open HolKernel Parse bossLib boolLib boolSimps categoryTheory functorTheory nat_transTheory pairTheory lcsymtacs SatisfySimps; val _ = new_theory "limit"; val is_terminal_def = Define` is_terminal c y = y ∈ c.obj ∧ ∀x. x ∈ c.obj ⇒ ∃!f. f :- x → y-:c`; val is_initial_def = Define` is_initial c x = is_terminal (op_cat c) x`; val is_initial_thm = Q.store_thm( "is_initial_thm", `∀c x. is_category c ⇒ (is_initial c x = x ∈ c.obj ∧ ∀y. y ∈ c.obj ⇒ ∃!f. f :- x → y-:c)`, metis_tac [is_initial_def,is_terminal_def,op_cat_maps_to_in,op_cat_idem,op_cat_obj,op_mor_idem]) val terminal_unique = Q.store_thm( "terminal_unique", `∀c x y. is_category c ∧ is_terminal c x ∧ is_terminal c y ⇒ uiso_objs c x y`, srw_tac [][uiso_objs_thm] >> simp_tac (srw_ss()) [EXISTS_UNIQUE_THM] >> reverse conj_tac >- metis_tac [is_terminal_def] >> `∃f. f :- x → y-:c` by metis_tac [is_terminal_def] >> qexists_tac `f` >> srw_tac [][iso_def] >> `∃g. g :- y → x-:c` by metis_tac [is_terminal_def] >> qexists_tac `g` >> srw_tac [][iso_pair_def] >- metis_tac [maps_to_composable,FST,SND] >> PROVE_TAC [is_terminal_def,id_maps_to,maps_to_comp,maps_to_def,maps_to_in_def,mor_obj]); val initial_unique = Q.store_thm( "initial_unique", `∀c x y. is_category c ∧ is_initial c x ∧ is_initial c y ⇒ uiso_objs c x y`, metis_tac [terminal_unique,is_initial_def,is_category_op_cat,op_cat_uiso_objs]); val is_terminal_cat_iso = Q.store_thm( "is_terminal_cat_iso", (* actually should work for just an equivalence *) `∀f c d x. cat_iso f ∧ (f :- c → d) ∧ is_terminal c x ⇒ is_terminal d (f@@x)`, srw_tac [][cat_iso_def] >> imp_res_tac cat_iso_pair_sym >> `is_functor f ∧ is_functor g` by fsrw_tac [][cat_iso_pair_def] >> `(f ≈> g) ∧ (g ≈> f)` by fsrw_tac [][cat_iso_pair_def] >> `faithful g` by metis_tac [cat_iso_embedding,embedding_def,cat_iso_def] >> fsrw_tac [][is_terminal_def,objf_in_obj] >> qx_gen_tac `y` >> strip_tac >> `g@@y ∈ f.dom.obj` by metis_tac [objf_in_obj,composable_def] >> first_x_assum (qspec_then `g@@y` mp_tac) >> srw_tac [][] >> imp_res_tac is_functor_is_category >> fsrw_tac [][EXISTS_UNIQUE_THM] >> qmatch_assum_rename_tac `h :- g@@y → x -:f.dom` >> `f##h :- f@@(g@@y) → f@@x -:f.cod` by metis_tac [morf_maps_to,maps_to_def] >> conj_tac >- metis_tac [functor_comp_objf,cat_iso_pair_def,id_functor_objf,composable_def] >> qx_gen_tac `h1` >> qx_gen_tac `h2` >> strip_tac >> fsrw_tac [][faithful_def,cat_iso_pair_def] >> metis_tac [morf_maps_to,functor_comp_objf,id_functor_objf,composable_def,maps_to_def]); val cone_cat_def = Define` cone_cat f = comma_cat (diagonal_functor f.dom f.cod) (itself_functor f)`; val is_category_cone_cat = Q.store_thm( "is_category_cone_cat", `∀f. is_functor f ⇒ is_category (cone_cat f)`, srw_tac [][cone_cat_def] >> imp_res_tac is_functor_is_category >> match_mp_tac is_category_comma_cat >> srw_tac [][] >- ( match_mp_tac is_functor_diagonal_functor >> srw_tac [][] ) >> match_mp_tac is_functor_itself_functor >> srw_tac [][]); val _ = export_rewrites["is_category_cone_cat"]; val _ = type_abbrev("cone",``:(γ,unit,(α,β,γ,δ) nat_trans) morphism``); val _ = type_abbrev("cone_mor",``:((α,β,γ,δ) cone, (γ,δ) mor # (unit, unit) mor) mor``); val _ = overload_on("vertex",``λ(c:(α,β,γ,δ)cone). c.dom``); val _ = overload_on("proj",``λ(c:(α,β,γ,δ)cone) x.``); val _ = overload_on("is_cone",``λd c. c ∈ (cone_cat d).obj``); val _ = overload_on("is_cone_mor",``λd f. f ∈ (cone_cat d).mor``); val vertex_obj = Q.store_thm( "vertex_obj", `∀d l c. is_cone d l ∧ (c = d.cod) ⇒ vertex l ∈ c.obj`, srw_tac [][cone_cat_def,is_comma_cat_obj_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["vertex_obj"]; val proj_maps_to = Q.store_thm( "proj_maps_to", `∀d l x a b c. is_functor d ∧ l ∈ (cone_cat d).obj ∧ x ∈ d.dom.obj ∧ (a = vertex l) ∧ (b = d@@x) ∧ (c = d.cod) ⇒ proj l x :- a → b -:c`, srw_tac [][cone_cat_def] >> fsrw_tac [][is_comma_cat_obj_def] >> match_mp_tac nt_at_maps_to >> imp_res_tac is_functor_is_category >> fsrw_tac [][]); val is_cone_thm = Q.store_thm( "is_cone_thm", `∀d c. is_functor d ⇒ (is_cone d c = vertex c ∈ d.cod.obj ∧ extensional (proj c) d.dom.obj ∧ ( :- (K_functor d.dom d.cod (vertex c)) → d) ∧ (∀x. x ∈ d.dom.obj ⇒ proj c x :- vertex c → d@@x -:d.cod) ∧ (∀f. f ∈ d.dom.mor ⇒ ((d##f) o proj c f.dom -:d.cod = proj c f.cod)))`, srw_tac [][cone_cat_def] >> fsrw_tac [][is_comma_cat_obj_def] >> imp_res_tac is_functor_is_category >> EQ_TAC >> strip_tac >- ( fsrw_tac [][] >> imp_res_tac is_nat_trans_def >> fsrw_tac [][extensional_def,extensional_nat_trans_def] >> qpat_x_assum ` = X` mp_tac >> fsrw_tac [][nat_trans_axioms_def] >> strip_tac >> conj_tac >- ( srw_tac [][] >> first_x_assum (qspec_then `x` mp_tac) >> fsrw_tac [][] ) >> srw_tac [][] >> first_x_assum (qspecl_then [`f`,`f.dom`,`f.cod`] mp_tac) >> fsrw_tac [][] >> first_x_assum (qspec_then `f.cod` mp_tac) >> srw_tac [][maps_to_in_def]) >> fsrw_tac [][] >> srw_tac [][is_nat_trans_def] >- ( srw_tac [][extensional_nat_trans_def] >> fsrw_tac [][extensional_def] ) >> srw_tac [][nat_trans_axioms_def] >> `x ∈ ∧ y ∈` by metis_tac[maps_to_obj] >> res_tac >> imp_res_tac maps_to_in_def >> fsrw_tac [][] >> metis_tac []); val mk_cone_def = Define` (mk_cone d v ps : (α,β,γ,δ) cone) = <| dom := v; cod := (); map := mk_nt <| dom := K_functor d.dom d.cod v; cod := d; map := ps |> |>`; val mk_cone_dom_cod = Q.store_thm( "mk_cone_dom_cod", `∀d v ps. ((mk_cone d v ps).dom = v) ∧ ((mk_cone d v ps).cod = ())`, srw_tac [][mk_cone_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["mk_cone_dom_cod"]; val mk_cone_proj = Q.store_thm( "mk_cone_proj", `∀d v ps. (proj (mk_cone d v ps) = restrict ps d.dom.obj)`, srw_tac [][mk_cone_def,FUN_EQ_THM,mk_nt_def]); val mk_cone_proj_ext = save_thm( "mk_cone_proj_ext", GEN_ALL(SIMP_RULE std_ss [FUN_EQ_THM] (SPEC_ALL mk_cone_proj))); val is_cone_mk_cone = Q.store_thm( "is_cone_mk_cone", `∀d v ps. is_functor d ⇒ (is_cone d (mk_cone d v ps) = v ∈ d.cod.obj ∧ (∀x. x ∈ d.dom.obj ⇒ ps x :- v → d@@x -:d.cod) ∧ (∀f. f ∈ d.dom.mor ⇒ (ps f.cod = (d##f) o ps f.dom -:d.cod)))`, srw_tac [][is_cone_thm,mk_cone_proj,EQ_IMP_THM] >> fsrw_tac [][mk_cone_def,mk_nt_def,restrict_def] >> imp_res_tac is_functor_is_category >> imp_res_tac mor_obj >> srw_tac [][] >> first_x_assum (qspec_then `f` mp_tac) >> srw_tac [][]); val is_cone_mor_thm = Q.store_thm( "is_cone_mor_thm", `∀d f. is_functor d ⇒ (is_cone_mor d f = is_cone d f.dom ∧ is_cone d f.cod ∧ (FST :- (vertex f.dom) → (vertex f.cod) -:d.cod ∧ ∀x. x ∈ d.dom.obj ⇒ (proj f.dom x = proj f.cod x o (FST -:d.cod))`, srw_tac [][] >> EQ_TAC >> strip_tac >- ( Q.ISPECL_THEN [`cone_cat d`,`f`] mp_tac mor_obj >> fsrw_tac [][cone_cat_def] >> fsrw_tac [][is_comma_cat_mor_def] >> qpat_x_assum `nt1 = nt2` mp_tac >> qpat_x_assum `X ≈≈>` mp_tac >> `(d = ∧ (is_nat_trans` by ( fsrw_tac [][composable_nts_def] ) >> fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def] >> srw_tac [][] >> qmatch_assum_abbrev_tac `kk ≈≈>` >> `kk ≈>` by fsrw_tac [][composable_nts_def] >> qmatch_assum_abbrev_tac ` = nt2` >> ` = nt2@+x` by srw_tac [][] >> srw_tac [][Abbr`nt2`,Abbr`kk`]) >> imp_res_tac is_cone_thm >> imp_res_tac is_functor_is_category >> fsrw_tac [][cone_cat_def] >> fsrw_tac [][is_comma_cat_mor_def,maps_to_in_def] >> fsrw_tac [][] >> conj_asm1_tac >- ( fsrw_tac [][composable_nts_def] >> fsrw_tac [][is_comma_cat_obj_def] ) >> conj_asm1_tac >- ( fsrw_tac [][composable_nts_def] >> fsrw_tac [][is_comma_cat_obj_def] ) >> fsrw_tac [][] >> qpat_x_assum ` = d` (assume_tac o SYM) >> `(is_nat_trans` by ( full_simp_tac std_ss [composable_nts_def] ) >> fsrw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac nt_eq_thm >> fsrw_tac [][]); val mk_cone_mor_def = Define` (mk_cone_mor c1 c2 m : (α,β,γ,δ) cone_mor) = <| dom := c1; cod := c2; map := (m,ARB) |>`; val mk_cone_mor_dom_cod = Q.store_thm( "mk_cone_mor_dom_cod", `∀c1 c2 m. ((mk_cone_mor c1 c2 m).dom = c1) ∧ ((mk_cone_mor c1 c2 m).cod = c2)`, srw_tac [][mk_cone_mor_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["mk_cone_mor_dom_cod"]; val FST_mk_cone_mor_map = Q.store_thm( "FST_mk_cone_mor_map", `∀c1 c2 m. (FST (mk_cone_mor c1 c2 m).map = m)`, srw_tac [][mk_cone_mor_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["FST_mk_cone_mor_map"]; val is_cone_mor_mk_cone_mor = Q.store_thm( "is_cone_mor_mk_cone_mor", `∀d c1 c2 f. is_functor d ⇒ ( is_cone_mor d (mk_cone_mor c1 c2 f) = is_cone d c1 ∧ is_cone d c2 ∧ f :- c1.dom → c2.dom -:d.cod ∧ (∀x. x ∈ d.dom.obj ⇒ (proj c1 x = proj c2 x o f -:d.cod)))`, srw_tac [][is_cone_mor_thm] >> srw_tac [][mk_cone_mor_def]); val is_limit_def = Define` is_limit d l = is_functor d ∧ is_terminal (cone_cat d) l`; val is_limit_is_cone = Q.store_thm( "is_limit_is_cone", `∀d l. is_limit d l ⇒ is_cone d l`, srw_tac [][is_limit_def,is_terminal_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["is_limit_is_cone"]; val limit_universal = Q.store_thm( "limit_universal", `∀d l c. is_limit d l ∧ c ∈ (cone_cat d).obj ⇒ ∃!m. m :- c → l -:(cone_cat d)`, srw_tac [][is_limit_def,is_terminal_def]); val cone_cat_maps_to = Q.store_thm( "cone_cat_maps_to", `∀m c1 c2 d. is_functor d ⇒ (m :- c1 → c2 -:cone_cat d = (m :- c1 → c2) ∧ (is_cone d c1) ∧ (is_cone d c2) ∧ (FST :- vertex c1 → vertex c2 -:d.cod ∧ (∀x. x ∈ d.dom.obj ⇒ (proj m.dom x = proj m.cod x o (FST -:d.cod)) ∧ (∀f. f ∈ d.dom.mor ⇒ (((d##f) o proj c2 f.dom -:d.cod) o (FST -:d.cod = proj c2 f.cod o (FST -:d.cod)))`, rpt strip_tac >> EQ_TAC >- ( strip_tac >> imp_res_tac maps_to_in_def >> imp_res_tac is_cone_mor_thm >> fsrw_tac [][] >> srw_tac [][] >> qabbrev_tac `co = m.cod` >> qabbrev_tac `n =` >> qabbrev_tac `h = FST` >> AP_TERM_TAC >> Q.ISPECL_THEN [`n`,`n.dom`,`n.cod`,`d.cod`,`f`,`f.dom`,`f.cod`] mp_tac (GSYM naturality) >> fsrw_tac [][cone_cat_def] >> fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def,is_comma_cat_obj_def] >> srw_tac [][] >> imp_res_tac is_functor_is_category >> srw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac id_comp1 >> `n @+ f.cod :- n.dom@@f.cod → d@@f.cod -:d.cod` by ( match_mp_tac nt_at_maps_to >> map_every qexists_tac [`n.dom`,`d`] >> srw_tac [][] ) >> fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def]) >> strip_tac >> srw_tac [][maps_to_in_def] >> fsrw_tac [][is_cone_mor_thm]); (* stylistic decision to be made: should predicates be defined to include all of their assumptions, e.g. is_category of the appropriate fields of a record? composability of functors/nat_trans would be an exception, unless you overload notation on those types... is_functor_is_category (etc.) should probably be made a rewrite. alternatively: remove all these assumptions from definitions, possibly renaming the definitions with a "pre_", and add separate stronger predicates (without the "pre_") that add the extra assumptions. *) val has_limits_def = Define` has_limits s c = ∀d. is_functor d ∧ (d :- s → c) ⇒ ∃l. is_limit d l`; (* val functor_cat_pointwise_limits = Q.store_thm( "functor_cat_pointwise_limits", (* Mac Lane p 111*) `∀D J P X τ. is_functor D ∧ (D :- J → [P→X]) ∧ (∀p. p ∈ P.obj ⇒ is_limit ((eval_functor P X p) ◎ D) (τ p)) ⇒ (∃L. is_functor L ∧ (L :- P → X) ∧ (∀p. p ∈ P.obj ⇒ (L@@p = vertex (τ p))) ∧ let t = λL. (mk_nt <|dom := (diagonal_functor J [P→X])@@L; cod := D; map := λj. mk_nt <|dom := ((diagonal_functor J [P→X])@@L)@@j; cod := D@@j; map := λp. proj (τ p) j|> |>) in (is_nat_trans (t L)) ∧ (∀L'. is_functor L' ∧ (L' :- P → X) ∧ (∀p. p ∈ P.obj ⇒ (L'@@p = vertex (τ p))) ∧ is_nat_trans (t L') ⇒ (L' = L)) ∧ (is_limit D (mk_cone D L ((t L).map))))`, srw_tac [][] >> limit_universal qexists_tac `mk_functor <|dom:=P; cod:=X; map:= use the unique maps |>` ); val functor_cat_has_limits = Q.store_thm( "functor_cat_has_limits", `∀c j v. is_category c ∧ is_category j ∧ is_category v ∧ has_limits j v ⇒ has_limits j [c→v]`, srw_tac [][has_limits_def] >> fsrw_tac [][GSYM RIGHT_EXISTS_IMP_THM,SKOLEM_THM] >> qabbrev_tac `j = d.dom` >> qabbrev_tac `τ = λp. f (eval_functor c v p ◎ d)` >> `∀p. p ∈ c.obj ⇒ is_limit (eval_functor c v p ◎ d) (τ p)` by srw_tac [][Abbr`τ`] >> Q.ISPECL_THEN [`d`,`j`,`c`,`v`,`τ`] mp_tac functor_cat_pointwise_limits >> srw_tac [][LET_THM] >> metis_tac []); *) (* val _ = overload_on("empty_diagram",``λc. discrete_functor {} c ARB``); val is_functor_empty_diagram = Q.store_thm( "is_functor_empty_diagram", `∀c. is_category c ⇒ is_functor (empty_diagram c)`, srw_tac [][is_functor_discrete_functor]); val _ = export_rewrites["is_functor_empty_diagram"]; val limit_empty_diagram_terminal = Q.store_thm( "limit_empty_diagram_terminal", `∀c. is_category c ⇒ (is_limit (empty_diagram c) = is_terminal c o vertex)`, srw_tac [][FUN_EQ_THM,is_limit_def] >> srw_tac [][is_terminal_def,is_cone_thm,EQ_IMP_THM] >- ( fsrw_tac [][is_cone_thm] why bother proving this? *) val _ = overload_on("product_diagram",``λc a b. discrete_functor {1;2} c (λn. if n = 1 then a else b)``); val is_functor_product_diagram = Q.store_thm( "is_functor_product_diagram", `∀c a b. is_category c ∧ a ∈ c.obj ∧ b ∈ c.obj ⇒ is_functor (product_diagram c a b)`, srw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac is_functor_discrete_functor >> srw_tac [][]); val is_binary_product_thm = Q.store_thm( "is_binary_product_thm", `∀c a b l. is_category c ∧ a ∈ c.obj ∧ b ∈ c.obj ⇒ (is_limit (product_diagram c a b) l = ∃ab π1 π2. (l = mk_cone (product_diagram c a b) ab (λn. if n = 1 then π1 else π2)) ∧ π1 :- ab → a -:c ∧ π2 :- ab → b -:c ∧ ∀p p1 p2. p1 :- p → a -:c ∧ p2 :- p → b -:c ⇒ ∃!m. m :- p → ab -:c ∧ (π1 o m -:c = p1) ∧ (π2 o m -:c = p2))`, rpt strip_tac >> qabbrev_tac `d = product_diagram c a b` >> `is_functor d` by (srw_tac [][is_functor_product_diagram,Abbr`d`]) >> EQ_TAC >- ( strip_tac >> map_every qexists_tac [`vertex l`,`proj l 1`,`proj l 2`] >> conj_tac >- ( fsrw_tac [][is_limit_def,mk_cone_def,is_terminal_def] >> pop_assum (K ALL_TAC) >> pop_assum mp_tac >> srw_tac [][is_cone_thm] >> fsrw_tac [][morphism_component_equality,] >> srw_tac [][mk_nt_def,restrict_def,FUN_EQ_THM] >> fsrw_tac [][extensional_def] >> unabbrev_all_tac >> srw_tac [][] ) >> ntac 2 (conj_asm1_tac >- ( match_mp_tac proj_maps_to >> qexists_tac `d` >> srw_tac [][Abbr`d`] )) >> srw_tac [][] >> qabbrev_tac `co = mk_cone d p (λn. if n = 1 then p1 else p2)` >> `co ∈ (cone_cat d).obj` by ( qunabbrev_tac `co` >> fsrw_tac [][is_cone_mk_cone] >> imp_res_tac maps_to_obj >> qunabbrev_tac `d` >> fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def] >> srw_tac [][] >> fsrw_tac [][] ) >> Q.ISPECL_THEN [`d`,`l`,`co`] mp_tac limit_universal >> srw_tac [][EXISTS_UNIQUE_THM] >- ( pop_assum (K ALL_TAC) >> pop_assum mp_tac >> srw_tac [][cone_cat_maps_to] >> qexists_tac `FST` >> pop_assum (K ALL_TAC) >> pop_assum mp_tac >> unabbrev_all_tac >> fsrw_tac [][mk_cone_proj_ext] >> srw_tac [][restrict_def] >|[ pop_assum (qspec_then `1` mp_tac), pop_assum (qspec_then `2` mp_tac)] >> srw_tac [][] ) >> qmatch_rename_tac `ma = mb` >> qabbrev_tac `mma = mk_cone_mor co l ma` >> qabbrev_tac `mmb = mk_cone_mor co l mb` >> `mma :- co → l -:cone_cat d` by ( srw_tac [][maps_to_in_def,Abbr`mma`] >> srw_tac [][is_cone_mor_mk_cone_mor] >- ( srw_tac [][Abbr`co`,Abbr`d`] ) >> pop_assum mp_tac >> srw_tac [][Abbr`d`,Abbr`co`,mk_cone_proj_ext,restrict_def] ) >> `mmb :- co → l -:cone_cat d` by ( srw_tac [][maps_to_in_def,Abbr`mmb`] >> srw_tac [][is_cone_mor_mk_cone_mor] >- ( srw_tac [][Abbr`co`,Abbr`d`] ) >> pop_assum mp_tac >> srw_tac [][Abbr`d`,Abbr`co`,mk_cone_proj_ext,restrict_def] ) >> `mma = mmb` by res_tac >> fsrw_tac [][Abbr`mma`,Abbr`mmb`,mk_cone_mor_def]) >> srw_tac [][is_limit_def] >> fsrw_tac [][is_terminal_def] >> conj_asm1_tac >- ( imp_res_tac maps_to_obj >> srw_tac [][is_cone_mk_cone,Abbr`d`] >> srw_tac [][] >> fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def] ) >> qmatch_assum_abbrev_tac `is_cone d co` >> qx_gen_tac `c2` >> strip_tac >> Q.ISPECL_THEN [`d`,`c2`] mp_tac is_cone_thm >> srw_tac [DNF_ss][Abbr`d`] >> first_x_assum (qspecl_then [`c2.dom`,`proj c2 1`,`proj c2 2`] mp_tac) >> srw_tac [][EXISTS_UNIQUE_THM] >- ( pop_assum (K ALL_TAC) >> qexists_tac `mk_cone_mor c2 co m` >> srw_tac [][cone_cat_maps_to,Abbr`co`,mk_cone_proj_ext,restrict_def] >> srw_tac [][] >> fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def] ) >> qmatch_rename_tac `f1 = f2` >> first_x_assum (qspecl_then [`FST`,`FST`] assume_tac) >> qsuff_tac `FST = FST` >- ( simp_tac std_ss [morphism_component_equality] >> fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def] >> Cases_on `` >> Cases_on `` >> srw_tac [][] >> srw_tac [][morphism_component_equality] ) >> first_x_assum match_mp_tac >> unabbrev_all_tac >> ntac 2 (pop_assum mp_tac) >> fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def,is_cone_mor_thm] >> strip_tac >> strip_tac >> first_assum (qspec_then `1` mp_tac) >> first_x_assum (qspec_then `2` mp_tac) >> first_assum (qspec_then `1` mp_tac) >> first_x_assum (qspec_then `2` mp_tac) >> fsrw_tac [][mk_cone_proj_ext,restrict_def]); val has_binary_products_def = Define` has_binary_products c = has_limits (discrete_cat {1;2}) c`; val has_binary_products_thm = Q.store_thm( "has_binary_products_thm", `∀c. is_category c ⇒ (has_binary_products c = ∀a b. a ∈ c.obj ∧ b ∈ c.obj ⇒ ∃l. is_limit (product_diagram c a b) l)`, srw_tac [][has_binary_products_def,has_limits_def,EQ_IMP_THM] >- ( first_x_assum match_mp_tac >> srw_tac [][is_functor_product_diagram] ) >> first_x_assum (qspecl_then [`d@@1`,`d@@2`] mp_tac) >> `d@@1 ∈ d.cod.obj ∧ d@@2 ∈ d.cod.obj` by srw_tac [][objf_in_obj] >> srw_tac [][] >> qmatch_assum_abbrev_tac `is_limit d' l` >> qsuff_tac `d' = d` >- metis_tac [] >> match_mp_tac functor_eq_thm >> srw_tac [][Abbr`d'`,is_functor_product_diagram] >> fsrw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac (GSYM morf_discrete_mor) >> qexists_tac `{1;2}` >> srw_tac [][]); val binary_product_projections_exist_thm = Q.store_thm( "binary_product_projections_exist_thm", `∃f1 f2 f3. ∀c a b. is_category c ∧ a ∈ c.obj ∧ b ∈ c.obj ∧ (∃l. is_limit (product_diagram c a b) l) ⇒ f2 c a b :- f1 c a b → a -:c ∧ f3 c a b :- f1 c a b → b -:c ∧ ∀p p1 p2. p1 :- p → a -:c ∧ p2 :- p → b -:c ⇒ ∃!m. m :- p → f1 c a b -:c ∧ (f2 c a b o m -:c = p1) ∧ (f3 c a b o m -:c = p2)`, srw_tac [][GSYM SKOLEM_THM,RIGHT_EXISTS_IMP_THM] >> pop_assum mp_tac >> srw_tac [][is_binary_product_thm] >> map_every qexists_tac [`ab`,`π1`,`π2`] >> srw_tac [][]); val binary_product_projections_def = new_specification( "binary_product_projections_def", ["binary_product","binary_product_proj1","binary_product_proj2"], binary_product_projections_exist_thm); val pair_morphism_def = new_specification( "pair_morphism_def", ["pair_morphism"], binary_product_projections_def |> SPEC_ALL |> UNDISCH_ALL |> CONJUNCT2 |> CONJUNCT2 |> SIMP_RULE std_ss [EXISTS_UNIQUE_THM,GSYM LEFT_EXISTS_AND_THM] |> DISCH_ALL |> Q.GEN `b` |> Q.GEN `a` |> Q.GEN `c` |> SIMP_RULE std_ss [GSYM RIGHT_FORALL_IMP_THM,GSYM RIGHT_EXISTS_IMP_THM,SKOLEM_THM]); val HS = HardSpace 1 val _ = add_rule { term_name = "binary_product_syntax", fixity = Infixr 800, pp_elements = [HS, TOK "\195\151", HS, TM, HS, TOK "-:"], paren_style = OnlyIfNecessary, block_style = (AroundSameName, (PP.INCONSISTENT, 0)) }; val _ = add_rule { term_name = "binary_product_proj1_syntax", fixity = Prefix 625, pp_elements = [TOK "\207\1281", HS, TM, TOK"\195\151", TM, HS, TOK "-:"], paren_style = OnlyIfNecessary, block_style = (AroundSameName, (PP.INCONSISTENT, 0)) }; val _ = add_rule { term_name = "binary_product_proj2_syntax", fixity = Prefix 625, pp_elements = [TOK "\207\1282", HS, TM, TOK"\195\151", TM, HS, TOK "-:"], paren_style = OnlyIfNecessary, block_style = (AroundSameName, (PP.INCONSISTENT, 0)) }; val _ = add_rule { term_name = "pair_morphism_syntax", fixity = Prefix 625, pp_elements = [TOK "\226\159\168", TM, TOK ",", TM, TOK "\226\159\169-:"], paren_style = OnlyIfNecessary, block_style = (AroundSameName, (PP.INCONSISTENT, 0)) }; val _ = overload_on("binary_product_syntax",``λa b c. binary_product c a b``); val _ = overload_on("binary_product_proj1_syntax",``λa b c. binary_product_proj1 c a b``); val _ = overload_on("binary_product_proj2_syntax",``λa b c. binary_product_proj2 c a b``); val _ = overload_on("pair_morphism_syntax",``λf g c. pair_morphism c f.cod g.cod f.dom f g``); val _ = overload_on("binary_product_syntax", ``λf g c. pair_morphism_syntax (f o (π1 f.dom × g.dom -:c) -:c) (g o (π2 f.dom × g.dom -:c) -:c) c``); val binary_product_obj = Q.store_thm( "binary_product_obj", `∀c x y. is_category c ∧ (∃l. is_limit (product_diagram c x y) l) ∧ x ∈ c.obj ∧ y ∈ c.obj ⇒ x × y -:c ∈ c.obj`, metis_tac [binary_product_projections_def,maps_to_obj]); val _ = export_rewrites["binary_product_obj"]; val pi_maps_to = Q.store_thm( "pi_maps_to", `∀c a b. is_category c ∧ (∃l. is_limit (product_diagram c a b) l) ∧ a ∈ c.obj ∧ b ∈ c.obj ⇒ π1 a×b -:c :- a × b -:c → a -:c ∧ π2 a×b -:c :- a × b -:c → b -:c`, metis_tac [binary_product_projections_def]); val pair_morphism_unique = Q.store_thm( "pair_morphism_unique", `∀c a b p p1 p2 m. is_category c ∧ (∃l. is_limit (product_diagram c a b) l) ∧ a ∈ c.obj ∧ b ∈ c.obj ∧ p1 :- p → a -:c ∧ p2 :- p → b -:c ∧ m :- p → a × b -:c -:c ∧ ((π1 a×b -:c) o m -:c = p1) ∧ ((π2 a×b -:c) o m -:c = p2) ⇒ (m = pair_morphism c a b p p1 p2)`, metis_tac [pair_morphism_def]); val binary_product_id = Q.store_thm( "binary_product_id", `∀c a b. is_category c ∧ (∃l. is_limit (product_diagram c a b) l) ∧ a ∈ c.obj ∧ b ∈ c.obj ⇒ (id a × b -:c -:c = (id a -:c) × id b -:c -:c)`, srw_tac [][] >> qspecl_then [`c`,`a`,`b`] mp_tac pi_maps_to >> srw_tac [SATISFY_ss][] >> imp_res_tac maps_to_in_def >> imp_res_tac maps_to_obj >> match_mp_tac pair_morphism_unique >> fsrw_tac [SATISFY_ss][]); val pair_morphism_maps_to = Q.store_thm( "pair_morphism_maps_to", `∀c a b p p1 p2 x y. is_category c ∧ (∃l. is_limit (product_diagram c a b) l) ∧ a ∈ c.obj ∧ b ∈ c.obj ∧ p1 :- p → a -:c ∧ p2 :- p → b -:c ∧ (x = p) ∧ (y = a × b -:c) ⇒ pair_morphism c a b p p1 p2 :- x → y -:c`, metis_tac [pair_morphism_def]); val pair_pi_id = Q.store_thm( "pair_pi_id", `∀c a b. is_category c ∧ (∃l. is_limit (product_diagram c a b) l) ∧ a ∈ c.obj ∧ b ∈ c.obj ⇒ (pair_morphism c a b (a × b -:c) (π1 a×b -:c) (π2 a×b -:c) = id a × b -:c -:c)`, srw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac EQ_SYM >> match_mp_tac pair_morphism_unique >> fsrw_tac [SATISFY_ss][] >> conj_asm1_tac >- srw_tac [SATISFY_ss][pi_maps_to] >> conj_asm1_tac >- srw_tac [SATISFY_ss][pi_maps_to] >> fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def]); val pi1_comp_pair = Q.store_thm( "pi1_comp_pair", `∀c f g p a b. is_category c ∧ a ∈ c.obj ∧ b ∈ c.obj ∧ (∃l. is_limit (product_diagram c a b) l) ∧ f :- p → a -:c ∧ g :- p → b -:c ⇒ ((π1 a×b -:c) o ⟨f,g⟩-:c -:c = f)`, metis_tac [pair_morphism_def,maps_to_in_def,maps_to_def]) val pi2_comp_pair = Q.store_thm( "pi2_comp_pair", `∀c f g p a b. is_category c ∧ a ∈ c.obj ∧ b ∈ c.obj ∧ (∃l. is_limit (product_diagram c a b) l) ∧ f :- p → a -:c ∧ g :- p → b -:c ⇒ ((π2 a×b -:c) o ⟨f,g⟩-:c -:c = g)`, metis_tac [pair_morphism_def,maps_to_in_def,maps_to_def]) val pair_morphism_comp = Q.store_thm( "pair_morphism_comp", `∀c f g h. is_category c ∧ h ≈> f -:c ∧ h ≈> g -:c ∧ (∃l. is_limit (product_diagram c f.cod g.cod) l) ⇒ ((⟨f,g⟩-:c) o h -:c = ⟨f o h -:c,g o h -:c⟩-:c)`, srw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac pair_morphism_unique >> qspecl_then [`c`,`h`,`f`,`h.dom`,`f.cod`] mp_tac composable_maps_to >> qspecl_then [`c`,`h`,`g`,`h.dom`,`g.cod`] mp_tac composable_maps_to >> fsrw_tac [][] >> ntac 2 strip_tac >> imp_res_tac maps_to_in_def >> fsrw_tac [SATISFY_ss][] >> `⟨f,g⟩-:c :- f.dom → f.cod × g.cod -:c -:c` by ( match_mp_tac pair_morphism_maps_to >> fsrw_tac [SATISFY_ss][] >> imp_res_tac maps_to_obj >> fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def,composable_in_def] ) >> `h ≈> ⟨f,g⟩-:c -:c` by fsrw_tac [][composable_in_def,maps_to_in_def] >> qspecl_then [`c`,`f.cod`,`g.cod`] mp_tac pi_maps_to >> fsrw_tac [SATISFY_ss][maps_to_obj] >> strip_tac >> `⟨f,g⟩-:c ≈> π2 f.cod×g.cod -:c -:c` by fsrw_tac [][composable_in_def,maps_to_in_def] >> `⟨f,g⟩-:c ≈> π1 f.cod×g.cod -:c -:c` by fsrw_tac [][composable_in_def,maps_to_in_def] >> conj_tac >- ( match_mp_tac composable_maps_to >> fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def,composable_in_def] ) >> qspecl_then [`c`,`h`,`⟨f,g⟩-:c`,`π1 f.cod×g.cod -:c`] mp_tac (GSYM comp_assoc) >> qspecl_then [`c`,`h`,`⟨f,g⟩-:c`,`π2 f.cod×g.cod -:c`] mp_tac (GSYM comp_assoc) >> srw_tac [][] >> AP_TERM_TAC >|[ match_mp_tac pi1_comp_pair, match_mp_tac pi2_comp_pair ] >> qexists_tac `f.dom` >> fsrw_tac [SATISFY_ss][maps_to_in_def,maps_to_obj,composable_in_def]); val pre_product_functor_def = Define` pre_product_functor c y = <| dom := c; cod := c; map := λf. f × id y -:c -:c |>`; val pre_product_functor_components = Q.store_thm( "pre_product_functor_components", `∀c x. ((pre_product_functor c x).dom = c) ∧ ((pre_product_functor c x).cod = c) ∧ (∀f. (pre_product_functor c x)##f = f × id x-:c -:c)`, srw_tac [][pre_product_functor_def,morf_def]) val _ = export_rewrites["pre_product_functor_components"]; val pre_product_functor_objf = Q.store_thm( "pre_product_functor_objf", `∀c x y. is_category c ∧ (∃l. is_limit (product_diagram c x y) l) ∧ x ∈ c.obj ∧ y ∈ c.obj ⇒ ((pre_product_functor c y)@@x = x × y -:c)`, srw_tac [][objf_def] >> SELECT_ELIM_TAC >> srw_tac [][] >- ( qexists_tac `x × y -:c` >> srw_tac [SATISFY_ss][binary_product_obj,binary_product_id] ) >> qmatch_assum_abbrev_tac `pair_morphism c a b p p1 p2 = id z -:c` >> qspecl_then [`c`,`a`,`b`,`p`,`p1`,`p2`] mp_tac pair_morphism_maps_to >> qspecl_then [`c`,`x`,`y`] mp_tac pi_maps_to >> fsrw_tac [SATISFY_ss][] >> strip_tac >> imp_res_tac maps_to_in_def >> unabbrev_all_tac >> fsrw_tac [SATISFY_ss][] >> srw_tac [][maps_to_in_def]); val product_functor_def = Define` product_functor c x = mk_functor (pre_product_functor c x)`; val is_functor_product_functor = Q.store_thm( "is_functor_product_functor", `∀c y. is_category c ∧ has_binary_products c ∧ y ∈ c.obj ⇒ is_functor (product_functor c y)`, srw_tac [][product_functor_def] >> qpat_x_assum `has_binary_products c` mp_tac >> srw_tac [][has_binary_products_thm] >> srw_tac [][functor_axioms_def] >- ( imp_res_tac maps_to_obj >> imp_res_tac maps_to_in_def >> srw_tac [][pre_product_functor_objf] >> match_mp_tac pair_morphism_maps_to >> qspecl_then [`c`,`f.dom`,`y`] mp_tac pi_maps_to >> fsrw_tac [][] >> strip_tac >> qmatch_assum_rename_tac `f :- x → w -:c` >> qspecl_then [`c`,`π1 x×y -:c`,`f`,`x × y-:c`,`x`,`w`] mp_tac maps_to_comp >> fsrw_tac [][] >> strip_tac >> imp_res_tac maps_to_in_def >> fsrw_tac [][]) >- ( qexists_tac `x × y-:c` >> srw_tac [][] >> qspecl_then [`c`,`x`,`y`] mp_tac pi_maps_to >> fsrw_tac [][] >> strip_tac >> fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def,pair_pi_id]) >> qmatch_abbrev_tac `⟨p o q-:c, r o s-:c⟩-:c = (⟨t,u⟩-:c) o (⟨v,w⟩-:c) -:c` >> `p.dom = f.dom` by ( unabbrev_all_tac >> qspecl_then [`c`,`f`,`g`,`f.dom`,`g.cod`] mp_tac composable_maps_to >> srw_tac [][maps_to_in_def] ) >> srw_tac [][Abbr`r`] >> qabbrev_tac `a = f.dom` >> qabbrev_tac `b = g.dom` >> qpat_x_assum `Abbrev (p = X)` assume_tac >> fsrw_tac [][] >> qspecl_then [`c`,`a`,`y`] mp_tac pi_maps_to >> qspecl_then [`c`,`b`,`y`] mp_tac pi_maps_to >> `a ∈ c.obj ∧ b ∈ c.obj` by metis_tac [composable_obj] >> fsrw_tac [SATISFY_ss][] >> ntac 2 strip_tac >> `t :- b×y-:c → g.cod -:c` by ( qunabbrev_tac `t` >> match_mp_tac maps_to_comp >> qexists_tac `b` >> fsrw_tac [][Abbr`b`,composable_in_def] ) >> `v :- a×y-:c → f.cod -:c` by ( qunabbrev_tac `v` >> match_mp_tac maps_to_comp >> qexists_tac `a` >> fsrw_tac [][Abbr`a`,composable_in_def] ) >> `u :- b×y-:c → y -:c` by ( qunabbrev_tac `u` >> match_mp_tac maps_to_comp >> qexists_tac `y` >> fsrw_tac [][] ) >> `w :- a×y-:c → y -:c` by ( qunabbrev_tac `w` >> match_mp_tac maps_to_comp >> qexists_tac `y` >> fsrw_tac [][]) >> `⟨v,w⟩-:c :- a×y-:c → b×y-:c -:c` by ( match_mp_tac pair_morphism_maps_to >> fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def,composable_in_def] ) >> `t o ⟨v,w⟩-:c -:c = p o q -:c` by ( qunabbrev_tac `t` >> qspecl_then [`c`,`⟨v,w⟩-:c`,`π1 b×y -:c`,`g`] mp_tac comp_assoc >> `⟨v,w⟩-:c ≈> π1 b×y -:c -:c` by metis_tac [maps_to_composable] >> `π1 b×y-:c ≈> g -:c` by metis_tac [maps_to_composable,maps_to_in_def,maps_to_def,composable_in_def] >> srw_tac [][] >> `(π1 b×y -:c) o ⟨v,w⟩-:c -:c = v` by ( match_mp_tac pi1_comp_pair >> qexists_tac `p.dom × y-:c` >> fsrw_tac [][] >> metis_tac [composable_in_def,composable_def] ) >> fsrw_tac [][Abbr`p`,Abbr`v`] >> match_mp_tac (GSYM comp_assoc) >> fsrw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac maps_to_composable >> unabbrev_all_tac >> metis_tac [maps_to_in_def,maps_to_def,composable_in_def] ) >> `u o ⟨v,w⟩-:c -:c = w` by ( qunabbrev_tac `u` >> qspecl_then [`c`,`⟨v,w⟩-:c`,`π2 b×y -:c`,`id y -:c`] mp_tac comp_assoc >> `⟨v,w⟩-:c ≈> π2 b×y-:c -:c` by metis_tac [maps_to_composable] >> `π2 b×y -:c ≈> id y -:c -:c` by metis_tac [maps_to_composable,id_maps_to] >> srw_tac [][] >> `(π2 b×y -:c) o ⟨v,w⟩-:c -:c = w` by ( match_mp_tac pi2_comp_pair >> qexists_tac `p.dom × y-:c` >> fsrw_tac [][] >> metis_tac [composable_in_def,composable_def] ) >> fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def] ) >> ntac 2 (pop_assum (mp_tac o SYM)) >> qabbrev_tac `h = ⟨v,w⟩-:c` >> srw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac (GSYM pair_morphism_comp) >> fsrw_tac [][] >> conj_tac >- metis_tac [maps_to_composable] >> conj_tac >- metis_tac [maps_to_composable] >> srw_tac [][DECIDE ``(1 = n) = (n = 1)``] >> first_x_assum match_mp_tac >> fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def]); val _ = export_theory ();