))))) th4 else (print "bad let case\n"; raise ERR "Convert_CONV" "shouldn't happen") end else if is_comb t then let val th0 = (REWR_CONV (GSYM UNCURRY_DEF) ORELSEC REFL) t val (t1,t2) = dest_comb(rhs(concl th0)) val f1 = mk_pabs(args,t1) val f2 = mk_pabs(args,t2) val th1 = ISPECL [f2,t1] Seq_def val ptm = mk_pabs(args, mk_comb(t1,mk_comb(f2,args))) val th2 = TRANS th1 (PALPHA (rhs(concl th1)) ptm) val th3 = PBETA_CONV(mk_comb(f2,args)) val th4 = GSYM(CONV_RULE(RHS_CONV(PABS_CONV(RAND_CONV(REWR_CONV th3))))th2) val th5 = CONV_RULE(LHS_CONV(PABS_CONV(REWR_CONV(GSYM th0)))) th4 in if aconv (lhs(concl th5)) f then CONV_RULE (RHS_CONV (RATOR_CONV(RAND_CONV Convert_CONV))) th5 else (print "bad Seq case\n"; raise ERR "Convert_CONV" "shouldn't happen") end else (print_term f; print "\n"; print "shouldn't get this case (not first-order)!\n"; raise ERR "Convert_CONV" "shouldn't happen") end; (*****************************************************************************) (* Predicate to test whether a term occurs in another term *) (*****************************************************************************) fun occurs_in t1 t2 = can (find_term (aconv t1)) t2; (*****************************************************************************) (* Convert (|- f x = e) returns a theorem *) (* *) (* |- f = p *) (* *) (* where p is a combinatory expression built from the combinators Seq, Par *) (* and Ite. *) (*****************************************************************************) fun Convert defth = let val (lt,rt) = dest_eq(concl(SPEC_ALL defth)) handle HOL_ERR _ => (print "not an equation\n"; raise ERR "Convert" "not an equation") val (func,args) = dest_comb lt handle HOL_ERR _ => (print "lhs not a comb\n"; raise ERR "Convert" "lhs not a comb") val _ = if not(is_const func) then (print_term func; print " is not a constant\n"; raise ERR "Convert" "rator of lhs not a constant") else () val _ = if not(subtract (free_vars rt) (free_vars lt) = []) then (print "definition rhs has unbound variables: "; map (fn t => (print_term t; print " ")) (rev(subtract (free_vars rt) (free_vars lt))); print "\n"; raise ERR "Convert" "definition rhs has unbound variables") else () in let val f = mk_pabs(args,rt) val th1 = Convert_CONV f val th2 = PABS args (SPEC_ALL defth) val th3 = TRANS th2 th1 in CONV_RULE (LHS_CONV PETA_CONV) th3 end end; (*****************************************************************************) (* RecConvert (|- f x = if f1 x then f2 x else f(f3 x)) *) (* (|- TOTAL(f1,f2,f3)) *) (* *) (* returns a theorem *) (* *) (* |- f = Rec(p1,p2,p3) *) (* *) (* where p1, p2 and p3 are combinatory expressions built from the *) (* combinators Seq, Par and Ite. *) (* *) (* For example, given: *) (* *) (* FactIter; *) (* > val it = *) (* |- FactIter (n,acc) = *) (* (if n = 0 then (n,acc) else FactIter (n - 1,n * acc)) *) (* *) (* - FactIter_TOTAL; *) (* > val it = *) (* |- TOTAL *) (* ((\(n,acc). n = 0), *) (* (\(n,acc). (n,acc)), *) (* (\(n,acc). (n-1, n*acc))) *) (* *) (* then: *) (* *) (* - RecConvert FactIter FactIter_TOTAL; *) (* > val it = *) (* |- FactIter = *) (* Rec (Seq (Par (\(n,acc). n) (\(n,acc). 0)) (UNCURRY $=)) *) (* (Par (\(n,acc). n) (\(n,acc). acc)) *) (* (Par (Seq (Par (\(n,acc). n) (\(n,acc). 1)) (UNCURRY $-)) *) (* (Seq (Par (\(n,acc). n) (\(n,acc). acc)) (UNCURRY $* ))) *) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) val I_DEF_ALT = Q.prove(`I = \x.x`,SIMP_TAC std_ss [FUN_EQ_THM]); val Rec_INTRO_ALT = REWRITE_RULE[I_DEF_ALT] Rec_INTRO; val Seq_o = Q.prove(`!f g. f o g = Seq g f`, SIMP_TAC std_ss [combinTheory.o_DEF,Seq_def]); fun RecConvert defth = let val (lt,rt) = dest_eq(concl(SPEC_ALL defth)) handle HOL_ERR _ => (print "not an equation\n"; raise ERR "RecConvert" "not an equation") val (func,args) = dest_comb lt handle HOL_ERR _ => (print "lhs not a comb\n"; raise ERR "RecConvert" "lhs not a comb") val _ = if not(is_const func) then (print_term func; print " is not a constant\n"; raise ERR "RecConvert" "rator of lhs not a constant") else () val (b,t1,t2) = dest_cond rt handle HOL_ERR _ => (print "rhs not a conditional\n"; raise ERR "RecConvert" "rhs not a conditional") val _ = if not(subtract (free_vars rt) (free_vars lt) = []) then (print "definition rhs has unbound variables: "; map (fn t => (print_term t; print " ")) (rev(subtract (free_vars rt) (free_vars lt))); print "\n"; raise ERR "RecConvert" "definition rhs has unbound variables") else() in if (is_comb t2 andalso aconv (rator t2) func andalso not(occurs_in func b) andalso not(occurs_in func t1) andalso not(occurs_in func (rand t2))) then let val fb = mk_pabs(args,b) val f1 = mk_pabs(args,t1) val f2 = mk_pabs(args,rand t2) val thm = ISPECL[func,fb,f1,f2] Rec_INTRO val M = fst(dest_imp(concl thm)) val (v,body) = dest_forall M val M' = rhs(concl(DEPTH_CONV PBETA_CONV (mk_pforall(args,subst [v |-> args]body)))) val MeqM' = prove(mk_eq(M,M'), Ho_Rewrite.REWRITE_TAC[LAMBDA_PROD] THEN PBETA_TAC THEN REFL_TAC) val thm1 = PURE_REWRITE_RULE[MeqM'] thm val thm2 = PGEN args defth val thm3 = MP thm1 thm2 val N = fst(dest_imp(concl thm3)) val (R,tm) = dest_exists N val (tm1,tm2) = dest_conj tm val (v,body) = dest_forall tm2 val tm2' = rhs(concl(DEPTH_CONV PBETA_CONV (mk_pforall(args,subst [v |-> args]body)))) val N' = mk_exists(R,mk_conj(tm1,tm2')) val NeqN' = prove(mk_eq(N,N'), Ho_Rewrite.REWRITE_TAC[LAMBDA_PROD] THEN PBETA_TAC THEN REFL_TAC) val thm4 = PURE_REWRITE_RULE[NeqN'] thm3 val thm5 = UNDISCH thm4 val thm6 = CONV_RULE (RHS_CONV (RAND_CONV Convert_CONV THENC RATOR_CONV(RAND_CONV Convert_CONV) THENC RATOR_CONV(RATOR_CONV(RAND_CONV Convert_CONV)))) thm5 in thm6 end else if occurs_in func rt then (print "definition of: "; print_term func; print " is not tail recursive"; print "\n"; raise ERR "RecConvert" "not tail recursive") else raise ERR "RecConvert" "this shouldn't happen" end; (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Convert a possibly (tail) recursive equation to combinator form, either *) (* by calling Convert or RecConvert. *) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun toComb def = let val (l,r) = dest_eq(snd(strip_forall(concl def))) val (func,args) = dest_comb l val is_recursive = Lib.can (find_term (aconv func)) r (* val comb_exp_thm = if is_recursive then RecConvert def else Convert def *) val comb_exp_thm = Convert def in (is_recursive,lhs(concl comb_exp_thm), args, comb_exp_thm) end; (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Takes theorem |- f = , where f is not a recursive *) (* function, and returns the CPS-ed version of . Actually, *) (* the returned value is in "A-Normal" form (uses lets). *) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) val LET_ID = METIS_PROVE [] ``!f M. (LET M (\x. x)) = M (\x. x)`` fun REPAIR_SYNTAX_RESTRICTIONS_CONV t = if (is_comb t) then let val (f, args) = strip_comb t; val {Name,Thy,Ty} = dest_thy_const f; in if ((Name = "UNCURRY") andalso (Thy = "pair") andalso (length args = 2)) then let val pair = (el 2 args); val (l, r) = dest_pair pair; val is_word_l = is_word_literal l; val is_word_r = is_word_literal r; val _ = if (is_word_l andalso is_word_r) then (raise (ERR "" "Can't repair syntax")) else () in if (is_word_l orelse is_word_r) then let val oper = el 1 args; val {Name,Thy,Ty} = dest_thy_const oper; val _ = if (not ((Thy="words") orelse (Name = "=" andalso (Thy="min")))) then raise (ERR "" "Can't repair syntax") else () val _ = if ((Name = "word_mul")) then raise (ERR "" "Can't repair syntax") else () fun COMM_OPER_CONV t = (CURRY_CONV THENC ONCE_REWRITE_CONV [wordsTheory.WORD_ADD_COMM, wordsTheory.WORD_OR_COMM, wordsTheory.WORD_AND_COMM, wordsTheory.WORD_XOR_COMM, EQ_SYM_EQ ] THENC UNCURRY_CONV) t in if (is_word_l) then if ((Name = "word_add") orelse (Name = "word_or") orelse (Name = "word_and") orelse (Name = "word_xor") orelse (Name = "=")) then COMM_OPER_CONV t else raise (ERR "" "Can't repair syntax") else REFL t end else REFL t end else (COMB_CONV REPAIR_SYNTAX_RESTRICTIONS_CONV) t end else if (is_abs t) then (ABS_CONV REPAIR_SYNTAX_RESTRICTIONS_CONV) t else REFL t; fun VAR_LET_CONV t = let open pairSyntax val (_,tm) = dest_let t; in if is_vstruct tm orelse ((is_word_literal tm orelse numSyntax.is_numeral tm)) then (REWR_CONV LET_THM THENC GEN_BETA_CONV THENC REPAIR_SYNTAX_RESTRICTIONS_CONV) t else raise ERR "VAR_LET_CONV" "" end; fun LET_UNCURRY_CONV t = let open pairSyntax val (_,tm) = dest_let t; val (f, _) = strip_comb tm val {Name,Thy,Ty} = dest_thy_const f; val _ = if (((Name = "UNCURRY") andalso (Thy = "pair")) orelse ((Name = "COND") andalso (Thy = "bool"))) then raise UNCHANGED else () in (RAND_CONV UNCURRY_CONV) t end; (*val t = rhs (concl (SPEC_ALL thm16)) val thm17 = CONV_RULE (DEPTH_CONV VAR_LET_CONV) thm16*) fun ELIM_PAIR_LET_CONV t = let val (body, value) = dest_let t; in if (is_vstruct value) then (REWR_CONV LET_THM THENC GEN_BETA_CONV) t else let val thm = CURRY_CONV (liteLib.mk_icomb (body, value)) val rhs_thm = rhs (concl thm); val (body, v1) = dest_comb rhs_thm val (body, v2) = dest_comb body val (varlist, body) = strip_pabs body; val body = mk_let (mk_pabs(el 2 varlist, body), v1); val body = mk_let (mk_pabs(el 1 varlist, body), v2); val thm = prove (mk_eq (t, body), CONV_TAC (DEPTH_CONV let_CONV) THEN REWRITE_TAC[]) in thm end end; val CPS_REWRITES = prove (`` (!f1 f2. Seq f1 f2 = \arg. let z1 = f1 arg in let z2 = f2 z1 in z2) /\ (!f1 f2. Par f1 f2 = \arg. let z1 = f1 arg in let z2 = f2 arg in (z1, z2)) /\ (!f1 f2 f3. Ite f1 f2 f3 = \arg. let (z1 = f1 arg) in (if z1 then let z2 = f2 arg in z2 else let z3 = f3 arg in z3))``, SIMP_TAC std_ss [Seq_def, Par_def, Ite_def, LET_THM]) val LET_PAIR = prove (`` !f y. (let (x = (a, b)) in f x) = let x1 = a in let x2 = b in f (x1,x2)``, SIMP_TAC std_ss [LET_THM]); val LET_LET = prove (`` !f1 f2 z. (let (x = let y = z in f1 y) in f2 x) = let y = z in let x = f1 y in f2 x``, SIMP_TAC std_ss [LET_THM]) (* fun old_ANFof (args,thm) = let val thm1 = Q.AP_TERM `CPS` thm val thm2 = REWRITE_RULE [CPS_SEQ_INTRO, CPS_PAR_INTRO,(* CPS_REC_INTRO, *) CPS_ITE_INTRO] thm1 val thm3 = CONV_RULE (DEPTH_CONV (REWR_CONV CPS_SEQ_def ORELSEC REWR_CONV CPS_PAR_def ORELSEC REWR_CONV CPS_ITE_def (* ORELSEC REWR_CONV CPS_REC_def *))) thm2 val thm4 = CONV_RULE (DEPTH_CONV (REWR_CONV UNCPS)) thm3 val thm5 = CONV_RULE (LAND_CONV (REWR_CONV CPS_def)) thm4 val thm6 = CONV_RULE (REPEATC (STRIP_QUANT_CONV (HO_REWR_CONV FUN_EQ_THM))) thm5 val x = mk_var("x",fst (dom_rng (type_of (fst (dest_forall (concl thm6)))))) val thm7 = ISPEC (mk_abs(x,x)) thm6 val thm8 = BETA_RULE thm7 val thm9 = BETA_RULE thm8 val thm10 = SIMP_RULE bool_ss [LET_ID] thm9 val thm11 = SIMP_RULE bool_ss [pairTheory.FORALL_PROD] thm10 val thm12 = PBETA_RULE thm11 val thm13 = SIMP_RULE bool_ss [pairTheory.LAMBDA_PROD] thm12 val thm14 = PURE_REWRITE_RULE [FST,SND] thm13 val thm15 = CONV_RULE (DEPTH_CONV ELIM_PAIR_LET_CONV) thm14 val thm16 = STD_BVARS "v" thm15 val thm17 = CONV_RULE (DEPTH_CONV VAR_LET_CONV) thm16 in thm17 end *) (*val (args,thm) = (args,const_eq_comb) *) fun ANFof (args,thm) = let val thm1 = CONV_RULE (REPEATC (STRIP_QUANT_CONV (HO_REWR_CONV FUN_EQ_THM))) thm val thm2 = SIMP_RULE bool_ss [pairTheory.FORALL_PROD] thm1 val thm3 = SIMP_RULE std_ss [CPS_REWRITES, LET_LET] thm2 val thm4 = PBETA_RULE thm3 val thm5 = SIMP_RULE std_ss [pairTheory.LAMBDA_PROD, LET_PAIR] thm4 val thm6 = CONV_RULE (DEPTH_CONV LET_UNCURRY_CONV) thm5 val thm7 = STD_BVARS "v" thm6 val thm8 = CONV_RULE (DEPTH_CONV VAR_LET_CONV) thm7 val thm9 = STD_BVARS "v" thm8 in thm8 end; (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Given an environment and a possibly (tail) recursive definition, convert *) (* to combinator form, then to A-Normal form and add the result to the *) (* environment. *) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun toANF env def = let val (is_recursive,func,args,const_eq_comb) = toComb def val anf = STD_BVARS "v" (ANFof (args,const_eq_comb)) (* val old_anf = STD_BVARS "v" (old_ANFof (args,const_eq_comb))*) in (func,(is_recursive,def,anf,const_eq_comb))::env end; end