open HolKernel Parse boolLib bossLib lcsymtacs categoryTheory functorTheory; val _ = new_theory "nat_trans"; val _ = type_abbrev("nat_trans", ``:((α,β,γ,δ) functor,(α,β,γ,δ) functor, α -> (γ,δ) mor) morphism``); val _ = overload_on("ntdom", ``λn. n.dom.dom``); val _ = overload_on("ntcod", ``λn. n.cod.cod``); val _ = set_fixity "@+" (Infixl 2000); val _ = overload_on("@+", ``λ(n:(α,β,γ,δ) nat_trans) x. x``); val extensional_nat_trans_def = Define` extensional_nat_trans n = extensional (ntdom n).obj`; val nat_trans_axioms_def = Define` nat_trans_axioms n = is_functor n.dom ∧ is_functor n.cod ∧ (n.dom.dom = n.cod.dom) ∧ (n.dom.cod = n.cod.cod) ∧ (∀x. x ∈ (ntdom n).obj ⇒ (n@+x) :- (n.dom@@x) → (n.cod@@x) -:(ntcod n)) ∧ (∀f x y. f :- x → y -:(ntdom n) ⇒ (n@+y o (n.dom##f) -:(ntcod n) = (n.cod##f) o n@+x -:(ntcod n)))`; val is_nat_trans_def = Define` is_nat_trans n = extensional_nat_trans n ∧ nat_trans_axioms n`; val mk_nt_def = Define` mk_nt n = <| dom := n.dom; cod := n.cod; map := restrict (ntdom n).obj |>`; val mk_nt_dom = Q.store_thm( "mk_nt_dom", `∀n. (mk_nt n).dom = n.dom`, srw_tac [][mk_nt_def]); val mk_nt_cod = Q.store_thm( "mk_nt_cod", `∀n. (mk_nt n).cod = n.cod`, srw_tac [][mk_nt_def]); val _ = export_rewrites ["mk_nt_dom","mk_nt_cod"]; val is_nat_trans_mk_nt = Q.store_thm( "is_nat_trans_mk_nt", `∀n. is_nat_trans (mk_nt n) ⇔ nat_trans_axioms n`, gen_tac >> EQ_TAC >- ( srw_tac [][is_nat_trans_def,nat_trans_axioms_def,mk_nt_def,restrict_def] >> `f :- x → y -:n.dom.dom` by metis_tac [] >> res_tac >> imp_res_tac is_functor_is_category >> imp_res_tac maps_to_obj >> fsrw_tac [][]) >> srw_tac [][mk_nt_def,is_nat_trans_def,extensional_nat_trans_def] >> fsrw_tac [][nat_trans_axioms_def] >> srw_tac [][restrict_def] >> imp_res_tac is_functor_is_category >> imp_res_tac maps_to_obj); val _ = export_rewrites["is_nat_trans_mk_nt"]; val naturality = Q.store_thm( "naturality", `∀n f g c k x y. is_nat_trans n ∧ (n :- f → g) ∧ (c = ntcod n) ∧ k :- x → y -:(ntdom n) ⇒ (n@+y o f##k -:c = (g##k) o n@+x -:c)`, srw_tac [][is_nat_trans_def,nat_trans_axioms_def] >> first_assum match_mp_tac >> first_assum ACCEPT_TAC); val nt_at_maps_to = Q.store_thm( "nt_at_maps_to", `∀n f g x a b c. is_nat_trans n ∧ (n :- f → g) ∧ x ∈ f.dom.obj ∧ (a = f@@x) ∧ (b = g@@x) ∧ (c = g.cod) ⇒ n@+x :- a → b -:c`, srw_tac [][is_nat_trans_def,nat_trans_axioms_def] >> res_tac); val nt_eq_thm = Q.store_thm( "nt_eq_thm", `∀n1 n2. is_nat_trans n1 ∧ is_nat_trans n2 ∧ (n1.dom = n2.dom) ∧ (n1.cod = n2.cod) ∧ (∀x. x ∈ (ntdom n1).obj ⇒ (n1@+x = n2@+x)) ⇒ (n1 = n2)`, srw_tac [][morphism_component_equality,is_nat_trans_def, extensional_nat_trans_def,extensional_def,FUN_EQ_THM] >> metis_tac []); val id_nt_def = Define` id_nt f = mk_nt <| dom := f; cod := f; map := λx. id (f@@x) -:f.cod |>`; val id_nt_dom = Q.store_thm( "id_nt_dom", `∀f. (id_nt f).dom = f`, srw_tac [][id_nt_def]); val id_nt_cod = Q.store_thm( "id_nt_cod", `∀f. (id_nt f).cod = f`, srw_tac [][id_nt_def]); val id_nt_at = Q.store_thm( "id_nt_at", `∀f x. x ∈ f.dom.obj ⇒ ((id_nt f)@+x = id (f@@x) -:f.cod)`, srw_tac [][id_nt_def,mk_nt_def,restrict_def]); val _ = export_rewrites ["id_nt_dom","id_nt_cod","id_nt_at"]; val is_nat_trans_id_nt = Q.store_thm( "is_nat_trans_id_nt", `∀f. is_functor f ⇒ is_nat_trans (id_nt f)`, srw_tac [][id_nt_def] >> srw_tac [][nat_trans_axioms_def] >- ( metis_tac [maps_to_morf,id_mor,morf_id,maps_to_def, is_functor_is_category,id_dom_cod] ) >> imp_res_tac is_functor_is_category >> qmatch_assum_rename_tac `g :- x → y -:f.dom` >> `id (f@@y) -:f.cod = f##(id y -:f.dom)` by ( match_mp_tac (GSYM morf_id) >> srw_tac [][] >> imp_res_tac maps_to_obj ) >> `id (f@@x) -:f.cod = f##(id x -:f.dom)` by ( match_mp_tac (GSYM morf_id) >> srw_tac [][] >> imp_res_tac maps_to_obj ) >> srw_tac [][] >> qspecl_then [`f`,`f.dom`,`f.cod`,`g`,`id y -:f.dom`] mp_tac (GSYM morf_comp) >> `g ≈> (id y -:f.dom) -:f.dom` by ( match_mp_tac maps_to_composable >> metis_tac [id_maps_to,maps_to_obj] ) >> srw_tac [][] >> qspecl_then [`f`,`f.dom`,`f.cod`,`id x -:f.dom`,`g`] mp_tac (GSYM morf_comp) >> `id x -:f.dom ≈> g -:f.dom` by ( match_mp_tac maps_to_composable >> metis_tac [id_maps_to,maps_to_obj] ) >> srw_tac [][] >> fsrw_tac [][composable_in_def] >> metis_tac [id_comp1,id_comp2,id_dom_cod,maps_to_obj]); val _ = export_rewrites["is_nat_trans_id_nt"]; val composable_nts_def = Define` composable_nts f g = is_nat_trans f ∧ is_nat_trans g ∧ (ntdom f = ntdom g) ∧ (ntcod f = ntcod g) ∧ f ≈> g`; val _ = add_infix("\226\137\136\226\137\136>",450,NONASSOC); val _ = overload_on("≈≈>",``composable_nts``); val nt_comp_def = Define` nt_comp n m = mk_nt (compose (λn m x. m@+x o n@+x -:(ntcod n)) m n)`; val _ = overload_on("\226\151\142",``nt_comp``); val nt_comp_at = Q.store_thm( "nt_comp_at", `∀f g x. (f ≈> g) ∧ x ∈ (ntdom f).obj ⇒ ((g ◎ f) @+ x = g@+x o f@+x -:(ntcod f))`, srw_tac [][nt_comp_def,mk_nt_def,restrict_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["nt_comp_at"]; val is_nat_trans_is_functor = Q.store_thm( "is_nat_trans_is_functor", `∀n. is_nat_trans n ⇒ is_functor n.dom ∧ is_functor n.cod`, srw_tac [][is_nat_trans_def,nat_trans_axioms_def]); val is_nat_trans_is_category = Q.store_thm( "is_nat_trans_is_category", `∀n. is_nat_trans n ⇒ is_category (ntdom n) ∧ is_category (ntcod n)`, metis_tac [is_nat_trans_is_functor,is_functor_is_category]); val is_nat_trans_nt_comp = Q.store_thm( "is_nat_trans_nt_comp", `∀n m. n ≈≈> m ⇒ is_nat_trans (m ◎ n)`, srw_tac [][nt_comp_def] >> srw_tac [][nat_trans_axioms_def] >- fsrw_tac [][composable_nts_def,is_nat_trans_is_functor] >- fsrw_tac [][composable_nts_def,is_nat_trans_is_functor] >- (fsrw_tac [][composable_nts_def,is_nat_trans_def] >> metis_tac [nat_trans_axioms_def]) >- (fsrw_tac [][composable_nts_def,is_nat_trans_def] >> metis_tac [nat_trans_axioms_def]) >- ( fsrw_tac [][composable_nts_def,compose_def,restrict_def] >> pop_assum mp_tac >> srw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac maps_to_comp >> qexists_tac `n.cod@@x` >> imp_res_tac is_nat_trans_is_category >> metis_tac [is_nat_trans_def,nat_trans_axioms_def]) >> imp_res_tac composable_nts_def >> fsrw_tac [][compose_def,restrict_def] >> qabbrev_tac `E = n.dom` >> qabbrev_tac `G = n.cod` >> qabbrev_tac `H = m.cod` >> qabbrev_tac `C1 = E.dom` >> qabbrev_tac `C2 = E.cod` >> `(G.dom = C1) ∧ (G.cod = C2) ∧ (H.dom = C1) ∧ (H.cod = C2) ∧ (n@+x :- E@@x → G@@x -:C2) ∧ (n@+y :- E@@y → G@@y -:C2) ∧ (m@+x :- G@@x → H@@x -:C2) ∧ (m@+y :- G@@y → H@@y -:C2) ∧ (E##f :- E@@x → E@@y -:C2) ∧ (m.dom = n.cod) ∧ (G##f :- G@@x → G@@y -:C2) ∧ (H##f :- H@@x → H@@y -:C2)` by ( fsrw_tac [][composable_nts_def,is_nat_trans_def,nat_trans_axioms_def, is_functor_def,functor_axioms_def] >> metis_tac [nt_at_maps_to,maps_to_obj] ) >> fsrw_tac [][] >> imp_res_tac is_nat_trans_is_category >> imp_res_tac is_nat_trans_def >> metis_tac [comp_assoc,maps_to_composable,nat_trans_axioms_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["is_nat_trans_nt_comp"]; val id_nt_comp = Q.store_thm( "id_nt_comp", `∀f. is_nat_trans f ⇒ (f ◎ (id_nt f.dom) = f) ∧ ((id_nt f.cod) ◎ f = f)`, srw_tac [][id_nt_def,nt_comp_def,mk_nt_def,morphism_component_equality] >- ( srw_tac [][restrict_def,FUN_EQ_THM] >> srw_tac [][] >- ( `f.dom.cod = f.cod.cod` by ( fsrw_tac [][is_nat_trans_def,nat_trans_axioms_def] ) >> srw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac id_comp1 >> fsrw_tac [][is_nat_trans_def,nat_trans_axioms_def, maps_to_in_def,is_functor_is_category] ) >> fsrw_tac [][is_nat_trans_def,extensional_nat_trans_def,extensional_def] ) >> srw_tac [][restrict_def,FUN_EQ_THM] >> srw_tac [][] >- ( match_mp_tac id_comp2 >> fsrw_tac [][is_nat_trans_def,nat_trans_axioms_def, maps_to_in_def,is_functor_is_category] ) >- metis_tac [is_nat_trans_def,nat_trans_axioms_def] >> fsrw_tac [][is_nat_trans_def,extensional_nat_trans_def,extensional_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["id_nt_comp"]; val composable_nts_composable = Q.store_thm( "composable_nts_composable", `∀n m x. n ≈≈> m ∧ x ∈ (ntdom n).obj ⇒ n@+x ≈> m@+x -:(ntcod n)`, srw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac maps_to_composable >> map_every qexists_tac [`n.dom @@ x`,`n.cod @@ x`,`m.cod @@ x`] >> imp_res_tac composable_nts_def >> imp_res_tac is_nat_trans_def >> imp_res_tac nat_trans_axioms_def >> fsrw_tac [][]); val nt_comp_assoc = Q.store_thm( "nt_comp_assoc", `∀f g h. f ≈≈> g ∧ g ≈≈> h ⇒ ((h ◎ g) ◎ f = h ◎ g ◎ f)`, srw_tac [][] >> imp_res_tac composable_nts_def >> fsrw_tac [][nt_comp_def,mk_nt_def,restrict_def,FUN_EQ_THM,compose_def] >> srw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac comp_assoc >> fsrw_tac [][is_nat_trans_is_category] >> metis_tac [composable_nts_composable]); val nt_comp_dom_cod = Q.store_thm( "nt_comp_dom_cod", `∀f g. (f ≈> g) ⇒ (((g ◎ f).dom = f.dom) ∧ ((g ◎ f).cod = g.cod))`, srw_tac [][nt_comp_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["nt_comp_dom_cod"]; val pre_functor_cat_def = Define` pre_functor_cat c1 c2 = <| obj := {f | is_functor f ∧ f :- c1 → c2}; mor := {n | is_nat_trans n ∧ (ntdom n = c1) ∧ (ntcod n = c2)}; id_map := λx. (id_nt x).map; comp := (λn m. (nt_comp m n).map) |>`; val pre_functor_cat_obj = Q.store_thm( "pre_functor_cat_obj", `∀c1 c2. (pre_functor_cat c1 c2).obj = {f | is_functor f ∧ f :- c1 → c2}`, srw_tac [][pre_functor_cat_def]); val pre_functor_cat_mor = Q.store_thm( "pre_functor_cat_mor", `∀c1 c2. (pre_functor_cat c1 c2).mor = {n | is_nat_trans n ∧ (ntdom n = c1) ∧ (ntcod n = c2)}`, srw_tac [][pre_functor_cat_def]); val pre_functor_cat_id = Q.store_thm( "pre_functor_cat_id", `∀c1 c2 x. is_functor x ∧ (x :- c1 → c2) ⇒ (id x -:(pre_functor_cat c1 c2) = id_nt x)`, srw_tac [][pre_functor_cat_def,id_in_def,morphism_component_equality,restrict_def]); val pre_functor_cat_comp = Q.store_thm( "pre_functor_cat_comp", `∀c1 c2 n m. (pre_functor_cat c1 c2).comp n m = (nt_comp m n).map`, srw_tac [][pre_functor_cat_def]); val pre_functor_cat_composable_in = Q.store_thm( "pre_functor_cat_composable_in", `∀c1 c2 f g. f ≈> g -:(pre_functor_cat c1 c2) = f ≈≈> g ∧ (ntdom g = c1) ∧ (ntcod g = c2)`, srw_tac [][composable_nts_def,composable_in_def,pre_functor_cat_mor] >> metis_tac []); val pre_functor_cat_compose_in = Q.store_thm( "pre_functor_cat_compose_in", `∀c1 c2 f g. g ≈> f -:(pre_functor_cat c1 c2) ⇒ (f o g -:(pre_functor_cat c1 c2) = nt_comp f g)`, srw_tac [][compose_in_thm,morphism_component_equality,nt_comp_def] >> srw_tac [][compose_def,restrict_def,pre_functor_cat_comp,nt_comp_def] >> fsrw_tac [][composable_in_def]); val pre_functor_cat_maps_to = Q.store_thm( "pre_functor_cat_maps_to", `∀c1 c2 f g x y. f :- x → y -:(pre_functor_cat c1 c2) = (f :- x → y) ∧ is_nat_trans f ∧ (ntdom f = c1) ∧ (ntcod f = c2)`, srw_tac [][maps_to_in_def,pre_functor_cat_mor] >> metis_tac []); val _ = export_rewrites ["pre_functor_cat_obj","pre_functor_cat_mor", "pre_functor_cat_id","pre_functor_cat_comp","pre_functor_cat_maps_to", "pre_functor_cat_compose_in","pre_functor_cat_composable_in"]; val _ = add_rule { term_name = "functor_cat", fixity = Closefix, pp_elements = [TOK"[",TM,TOK"\226\134\146",TM,TOK"]"], paren_style = OnlyIfNecessary, block_style = (AroundEachPhrase, (PP.INCONSISTENT,0))}; val functor_cat_def = Define` [c1→c2] = mk_cat (pre_functor_cat c1 c2)`; val is_category_functor_cat = Q.store_thm( "is_category_functor_cat", `∀c1 c2. is_category c1 ∧ is_category c2 ⇒ is_category [c1→c2]`, srw_tac [][functor_cat_def] >> fsrw_tac [][category_axioms_def] >> conj_tac >- srw_tac [][is_nat_trans_def,nat_trans_axioms_def] >> conj_tac >- PROVE_TAC [is_nat_trans_def,nat_trans_axioms_def] >> conj_tac >- ( srw_tac [][] >> imp_res_tac is_nat_trans_def >> imp_res_tac nat_trans_axioms_def >> qmatch_abbrev_tac `f o g -:c = f` >> `g ≈> f -:c` by ( srw_tac [][composable_nts_def,Abbr`c`,Abbr`g`] ) >> srw_tac [][Abbr`c`,Abbr`g`]) >> conj_tac >- ( srw_tac [][] >> imp_res_tac is_nat_trans_def >> imp_res_tac nat_trans_axioms_def >> qmatch_abbrev_tac `g o f -:c = f` >> `f ≈> g -:c` by ( srw_tac [][composable_nts_def,Abbr`c`,Abbr`g`] ) >> srw_tac [][Abbr`c`,Abbr`g`]) >> conj_tac >- ( srw_tac [][] >> qmatch_abbrev_tac `X = h o g ◎ f -:c` >> qunabbrev_tac `X` >> `(g ◎ f ≈> h -:c) ∧ (f ≈> (h ◎ g) -:c)` by ( imp_res_tac composable_nts_def >> fsrw_tac [][Abbr`c`,composable_nts_def] ) >> srw_tac [][nt_comp_assoc,Abbr`c`] ) >> rpt gen_tac >> rpt DISCH_TAC >> `f ≈> g -:pre_functor_cat c1 c2` by ( srw_tac [][composable_nts_def] ) >> srw_tac [][composable_nts_def]); val functor_cat_obj = Q.store_thm( "functor_cat_obj", `∀c1 c2. [c1→c2].obj = {f | is_functor f ∧ f :- c1 → c2}`, srw_tac [][functor_cat_def]); val functor_cat_mor = Q.store_thm( "functor_cat_mor", `∀c1 c2. [c1→c2].mor = {n | is_nat_trans n ∧ (ntdom n = c1) ∧ (ntcod n = c2)}`, srw_tac [][functor_cat_def]); val functor_cat_id = Q.store_thm( "functor_cat_id", `∀c1 c2 x. x ∈ [c1→c2].obj ⇒ (id x -:[c1→c2] = id_nt x)`, srw_tac [][functor_cat_def]); val functor_cat_comp = Q.store_thm( "functor_cat_comp", `∀c1 c2 n m. n ≈≈> m ∧ (ntdom m = c1) ∧ (ntcod m = c2) ⇒ ([c1→c2].comp n m = (nt_comp m n).map)`, srw_tac [][functor_cat_def,mk_cat_def,restrict_def]); val functor_cat_compose_in = Q.store_thm( "functor_cat_compose_in", `∀c1 c2 n m. n ≈≈> m ∧ (ntdom m = c1) ∧ (ntcod m = c2) ⇒ (m o n -:[c1→c2] = nt_comp m n)`, srw_tac [][functor_cat_def,composable_nts_def]); val functor_cat_composable_in = Q.store_thm( "functor_cat_composable_in", `∀c1 c2 f g. f ≈> g -:[c1→c2] = f ≈≈> g ∧ (ntdom g = c1) ∧ (ntcod g = c2)`, srw_tac [][functor_cat_def]); val functor_cat_maps_to = Q.store_thm( "functor_cat_maps_to", `∀c1 c2 f g x y. f :- x → y -:[c1→c2] = (f :- x → y) ∧ is_nat_trans f ∧ (ntdom f = c1) ∧ (ntcod f = c2)`, srw_tac [][functor_cat_def]); val functor_cat_mor_is_nat_trans = Q.store_thm( "functor_cat_mor_is_nat_trans", `∀c1 c2 f. f ∈ [c1→c2].mor ⇒ is_nat_trans f`, srw_tac [][functor_cat_def]); val functor_cat_dist = Q.store_thm( "functor_cat_dist", `∀c1 c2 f g x. f ≈> g -:[c1→c2] ∧ x ∈ c1.obj ⇒ ((g o f -:[c1→c2])@+x = (g@+x) o (f@+x) -:c2)`, srw_tac [][] >> imp_res_tac functor_cat_composable_in >> srw_tac [][functor_cat_compose_in] >> imp_res_tac composable_nts_def >> srw_tac [][nt_comp_at]); val _ = export_rewrites[ "is_category_functor_cat","functor_cat_obj","functor_cat_mor", "functor_cat_id","functor_cat_comp","functor_cat_compose_in", "functor_cat_composable_in","functor_cat_maps_to","functor_cat_dist", "functor_cat_mor_is_nat_trans"]; val functor_cat_iso_pair = Q.store_thm( "functor_cat_iso_pair", `∀n1 n2 c1 c2. n1 <≃> n2 -:[c1→c2] = n1 ≈> n2 -:[c1→c2] ∧ n2 ≈> n1 -:[c1→c2] ∧ (∀x. x ∈ c1.obj ⇒ n1@+x <≃> n2@+x -:c2)`, srw_tac [][iso_pair_def] >> EQ_TAC >> strip_tac >> fsrw_tac [][] >- ( conj_asm1_tac >- ( fsrw_tac [][composable_nts_def] >> `(n2 o n1 -:[c1→c2]).cod = (id n1.dom -:[c1→c2]).cod` by srw_tac [][] >> qpat_x_assum `X = id n1.dom -:C` (K ALL_TAC) >> pop_assum mp_tac >> fsrw_tac [][composable_nts_def] >> `n1.dom ∈ [c1→c2].obj` by ( fsrw_tac [][composable_nts_def,is_nat_trans_is_functor] >> fsrw_tac [][is_nat_trans_def,nat_trans_axioms_def] ) >> srw_tac [][] ) >> qx_gen_tac `x` >> strip_tac >> conj_tac >- ( match_mp_tac maps_to_composable >> map_every qexists_tac [`n1.dom@@x`,`n1.cod@@x`,`n2.cod@@x`] >> conj_tac >- ( match_mp_tac nt_at_maps_to >> map_every qexists_tac [`n1.dom`,`n1.cod`] >> fsrw_tac [][composable_nts_def] ) >> match_mp_tac nt_at_maps_to >> map_every qexists_tac [`n2.dom`,`n2.cod`] >> fsrw_tac [][composable_nts_def] ) >> reverse conj_tac >- ( `(n2 o n1 -:[c1→c2]) @+ x = (id n1.dom -:[c1→c2]) @+ x` by metis_tac [] >> qpat_x_assum `n2 o n1 -:[c1→c2] = X` (K ALL_TAC) >> pop_assum mp_tac >> fsrw_tac [][] >> strip_tac >> `n1.dom ∈ [c1→c2].obj` by ( fsrw_tac [][composable_nts_def,is_nat_trans_is_functor] >> fsrw_tac [][is_nat_trans_def,nat_trans_axioms_def] ) >> fsrw_tac [][] >> `n1 @+ x :- n1.dom@@x → n1.cod@@x -:c2` by ( match_mp_tac nt_at_maps_to >> map_every qexists_tac [`n1.dom`,`n1.cod`] >> fsrw_tac [][composable_nts_def] ) >> fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def] ) >> `(n1 o n2 -:[c1→c2]) @+ x = (id n2.dom -:[c1→c2]) @+ x` by metis_tac [] >> qpat_x_assum `n1 o n2 -:[c1→c2] = X` (K ALL_TAC) >> pop_assum mp_tac >> fsrw_tac [][] >> strip_tac >> `n2.dom ∈ [c1→c2].obj` by( fsrw_tac [][composable_nts_def,is_nat_trans_is_functor] >> fsrw_tac [][is_nat_trans_def,nat_trans_axioms_def] ) >> fsrw_tac [][] >> `n2 @+ x :- n2.dom@@x → n2.cod@@x -:c2` by ( match_mp_tac nt_at_maps_to >> map_every qexists_tac [`n2.dom`,`n2.cod`] >> fsrw_tac [][composable_nts_def] ) >> fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def] ) >> `n1.dom ∈ [c1→c2].obj ∧ n2.dom ∈ [c1→c2].obj` by ( fsrw_tac [][composable_nts_def,is_nat_trans_is_functor] >> fsrw_tac [][is_nat_trans_def,nat_trans_axioms_def] ) >> fsrw_tac [][] >> srw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac nt_eq_thm >> srw_tac [][] >> fsrw_tac [][composable_nts_def] >> pop_assum mp_tac >> srw_tac [][] >> `n1 @+ x :- n1.dom@@x → n1.cod@@x -:n1.dom.cod` by ( match_mp_tac nt_at_maps_to >> map_every qexists_tac [`n1.dom`,`n1.cod`] >> fsrw_tac [][] ) >> `n2 @+ x :- n2.dom@@x → n2.cod@@x -:n2.dom.cod` by ( match_mp_tac nt_at_maps_to >> map_every qexists_tac [`n2.dom`,`n2.cod`] >> fsrw_tac [][] ) >> fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def]); (* val functor_cat_iso_objs = Q.store_thm( "functor_cat_iso_objs", `∀c1 c2 f g. f ≅ g -:[c1→c2] = (∀h. h ∈ c1.mor ⇒ f##h <≃> g##h -:c2)`, srw_tac [][iso_objs_def,iso_pair_between_objs_def,functor_cat_iso_pair] >> EQ_TAC >> strip_tac >- ( qx_gen_tac `k` >> strip_tac >> simp_tac (srw_ss()) [iso_pair_def] >> conj_tac >- ( match_mp_tac maps_to_composable >> map_every qexists_tac [`f@@k.dom`,`f@@k.cod`,`g@@k.cod`] >> conj_tac >- ( match_mp_tac morf_maps_to >> map_every qexists_tac [`c1`,`k.dom`,`k.cod`] >> fsrw_tac [][is_nat_trans_def,nat_trans_axioms_def] >> metis_tac [] ) >> match_mp_tac morf_maps_to >> map_every qexists_tac [`c1`,`k.dom`,`k.cod`] >> fsrw_tac [][is_nat_trans_def,nat_trans_axioms_def] >> conj_tac >- metis_tac [] >> conj_tac >- metis_tac [] >> metis_tac [] *) val pre_functor_nt_def = Define` pre_functor_nt f n = <| dom := f ◎ n.dom; cod := f ◎ n.cod; map := λx. f##(n@+x) |>`; val pre_functor_nt_components = Q.store_thm( "pre_functor_nt_components", `∀f n. ((pre_functor_nt f n).dom = f ◎ n.dom) ∧ ((pre_functor_nt f n).cod = f ◎ n.cod) ∧ (∀x. (pre_functor_nt f n)@+x = f##(n@+x))`, srw_tac [][pre_functor_nt_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["pre_functor_nt_components"]; val functor_nt_def = Define` functor_nt f n = mk_nt (pre_functor_nt f n)`; val is_nat_trans_functor_nt = Q.store_thm( "is_nat_trans_functor_nt", `∀f n. is_functor f ∧ is_nat_trans n ∧ (f.dom = ntcod n) ⇒ is_nat_trans (functor_nt f n)`, srw_tac [][functor_nt_def] >> fsrw_tac [][nat_trans_axioms_def] >> `is_functor n.dom ∧ is_functor n.cod` by srw_tac [][is_nat_trans_is_functor] >> `(n.dom.dom = n.cod.dom) ∧ (n.dom.cod = n.cod.cod)` by fsrw_tac [][is_nat_trans_def,nat_trans_axioms_def] >> fsrw_tac [][] >> conj_asm1_tac >- ( qx_gen_tac `x` >> strip_tac >> metis_tac [morf_maps_to,nt_at_maps_to,maps_to_def] ) >> map_every qx_gen_tac [`h`,`x`,`y`] >> strip_tac >> `(f ◎ n.dom)##h = f##(n.dom##h)` by ( match_mp_tac functor_comp_morf >> fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def] ) >> `(f ◎ n.cod)##h = f##(n.cod##h)` by ( match_mp_tac functor_comp_morf >> fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def] ) >> fsrw_tac [][] >> `(f##(n@+y)) o (f##(n.dom##h)) -:f.cod = f##((n@+y) o (n.dom##h) -:f.dom)` by ( match_mp_tac (GSYM morf_comp) >> srw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac maps_to_composable >> metis_tac [morf_maps_to,nt_at_maps_to,maps_to_def,maps_to_in_def,is_functor_is_category,maps_to_obj] ) >> `(f##(n.cod##h)) o f##(n@+x) -:f.cod = f##((n.cod##h) o n@+x -:f.dom)` by ( match_mp_tac (GSYM morf_comp) >> srw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac maps_to_composable >> metis_tac [morf_maps_to,nt_at_maps_to,maps_to_def,maps_to_in_def,is_functor_is_category,maps_to_obj] ) >> fsrw_tac [][] >> AP_TERM_TAC >> match_mp_tac naturality >> srw_tac [][]); val _ = export_rewrites["is_nat_trans_functor_nt"]; val functor_nt_dom_cod = Q.store_thm( "functor_nt_dom_cod", `∀f n. ((functor_nt f n).dom = f ◎ n.dom) ∧ ((functor_nt f n).cod = f ◎ n.cod)`, srw_tac [][functor_nt_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["functor_nt_dom_cod"]; val functor_nt_at = Q.store_thm( "functor_nt_at", `∀f n x. is_functor f ∧ (f.dom = n.dom.cod) ∧ x ∈ (ntdom n).obj ⇒ ((functor_nt f n)@+x = f##(n@+x))`, srw_tac [][functor_nt_def] >> srw_tac [][mk_nt_def,restrict_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["functor_nt_at"]; val functor_nt_id_nt = Q.store_thm( "functor_nt_id_nt", `∀f g. is_functor f ∧ is_functor g ∧ (g ≈> f) ⇒ (functor_nt f (id_nt g) = id_nt (f ◎ g))`, rpt strip_tac >> match_mp_tac nt_eq_thm >> fsrw_tac [][] >> qx_gen_tac `x` >> strip_tac >> match_mp_tac morf_id >> srw_tac [][] >> metis_tac [objf_in_obj]); val _ = export_rewrites["functor_nt_id_nt"]; val functor_nt_nt_comp = Q.store_thm( "functor_nt_nt_comp", `∀f n1 n2. is_functor f ∧ composable_nts n1 n2 ∧ (f.dom = ntcod n1) ⇒ (functor_nt f (n2 ◎ n1) = functor_nt f n2 ◎ functor_nt f n1)`, srw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac nt_eq_thm >> fsrw_tac [][composable_nts_def] >> `n1.dom ≈> f` by ( fsrw_tac [][is_nat_trans_def,nat_trans_axioms_def] ) >> fsrw_tac [][] >> conj_tac >- ( match_mp_tac is_nat_trans_nt_comp >> fsrw_tac [][composable_nts_def] ) >> qx_gen_tac `x` >> strip_tac >> match_mp_tac morf_comp >> srw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac maps_to_composable >> metis_tac [nt_at_maps_to,maps_to_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["functor_nt_nt_comp"]; val functor_nt_id_functor = Q.store_thm( "functor_nt_id_functor", `∀c n. is_nat_trans n ∧ (c = ntcod n) ⇒ (functor_nt (id_functor c) n = n)`, srw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac nt_eq_thm >> imp_res_tac is_nat_trans_is_category >> imp_res_tac is_nat_trans_is_functor >> `n.dom.cod = n.cod.cod` by fsrw_tac [][is_nat_trans_def,nat_trans_axioms_def] >> fsrw_tac [][] >> srw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac id_functor_morf >> metis_tac [nt_at_maps_to,maps_to_in_def,maps_to_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["functor_nt_id_functor"]; val functor_nt_functor_comp = Q.store_thm( "functor_nt_functor_comp", `∀f1 f2 n. is_nat_trans n ∧ is_functor f1 ∧ is_functor f2 ∧ (f1 ≈> f2) ∧ (f1.dom = ntcod n) ⇒ (functor_nt (f2 ◎ f1) n = functor_nt f2 (functor_nt f1 n))`, srw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac nt_eq_thm >> imp_res_tac is_nat_trans_is_functor >> `n.dom.cod = n.cod.cod` by fsrw_tac [][is_nat_trans_def,nat_trans_axioms_def] >> fsrw_tac [][functor_comp_assoc] >> qx_gen_tac `x` >> strip_tac >> match_mp_tac functor_comp_morf >> srw_tac [][] >> metis_tac [nt_at_maps_to,maps_to_in_def,maps_to_def]); (* would be a morphism in cat_cat if we had a proper cat_cat *) (* or could use the fact that [c→d] is an exponential object *) val pre_postcomp_functor_def = Define` pre_postcomp_functor b f = <| dom := [b→f.dom]; cod := [b→f.cod]; map := functor_nt f |>`; val pre_postcomp_functor_components = Q.store_thm( "pre_postcomp_functor_components", `∀b f. ((pre_postcomp_functor b f).dom = [b→f.dom]) ∧ ((pre_postcomp_functor b f).cod = [b→f.cod]) ∧ (∀g. (pre_postcomp_functor b f)##g = functor_nt f g)`, srw_tac [][pre_postcomp_functor_def,morf_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["pre_postcomp_functor_components"]; val pre_postcomp_functor_objf = Q.store_thm( "pre_postcomp_functor_objf", `∀b f g. is_functor f ∧ g ∈ [b→f.dom].obj ⇒ ((pre_postcomp_functor b f)@@g = f ◎ g)`, srw_tac [][objf_def] >> SELECT_ELIM_TAC >> conj_tac >- ( qexists_tac `f◎g` >> srw_tac [][] ) >> srw_tac [][] >> Q.ISPECL_THEN [`[x.dom→x.cod]`,`x`,`f◎g`] mp_tac id_inj >> fsrw_tac [][is_functor_is_category]); val _ = export_rewrites["pre_postcomp_functor_objf"]; val postcomp_functor_def = Define` postcomp_functor b f = mk_functor (pre_postcomp_functor b f)`; val is_functor_postcomp_functor = Q.store_thm( "is_functor_postcomp_functor", `∀b f. is_category b ∧ is_functor f ⇒ is_functor (postcomp_functor b f)`, srw_tac [][postcomp_functor_def] >> imp_res_tac is_functor_is_category >> fsrw_tac [][functor_axioms_def] >> conj_tac >- ( qx_gen_tac `n` >> strip_tac >> `n.dom ≈> f` by ( fsrw_tac [][is_nat_trans_def,nat_trans_axioms_def] ) >> fsrw_tac [][] ) >> conj_tac >- ( qx_gen_tac `g` >> strip_tac >> qexists_tac `f◎g` >> fsrw_tac [][] ) >> srw_tac [][composable_nts_def] >> match_mp_tac (GSYM functor_cat_compose_in) >> fsrw_tac [][composable_nts_def] >> fsrw_tac [][is_nat_trans_def,nat_trans_axioms_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["is_functor_postcomp_functor"]; val postcomp_functor_dom_cod = Q.store_thm( "postcomp_functor_dom_cod", `∀b f. ((postcomp_functor b f).dom = [b→f.dom]) ∧ ((postcomp_functor b f).cod = [b→f.cod])`, srw_tac [][postcomp_functor_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["postcomp_functor_dom_cod"]; val postcomp_functor_morf = Q.store_thm( "postcomp_functor_morf", `∀b f n. is_nat_trans n ∧ n ∈ [b→f.dom].mor ⇒ ((postcomp_functor b f)##n = functor_nt f n)`, srw_tac [][postcomp_functor_def]); val postcomp_functor_objf = Q.store_thm( "postcomp_functor_objf", `∀b f g. is_category b ∧ is_functor f ∧ g ∈ [b→f.dom].obj ⇒ ((postcomp_functor b f)@@g = f ◎ g)`, srw_tac [][is_functor_is_category,postcomp_functor_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["postcomp_functor_morf","postcomp_functor_objf"]; val cat_iso_functor_cats = Q.store_thm( "cat_iso_functor_cats", `∀f b. is_category b ∧ cat_iso f ⇒ cat_iso (postcomp_functor b f)`, srw_tac [][cat_iso_def] >> imp_res_tac cat_iso_pair_sym >> qexists_tac `postcomp_functor b g` >> fsrw_tac [][cat_iso_pair_def] >> imp_res_tac is_functor_is_category >> conj_tac >> match_mp_tac functor_eq_thm >> fsrw_tac [][] >> qx_gen_tac `n` >> strip_tac >> qmatch_rename_tac `postcomp_functor b j##(functor_nt k n) = n` >> `n.dom ≈> k` by ( fsrw_tac [][is_nat_trans_def,nat_trans_axioms_def] ) >> srw_tac [][GSYM functor_nt_functor_comp]); val iso_cats_functor_cats = Q.store_thm( "iso_cats_functor_cats", `∀b c1 c2. is_category b ∧ iso_cats c1 c2 ⇒ iso_cats [b→c1] [b→c2]`, srw_tac [][iso_cats_def,iso_pair_between_cats_def] >> metis_tac [cat_iso_def,cat_iso_functor_cats,postcomp_functor_dom_cod]); val embedding_functor_cats = Q.store_thm( "embedding_functor_cats", `∀g c. is_category c ∧ is_functor g ∧ embedding g ⇒ embedding (postcomp_functor c g)`, map_every qx_gen_tac [`g`,`c`] >> fsrw_tac [][embedding_def] >> strip_tac >> conj_tac >- ( fsrw_tac [][full_def,faithful_def] >> map_every qx_gen_tac [`h`,`a`,`b`] >> strip_tac >> qpat_x_assum `h.dom = postcomp_functor c g@@a` mp_tac >> qpat_x_assum `h.cod = postcomp_functor c g@@b` mp_tac >> fsrw_tac [][] >> ntac 2 strip_tac >> fsrw_tac [][GSYM RIGHT_EXISTS_IMP_THM,SKOLEM_THM] >> qexists_tac `mk_nt <| dom := a; cod := b; map := λx. f (h@+x) (a@@x) (b@@x) |>` >> fsrw_tac [][] >> conj_asm1_tac >- ( fsrw_tac [][nat_trans_axioms_def] >> conj_asm1_tac >- ( qx_gen_tac `x` >> strip_tac >> `a@@x ∈ g.dom.obj` by metis_tac [objf_in_obj] >> `b@@x ∈ g.dom.obj` by metis_tac [objf_in_obj] >> `(h@+x) :- (g@@(a@@x)) → (g@@(b@@x)) -:g.cod` by ( match_mp_tac nt_at_maps_to >> map_every qexists_tac [`h.dom`,`h.cod`] >> fsrw_tac [][] ) >> metis_tac [] ) >> map_every qx_gen_tac [`k`,`x`,`y`] >> strip_tac >> first_x_assum match_mp_tac >> map_every qexists_tac [`a@@x`,`b@@y`] >> `(a@@y) ∈ g.dom.obj` by metis_tac [objf_in_obj,maps_to_obj] >> `(b@@y) ∈ g.dom.obj` by metis_tac [objf_in_obj,maps_to_obj] >> `(h@+y) :- g@@(a@@y) → g@@(b@@y) -:g.cod` by ( match_mp_tac nt_at_maps_to >> map_every qexists_tac [`h.dom`,`h.cod`] >> imp_res_tac maps_to_obj >> fsrw_tac [][] ) >> `f (h@+y) (a@@y) (b@@y) :- (a@@y) → (b@@y) -:g.dom` by metis_tac [] >> `a##k :- a@@x → a@@y -:g.dom` by ( match_mp_tac morf_maps_to >> metis_tac [maps_to_def] ) >> `(a@@x) ∈ g.dom.obj` by metis_tac [objf_in_obj,maps_to_obj] >> `(b@@x) ∈ g.dom.obj` by metis_tac [objf_in_obj,maps_to_obj] >> `(h@+x) :- g@@(a@@x) → g@@(b@@x) -:g.cod` by ( match_mp_tac nt_at_maps_to >> map_every qexists_tac [`h.dom`,`h.cod`] >> imp_res_tac maps_to_obj >> fsrw_tac [][] ) >> `f (h@+x) (a@@x) (b@@x) :- (a@@x) → (b@@x) -:g.dom` by metis_tac [] >> `b##k :- b@@x → b@@y -:g.dom` by ( match_mp_tac morf_maps_to >> metis_tac [maps_to_def] ) >> conj_asm1_tac >- ( match_mp_tac composable_maps_to >> fsrw_tac [][is_functor_is_category] >> fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def,composable_in_def] ) >> conj_asm1_tac >- ( match_mp_tac composable_maps_to >> fsrw_tac [][is_functor_is_category] >> fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def,composable_in_def] ) >> qmatch_abbrev_tac `g##(g1 o f1 -:g.dom) = g##(g2 o f2 -:g.dom)` >> `f1 ≈> g1 -:g.dom` by ( match_mp_tac maps_to_composable >> srw_tac [][Abbr`f1`,Abbr`g1`] >> map_every qexists_tac [`a@@x`,`a@@y`,`b@@y`] >> srw_tac [][] ) >> `f2 ≈> g2 -:g.dom` by ( match_mp_tac maps_to_composable >> srw_tac [][Abbr`f2`,Abbr`g2`] >> map_every qexists_tac [`a@@x`,`b@@x`,`b@@y`] >> srw_tac [][] ) >> qspecl_then [`g`,`g.dom`,`g.cod`,`f1`,`g1`] mp_tac morf_comp >> qspecl_then [`g`,`g.dom`,`g.cod`,`f2`,`g2`] mp_tac morf_comp >> srw_tac [][] >> `g##g1 = h@+y` by metis_tac [] >> `g##f2 = h@+x` by metis_tac [] >> `g##f1 = h.dom##k` by ( qpat_x_assum `k :- x → y -:(g ◎ a).dom` mp_tac >> unabbrev_all_tac >> fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def] ) >> `g##g2 = h.cod##k` by ( qpat_x_assum `k :- x → y -:(g ◎ a).dom` mp_tac >> unabbrev_all_tac >> fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def] ) >> fsrw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac naturality >> qpat_x_assum `k :- x → y -:(g ◎ a).dom` mp_tac >> fsrw_tac [][] ) >> fsrw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac nt_eq_thm >> fsrw_tac [][] >> qx_gen_tac `x` >> strip_tac >> fsrw_tac [][mk_nt_def,restrict_def] >> `(a@@x) ∈ g.dom.obj` by metis_tac [objf_in_obj,maps_to_obj] >> `(b@@x) ∈ g.dom.obj` by metis_tac [objf_in_obj,maps_to_obj] >> `(h@+x) :- g@@(a@@x) → g@@(b@@x) -:g.cod` by ( match_mp_tac nt_at_maps_to >> map_every qexists_tac [`h.dom`,`h.cod`] >> imp_res_tac maps_to_obj >> fsrw_tac [][] ) >> metis_tac []) >> fsrw_tac [][full_def,faithful_def] >> map_every qx_gen_tac [`n1`,`n2`] >> strip_tac >> match_mp_tac nt_eq_thm >> fsrw_tac [][] >> qx_gen_tac `x` >> strip_tac >> first_x_assum match_mp_tac >> map_every qexists_tac [`n1.dom@@x`,`n1.cod@@x`] >> fsrw_tac [][nt_at_maps_to] >> qpat_x_assum `postcomp_functor c g##n1 = Y` mp_tac >> fsrw_tac [][] >> strip_tac >> metis_tac [functor_nt_at,is_nat_trans_def,nat_trans_axioms_def]); val inj_obj_functor_cats = Q.store_thm( "inj_obj_functor_cats", `∀g c. is_category c ∧ is_functor g ∧ faithful g ∧ inj_obj g ⇒ inj_obj (postcomp_functor c g)`, srw_tac [][inj_obj_def] >> pop_assum mp_tac >> srw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac functor_eq_thm >> fsrw_tac [][faithful_def] >> qx_gen_tac `h` >> strip_tac >> first_x_assum match_mp_tac >> map_every qexists_tac [`a@@h.dom`,`a@@h.cod`] >> conj_tac >- ( match_mp_tac morf_maps_to >> srw_tac [][maps_to_in_def] ) >> conj_tac >- ( match_mp_tac morf_maps_to >> srw_tac [][] >> `∀x. x ∈ a.dom.obj ⇒ (a@@x = b@@x)` by ( srw_tac [][] >> first_x_assum match_mp_tac >> conj_tac >- metis_tac [objf_in_obj] >> conj_tac >- metis_tac [objf_in_obj] >> metis_tac [functor_comp_objf,composable_def] ) >> metis_tac [mor_obj,maps_to_in_def,maps_to_def] ) >> metis_tac [composable_def,functor_comp_morf]); val pre_eval_functor_def = Define` pre_eval_functor c v p = <| dom := [c→v]; cod := v; map := λn. n @+ p |>`; val pre_eval_functor_components = Q.store_thm( "pre_eval_functor_components", `∀c v p. ((pre_eval_functor c v p).dom = [c→v]) ∧ ((pre_eval_functor c v p).cod = v) ∧ (∀n. (pre_eval_functor c v p)##n = n @+ p)`, srw_tac [][pre_eval_functor_def,morf_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["pre_eval_functor_components"]; val pre_eval_functor_objf = Q.store_thm( "pre_eval_functor_objf", `∀c v x p. is_category c ∧ is_category v ∧ p ∈ [c→v].obj ∧ x ∈ c.obj ⇒ ((pre_eval_functor c v x)@@p = p@@x)`, srw_tac [][Once objf_def] >> SELECT_ELIM_TAC >> metis_tac [objf_in_obj,id_inj]); val eval_functor_def = Define` eval_functor c v p = mk_functor (pre_eval_functor c v p)`; val is_functor_eval_functor = Q.store_thm( "is_functor_eval_functor", `∀c v p. is_category c ∧ is_category v ∧ p ∈ c.obj ⇒ is_functor (eval_functor c v p)`, srw_tac [][eval_functor_def] >> srw_tac [][functor_axioms_def] >- ( fsrw_tac [][pre_eval_functor_objf] >> match_mp_tac nt_at_maps_to >> metis_tac [maps_to_def] ) >- metis_tac [objf_in_obj] >> fsrw_tac [][composable_nts_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["is_functor_eval_functor"]; val eval_functor_dom_cod = Q.store_thm( "eval_functor_dom_cod", `∀c v p. ((eval_functor c v p).dom = [c→v]) ∧ ((eval_functor c v p).cod = v)`, srw_tac [][eval_functor_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["eval_functor_dom_cod"]; val eval_functor_morf_objf = Q.store_thm( "eval_functor_morf_objf", `∀c v p. is_category c ∧ is_category v ∧ p ∈ c.obj ⇒ (∀x. x ∈ [c→v].obj ⇒ ((eval_functor c v p)@@x = x@@p)) ∧ (∀f. f ∈ [c→v].mor ⇒ ((eval_functor c v p)##f = f @+ p))`, srw_tac [][eval_functor_def,pre_eval_functor_objf]); val _ = export_rewrites["eval_functor_morf_objf"]; val id_nt_inj = Q.store_thm( "id_nt_inj", `∀f g. is_functor f ∧ is_functor g ∧ (id_nt f = id_nt g) ⇒ (f = g)`, srw_tac [][] >> Q.ISPEC_THEN `[f.dom→f.cod]` assume_tac id_inj >> pop_assum match_mp_tac >> imp_res_tac is_functor_is_category >> imp_res_tac is_category_functor_cat >> srw_tac [][] >> fsrw_tac [][id_nt_def,mk_nt_def]); val K_nt_def = Define` K_nt j c f = mk_nt <| dom := K_functor j c f.dom; cod := K_functor j c f.cod; map := K f |>`; val is_nat_trans_K_nt = Q.store_thm( "is_nat_trans_K_nt", `∀j c f. is_category j ∧ is_category c ∧ f ∈ c.mor ⇒ is_nat_trans (K_nt j c f)`, srw_tac [][K_nt_def] >> `f.dom ∈ c.obj ∧ f.cod ∈ c.obj` by metis_tac [mor_obj] >> srw_tac [][nat_trans_axioms_def] >> fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def]); val K_nt_dom = Q.store_thm( "K_nt_dom", `∀j c f. (K_nt j c f).dom = K_functor j c f.dom`, srw_tac [][K_nt_def]); val K_nt_cod = Q.store_thm( "K_nt_cod", `∀j c f. (K_nt j c f).cod = K_functor j c f.cod`, srw_tac [][K_nt_def]); val K_nt_at = Q.store_thm( "K_nt_at", `∀c j f x. x ∈ j.obj ⇒ ((K_nt j c f)@+x = f)`, srw_tac [][K_nt_def,mk_nt_def,restrict_def]); val K_nt_id = Q.store_thm( "K_nt_id", `∀j c x. is_category j ∧ is_category c ∧ x ∈ c.obj ⇒ (K_nt j c (id x -:c) = id_nt (K_functor j c x))`, srw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac nt_eq_thm >> imp_res_tac id_mor >> srw_tac [][id_dom_cod,K_nt_dom, K_nt_cod,K_nt_dom,K_nt_at,is_nat_trans_K_nt] >> srw_tac [][id_nt_at]); val K_nt_maps_to = Q.store_thm( "K_nt_maps_to", `∀j c f x y. is_category j ∧ is_category c ∧ f :- x → y -:c ⇒ (K_nt j c f) :- (K_functor j c x) → (K_functor j c y)`, srw_tac [][maps_to_in_def,K_nt_dom,K_nt_cod]); val _ = export_rewrites ["is_nat_trans_K_nt","K_nt_dom","K_nt_cod","K_nt_at", "K_nt_id","K_nt_maps_to"]; val pre_diagonal_functor_def = Define` pre_diagonal_functor j c = <| dom := c; cod := [j→c]; map := K_nt j c |>`; val pre_diagonal_functor_dom = Q.store_thm( "pre_diagonal_functor_dom", `∀c j. (pre_diagonal_functor j c).dom = c`, srw_tac [][pre_diagonal_functor_def]); val pre_diagonal_functor_cod = Q.store_thm( "pre_diagonal_functor_cod", `∀c j. (pre_diagonal_functor j c).cod = [j→c]`, srw_tac [][pre_diagonal_functor_def]); val _ = export_rewrites ["pre_diagonal_functor_dom","pre_diagonal_functor_cod"]; val pre_diagonal_functor_objf = Q.store_thm( "pre_diagonal_functor_objf", `∀c j x. is_category c ∧ is_category j ∧ x ∈ c.obj ⇒ ((pre_diagonal_functor j c)@@x = K_functor j c x)`, srw_tac [][objf_def,morf_def] >> srw_tac [][pre_diagonal_functor_def] >> SELECT_ELIM_TAC >> srw_tac [][] >- ( qexists_tac `K_functor j c x` >> fsrw_tac [][] ) >> pop_assum mp_tac >> srw_tac [][] >> fsrw_tac [][morphism_component_equality]); val _ = export_rewrites["pre_diagonal_functor_objf"]; val diagonal_functor_def = Define` diagonal_functor j c = mk_functor (pre_diagonal_functor j c)`; val _ = overload_on("\226\150\179",``diagonal_functor``); val is_functor_diagonal_functor = Q.store_thm( "is_functor_diagonal_functor", `∀c j. is_category c ∧ is_category j ⇒ is_functor (△ c j)`, srw_tac [][diagonal_functor_def] >> srw_tac [][functor_axioms_def] >> imp_res_tac maps_to_obj >> imp_res_tac maps_to_in_def >> fsrw_tac [][morf_def,pre_diagonal_functor_def] >- ( qexists_tac `K_functor c j x` >> srw_tac [][] ) >> imp_res_tac composable_in_def >> `K_nt c j f ≈≈> K_nt c j g` by ( srw_tac [][composable_nts_def] >> fsrw_tac [][morphism_component_equality] ) >> srw_tac [][] >> imp_res_tac comp_mor_dom_cod >> match_mp_tac nt_eq_thm >> fsrw_tac [][] >> srw_tac [][nt_comp_def,K_functor_def]); val diagonal_functor_dom_cod = Q.store_thm( "diagonal_functor_dom_cod", `∀j c. ((diagonal_functor j c).dom = c) ∧ ((diagonal_functor j c).cod = [j→c])`, srw_tac [][diagonal_functor_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["diagonal_functor_dom_cod"]; val diagonal_functor_morf = Q.store_thm( "diagonal_functor_morf", `∀c j f. f ∈ c.mor ⇒ ((diagonal_functor j c)##f = K_nt j c f)`, srw_tac [][diagonal_functor_def,morf_def,pre_diagonal_functor_def,mk_functor_def,restrict_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["diagonal_functor_morf"]; val diagonal_functor_objf = Q.store_thm( "diagonal_functor_objf", `∀c j x. is_category c ∧ is_category j ∧ x ∈ c.obj ⇒ ((diagonal_functor j c)@@x = K_functor j c x)`, srw_tac [][diagonal_functor_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["diagonal_functor_objf"]; val pre_itself_functor_def = Define` pre_itself_functor f = <| dom := unit_cat; cod := [f.dom→f.cod]; map := K (id_nt f) |>`; val pre_itself_functor_components = Q.store_thm( "pre_itself_functor_components", `∀f. ((pre_itself_functor f).dom = unit_cat) ∧ ((pre_itself_functor f).cod = [f.dom→f.cod]) ∧ ((pre_itself_functor f).map = K (id_nt f))`, srw_tac [][pre_itself_functor_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["pre_itself_functor_components"]; val pre_itself_functor_morf = Q.store_thm( "pre_itself_functor_morf", `∀f u. (pre_itself_functor f)##u = (id_nt f)`, srw_tac [][morf_def]); val pre_itself_functor_objf = Q.store_thm( "pre_itself_functor_objf", `∀f u. is_functor f ⇒ ((pre_itself_functor f)@@u = f)`, srw_tac [][objf_def,morf_def] >> SELECT_ELIM_TAC >> conj_tac >- ( qexists_tac `f` >> `f ∈ [f.dom→f.cod].obj` by srw_tac [][] >> srw_tac [][] ) >> qx_gen_tac `g` >> strip_tac >> `g ∈ [f.dom→f.cod].obj` by srw_tac [][] >> fsrw_tac [][] >> Q.ISPEC_THEN `[f.dom→f.cod]` (match_mp_tac o GSYM) id_inj >> srw_tac [][is_functor_is_category]); val _ = export_rewrites["pre_itself_functor_morf","pre_itself_functor_objf"]; val itself_functor_def = Define` itself_functor f = mk_functor (pre_itself_functor f)`; val is_functor_itself_functor = Q.store_thm( "is_functor_itself_functor", `∀f. is_functor f ⇒ is_functor (itself_functor f)`, srw_tac [][itself_functor_def] >> srw_tac [][functor_axioms_def] >> srw_tac [][is_functor_is_category] >- ( qexists_tac `f` >> srw_tac [][] ) >> Q.ISPECL_THEN [`[f.dom→f.cod]`,`f`] mp_tac id_comp_id >> asm_simp_tac std_ss [is_functor_is_category,is_category_functor_cat,functor_cat_obj,maps_to_def,functor_cat_id] >> srw_tac [][]); val itself_functor_components = Q.store_thm( "itself_functor_components", `∀f. ((itself_functor f).dom = unit_cat) ∧ ((itself_functor f).cod = [f.dom→f.cod]) ∧ ((itself_functor f).map = K (id_nt f))`, srw_tac [][itself_functor_def,mk_functor_def,restrict_def,FUN_EQ_THM]); val _ = export_rewrites["itself_functor_components"]; val itself_functor_morf = Q.store_thm( "itself_functor_morf", `∀f u. (itself_functor f)##u = (id_nt f)`, srw_tac [][morf_def]); val itself_functor_objf = Q.store_thm( "itself_functor_objf", `∀f u. is_functor f ⇒ ((itself_functor f)@@u = f)`, srw_tac [][itself_functor_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["itself_functor_morf","itself_functor_objf"]; val equivalence_pair_def = Define` equivalence_pair f g = (f ≈> g) ∧ (g ≈> f) ∧ (f ◎ g ≅ id_functor g.dom -:[g.dom→g.dom]) ∧ (g ◎ f ≅ id_functor f.dom -:[f.dom→f.dom])`; val equivalence_def = Define` equivalence f = ∃g. is_functor g ∧ equivalence_pair f g`; (* val equivalence_full_faithful_ess_surj = Q.store_thm( "equivalence_full_faithful_ess_surj", (* Mac Lane pp 91-92 *) `∀f. is_functor f ⇒ (equivalence f = full f ∧ faithful f ∧ ess_surj_obj f)`, gen_tac >> strip_tac >> EQ_TAC >> strip_tac >- ( fsrw_tac [][equivalence_def,equivalence_pair_def] >> fsrw_tac [][iso_objs_def,iso_pair_between_objs_def] >> qmatch_assum_rename_tac `n1.dom = g ◎ f` >> qmatch_assum_abbrev_tac `X = g ◎ f` >> qmatch_assum_rename_tac `n2.dom = f ◎ g` >> qunabbrev_tac `X` >> `∀h x y. h :- x → y -:f.dom ⇒ (n1 @+ y o (g ◎ f)##h -:f.dom = ((id_functor f.dom)##h) o n1 @+ x -:f.dom)` by ( rpt gen_tac >> strip_tac >> match_mp_tac naturality >> fsrw_tac [][functor_cat_iso_pair,composable_nts_def] ) >> imp_res_tac is_functor_is_category >> `∀a. a ∈ f.dom.obj ⇒ (n1 @+ a) :- (g ◎ f)@@a → a -:f.dom` by ( srw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac nt_at_maps_to >> map_every qexists_tac [`n1.dom`,`n1.cod`] >> fsrw_tac [][functor_cat_iso_pair,composable_nts_def]) >> `faithful f` by ( simp_tac (srw_ss()) [faithful_def] >> map_every qx_gen_tac [`k1`,`k2`,`a`,`b`] >> strip_tac >> first_assum (qspecl_then [`k1`,`a`,`b`] mp_tac) >> first_x_assum (qspecl_then [`k2`,`a`,`b`] mp_tac) >> `k1 ∈ f.dom.mor ∧ k2 ∈ f.dom.mor` by fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def] >> srw_tac [][] >> `(k1 o n1 @+ a -:f.dom) o (n1 @+ a)⁻¹ -:f.dom -:f.dom = (k2 o n1 @+ a -:f.dom) o (n1 @+ a)⁻¹ -:f.dom -:f.dom` by srw_tac [][] >> pop_assum mp_tac >> `iso f.dom (n1 @+ a)` by ( metis_tac [iso_def,functor_cat_iso_pair,maps_to_obj] ) >> qpat_x_assum `k2 o X -:f.dom = k1 o Y -:f.dom` (K ALL_TAC) >> `(n1 @+ a)⁻¹-:f.dom ≈> n1 @+ a -:f.dom` by ( metis_tac [inv_composable,inv_idem] ) >> `a ∈ f.dom.obj` by metis_tac [maps_to_obj] >> `n1 @+ a ≈> k1 -:f.dom` by ( metis_tac [maps_to_composable] ) >> `n1 @+ a ≈> k2 -:f.dom` by ( metis_tac [maps_to_composable] ) >> fsrw_tac [][comp_inv_id,comp_assoc,maps_to_in_def] ) >> `∀h x y. h :- x → y -:g.dom ⇒ (n2 @+ y o (f ◎ g)##h -:g.dom = ((id_functor g.dom)##h) o n2 @+ x -:g.dom)` by ( rpt gen_tac >> strip_tac >> match_mp_tac naturality >> fsrw_tac [][functor_cat_iso_pair,composable_nts_def] ) >> `∀a. a ∈ g.dom.obj ⇒ (n2 @+ a) :- (f ◎ g)@@a → a -:g.dom` by ( srw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac nt_at_maps_to >> map_every qexists_tac [`n2.dom`,`n2.cod`] >> fsrw_tac [][functor_cat_iso_pair,composable_nts_def]) >> `faithful g` by ( simp_tac (srw_ss()) [faithful_def] >> map_every qx_gen_tac [`k1`,`k2`,`a`,`b`] >> strip_tac >> first_assum (qspecl_then [`k1`,`a`,`b`] mp_tac) >> first_x_assum (qspecl_then [`k2`,`a`,`b`] mp_tac) >> `k1 ∈ g.dom.mor ∧ k2 ∈ g.dom.mor` by fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def] >> srw_tac [][] >> `(k1 o n2 @+ a -:g.dom) o (n2 @+ a)⁻¹ -:g.dom -:g.dom = (k2 o n2 @+ a -:g.dom) o (n2 @+ a)⁻¹ -:g.dom -:g.dom` by srw_tac [][] >> pop_assum mp_tac >> `iso g.dom (n2 @+ a)` by ( metis_tac [iso_def,functor_cat_iso_pair,maps_to_obj] ) >> qpat_x_assum `k2 o X -:g.dom = k1 o Y -:g.dom` (K ALL_TAC) >> `(n2 @+ a)⁻¹-:g.dom ≈> n2 @+ a -:g.dom` by ( metis_tac [inv_composable,inv_idem] ) >> `a ∈ g.dom.obj` by metis_tac [maps_to_obj] >> `n2 @+ a ≈> k1 -:g.dom` by ( metis_tac [maps_to_composable] ) >> `n2 @+ a ≈> k2 -:g.dom` by ( metis_tac [maps_to_composable] ) >> fsrw_tac [][comp_inv_id,comp_assoc,maps_to_in_def] ) `full f` by ( srw_tac [][full_def] >> qabbrev_tac `w = n1 @+ b o (g##h) o (n1 @+ a)⁻¹ -:f.dom -:f.dom -:f.dom` >> qexists_tac `w` >> `n1 @+ a :- (g ◎ f)@@a → a -:f.dom` by metis_tac [] >> `(n1 @+ a)⁻¹ -: f.dom :- a → (g ◎ f)@@a -:f.dom` by ( match_mp_tac inv_maps_to >> fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def] >> srw_tac [][iso_def] >> fsrw_tac [][functor_cat_iso_pair] >> metis_tac [] ) >> conj_asm1_tac >- ( qunabbrev_tac `w` >> match_mp_tac maps_to_comp >> qexists_tac `(g ◎ f)@@b` >> conj_tac >- srw_tac [][] >> conj_tac >- ( match_mp_tac maps_to_comp >> qexists_tac `(g ◎ f)@@a` >> conj_tac >- srw_tac [][] >> conj_tac >- srw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac morf_maps_to >> map_every qexists_tac [`g.dom`,`f@@a`,`f@@b`] >> fsrw_tac [][] ) >> srw_tac [][] ) >> `g##h :- g@@(f@@a) → g@@(f@@b) -:f.dom` by ( match_mp_tac morf_maps_to >> fsrw_tac [][] >> metis_tac [] ) >> qsuff_tac `f##w :- f@@a → f@@b -:g.dom ∧ (g##(f##w) = g##h)` >- metis_tac [faithful_def] >> conj_asm1_tac >- ( match_mp_tac morf_maps_to >> map_every qexists_tac [`f.dom`,`a`,`b`] >> fsrw_tac [][] >> qunabbrev_tac `w` >> match_mp_tac maps_to_comp >> qexists_tac `(g ◎ f)@@b` >> fsrw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac maps_to_comp >> qexists_tac `(g ◎ f)@@a` >> fsrw_tac [][] ) >> first_x_assum (qspecl_then [`w`,`a`,`b`] mp_tac) >> `w ∈ f.dom.mor` by fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def] >> srw_tac [][] >> `((n1 @+ b)⁻¹-:f.dom) o (n1 @+ b o g##(f##w) -:f.dom) -:f.dom = ((n1 @+ b)⁻¹-:f.dom) o (w o n1 @+ a -:f.dom) -:f.dom` by srw_tac [][] >> pop_assum mp_tac >> qpat_x_assum `n1 @+ b o X -:f.dom = Y` (K ALL_TAC) >> `g##(f##w) ≈> n1 @+ b -:f.dom` by ( match_mp_tac maps_to_composable >> map_every qexists_tac [`g@@(f@@a)`,`g@@(f@@b)`,`b`] >> conj_tac >- ( match_mp_tac morf_maps_to >> map_every qexists_tac [`g.dom`,`f@@a`,`f@@b`] >> srw_tac [][] ) >> metis_tac [functor_comp_objf,composable_def] ) >> `iso f.dom (n1 @+ b)` by ( fsrw_tac [][iso_def,functor_cat_iso_pair] >> metis_tac [] ) >> `n1 @+ b ≈> (n1 @+ b)⁻¹-:f.dom -:f.dom` by ( metis_tac [inv_composable] ) >> `g##(f##w) ∈ f.dom.mor ∧ ((n1 @+ b).dom = (g##(f##w)).cod)` by ( fsrw_tac [][composable_in_def] ) >> fsrw_tac [][GSYM comp_assoc,comp_inv_id] >> strip_tac >> qunabbrev_tac `w` >> qabbrev_tac `c = f.dom` >> qmatch_abbrev_tac `(q1⁻¹-:c) o (q1 o gh o (q2⁻¹-:c) -:c -:c) o q2 -:c -:c = gh` >> `iso c q2` by ( fsrw_tac [][iso_def,functor_cat_iso_pair,Abbr`q2`] >> metis_tac [] ) >> `q2 ≈> (q2⁻¹-:c) -:c` by fsrw_tac [][inv_composable] >> `(q2⁻¹-:c) ≈> gh -:c` by ( match_mp_tac maps_to_composable >> metis_tac [functor_comp_objf,composable_def] ) >> `gh ≈> q1 -:c` by ( match_mp_tac maps_to_composable >> metis_tac [functor_comp_objf,composable_def] ) >> `q1 ≈> (q1⁻¹-:c) -:c` by metis_tac [inv_composable] >> `gh o q2⁻¹-:c -:c ≈> q1 -:c` by metis_tac [composable_comp] >> `q2 ≈> (q1 o gh o q2⁻¹-:c -:c -:c) -:c` by metis_tac [composable_comp] >> qsuff_tac `((q1⁻¹-:c) o (q1 o gh o q2⁻¹-:c -:c -:c) -:c) o q2 -:c = gh` >- metis_tac [composable_comp,comp_assoc] >> qsuff_tac `(((q1⁻¹-:c) o q1 -:c) o (gh o (q2⁻¹-:c) -:c) -:c) o q2 -:c = gh` >- metis_tac [composable_comp,comp_assoc] >> qsuff_tac `(((q1⁻¹-:c) o q1 -:c) o gh -:c) o ((q2⁻¹-:c) o q2 -:c) -:c = gh` >- metis_tac [composable_comp,comp_assoc] >> fsrw_tac [][comp_inv_id,composable_in_def] >> match_mp_tac id_comp1 >> fsrw_tac [][] >> imp_res_tac maps_to_in_def >> fsrw_tac [][] ) >> srw_tac [boolSimps.DNF_ss][ess_surj_obj_def,iso_objs_def,iso_pair_between_objs_def] >> map_every qexists_tac [`g@@b`,`n2 @+ b`,`(n2 @+ b)⁻¹-:g.dom`] >> conj_tac >- metis_tac [objf_in_obj] >> first_x_assum (qspec_then `b` mp_tac) >> srw_tac [][maps_to_in_def] >> srw_tac [][inv_in_def] >> SELECT_ELIM_TAC >> srw_tac [][] >> fsrw_tac [][functor_cat_iso_pair] >> metis_tac [] ) >> *) val _ = export_theory ();