open HolKernel Parse boolLib boolSimps bossLib pred_setTheory zfset_axiomsTheory zfsetTheory pairTheory categoryTheory limitTheory ens_catTheory functorTheory nat_transTheory hom_functorTheory YonedaTheory lcsymtacs; val _ = new_theory "zfset_cat"; val explode_def = Define` explode z = {x | x In z}`; val implode_def = Define` implode s = @z. explode z = s`; val implode_explode = Q.store_thm( "implode_explode", `∀z. implode (explode z) = z`, srw_tac [][implode_def] >> SELECT_ELIM_TAC >> srw_tac [][] >- metis_tac [] >> fsrw_tac [][explode_def,EXTENSION] >> fsrw_tac [][Extension_ax]); val _ = export_rewrites["implode_explode"]; val explode_inj = Q.store_thm( "explode_inj", `∀x y. (explode x = explode y) ⇒ (x = y)`, srw_tac [][explode_def,EXTENSION] >> srw_tac [][Extension_ax]); val IsSmall_def = Define` IsSmall s = ∃f z. INJ f s (explode z)`; (* WARNING THIS IS NOT HEREDITARILY SMALL *) val IsSmall_FINITE = Q.store_thm( "IsSmall_FINITE", `∀s. FINITE s ⇒ IsSmall s`, ho_match_mp_tac FINITE_INDUCT >> srw_tac [][IsSmall_def] >> map_every qexists_tac [`λx. if x = e then z else f x`,`Suc z`] >> fsrw_tac [][INJ_DEF,explode_def,Suc_def,U_def,Singleton_def] >> srw_tac [][] >> metis_tac [NotInSelf]); val IsSmall_IMAGE = Q.store_thm( "IsSmall_IMAGE", `∀s f. IsSmall s ⇒ IsSmall (IMAGE f s)`, srw_tac [][IsSmall_def] >> qmatch_assum_rename_tac `INJ g s (explode z)` >> map_every qexists_tac [`λx. g (@y. y ∈ s ∧ (f y = x))`,`z`] >> fsrw_tac [DNF_ss][INJ_DEF] >> srw_tac [][] >- ( SELECT_ELIM_TAC >> srw_tac [][] >> metis_tac []) >> pop_assum mp_tac >> SELECT_ELIM_TAC >> SELECT_ELIM_TAC >> srw_tac [][] >> metis_tac []); val _ = export_rewrites["IsSmall_IMAGE"]; val IsSmall_IMAGE_iff = Q.store_thm( "IsSmall_IMAGE_iff", `∀s t f. INJ f s t ⇒ (IsSmall (IMAGE f s) ⇔ IsSmall s)`, srw_tac [][EQ_IMP_THM] >> fsrw_tac [][IsSmall_def] >> qmatch_assum_rename_tac `INJ g (IMAGE f s) (explode z)` >> map_every qexists_tac [`g o f`,`z`] >> fsrw_tac [DNF_ss][INJ_DEF]); val IsSmall_explode = Q.store_thm( "IsSmall_explode", `∀s. IsSmall s ⇔ (∃z. s = explode z)`, srw_tac [][IsSmall_def,explode_def,EQ_IMP_THM] >> srw_tac [][EXTENSION] >- ( qexists_tac `Image (LINV f s) (Spec z (λx. ∃y. y ∈ s ∧ (x = f y)))` >> srw_tac [][Spec_def,Image_def] >> srw_tac [][EQ_IMP_THM] >- ( IMP_RES_TAC LINV_DEF >> fsrw_tac [][INJ_DEF] >> metis_tac []) >> metis_tac [LINV_DEF]) >> map_every qexists_tac [`I`,`z`] >> srw_tac [][INJ_DEF]); val explode_IsSmall = Q.store_thm( "explode_IsSmall", `∀s. IsSmall (explode s)`, metis_tac [IsSmall_explode]); val _ = export_rewrites["explode_IsSmall"]; val In_implode = Q.store_thm( "In_implode", `∀s x. IsSmall s ⇒ (x In implode s ⇔ x ∈ s)`, srw_tac [][] >> imp_res_tac IsSmall_explode >> srw_tac [][explode_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["In_implode"]; val explode_implode = Q.store_thm( "explode_implode", `∀s. IsSmall s ⇒ (explode (implode s) = s)`, srw_tac [][explode_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["explode_implode"]; val IsSmall_BIJ = Q.store_thm( "IsSmall_BIJ", `∀s. IsSmall s ⇒ ∃b z. BIJ b s (IMAGE SOME (explode z)) ∧ ∀x. x ∉ s ⇒ (b x = NONE)`, srw_tac [][IsSmall_def] >> qexists_tac `λx. if x ∈ s then SOME (f x) else NONE` >> qexists_tac `Spec z (λx. ∃y. y ∈ s ∧ (x = f y))` >> fsrw_tac [DNF_ss][BIJ_DEF,INJ_DEF,SURJ_DEF,explode_def,Spec_def] >> metis_tac []); val the_zfrep_def = Define` the_zfrep s = @bz. BIJ (FST bz) s (IMAGE SOME (explode (SND bz))) ∧ ∀x. x ∉ s ⇒ (FST bz x = NONE)`; val the_zfrep_inj = Q.store_thm( "the_zfrep_inj", `∀s1 s2. IsSmall s1 ∧ IsSmall s2 ∧ (the_zfrep s1 = the_zfrep s2) ⇒ (s1 = s2)`, simp_tac std_ss [the_zfrep_def,GSYM AND_IMP_INTRO] >> rpt gen_tac >> ntac 2 strip_tac >> imp_res_tac IsSmall_BIJ >> SELECT_ELIM_TAC >> conj_tac >- metis_tac [FST,SND] >> SELECT_ELIM_TAC >> conj_tac >- metis_tac [FST,SND] >> Cases >> srw_tac [][EXTENSION] >> srw_tac [][EQ_IMP_THM] >> spose_not_then strip_assume_tac >> res_tac >> fsrw_tac [DNF_ss][BIJ_DEF,SURJ_DEF] >> res_tac >> fsrw_tac [][]); val _ = overload_on("zfbij",``λs. FST(the_zfrep s)``); val _ = overload_on("zfrep",``λs. SND(the_zfrep s)``); val zfbij_SOME = Q.store_thm( "zfbij_SOME", `∀s x. IsSmall s ⇒ (IS_SOME (zfbij s x) ⇔ x ∈ s)`, rpt strip_tac >> srw_tac [][the_zfrep_def] >> SELECT_ELIM_TAC >> conj_tac >- metis_tac [FST,SND,IsSmall_BIJ] >> Cases >> srw_tac [][] >> Cases_on `x ∈ s` >> res_tac >> fsrw_tac [][] >> fsrw_tac [DNF_ss][BIJ_DEF,SURJ_DEF] >> res_tac >> fsrw_tac [][]); val zfel_def = Define` zfel s x = THE (zfbij s x)`; val elzf_def = Define` elzf s z = LINV (zfbij s) s (SOME z)`; val In_zfrep_thm = Q.store_thm( "In_zfrep_thm", `∀s z. IsSmall s ⇒ (z In zfrep s ⇔ ∃x. x ∈ s ∧ (z = zfel s x))`, srw_tac [][zfel_def] >> srw_tac [][the_zfrep_def] >> SELECT_ELIM_TAC >> conj_tac >- metis_tac [FST,SND,IsSmall_BIJ] >> Cases >> srw_tac [][] >> fsrw_tac [DNF_ss][BIJ_DEF,SURJ_DEF,INJ_DEF,explode_def] >> EQ_TAC >- ( strip_tac >> res_tac >> qexists_tac `y` >> srw_tac [][] ) >> srw_tac [][] >> qmatch_rename_tac `THE (b x) In z` >> Cases_on `b x` >> res_tac >> fsrw_tac [][] >> srw_tac [][]); val elzf_zfel = Q.store_thm( "elzf_zfel", `∀s x. IsSmall s ∧ x ∈ s ⇒ (elzf s (zfel s x) = x)`, srw_tac[][elzf_def,zfel_def] >> imp_res_tac zfbij_SOME >> Cases_on `zfbij s x` >> fsrw_tac [][] >> pop_assum (assume_tac o SYM) >> fsrw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac (MP_CANON LINV_DEF) >> srw_tac [][the_zfrep_def] >> SELECT_ELIM_TAC >> conj_tac >- metis_tac [FST,SND,IsSmall_BIJ] >> metis_tac [BIJ_DEF]); val zfel_elzf = Q.store_thm( "zfel_elzf", `∀s z. IsSmall s ∧ z In zfrep s ⇒ (zfel s (elzf s z) = z)`, srw_tac [][] >> `∃x. x ∈ s ∧ (z = zfel s x)` by metis_tac[In_zfrep_thm] >> srw_tac [][elzf_zfel]); val _ = export_rewrites["elzf_zfel","zfel_elzf"]; val zfrep_empty = Q.store_thm( "zfrep_empty", `∀s. IsSmall s ⇒ ((zfrep s = {}) = (s = {}))`, srw_tac [][EXTENSION,Extension_ax] >> metis_tac [Empty_def,In_zfrep_thm]); val _ = export_rewrites["zfrep_empty"]; val IsTypedFn_def = Define` IsTypedFn f = In (f.dom -> f.cod)`; val TypedGraphFn_def = Define` TypedGraphFn (X,Y) f = <| dom := X; cod := Y; map := GraphFn X f |>`; val TypedGraphFn_components = Q.store_thm( "TypedGraphFn_components", `∀X Y f. ((TypedGraphFn (X,Y) f).dom = X) ∧ ((TypedGraphFn (X,Y) f).cod = Y) ∧ ((TypedGraphFn (X,Y) f).map = GraphFn X f)`, srw_tac [][TypedGraphFn_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["TypedGraphFn_components"]; val IsTypedFnTypedGraphFn = Q.store_thm( "IsTypedFnTypedGraphFn", `∀f X Y. IsTypedFn (TypedGraphFn (X,Y) f) = HasFnType f X Y`, srw_tac [][IsTypedFn_def,TypedGraphFn_def,GraphFnType,EQ_IMP_THM] >> srw_tac [][HasFnType_def] >> metis_tac [InFn,GraphFnAp]); val _ = export_rewrites["IsTypedFnTypedGraphFn"]; val ComposeTypedFn_def = Define` ComposeTypedFn = compose (λf g. ComposeFn (f.dom,f.cod,g.cod)`; val _ = add_infix("|o|",800,RIGHT); val _ = overload_on("|o|",``λg f. ComposeTypedFn f g``); val ComposeTypedFn_components = Q.store_thm( "ComposeTypedFn_components", `∀f g. (f ≈> g) ⇒ (((g |o| f).dom = f.dom) ∧ ((g |o| f).cod = g.cod) ∧ ((g |o| f).map = ComposeFn(f.dom,f.cod,g.cod)`, srw_tac [][ComposeTypedFn_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["ComposeTypedFn_components"]; val pre_set_cat_def = Define` pre_set_cat = <| obj := UNIV ; mor := {f | IsTypedFn f} ; id_map := IdFn ; comp := λf g. (g |o| f).map |>`; val pre_set_cat_obj_mor = Q.store_thm( "pre_set_cat_obj_mor", `(∀x. x ∈ pre_set_cat.obj) ∧ (∀f. f ∈ pre_set_cat.mor = IsTypedFn f)`, srw_tac [][pre_set_cat_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["pre_set_cat_obj_mor"]; val pre_set_cat_id = Q.store_thm( "pre_set_cat_id", `∀x. (id x -:pre_set_cat) = TypedGraphFn (x,x) I`, srw_tac [][id_in_def,restrict_def,pre_set_cat_def,TypedGraphFn_def,IdFn_eq_GraphFnI]); val _ = export_rewrites["pre_set_cat_id"]; val pre_set_cat_maps_to_in = Q.store_thm( "pre_set_cat_maps_to_in", `∀f x y. f :- x → y -:pre_set_cat ⇔ IsTypedFn f ∧ f :- x → y`, srw_tac [][maps_to_in_def,EQ_IMP_THM]); val _ = export_rewrites["pre_set_cat_maps_to_in"]; val pre_set_cat_composable_in = Q.store_thm( "pre_set_cat_composable_in", `∀f g. f ≈> g -:pre_set_cat ⇔ IsTypedFn f ∧ IsTypedFn g ∧ f ≈> g`, srw_tac [][composable_in_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["pre_set_cat_composable_in"]; val pre_set_cat_compose_in = Q.store_thm( "pre_set_cat_compose_in", `∀f g. f ≈> g -:pre_set_cat ⇒ (g o f -:pre_set_cat = g |o| f)`, srw_tac [][compose_in_def,restrict_def,pre_set_cat_def] >> srw_tac [][morphism_component_equality]); val _ = export_rewrites["pre_set_cat_compose_in"]; val set_cat_def = Define` set_cat = mk_cat pre_set_cat`; val is_category_set_cat = Q.store_thm( "is_category_set_cat", `is_category set_cat`, srw_tac [][set_cat_def] >> srw_tac [][category_axioms_def] >- ( srw_tac [][HasFnType_def] ) >- ( qmatch_abbrev_tac `f o g -:pre_set_cat = f` >> match_mp_tac EQ_TRANS >> qexists_tac `f |o| g` >> reverse conj_tac >- ( srw_tac [][Abbr`g`,morphism_component_equality,GSYM IdFn_eq_GraphFnI] >> match_mp_tac ComposeFnId1 >> fsrw_tac [][IsTypedFn_def] ) >> match_mp_tac pre_set_cat_compose_in >> srw_tac [][Abbr`g`,IdFnType,HasFnType_def] ) >- ( qmatch_abbrev_tac `g o f -:pre_set_cat = f` >> match_mp_tac EQ_TRANS >> qexists_tac `g |o| f` >> reverse conj_tac >- ( srw_tac [][Abbr`g`,morphism_component_equality,GSYM IdFn_eq_GraphFnI] >> match_mp_tac ComposeFnId2 >> fsrw_tac [][IsTypedFn_def] ) >> match_mp_tac pre_set_cat_compose_in >> srw_tac [][Abbr`g`,IdFnType,HasFnType_def] ) >- ( qsuff_tac `f ≈> (h |o| g) -:pre_set_cat ∧ (g |o| f) ≈> h -:pre_set_cat` >- ( srw_tac [][] >> srw_tac [][morphism_component_equality] >> match_mp_tac (GSYM ComposeFnAssoc) >> fsrw_tac [][IsTypedFn_def] ) >> srw_tac [][IsTypedFn_def] >> match_mp_tac ComposeFnType >> fsrw_tac [][IsTypedFn_def] ) >> srw_tac [][IsTypedFn_def] >> match_mp_tac ComposeFnType >> fsrw_tac [][IsTypedFn_def]) val _ = export_rewrites["is_category_set_cat"]; val set_cat_obj = Q.store_thm( "set_cat_obj", `set_cat.obj = UNIV`, srw_tac [][set_cat_def,pre_set_cat_def]); val set_cat_mor = Q.store_thm( "set_cat_mor", `set_cat.mor = {f | IsTypedFn f}`, srw_tac [][set_cat_def,pre_set_cat_def]); val set_cat_id = Q.store_thm( "set_cat_id", `∀x. (id x -:set_cat) = TypedGraphFn (x,x) I`, srw_tac [][set_cat_def]); val set_cat_composable_in = Q.store_thm( "set_cat_composable_in", `∀f g. f ≈> g -:set_cat ⇔ IsTypedFn f ∧ IsTypedFn g ∧ f ≈> g`, srw_tac [][set_cat_def]); val set_cat_compose_in = Q.store_thm( "set_cat_compose_in", `∀f g. f ≈> g -:set_cat ⇒ (g o f -:set_cat = g |o| f)`, srw_tac [][set_cat_def]); val set_cat_maps_to_in = Q.store_thm( "set_cat_maps_to_in", `∀f x y. f :- x → y -:set_cat ⇔ IsTypedFn f ∧ f :- x → y`, srw_tac [][set_cat_def]); val _ = export_rewrites[ "set_cat_obj","set_cat_mor","set_cat_id", "set_cat_composable_in","set_cat_compose_in", "set_cat_maps_to_in"]; val has_binary_products_set_cat = Q.store_thm( "has_binary_products_set_cat", `has_binary_products set_cat`, srw_tac [][has_binary_products_thm,is_binary_product_thm] >> map_every qexists_tac [`TypedGraphFn (Prod a b, a) Fst`,`TypedGraphFn (Prod a b, b) Snd`] >> fsrw_tac [][HasFnType_def] >> conj_tac >- metis_tac [FstType] >> conj_tac >- metis_tac [SndType] >> rpt gen_tac >> strip_tac >> fsrw_tac [][EXISTS_UNIQUE_THM] >> `∀m. IsTypedFn m ∧ (m.dom = p1.dom) ∧ (m.cod = a # b) ⇒ m ≈> TypedGraphFn (a # b,a) Fst -:set_cat ∧ m ≈> TypedGraphFn (a # b,b) Snd -:set_cat` by ( srw_tac [][HasFnType_def] >> metis_tac [InProd,FstType,SndType,IsTypedFn_def,InFn] ) >> conj_tac >- ( qexists_tac `TypedGraphFn (p1.dom, a # b) (λx. (Pair( ' x)( ' x)))` >> conj_asm1_tac >- ( srw_tac [][HasFnType_def] >> metis_tac [InFn,IsTypedFn_def,InProd] ) >> conj_tac >> ( qmatch_abbrev_tac `f o g -:set_cat = x` >> `g ≈> f -:set_cat` by metis_tac [] >> srw_tac [][] >> unabbrev_all_tac >> srw_tac [][morphism_component_equality] >> fsrw_tac [][ComposeGraphFns] >> qmatch_rename_tac `_ =` >> match_mp_tac FnEqThm >> map_every qexists_tac [`p.dom`,`p.cod`] >> fsrw_tac [][GraphFnAp,HasFnType_def] >> conj_tac >- ( match_mp_tac GraphFnType >> srw_tac [][HasFnType_def] ) >> fsrw_tac [][IsTypedFn_def] >> fsrw_tac [][Fst,Snd] )) >> srw_tac [][] >> qmatch_rename_tac `m1 = m2` >> first_assum (qspec_then `m1` mp_tac) >> first_x_assum (qspec_then `m2` mp_tac) >> ntac 2 strip_tac >> rpt (qpat_x_assum `f o g -:set_cat = h` mp_tac) >> ntac 2 (pop_assum mp_tac) >> fsrw_tac [][] >> srw_tac [][morphism_component_equality] >> match_mp_tac FnEqThm >> map_every qexists_tac [`p1.dom`,`p1.cod # p2.cod`] >> fsrw_tac [][IsTypedFn_def] >> srw_tac [][] >> ` ' x In (p1.cod # p2.cod)` by metis_tac [InFn] >> ` ' x In (p1.cod # p2.cod)` by metis_tac [InFn] >> fsrw_tac [][InProdEq] >> qmatch_rename_tac `Pair x11 x21 = Pair x12 x22` >> qmatch_assum_abbrev_tac `ComposeFn (X,Y,Z) (GraphFn (a#b) P) Q = R` >> map_every qunabbrev_tac [`P`,`Q`,`R`,`Z`] >> `(ComposeFn (X,Y,a) (GraphFn Y Fst) ' x = ' x` by srw_tac [][] >> `(ComposeFn (X,Y,b) (GraphFn Y Snd) ' x = ' x` by srw_tac [][] >> `(ComposeFn (X,Y,a) (GraphFn Y Fst) ' x = ' x` by srw_tac [][] >> `(ComposeFn (X,Y,b) (GraphFn Y Snd) ' x = ' x` by srw_tac [][] >> rpt (qpat_x_assum `ComposeFn (X,Y,Z) (GraphFn Y P) Q = R` (K ALL_TAC)) >> ntac 4 (pop_assum mp_tac) >> `GraphFn Y Fst In (Y -> a)` by metis_tac [GraphFnType] >> `GraphFn Y Snd In (Y -> b)` by metis_tac [GraphFnType] >> `Pair x11 x21 In Y` by metis_tac [InProd] >> `Pair x12 x22 In Y` by metis_tac [InProd] >> fsrw_tac [][ApComposeFn,GraphFnAp] >> fsrw_tac [][Fst,Snd]); val pre_set_to_ens_def = Define` pre_set_to_ens = <| dom := set_cat; cod := ens_cat {s | IsSmall s}; map := λf. TypedGraphFun (explode f.dom,explode f.cod) (λx. ' x) |>`; val pre_set_to_ens_components = Q.store_thm( "pre_set_to_ens_components", `(pre_set_to_ens.dom = set_cat) ∧ (pre_set_to_ens.cod = ens_cat {s | IsSmall s}) ∧ (∀f. pre_set_to_ens##f = TypedGraphFun (explode f.dom,explode f.cod) (λx. ' x))`, srw_tac [][pre_set_to_ens_def,morf_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["pre_set_to_ens_components"]; val pre_set_to_ens_objf = Q.store_thm( "pre_set_to_ens_objf", `∀x. pre_set_to_ens@@x = explode x`, srw_tac [][objf_def] >> SELECT_ELIM_TAC >> srw_tac [][] >- ( qexists_tac `explode x` >> srw_tac [][] >> srw_tac [][morphism_component_equality] >> srw_tac [][restrict_def,FUN_EQ_THM] >> srw_tac [][GraphFnAp,explode_def]) >> pop_assum mp_tac >> srw_tac [][EXTENSION,explode_def,morphism_component_equality]); val _ = export_rewrites["pre_set_to_ens_objf"]; val set_to_ens_def = Define` set_to_ens = mk_functor pre_set_to_ens`; val is_functor_set_to_ens = Q.store_thm( "is_functor_set_to_ens", `is_functor set_to_ens`, srw_tac [][set_to_ens_def] >> srw_tac [][functor_axioms_def] >- ( fsrw_tac [][IsTypedFun_def,IsTypedFn_def, HasFunType_def,explode_def,extensional_def] >> metis_tac [InFn] ) >- ( qexists_tac `explode x` >> srw_tac [][morphism_component_equality] >> srw_tac [][FUN_EQ_THM,restrict_def] >> srw_tac [][GraphFnAp,explode_def]) >> qmatch_abbrev_tac `gf = pg o pf -:ens_cat u` >> `pf ≈> pg -:ens_cat u` by ( unabbrev_all_tac >> srw_tac [][] >> fsrw_tac [][explode_def,IsTypedFn_def,extensional_def] >> metis_tac [InFn] ) >> unabbrev_all_tac >> srw_tac [][morphism_component_equality] >> srw_tac [][FUN_EQ_THM] >> srw_tac [][pre_set_to_ens_def,morf_def,restrict_def,ComposeFun_def] >> fsrw_tac [][IsTypedFn_def,explode_def] >> metis_tac [InFn,ApComposeFn]); val _ = export_rewrites["is_functor_set_to_ens"]; val set_to_ens_components = Q.store_thm( "set_to_ens_components", `(set_to_ens.dom = set_cat) ∧ (set_to_ens.cod = ens_cat {s | IsSmall s}) ∧ (∀f. IsTypedFn f ⇒ (set_to_ens##f = TypedGraphFun (explode f.dom,explode f.cod) (λx. ' x)))`, srw_tac [][set_to_ens_def]) val _ = export_rewrites["set_to_ens_components"]; val set_to_ens_objf = Q.store_thm( "set_to_ens_objf", `∀x. set_to_ens@@x = explode x`, srw_tac [][set_to_ens_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["set_to_ens_objf"]; val cat_iso_set_to_ens = Q.store_thm( "cat_iso_set_to_ens", `cat_iso set_to_ens`, srw_tac [][cat_iso_bij] >- ( srw_tac [][BIJ_DEF,INJ_DEF,SURJ_DEF,explode_inj] >> metis_tac [explode_implode] ) >> srw_tac [][BIJ_DEF,INJ_DEF,SURJ_DEF] >- ( fsrw_tac [][hom_def] >> fsrw_tac [][explode_def,IsTypedFn_def] >> metis_tac [InFn] ) >- ( pop_assum mp_tac >> fsrw_tac [][hom_def] >> srw_tac [][TypedGraphFun_Ext,explode_def] >> srw_tac [][morphism_component_equality] >> fsrw_tac [][IsTypedFn_def] >> metis_tac [ExtFn] ) >- ( fsrw_tac [][hom_def] >> fsrw_tac [][explode_def,IsTypedFn_def] >> metis_tac [InFn] ) >> fsrw_tac [][hom_def] >> fsrw_tac [][] >> srw_tac [][] >> qexists_tac `TypedGraphFn (a,b)` >> conj_asm1_tac >- ( fsrw_tac [][IsTypedFun_def,HasFunType_def,HasFnType_def] >> fsrw_tac [][explode_def] ) >> fsrw_tac [][] >> srw_tac [][morphism_component_equality] >> srw_tac [][FUN_EQ_THM] >> fsrw_tac [][HasFnType_def,explode_def,restrict_def] >> fsrw_tac [][IsTypedFun_def,HasFunType_def,extensional_def] >> srw_tac [][GraphFnAp]); val _ = overload_on("ens_to_set",``@f. cat_iso_pair set_to_ens f``); val ens_to_set_dom_cod = Q.store_thm( "ens_to_set_dom_cod", `(ens_to_set.dom = ens_cat {s | IsSmall s}) ∧ (ens_to_set.cod = set_cat)`, SELECT_ELIM_TAC >> conj_tac >- metis_tac [cat_iso_set_to_ens,cat_iso_def] >> metis_tac [cat_iso_pair_def,cat_iso_pair_sym,composable_def,set_to_ens_components]); val _ = export_rewrites["ens_to_set_dom_cod"]; val is_functor_ens_to_set = Q.store_thm( "is_functor_ens_to_set", `is_functor ens_to_set`, SELECT_ELIM_TAC >> conj_tac >- metis_tac [cat_iso_set_to_ens,cat_iso_def] >> srw_tac [][cat_iso_pair_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["is_functor_ens_to_set"]; val ens_to_set_morf = Q.store_thm( "ens_to_set_morf", `∀f. f ∈ (ens_cat {s | IsSmall s}).mor ⇒ (ens_to_set##f = TypedGraphFn (implode f.dom, implode f.cod)`, srw_tac [][] >> SELECT_ELIM_TAC >> conj_tac >- metis_tac [cat_iso_set_to_ens,cat_iso_def] >> qx_gen_tac `ets` >> strip_tac >> fsrw_tac [][cat_iso_pair_bij] >> qpat_x_assum `X = ets.dom` (assume_tac o SYM) >> fsrw_tac [][] >> first_x_assum (qspecl_then [`implode f.dom`,`implode f.cod`] mp_tac) >> fsrw_tac [][] >> strip_tac >> first_x_assum (qspec_then `f` (mp_tac o GSYM)) >> `f ∈ ens_cat {s | IsSmall s}|f.dom→f.cod|` by ( srw_tac [][hom_def] ) >> srw_tac [][] >> `∀s. IsSmall s ⇒ (ets@@s = implode s)` by ( srw_tac [][] >> qsuff_tac `set_to_ens@@(LINV (objf set_to_ens) UNIV s)=set_to_ens@@(implode s)` >- ( fsrw_tac [][BIJ_DEF,INJ_DEF] ) >> qmatch_abbrev_tac `q (LINV q u s) = q (implode s)` >> `q (implode s) = s` by srw_tac [][Abbr`q`] >> pop_assum mp_tac >> simp_tac (srw_ss()) [] >> strip_tac >> match_mp_tac (MP_CANON BIJ_LINV_INV) >> srw_tac [][Abbr`q`,Abbr`u`] >> qexists_tac `{s | IsSmall s}` >> srw_tac [][] ) >> `ets##f :- implode f.dom → implode f.cod -:set_cat` by ( match_mp_tac morf_maps_to >> map_every qexists_tac [`ets.dom`,`f.dom`,`f.cod`] >> fsrw_tac [][] ) >> qmatch_abbrev_tac `a = b` >> `a ∈ set_cat|implode f.dom→implode f.cod|` by ( fsrw_tac [][hom_def] >> qpat_x_assum `ets##f = a` assume_tac >> fsrw_tac [][] ) >> `b ∈ set_cat|implode f.dom→implode f.cod|` by ( fsrw_tac [][Abbr`b`,hom_def] >> fsrw_tac [][IsTypedFun_def,HasFunType_def,HasFnType_def] ) >> qsuff_tac `set_to_ens##a=set_to_ens##b` >- ( fsrw_tac [][BIJ_DEF,INJ_DEF] ) >> unabbrev_all_tac >> qmatch_abbrev_tac `q (LINV q h f) = q z` >> `q z = f` by ( qunabbrev_tac `q` >> `IsTypedFn z` by ( unabbrev_all_tac >> srw_tac [][] >> srw_tac [][HasFnType_def] >> fsrw_tac [][IsTypedFun_def,HasFunType_def] ) >> srw_tac [][Abbr`z`,morphism_component_equality] >> fsrw_tac [][IsTypedFun_def,HasFunType_def,extensional_def] >> srw_tac [][restrict_def,FUN_EQ_THM] >> srw_tac [][GraphFnAp] ) >> fsrw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac (MP_CANON BIJ_LINV_INV) >> unabbrev_all_tac >> qexists_tac `ens_cat {s | IsSmall s}|f.dom→f.cod|` >> srw_tac [][]); val _ = export_rewrites["ens_to_set_morf"]; val ens_to_set_objf = Q.store_thm( "ens_to_set_objf", `∀s. IsSmall s ⇒ (ens_to_set@@s = implode s)`, srw_tac [][objf_def] >> SELECT_ELIM_TAC >> conj_tac >- ( qexists_tac `implode s` >> srw_tac [][morphism_component_equality] >> match_mp_tac GraphFnExt >> srw_tac [][restrict_def] ) >> srw_tac [][morphism_component_equality]); val _ = export_rewrites["ens_to_set_objf"]; val cat_iso_ens_to_set = Q.store_thm( "cat_iso_ens_to_set", `cat_iso ens_to_set`, SELECT_ELIM_TAC >> metis_tac [cat_iso_pair_sym,cat_iso_set_to_ens,cat_iso_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["cat_iso_ens_to_set"]; val is_locally_small_def = Define` is_locally_small c = ∀s. s ∈ homs c ⇒ IsSmall s`; val _ = overload_on("is_lscat",``λc. is_category c ∧ is_locally_small c``); val pre_rep_functor_def = Define` pre_rep_functor u = <| dom := ens_cat u ; cod := ens_cat {s | IsSmall s} ; map := λf. TypedGraphFun (explode (zfrep f.dom), explode (zfrep f.cod)) (λz. zfel f.cod ( (elzf f.dom z))) |>`; val pre_rep_functor_components = Q.store_thm( "pre_rep_functor_components", `∀u. ((pre_rep_functor u).dom = ens_cat u) ∧ ((pre_rep_functor u).cod = ens_cat {s | IsSmall s}) ∧ (∀f. ((pre_rep_functor u)##f = TypedGraphFun (explode (zfrep f.dom), explode (zfrep f.cod)) (λz. zfel f.cod ( (elzf f.dom z)))))`, srw_tac [][pre_rep_functor_def,morf_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["pre_rep_functor_components"]; val pre_rep_functor_objf = Q.store_thm( "pre_rep_functor_objf", `∀u x. IsSmall x ∧ x ∈ u ⇒ ((pre_rep_functor u)@@x = explode (zfrep x))`, srw_tac [][objf_def] >> SELECT_ELIM_TAC >> conj_tac >- ( qexists_tac `explode (zfrep x)` >> fsrw_tac [][] >> fsrw_tac [][TypedGraphFun_Ext] >> srw_tac [][restrict_def,explode_def,zfel_elzf] >> pop_assum mp_tac >> srw_tac [][In_zfrep_thm] >> metis_tac [elzf_zfel] ) >> qx_gen_tac `s` >> srw_tac [][] >> pop_assum mp_tac >> srw_tac [][TypedGraphFun_Ext]); val _ = export_rewrites["pre_rep_functor_objf"]; val rep_functor_def = Define` rep_functor u = mk_functor (pre_rep_functor u)`; val is_functor_rep_functor = Q.store_thm( "is_functor_rep_functor", `∀u. (∀s. s ∈ u ⇒ IsSmall s) ⇒ is_functor (rep_functor u)`, srw_tac [][rep_functor_def] >> fsrw_tac [][functor_axioms_def] >> conj_tac >- ( fsrw_tac [][explode_def] >> fsrw_tac [DNF_ss][In_zfrep_thm] >> fsrw_tac [][IsTypedFun_def,HasFunType_def] >> metis_tac [] ) >> conj_tac >- ( qx_gen_tac `s` >> strip_tac >> qexists_tac `explode (zfrep s)` >> fsrw_tac [][TypedGraphFun_Ext] >> fsrw_tac [][explode_def] >> fsrw_tac [DNF_ss][In_zfrep_thm,restrict_def] ) >> map_every qx_gen_tac [`f`,`g`] >> strip_tac >> qmatch_abbrev_tac `ff = gg o hh -:ens_cat uu` >> `hh ≈> gg -:ens_cat uu` by ( unabbrev_all_tac >> fsrw_tac [][] >> fsrw_tac [DNF_ss][explode_def,In_zfrep_thm] >> fsrw_tac [][IsTypedFun_def,HasFunType_def] >> metis_tac [] >> metis_tac [] ) >> srw_tac [][] >> unabbrev_all_tac >> fsrw_tac [][morphism_component_equality] >> fsrw_tac [][ComposeFun_def] >> fsrw_tac [][restrict_def,explode_def] >> srw_tac [][FUN_EQ_THM] >> fsrw_tac [][IsTypedFun_def,HasFunType_def,In_zfrep_thm] >> srw_tac [][] >> res_tac >> fsrw_tac [][In_zfrep_thm]); val rep_functor_dom_cod = Q.store_thm( "rep_functor_dom_cod", `∀u. ((rep_functor u).dom = ens_cat u) ∧ ((rep_functor u).cod = ens_cat {s | IsSmall s})`, srw_tac [][rep_functor_def]) val _ = export_rewrites["rep_functor_dom_cod"]; val rep_functor_morf = Q.store_thm( "rep_functor_morf", `∀u f. f ∈ (ens_cat u).mor ⇒ ((rep_functor u)##f = TypedGraphFun (explode (zfrep f.dom), explode (zfrep f.cod)) (λz. zfel f.cod ( (elzf f.dom z))))`, srw_tac [][rep_functor_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["rep_functor_morf"]; val rep_functor_objf = Q.store_thm( "rep_functor_objf", `∀u x. IsSmall x ∧ x ∈ u ⇒ (rep_functor u@@x = explode (zfrep x))`, srw_tac [][rep_functor_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["rep_functor_objf"]; val rep_functor_embedding = Q.store_thm( "rep_functor_embedding", `∀u. (∀s. s ∈ u ⇒ IsSmall s) ⇒ embedding (rep_functor u)`, srw_tac [][embedding_def,full_def,faithful_def] >- ( qmatch_abbrev_tac `X` >> qpat_x_assum `a ∈ u` assume_tac >> qpat_x_assum `b ∈ u` assume_tac >> res_tac >> fsrw_tac [][] >> qpat_x_assum `IsTypedFun h` mp_tac >> asm_simp_tac (srw_ss()) [IsTypedFun_def] >> asm_simp_tac (srw_ss()++DNF_ss) [HasFunType_def,explode_def,In_zfrep_thm] >> srw_tac [][GSYM RIGHT_EXISTS_IMP_THM,SKOLEM_THM] >> qunabbrev_tac `X` >> qexists_tac `TypedGraphFun (a,b) f` >> fsrw_tac [][morphism_component_equality] >> srw_tac [][restrict_def] >> srw_tac [][FUN_EQ_THM] >> fsrw_tac [][extensional_def] >> fsrw_tac [][explode_def] >> fsrw_tac [][In_zfrep_thm] >> srw_tac [][] >> fsrw_tac [][] >> metis_tac [elzf_zfel] ) >> `g ∈ (ens_cat u).mor ∧ h ∈ (ens_cat u).mor` by ( fsrw_tac [][] ) >> fsrw_tac [][TypedGraphFun_Ext,explode_def,IsTypedFun_def,HasFunType_def] >> srw_tac [][] >> srw_tac [][morphism_component_equality] >> fsrw_tac [][extensional_def] >> srw_tac [][FUN_EQ_THM] >> reverse (Cases_on `x ∈ g.dom`) >- metis_tac [] >> res_tac >> fsrw_tac [DNF_ss][In_zfrep_thm] >> `zfel g.cod ( x) = zfel g.cod ( (elzf g.dom (zfel g.dom x)))` by metis_tac [] >> qpat_x_assum `IsSmall g.dom` assume_tac >> qpat_x_assum `x ∈ g.dom` assume_tac >> fsrw_tac [][elzf_zfel] >> `elzf g.cod (zfel g.cod ( x)) = elzf g.cod (zfel g.cod ( x))` by metis_tac [] >> qpat_x_assum `IsSmall g.cod` assume_tac >> ` x ∈ g.cod ∧ x ∈ g.cod` by metis_tac [] >> qpat_x_assum ` x ∈ g.cod` assume_tac >> fsrw_tac [][elzf_zfel]); (* val rep_functor_inj_obj = Q.store_thm( "rep_functor_inj_obj", `∀u. (∀s. s ∈ u ⇒ IsSmall s) ⇒ inj_obj (rep_functor u)`, srw_tac [][inj_obj_def] >> pop_assum mp_tac >> srw_tac [][] >> imp_res_tac explode_inj >> match_mp_tac the_zfrep_inj >> fsrw_tac [][PAIR_FST_SND_EQ] >> srw_tac [][FUN_EQ_THM] >> WOULD NEED zfrep TO BE INJECTIVE *) (* val rep_functor_not_inj_obj = Q.store_thm( "rep_functor_not_inj_obj", `let u = POW (UNIV:zfset set) in (∀s. s ∈ u ⇒ IsSmall s) ∧ ¬inj_obj (rep_functor u)`, srw_tac [][LET_THM,IN_POW] *) val is_self_hom_def = Define` is_self_hom c h = ∃x. x ∈ c.obj ∧ (h = c|x→x|)`; val hom_tag_def = Define` hom_tag c h = if is_self_hom c h then {{{}}} else ({{}}:zfset)`; val the_hom_tag_def = Define` the_hom_tag c h = if is_self_hom c h then {{}} else Empty`; val hom_tag_not_empty = Q.store_thm( "hom_tag_not_empty", `∀c x. hom_tag c x <> {}`, srw_tac [][hom_tag_def] >> metis_tac [NotEmpty,InSing]); val _ = export_rewrites["hom_tag_not_empty"]; val the_hom_tag_in_hom_tag = Q.store_thm( "the_hom_tag_in_hom_tag", `∀c h. the_hom_tag c h In hom_tag c h`, srw_tac [][hom_tag_def,the_hom_tag_def,InSing]); val _ = export_rewrites["the_hom_tag_in_hom_tag"]; val In_hom_tag = Q.store_thm( "In_hom_tag", `∀x c h. x In hom_tag c h = (x = the_hom_tag c h)`, srw_tac [][EQ_IMP_THM] >> fsrw_tac [][hom_tag_def,the_hom_tag_def] >> Cases_on `is_self_hom c h` >> fsrw_tac [][InSing]); val _ = export_rewrites["In_hom_tag"]; val tagged_homset_def = Define` tagged_homset c h = (hom_tag c h) # (ens_to_set@@((rep_functor (homs c))@@h))`; val tag_fun_def = Define` tag_fun c f x = Pair (the_hom_tag c f.cod) ((ens_to_set##((rep_functor (homs c))##f)).map ' (Snd x))`; val HasFnType_tag_fun = Q.store_thm( "HasFnType_tag_fun", `∀c f a b. f ∈ (ens_cat (homs c)).mor ∧ is_lscat c ∧ (a = tagged_homset c f.dom) ∧ (b = tagged_homset c f.cod) ⇒ HasFnType (tag_fun c f) a b`, srw_tac [][HasFnType_def] >> srw_tac [][tagged_homset_def,InProdEq] >> fsrw_tac [][tag_fun_def,PairEq] >> `IsSmall f.cod` by ( fsrw_tac [][is_locally_small_def] ) >> srw_tac [][In_zfrep_thm] >> fsrw_tac [][tagged_homset_def,InProdEq,Snd] >> `IsSmall f.dom` by ( fsrw_tac [][is_locally_small_def] ) >> qpat_x_assum `x2 In X` mp_tac >> srw_tac [][In_zfrep_thm] >> qexists_tac ` x` >> fsrw_tac [][IsTypedFun_def,HasFunType_def] >> qmatch_abbrev_tac `(ens_to_set##gg).map ' A = B` >> `gg ∈ (ens_cat {s | IsSmall s}).mor` by ( srw_tac [][Abbr`gg`] >> pop_assum mp_tac >> fsrw_tac [][explode_def,In_zfrep_thm] >> fsrw_tac [][is_locally_small_def] >> metis_tac [elzf_zfel] ) >> srw_tac [][] >> `A ∈ explode (zfrep f.dom)` by ( srw_tac [][explode_def,In_zfrep_thm,Abbr`A`] >> metis_tac [] ) >> `A In (implode gg.dom)` by ( srw_tac [][In_implode,Abbr`gg`] ) >> srw_tac [][GraphFnAp] >> srw_tac [][Abbr`gg`,restrict_def] >> srw_tac [][Abbr`A`,elzf_zfel]); val tag_fun_comp = Q.store_thm( "tag_fun_comp", `∀c f g x. is_lscat c ∧ (f ≈> g -:(ens_cat (homs c))) ∧ (x In tagged_homset c f.dom) ⇒ (tag_fun c (g o f) x = tag_fun c g (tag_fun c f x))`, srw_tac [][] >> `IsSmall f.dom ∧ IsSmall f.cod ∧ IsSmall g.dom ∧ IsSmall g.cod` by ( fsrw_tac [][is_locally_small_def] ) >> full_simp_tac std_ss [tag_fun_def,PairEq,Snd,ComposeTypedFun_components,composable_def] >> `ens_to_set##(rep_functor (homs c)##f) ≈> ens_to_set##(rep_functor (homs c)##g) -:ens_to_set.cod` by ( match_mp_tac morf_composable >> srw_tac [][] >> pop_assum mp_tac >> srw_tac [][explode_def,In_zfrep_thm] >> fsrw_tac [][IsTypedFun_def,HasFunType_def] >> metis_tac [] ) >> `(g o f) ∈ (ens_cat (homs c)).mor` by ( srw_tac [][] >> fsrw_tac [][IsTypedFun_def] ) >> qmatch_abbrev_tac `(ens_to_set##ff).map ' Snd x = (ens_to_set##gg).map ' ((ens_to_set##hh).map ' Snd x)` >> `(ff.dom = hh.dom) ∧ (ff.cod = gg.cod)` by ( unabbrev_all_tac >> srw_tac [][] ) >> `ff ∈ (ens_cat {s | IsSmall s}).mor ∧ hh ∈ (ens_cat {s | IsSmall s}).mor ∧ gg ∈ (ens_cat {s | IsSmall s}).mor` by ( unabbrev_all_tac >> fsrw_tac [][] >> srw_tac [][explode_def,In_zfrep_thm] >> fsrw_tac [][IsTypedFun_def,HasFunType_def,ComposeFun_def,restrict_def] >> metis_tac [elzf_zfel] ) >> `Snd x ∈ explode (zfrep f.dom)` by ( fsrw_tac [][tagged_homset_def,InProdEq,Snd] >> qpat_x_assum `f.dom ∈ homs c` assume_tac >> fsrw_tac [][] >> srw_tac [][explode_def] ) >> `(ens_to_set##gg).map ' ((ens_to_set##hh).map ' Snd x) = ((ens_to_set##gg) |o| (ens_to_set##hh)).map ' Snd x` by ( fsrw_tac [][composable_in_def] >> fsrw_tac [][ComposeGraphFns] >> `Snd x In (implode hh.dom)` by ( srw_tac [][In_implode,Abbr`hh`] ) >> srw_tac [][GraphFnAp] >> ` (Snd x) In (implode gg.dom)` by ( fsrw_tac [][HasFnType_def] >> metis_tac [In_implode] ) >> fsrw_tac [][GraphFnAp] ) >> full_simp_tac std_ss [] >> AP_THM_TAC >> AP_TERM_TAC >> AP_TERM_TAC >> unabbrev_all_tac >> qmatch_abbrev_tac `f1##(f2##gof) = (f1##(f2##g)) |o| (f1##(f2##f))` >> `f1##(f2##gof) = (f1 ◎ f2)##gof` by ( match_mp_tac (GSYM functor_comp_morf) >> unabbrev_all_tac >> srw_tac [][] ) >> `f1##(f2##g) = (f1 ◎ f2)##g` by ( match_mp_tac (GSYM functor_comp_morf) >> unabbrev_all_tac >> srw_tac [][] ) >> `f1##(f2##f) = (f1 ◎ f2)##f` by ( match_mp_tac (GSYM functor_comp_morf) >> unabbrev_all_tac >> srw_tac [][] ) >> fsrw_tac [][Abbr`gof`] >> Q.ISPECL_THEN [`f1 ◎ f2`,`(f1 ◎ f2).dom`,`(f1 ◎ f2).cod`,`f`,`g`] mp_tac morf_comp >> fsrw_tac [][] >> `is_functor (f1 ◎ f2)` by ( unabbrev_all_tac >> match_mp_tac is_functor_comp >> srw_tac [][] >> fsrw_tac [][is_locally_small_def] >> match_mp_tac is_functor_rep_functor >> srw_tac [][] ) >> fsrw_tac [][] >> `f2 ≈> f1` by ( unabbrev_all_tac >> srw_tac [][] ) >> fsrw_tac [][] >> `f ≈> g -:f2.dom` by ( unabbrev_all_tac >> srw_tac [][] ) >> fsrw_tac [][] >> `g o f -:f2.dom = g o f` by ( unabbrev_all_tac >> srw_tac [][] ) >> fsrw_tac [][] >> `f1.cod = set_cat` by srw_tac [][Abbr`f1`] >> fsrw_tac [][]); val pre_tag_functor_def = Define` pre_tag_functor c = <| dom := ens_cat (homs c); cod := set_cat ; map := λf. TypedGraphFn (tagged_homset c f.dom, tagged_homset c f.cod) (tag_fun c f) |>`; val pre_tag_functor_dom_cod = Q.store_thm( "pre_tag_functor_dom_cod", `∀c. ((pre_tag_functor c).dom = ens_cat (homs c)) ∧ ((pre_tag_functor c).cod = set_cat)`, srw_tac [][pre_tag_functor_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["pre_tag_functor_dom_cod"]; val pre_tag_functor_morf = Q.store_thm( "pre_tag_functor_morf", `∀c f. (pre_tag_functor c)##f = TypedGraphFn (tagged_homset c f.dom, tagged_homset c f.cod) (tag_fun c f)`, srw_tac [][pre_tag_functor_def,morf_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["pre_tag_functor_morf"]; val pre_tag_functor_objf = Q.store_thm( "pre_tag_functor_objf", `∀c x. is_lscat c ∧ x ∈ homs c ⇒ ((pre_tag_functor c)@@x = tagged_homset c x)`, srw_tac [][objf_def] >> SELECT_ELIM_TAC >> conj_tac >- ( qexists_tac `tagged_homset c x` >> srw_tac [][morphism_component_equality] >> match_mp_tac GraphFnExt >> fsrw_tac [DNF_ss][tag_fun_def,tagged_homset_def,InProdEq] >> rpt strip_tac >> fsrw_tac [][PairEq] >> fsrw_tac [][Snd] >> qmatch_abbrev_tac `(ens_to_set##f).map ' x2 = x2` >> `IsSmall x` by ( fsrw_tac [][is_locally_small_def] ) >> `f ∈ (ens_cat {s | IsSmall s}).mor` by ( srw_tac [][Abbr`f`] >> qpat_x_assum `IsSmall x` assume_tac >> fsrw_tac [][explode_def,In_zfrep_thm] >> srw_tac [][restrict_def] >> metis_tac [] ) >> srw_tac [][] >> qpat_x_assum `x ∈ homs c` assume_tac >> `x2 In implode f.dom` by ( fsrw_tac [][Abbr`f`,explode_def] ) >> fsrw_tac [][GraphFnAp,Abbr`f`] >> srw_tac [][restrict_def] >> fsrw_tac [][In_zfrep_thm,explode_def] >> qpat_x_assum `x2 In zfrep x` mp_tac >> srw_tac [][In_zfrep_thm] >> metis_tac [elzf_zfel] ) >> srw_tac [][morphism_component_equality]); val _ = export_rewrites["pre_tag_functor_objf"]; val tag_functor_def = Define` tag_functor c = mk_functor (pre_tag_functor c)`; val is_functor_tag_functor = Q.store_thm( "is_functor_tag_functor", `∀c. is_lscat c ⇒ is_functor (tag_functor c)`, srw_tac [][tag_functor_def] >> fsrw_tac [][functor_axioms_def] >> conj_tac >- ( srw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac HasFnType_tag_fun >> srw_tac [][] ) >> conj_tac >- ( srw_tac [][morphism_component_equality] >> match_mp_tac GraphFnExt >> fsrw_tac [DNF_ss][tag_fun_def,tagged_homset_def,InProdEq] >> rpt strip_tac >> fsrw_tac [][PairEq] >> fsrw_tac [][Snd] >> qmatch_abbrev_tac `(ens_to_set##f).map ' x2 = x2` >> `IsSmall x` by ( fsrw_tac [][is_locally_small_def] ) >> `f ∈ (ens_cat {s | IsSmall s}).mor` by ( srw_tac [][Abbr`f`] >> qpat_x_assum `IsSmall x` assume_tac >> fsrw_tac [][explode_def,In_zfrep_thm] >> srw_tac [][restrict_def] >> metis_tac [] ) >> srw_tac [][] >> qpat_x_assum `x ∈ homs c` assume_tac >> `x2 In implode f.dom` by ( fsrw_tac [][Abbr`f`,explode_def] ) >> fsrw_tac [][GraphFnAp,Abbr`f`] >> srw_tac [][restrict_def] >> fsrw_tac [][In_zfrep_thm,explode_def] >> qpat_x_assum `x2 In zfrep x` mp_tac >> srw_tac [][In_zfrep_thm] >> metis_tac [elzf_zfel] ) >> srw_tac [][] >> qmatch_abbrev_tac `ff = gg o hh -:set_cat` >> `hh ≈> gg -:set_cat` by ( srw_tac [][Abbr`hh`,Abbr`gg`] >> srw_tac [][HasFnType_tag_fun] ) >> srw_tac [][Abbr`ff`,Abbr`gg`,Abbr`hh`,morphism_component_equality] >> qmatch_abbrev_tac `ff = ComposeFn (X,Y,Z) (GraphFn Y gg) (GraphFn X hh)` >> `HasFnType hh X Y ∧ HasFnType gg Y Z` by ( srw_tac [][Abbr`gg`,Abbr`hh`,HasFnType_tag_fun] ) >> srw_tac [][ComposeGraphFns,Abbr`ff`] >> match_mp_tac GraphFnExt >> srw_tac [][Abbr`gg`,Abbr`hh`] >> match_mp_tac tag_fun_comp >> unabbrev_all_tac >> srw_tac [][]); val _ = export_rewrites["is_functor_tag_functor"]; val tag_functor_dom_cod = Q.store_thm( "tag_functor_dom_cod", `∀c. ((tag_functor c).dom = ens_cat (homs c)) ∧ ((tag_functor c).cod = set_cat)`, srw_tac [][tag_functor_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["tag_functor_dom_cod"]; val tag_functor_morf = Q.store_thm( "tag_functor_morf", `∀c f. f ∈ (ens_cat (homs c)).mor ⇒ ((tag_functor c)##f = TypedGraphFn (tagged_homset c f.dom, tagged_homset c f.cod) (tag_fun c f))`, srw_tac [][tag_functor_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["tag_functor_morf"]; val tag_functor_objf = Q.store_thm( "tag_functor_objf", `∀c x. is_lscat c ∧ x ∈ homs c ⇒ (tag_functor c@@x = tagged_homset c x)`, srw_tac [][tag_functor_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["tag_functor_objf"]; val tag_functor_embedding = Q.store_thm( "tag_functor_embedding", `∀c. is_lscat c ⇒ embedding (tag_functor c)`, srw_tac [][] >> `embedding (ens_to_set ◎ (rep_functor (homs c)))` by ( match_mp_tac embedding_functor_comp >> fsrw_tac [][is_locally_small_def] >> conj_tac >- ( match_mp_tac is_functor_rep_functor >> srw_tac [][] ) >> match_mp_tac rep_functor_embedding >> srw_tac [][]) >> fsrw_tac [][embedding_def] >> conj_tac >- ( fsrw_tac [][full_def] >> map_every qx_gen_tac [`h`,`a`,`b`] >> strip_tac >> rpt (qpat_x_assum `X = tag_functor c@@Y` mp_tac) >> srw_tac [][] >> qabbrev_tac `hhdom = (ens_to_set ◎ rep_functor (homs c))@@a` >> qabbrev_tac `hhcod = (ens_to_set ◎ rep_functor (homs c))@@b` >> qabbrev_tac `hh = TypedGraphFn (hhdom,hhcod) (λx. Snd ( ' (Pair (the_hom_tag c a) x)))` >> `IsSmall a ∧ IsSmall b` by fsrw_tac [][is_locally_small_def] >> `is_functor (rep_functor (homs c))` by ( match_mp_tac is_functor_rep_functor >> fsrw_tac [][is_locally_small_def] ) >> `IsTypedFn hh` by ( srw_tac [][Abbr`hh`] >> rpt (qpat_x_assum `xxx = tagged_homset c yyy` mp_tac) >> fsrw_tac [][IsTypedFn_def,tagged_homset_def] >> fsrw_tac [][HasFnType_def,Abbr`hhdom`,Abbr`hhcod`] >> srw_tac [][] >> ` ' Pair (the_hom_tag c a) x In ((hom_tag c b) # (zfrep b))` by ( match_mp_tac InFn >> qexists_tac `h.dom` >> fsrw_tac [][] >> srw_tac [][GSYM InProd] ) >> fsrw_tac [][InProdEq,Snd] ) >> first_x_assum (qspecl_then [`hh`,`a`,`b`] mp_tac) >> fsrw_tac [][Abbr`hh`] >> strip_tac >> qexists_tac `g` >> srw_tac [][morphism_component_equality] >> pop_assum mp_tac >> srw_tac [][] >> qmatch_assum_abbrev_tac `(ens_to_set##ff=yy)` >> `ff ∈ (ens_cat {s | IsSmall s}).mor` by ( srw_tac [][Abbr`ff`] >> fsrw_tac [][explode_def,Abbr`hhdom`,Abbr`hhcod`] >> pop_assum mp_tac >> srw_tac [][In_zfrep_thm] >> fsrw_tac [][IsTypedFun_def,HasFunType_def] >> metis_tac [] ) >> fsrw_tac [][] >> unabbrev_all_tac >> fsrw_tac [][morphism_component_equality] >> match_mp_tac FnEqThm >> map_every qexists_tac [`h.dom`,`h.cod`] >> fsrw_tac [][IsTypedFn_def] >> conj_tac >- ( match_mp_tac GraphFnType >> match_mp_tac HasFnType_tag_fun >> fsrw_tac [][] ) >> srw_tac [][tagged_homset_def,GraphFnAp] >> srw_tac [][tag_fun_def] >> ` ' x In tagged_homset c g.cod` by ( match_mp_tac InFn >> fsrw_tac [][tagged_homset_def] >> metis_tac [] ) >> pop_assum mp_tac >> srw_tac [][InProdEq,tagged_homset_def] >> fsrw_tac [][PairEq] >> fsrw_tac [][InProdEq,Snd] >> srw_tac [][GraphFnAp,Snd] ) >> fsrw_tac [][faithful_def] >> srw_tac [][] >> first_x_assum match_mp_tac >> srw_tac [][] >> qmatch_abbrev_tac `ens_to_set##f1 = ens_to_set##f2` >> `IsSmall g.dom ∧ IsSmall g.cod` by fsrw_tac [][is_locally_small_def] >> `f1 ∈ (ens_cat {s | IsSmall s}).mor` by ( srw_tac [][Abbr`f1`] >> rpt (qpat_x_assum `IsSmall X` mp_tac) >> rpt strip_tac >> fsrw_tac [][explode_def,In_zfrep_thm] >> fsrw_tac [][IsTypedFun_def,HasFunType_def] >> metis_tac [] ) >> `f2 ∈ (ens_cat {s | IsSmall s}).mor` by ( srw_tac [][Abbr`f2`] >> rpt (qpat_x_assum `IsSmall X` mp_tac) >> rpt strip_tac >> fsrw_tac [][explode_def,In_zfrep_thm] >> fsrw_tac [][IsTypedFun_def,HasFunType_def] >> metis_tac [] ) >> srw_tac [][] >> srw_tac [][Abbr`f1`,Abbr`f2`,morphism_component_equality] >> match_mp_tac GraphFnExt >> srw_tac [][In_zfrep_thm] >> srw_tac [][restrict_def] >> `g ∈ (ens_cat (homs c)).mor` by srw_tac [][] >> `h ∈ (ens_cat (homs c)).mor` by srw_tac [][] >> fsrw_tac [][morphism_component_equality] >> qmatch_rename_tac `zfel g.cod ( z) = zfel g.cod ( z)` >> `GraphFn (tagged_homset c g.dom) (tag_fun c g) ' (Pair (the_hom_tag c g.dom) (zfel g.dom z)) = GraphFn (tagged_homset c h.dom) (tag_fun c h) ' (Pair (the_hom_tag c h.dom) (zfel h.dom z))` by metis_tac [] >> qpat_x_assum `GraphFn X Y = Z` (K ALL_TAC) >> qmatch_assum_abbrev_tac `GraphFn X f1 ' p1 = GraphFn X2 f2 ' p2` >> `p1 In X` by ( unabbrev_all_tac >> srw_tac [][tagged_homset_def,InProdEq,In_zfrep_thm,PairEq] >> metis_tac [] ) >> `p2 In X2` by ( unabbrev_all_tac >> srw_tac [][tagged_homset_def,InProdEq,In_zfrep_thm,PairEq] >> metis_tac [] ) >> fsrw_tac [][GraphFnAp] >> unabbrev_all_tac >> fsrw_tac [][tag_fun_def,PairEq,Snd] >> qpat_x_assum `X ' w = Y ' w2` mp_tac >> fsrw_tac [][] >> `zfel g.dom z In zfrep g.dom` by ( fsrw_tac [][explode_def,In_zfrep_thm] ) >> fsrw_tac [][GraphFnAp,restrict_def]) val _ = export_rewrites["tag_functor_embedding"]; val zYfunctor_def = Define` zYfunctor c = (postcomp_functor (c°) (tag_functor c)) ◎ Yfunctor c` val is_functor_zYfunctor = Q.store_thm( "is_functor_zYfunctor", `∀c. is_lscat c ⇒ is_functor (zYfunctor c)`, srw_tac [][] >> fsrw_tac [][zYfunctor_def] >> match_mp_tac is_functor_comp >> conj_tac >- srw_tac [][is_functor_Yfunctor] >> conj_tac >- ( match_mp_tac is_functor_postcomp_functor >> srw_tac [][] ) >> srw_tac [][]); val _ = export_rewrites["is_functor_zYfunctor"]; val zYfunctor_dom_cod = Q.store_thm( "zYfunctor_dom_cod", `∀c. ((zYfunctor c).dom = c) ∧ ((zYfunctor c).cod = [(c°)→set_cat])`, srw_tac [][zYfunctor_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["zYfunctor_dom_cod"]; val zYfunctorEmbedding = Q.store_thm( "zYfunctorEmbedding", `∀c. is_lscat c ⇒ embedding (zYfunctor c)`, srw_tac [][zYfunctor_def] >> match_mp_tac embedding_functor_comp >> fsrw_tac [][is_functor_Yfunctor,YonedaEmbedding] >> match_mp_tac embedding_functor_cats >> srw_tac [][]); val zYfunctorInjObj = Q.store_thm( "zYfunctorInjObj", `∀c. is_lscat c ⇒ inj_obj (zYfunctor c)`, srw_tac [][zYfunctor_def] >> srw_tac [][inj_obj_def] >> qmatch_assum_abbrev_tac `(f ◎ g)@@a = (f ◎ g)@@b` >> `is_functor f ∧ is_functor g ∧ (g ≈> f) ∧ a ∈ g.dom.obj ∧ b ∈ g.dom.obj` by ( unabbrev_all_tac >> fsrw_tac [][is_functor_Yfunctor] ) >> qpat_x_assum `is_category c` assume_tac >> fsrw_tac [][Abbr`g`,Yfunctor_objf] >> `(c|_→a|) ∈ [(c°)→(tag_functor c).dom].obj` by ( srw_tac [][] ) >> `(c|_→b|) ∈ [(c°)→(tag_functor c).dom].obj` by ( srw_tac [][] ) >> `is_functor (tag_functor c)` by srw_tac [][] >> full_simp_tac std_ss [Abbr`f`,is_category_op_cat,postcomp_functor_objf] >> `(tag_functor c ◎ (c|_→a|))@@a = (tag_functor c ◎ (c|_→b|))@@a` by metis_tac [] >> qpat_x_assum `tag_functor c ◎ X = Y` (K ALL_TAC) >> pop_assum mp_tac >> srw_tac [][tagged_homset_def,ProdEq] >- ( fsrw_tac [][ProdEmpty] >> rpt (qpat_x_assum `X = {}` mp_tac) >> `IsSmall (c|a→a|) ∧ (c|a→a|) ∈ homs c` by ( fsrw_tac [][homs_def,is_locally_small_def,LET_THM] >> metis_tac [] ) >> fsrw_tac [][hom_def,EXTENSION] >> metis_tac [id_maps_to] ) >> qpat_x_assum `hom_tag c X = Y` mp_tac >> fsrw_tac [][hom_tag_def] >> `is_self_hom c (c|a→a|)` by ( srw_tac [][is_self_hom_def] >> metis_tac [] ) >> `{{{}}} <> {Empty}` by ( srw_tac [][Extension_ax,InSing,Empty_def] >> metis_tac [Empty_def] ) >> srw_tac [][] >> fsrw_tac [][is_self_hom_def] >> fsrw_tac [][hom_def,EXTENSION] >> qmatch_assum_rename_tac `!x. x :- a → b -:c = x :- z → z -:c` >> `id z -: c :- z → z -:c` by metis_tac [id_maps_to] >> `id z -: c :- a → b -:c` by metis_tac [] >> fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def]); val _ = export_theory ();