open HolKernel Parse boolLib bossLib SatisfySimps pred_setTheory categoryTheory functorTheory nat_transTheory hom_functorTheory ens_catTheory lcsymtacs; val _ = new_theory "Yoneda"; val YfunctorNT_def = Define` YfunctorNT c f = mk_nt <| dom := c|_→f.dom|; cod := c|_→f.cod|; map := λx. (c|x→_|##f) |>` val YfunctorNT_dom_cod = Q.store_thm( "YfunctorNT_dom_cod", `∀c f. ((YfunctorNT c f).dom = c|_→f.dom|) ∧ ((YfunctorNT c f).cod = c|_→f.cod|)`, srw_tac [][YfunctorNT_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["YfunctorNT_dom_cod"]; val ntdom_YfunctorNT = Q.store_thm( "ntdom_YfunctorNT", `∀c f. ntdom (YfunctorNT c f) = c°`, srw_tac [][YfunctorNT_def,mk_nt_def]); val ntcod_YfunctorNT = Q.store_thm( "ntcod_YfunctorNT", `∀c f. ntcod (YfunctorNT c f) = (ens_cat (homs c))`, srw_tac [][YfunctorNT_def,mk_nt_def]); val YfunctorNT_at = Q.store_thm( "YfunctorNT_at", `∀c f x. x ∈ c.obj ⇒ ((YfunctorNT c f)@+x = (c|x→_|##f))`, srw_tac [][YfunctorNT_def,mk_nt_def,restrict_def]); val _ = export_rewrites ["ntdom_YfunctorNT","ntcod_YfunctorNT","YfunctorNT_at"]; (* val HasFunType_postcomp = Q.store_thm( "HasFunType_postcomp", `∀c f w x y z. is_category c ∧ f :- x → y -:c ∧ (w = z) ⇒ HasFunType (λg. g o f -:c) (c|y→z|) (c|x→w|)`, Problem: (λg. g o f -:c) has a dependent type. The type is ∀z. c|y→z| c|x→z| It is extensional on the union over all z of c|y→z| but depending on which element of the union you came from, the result type can be constrained *) val is_nat_trans_YfunctorNT = Q.store_thm( "is_nat_trans_YfunctorNT", `∀c f. is_category c ∧ f ∈ c.mor ⇒ is_nat_trans (YfunctorNT c f)`, srw_tac [][YfunctorNT_def] >> srw_tac [][nat_trans_axioms_def] >- ( imp_res_tac mor_obj >> fsrw_tac [][hom_def] >> match_mp_tac maps_to_comp >> metis_tac [maps_to_in_def,maps_to_def] ) >> qmatch_assum_rename_tac `g° :- y → x -:c` >> imp_res_tac maps_to_in_def >> fsrw_tac [][] >> srw_tac [][] >> imp_res_tac mor_obj >> srw_tac [][] >> qmatch_abbrev_tac `(TypedGraphFun (t2,t3) f2) o (TypedGraphFun (t1,t2) f1) -:ens_cat U = (TypedGraphFun (t4,t3) f1) o (TypedGraphFun (t1,t4) f2) -:ens_cat U` >> `(∀x. x ∈ t1 ⇒ f1 x ∈ t2) ∧ (∀x. x ∈ t4 ⇒ f1 x ∈ t3) ∧ (∀x. x ∈ t2 ⇒ f2 x ∈ t3) ∧ (∀x. x ∈ t1 ⇒ f2 x ∈ t4)` by ( unabbrev_all_tac >> fsrw_tac [][hom_def] >> srw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac maps_to_comp >> metis_tac []) >> qmatch_abbrev_tac `x o w -:ens_cat U = v o u -:ens_cat U` >> `IsTypedFun u ∧ IsTypedFun v ∧ IsTypedFun w ∧ IsTypedFun x` by metis_tac [IsTypedFunTypedGraphFun] >> `IsTypedFunIn U u ∧ IsTypedFunIn U v ∧ IsTypedFunIn U w ∧ IsTypedFunIn U x` by ( unabbrev_all_tac >> fsrw_tac [][] ) >> `u ∈ (ens_cat U).mor ∧ v ∈ (ens_cat U).mor ∧ w ∈ (ens_cat U).mor ∧ x ∈ (ens_cat U).mor` by metis_tac [ens_cat_mor] >> `u ≈> v -:(ens_cat U)` by ( srw_tac [][composable_def,Abbr`v`,Abbr`u`,Abbr`U`]) >> `w ≈> x -:ens_cat U` by ( srw_tac [][composable_def,Abbr`x`,Abbr`w`,Abbr`U`]) >> srw_tac [][] >> map_every qunabbrev_tac [`u`,`v`,`w`,`x`] >> srw_tac [][ComposeTypedFun_def,TypedGraphFun_def] >> srw_tac [][ComposeFun_def] >> srw_tac [][restrict_def] >> srw_tac [][FUN_EQ_THM] >> srw_tac [][Abbr`f1`,Abbr`f2`] >> match_mp_tac (GSYM comp_assoc) >> qunabbrev_tac `t1` >> fsrw_tac [][hom_def] >> imp_res_tac maps_to_composable >> srw_tac [][]); val _ = export_rewrites["is_nat_trans_YfunctorNT"]; val YfunctorNT_maps_to = Q.store_thm( "YfunctorNT_maps_to", `∀c f. is_category c ∧ f ∈ c.mor ⇒ (YfunctorNT c f) :- (c|_→f.dom|) → (c|_→f.cod|) -:[(c°)→ens_cat (homs c)]`, srw_tac [][maps_to_in_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["YfunctorNT_maps_to"]; val YfunctorNT_composable = Q.store_thm( "YfunctorNT_composable", `∀c f g. is_category c ∧ f ≈> g -:c ⇒ (YfunctorNT c f) ≈> (YfunctorNT c g) -:[(c°)→ens_cat (homs c)]`, srw_tac [][composable_nts_def] >> fsrw_tac [][composable_in_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["YfunctorNT_composable"]; val YfunctorNT_id = Q.store_thm( "YfunctorNT_id", `∀c x. is_category c ∧ x ∈ c.obj ⇒ (YfunctorNT c (id x -:c) = id_nt (c|_→x|))`, srw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac nt_eq_thm >> srw_tac [][id_mor] >> srw_tac [][TypedGraphFun_def,restrict_def] >> srw_tac [][FUN_EQ_THM] >> srw_tac [][] >> fsrw_tac [][hom_def,maps_to_in_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["YfunctorNT_id"]; val is_category_presheaf_cat = Q.store_thm( "is_category_presheaf_cat", `∀c. is_category c ⇒ is_category [(c°)→ens_cat (homs c)]`, metis_tac [is_category_functor_cat,is_category_ens_cat,is_category_op_cat]) val _ = export_rewrites["is_category_presheaf_cat"]; val pre_Yfunctor_def = Define` pre_Yfunctor c = <| dom := c; cod := [(c°)→ens_cat (homs c)]; map := λf. YfunctorNT c f |>`; val pre_Yfunctor_components = Q.store_thm( "pre_Yfunctor_components", `∀c. ((pre_Yfunctor c).dom = c) ∧ ((pre_Yfunctor c).cod = [(c°)→ens_cat (homs c)]) ∧ ((pre_Yfunctor c).map = λf. YfunctorNT c f) ∧ (∀f. (pre_Yfunctor c)##f = YfunctorNT c f)`, srw_tac [][pre_Yfunctor_def,morf_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["pre_Yfunctor_components"]; val pre_Yfunctor_objf = Q.store_thm( "pre_Yfunctor_objf", `∀c x. is_category c ∧ x ∈ c.obj ⇒ ((pre_Yfunctor c)@@x = c|_→x|)`, srw_tac [][objf_def] >> SELECT_ELIM_TAC >> srw_tac [][] >- ( qexists_tac `c|_→x|` >> srw_tac [][] ) >> pop_assum mp_tac >> srw_tac [][id_in_def] >> Q.ISPEC_THEN `[(c°)→ens_cat (homs c)]` match_mp_tac id_inj >> srw_tac [][]); val _ = export_rewrites["pre_Yfunctor_objf"]; val Yfunctor_def = Define` Yfunctor c = mk_functor (pre_Yfunctor c)`; val is_functor_Yfunctor = Q.store_thm( "is_functor_Yfunctor", `∀c. is_category c ⇒ is_functor (Yfunctor c)`, srw_tac [][Yfunctor_def] >> srw_tac [][functor_axioms_def,morf_def] >- (imp_res_tac maps_to_obj >> fsrw_tac [][morf_def,maps_to_in_def]) >- (imp_res_tac maps_to_obj >> fsrw_tac [][morf_def,maps_to_in_def]) >- fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def] >- (qexists_tac `c|_→x|` >> srw_tac [][]) >> qspecl_then [`c`,`f`,`g`,`f.dom`,`g.cod`] mp_tac composable_maps_to >> srw_tac [][] >> imp_res_tac maps_to_in_def >> imp_res_tac YfunctorNT_composable >> match_mp_tac nt_eq_thm >> fsrw_tac [][] >> conj_tac >- ( fsrw_tac [][nt_comp_def,compose_def,mk_nt_def,restrict_def,YfunctorNT_def,composable_in_def]) >> conj_tac >- ( fsrw_tac [][nt_comp_def,compose_def,mk_nt_def,restrict_def,YfunctorNT_def,composable_in_def]) >> `f ∈ c.mor ∧ g ∈ c.mor` by ( imp_res_tac composable_in_def >> srw_tac [][]) >> srw_tac [][] >> qmatch_abbrev_tac `h = TypedGraphFun (i,j) k o TypedGraphFun (l,m) n -:ens_cat (homs c)` >> `(∀x. x ∈ i ⇒ k x ∈ j) ∧ (∀x. x ∈ l ⇒ n x ∈ m)` by ( unabbrev_all_tac >> srw_tac [][hom_def] >> match_mp_tac maps_to_comp >> metis_tac [maps_to_in_def,maps_to_def] ) >> imp_res_tac IsTypedFunTypedGraphFun >> imp_res_tac ens_cat_mor >> ntac 2 (pop_assum (qspec_then `(homs c)` mp_tac)) >> `m = i` by ( fsrw_tac [][composable_in_def,Abbr`m`,Abbr`i`] ) >> `l ∈ homs c ∧ i ∈ homs c ∧ j ∈ homs c` by ( unabbrev_all_tac >> srw_tac [][] ) >> `(TypedGraphFun (l,m) n) ≈> (TypedGraphFun (i,j) k) -:ens_cat (homs c)` by ( srw_tac [][]) >> srw_tac [][Abbr`h`] >> srw_tac [][TypedGraphFun_def,ComposeTypedFun_def] >> srw_tac [][ComposeFun_def] >> srw_tac [][restrict_def] >> srw_tac [][FUN_EQ_THM] >> unabbrev_all_tac >> srw_tac [][] >> `g.dom = f.cod` by ( fsrw_tac [][composable_in_def] ) >> match_mp_tac comp_assoc >> fsrw_tac [][hom_def] >> match_mp_tac maps_to_composable >> map_every qexists_tac [`x`,`f.dom`,`f.cod`] >> srw_tac [][]); val Yfunctor_dom = Q.store_thm( "Yfunctor_dom", `∀c. (Yfunctor c).dom = c`, srw_tac [][Yfunctor_def]); val Yfunctor_cod = Q.store_thm( "Yfunctor_cod", `∀c. (Yfunctor c).cod = [(c°)→ens_cat (homs c)]`, srw_tac [][Yfunctor_def]); val Yfunctor_objf = Q.store_thm( "Yfunctor_objf", `∀c x. is_category c ∧ x ∈ c.obj ⇒ ((Yfunctor c)@@x = c|_→x|)`, srw_tac [][Yfunctor_def,mk_functor_objf]); val Yfunctor_morf = Q.store_thm( "Yfunctor_morf", `∀c f. is_category c ∧ f ∈ c.mor ⇒ ((Yfunctor c)##f = YfunctorNT c f)`, srw_tac [][Yfunctor_def,morf_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["Yfunctor_dom","Yfunctor_cod","Yfunctor_objf","Yfunctor_morf"]; val YMap_def = Define` YMap c x n = (n@+x).map (id x-:c)`; val YMapImage = Q.store_thm( "YMapImage", `∀c x n f. is_category c ∧ is_functor f ∧ is_nat_trans n ∧ (f :- c° → ens_cat (homs c)) ∧ x ∈ c.obj ∧ (n :- ((Yfunctor c)@@x) → f) ⇒ (YMap c x n) ∈ (f@@x)`, srw_tac [][YMap_def] >> `(n @+ x) :- (n.dom @@ x) → (n.cod @@ x) -: n.dom.cod` by ( fsrw_tac [][is_nat_trans_def,nat_trans_axioms_def] ) >> pop_assum mp_tac >> srw_tac [][] >> ntac 4 (pop_assum mp_tac) >> srw_tac [][] >> fsrw_tac [][IsTypedFun_def] >> fsrw_tac [][HasFunType_def] >> first_x_assum match_mp_tac >> srw_tac [][hom_def,id_maps_to]); val YMapInv_def = Define` YMapInv c x f y = mk_nt <| dom := (Yfunctor c)@@x; cod := f; map := λz. TypedGraphFun ((c|z→x|), f@@z) (λg. (f##(g°)).map y) |>`; val YMapInv_at = Q.store_thm( "YMapInv_at", `∀c x f y z. is_category c ∧ x ∈ c.obj ∧ z ∈ c.obj ⇒ ((YMapInv c x f y) @+ z = TypedGraphFun ((c|z→x|), f@@z) (λg. (f##g°).map y))`, srw_tac [][YMapInv_def,mk_nt_def,restrict_def]); val _ = export_rewrites["YMapInv_at"]; val is_nat_trans_YMapInv = Q.store_thm( "is_nat_trans_YMapInv", `∀c x f y. is_category c ∧ is_functor f ∧ (f :- c° → ens_cat (homs c)) ∧ x ∈ c.obj ∧ y ∈ (f@@x) ⇒ is_nat_trans (YMapInv c x f y)`, srw_tac [][YMapInv_def] >> srw_tac [][nat_trans_axioms_def] >- metis_tac [objf_in_obj,op_cat_obj,ens_cat_obj] >- ( qmatch_assum_rename_tac `g ∈ c|u→x|` >> `g° :- x → u -:(c°)` by fsrw_tac [][hom_def] >> `f##g° :- (f@@x) → (f@@u) -:ens_cat (homs c)` by ( match_mp_tac morf_maps_to >> map_every qexists_tac [`f.dom`,`x`,`u`] >> srw_tac [][] ) >> fsrw_tac [][IsTypedFun_def,HasFunType_def] >> fsrw_tac [][]) >> qmatch_assum_rename_tac `g° :- u → v -:c` >> imp_res_tac maps_to_in_def >> fsrw_tac [][] >> qmatch_abbrev_tac `(TypedGraphFun (i,j) k) o (TypedGraphFun (l,i) n) -:ens_cat (homs c) = q o (TypedGraphFun (l,s) h) -:ens_cat (homs c)` >> `(∀x. x ∈ i ⇒ k x ∈ j) ∧ (∀x. x ∈ l ⇒ h x ∈ s)` by ( unabbrev_all_tac >> srw_tac [][] >> qmatch_assum_abbrev_tac `z ∈ (c|q→x|)` >> `f##(z)° :- f@@x → f@@q -:ens_cat (homs c)` by ( match_mp_tac morf_maps_to >> fsrw_tac [][hom_def] >> fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def,IsTypedFun_def,HasFunType_def]) >> fsrw_tac [][] >> fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def,IsTypedFun_def,HasFunType_def]) >> `∀x. x ∈ l ⇒ n x ∈ i` by ( srw_tac [][Abbr`n`,Abbr`i`,Abbr`l`,hom_def] >> match_mp_tac maps_to_comp >> qexists_tac `g.dom` >> srw_tac [SATISFY_ss][]) >> `q :- s → j -:ens_cat (homs c)` by ( map_every qunabbrev_tac [`q`,`s`,`j`] >> match_mp_tac morf_maps_to >> map_every qexists_tac [`f.dom`,`g.dom`,`g.cod`] >> srw_tac [][] ) >> `IsTypedFun q` by fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def] >> imp_res_tac maps_to_in_def >> srw_tac [][Abbr`k`] >> imp_res_tac IsTypedFunTypedGraphFun >> `l ∈ homs c ∧ i ∈ homs c ∧ j ∈ homs c` by ( unabbrev_all_tac >> srw_tac [][] >> TRY ( match_mp_tac hom_in_homs >> imp_res_tac mor_obj >> fsrw_tac [][] >> NO_TAC ) >> metis_tac [objf_in_obj,ens_cat_obj,maps_to_obj,op_cat_obj] ) >> `TypedGraphFun (l,s) h ≈> q -: ens_cat (homs c)` by ( fsrw_tac [][Abbr`q`,Abbr`s`,maps_to_in_def] ) >> srw_tac [][] >> sg `TypedGraphFun (l,i) n ≈> TypedGraphFun (i,j) h -:ens_cat (homs c)` >> srw_tac [][] >> unabbrev_all_tac >> fsrw_tac [][ComposeTypedFun_def,compose_def,restrict_def] >> srw_tac [][ComposeFun_def] >> srw_tac [][restrict_def] >> srw_tac [][FUN_EQ_THM] >> srw_tac [][hom_def] >> Q.ISPECL_THEN [`f`,`f.dom`,`f.cod`,`e°`,`g`] mp_tac morf_comp >> `e° ≈> g -:c°` by ( srw_tac [][composable_in_def] >> fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def] ) >> fsrw_tac [][op_cat_compose_in] >> Q.ISPECL_THEN [`f`,`f.dom`,`f.cod`,`e°`,`g`] mp_tac morf_composable >> srw_tac [][ComposeFun_def,restrict_def] >- ( fsrw_tac [][hom_def] >> metis_tac [] ) >> Q.ISPECL_THEN [`f`,`f.dom`,`f.cod`,`e°`,`e.cod`,`e.dom`] mp_tac morf_maps_to >> fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def] >> srw_tac [][] >> fsrw_tac [][]); val _ = export_rewrites["is_nat_trans_YMapInv"]; val YMapInvImage = Q.store_thm( "YMapInvImage", `∀c x f y. is_category c ∧ is_functor f ∧ (f :- c° → ens_cat (homs c)) ∧ x ∈ c.obj ∧ y ∈ (f@@x) ⇒ is_nat_trans (YMapInv c x f y) ∧ ((YMapInv c x f y) :- (Yfunctor c)@@x → f)`, srw_tac [][YMapInv_def]); val YMap1 = Q.store_thm( "YMap1", `∀c f x n. is_category c ∧ is_functor f ∧ (f :- c° → ens_cat (homs c)) ∧ x ∈ c.obj ∧ is_nat_trans n ∧ (n :- ((Yfunctor c)@@x) → f) ⇒ (YMapInv c x f (YMap c x n) = n)`, rpt strip_tac >> match_mp_tac nt_eq_thm >> imp_res_tac YMapImage >> imp_res_tac is_nat_trans_YMapInv >> srw_tac [][] >- fsrw_tac [][YMapInv_def] >- fsrw_tac [][YMapInv_def] >> qmatch_rename_tac `_ = n @+ z` >> `z ∈ c.obj` by ( pop_assum mp_tac >> srw_tac [][YMapInv_def] ) >> srw_tac [][] >> fsrw_tac [][] >> qpat_x_assum `X = (Yfunctor c)@@x` mp_tac >> srw_tac [][] >> `∀z. z ∈ c.obj ⇒ n @+ z :- c|z→x| → (n.cod@@z) -:n.cod.cod` by ( fsrw_tac [][is_nat_trans_def,nat_trans_axioms_def] >> metis_tac [contra_hom_functor_objf] ) >> first_assum (qspec_then `z` mp_tac) >> first_x_assum (qspec_then `x` mp_tac) >> srw_tac [][] >> srw_tac [][TypedGraphFun_def,morphism_component_equality] >> srw_tac [][restrict_def] >> srw_tac [][FUN_EQ_THM] >> fsrw_tac [][IsTypedFun_def,HasFunType_def,extensional_def] >> srw_tac [][YMap_def] >> qmatch_assum_rename_tac `f ∈ c|z→x|` >> Q.ISPECL_THEN [`n`,`c|_→x|`,`n.cod` ,`n.cod.cod` ,`f°`,`x`,`z`] mp_tac naturality >> fsrw_tac [][hom_def] >> qmatch_abbrev_tac `(f1 o f2 -:ens_cat (homs c) = f3 o f4 -:ens_cat (homs c)) ⇒ X` >> `IsTypedFun f2` by ( srw_tac [][Abbr`f2`] >> imp_res_tac maps_to_in_def >> srw_tac [][hom_def] >> match_mp_tac maps_to_comp >> qexists_tac `x` >> fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def]) >> `f1 :- f1.dom → f1.cod -:ens_cat (homs c)` by ( qunabbrev_tac `f1` >> match_mp_tac nt_at_maps_to >> srw_tac [][hom_def] ) >> `f4 :- f4.dom → f4.cod -:ens_cat (homs c)` by ( qunabbrev_tac `f4` >> match_mp_tac nt_at_maps_to >> srw_tac [][hom_def] ) >> `(n.cod##f°) :- n.cod@@x → n.cod@@z -:n.cod.cod` by ( match_mp_tac morf_maps_to >> fsrw_tac [][] >> map_every qexists_tac [`x`,`z`] >> srw_tac [][] ) >> `f3 :- f3.dom → f3.cod -:ens_cat (homs c)` by ( qunabbrev_tac `f3` >> match_mp_tac morf_maps_to >> srw_tac [][] >> map_every qexists_tac [`x`,`z`] >> srw_tac [][] >> fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def] ) >> imp_res_tac maps_to_in_def >> `f2 ≈> f1 -:ens_cat (homs c)` by ( fsrw_tac [][Abbr`f2`,hom_def] >> srw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac maps_to_comp >> srw_tac [SATISFY_ss][] ) >> `f4 ≈> f3 -:ens_cat (homs c)` by ( fsrw_tac [][Abbr`f3`] ) >> `n.cod@@z = f3.cod` by ( fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def,Abbr`f3`] ) >> `f2.dom = f4.dom` by ( fsrw_tac [][Abbr`f4`,Abbr`f2`,hom_def] ) >> ` (id f.cod -:c) = f` by ( srw_tac [][Abbr`f2`] >> srw_tac [][restrict_def,hom_def] >> fsrw_tac [][] >> srw_tac [][] >> pop_assum mp_tac >> srw_tac [][id_maps_to] ) >> fsrw_tac [][ComposeTypedFun_def,compose_def,restrict_def,ComposeFun_def] >> srw_tac [][FUN_EQ_THM] >> pop_assum (qspec_then `id f.cod -:c` mp_tac) >> fsrw_tac [][id_maps_to]); val YMap2 = Q.store_thm( "YMap2", `∀c x f y. is_category c ∧ is_functor f ∧ (f :- c° → ens_cat (homs c)) ∧ x ∈ c.obj ∧ y ∈ (f@@x) ⇒ (YMap c x (YMapInv c x f y) = y)`, srw_tac [][YMap_def] >> srw_tac [][restrict_def,hom_def] >> `f##(id x -:(c°)) = id (f@@x) -: ens_cat (homs c)` by srw_tac [][morf_id] >> fsrw_tac [][] >> `f@@x ∈ homs c` by ( metis_tac [objf_in_obj,op_cat_obj,ens_cat_obj] ) >> srw_tac [][restrict_def]); val YfunctorNT_YMapInv = Q.store_thm( "YfunctorNT_YMapInv", `∀c f x y. is_category c ∧ f :- x → y -:c ⇒ (YfunctorNT c f = YMapInv c x (c|_→y|) f)`, srw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac nt_eq_thm >> imp_res_tac maps_to_in_def >> imp_res_tac maps_to_obj >> fsrw_tac [][] >> conj_tac >- ( match_mp_tac is_nat_trans_YMapInv >> srw_tac [][hom_def] ) >> conj_tac >- srw_tac [][YfunctorNT_def,YMapInv_def] >> conj_tac >- srw_tac [][YfunctorNT_def,YMapInv_def] >> srw_tac [][TypedGraphFun_def] >> srw_tac [][restrict_def] >> srw_tac [][FUN_EQ_THM] >> srw_tac [][hom_def] >> imp_res_tac maps_to_in_def >> srw_tac [][restrict_def] >> fsrw_tac [][hom_def,maps_to_in_def] >> fsrw_tac [][]); val YMapYoneda = Q.store_thm( "YMapYoneda", `∀c f x y. is_category c ∧ f :- x → y -:c ⇒ ((Yfunctor c)##f = YMapInv c x ((Yfunctor c)@@y) f)`, srw_tac [][] >> imp_res_tac maps_to_in_def >> imp_res_tac maps_to_obj >> srw_tac [][YfunctorNT_YMapInv]); val YonedaFull = Q.store_thm( "YonedaFull", `∀c. is_category c ⇒ full (Yfunctor c)`, srw_tac [][full_def] >> qexists_tac `YMap c a h` >> `YMap c a h ∈ (c|_→b|)@@a` by ( match_mp_tac YMapImage >> imp_res_tac Yfunctor_objf >> fsrw_tac [][] ) >> pop_assum mp_tac >> srw_tac [][contra_hom_functor_objf,hom_def] >> match_mp_tac EQ_TRANS >> qexists_tac `YMapInv c a (Yfunctor c@@b) (YMap c a h)` >> conj_tac >- srw_tac [][YMapYoneda] >> match_mp_tac YMap1 >> fsrw_tac [][]); val YonedaFaithful = Q.store_thm( "YonedaFaithful", `∀c. is_category c ⇒ faithful (Yfunctor c)`, srw_tac [][faithful_def] >> `YMap c a (YMapInv c a (c|_→b|) g) = YMap c a (YMapInv c a (c|_→b|) h)` by metis_tac [maps_to_in_def,Yfunctor_morf,YfunctorNT_YMapInv] >> match_mp_tac EQ_TRANS >> qexists_tac `YMap c a (YMapInv c a (c|_→b|) g)` >> conj_tac >- ( match_mp_tac EQ_SYM >> match_mp_tac YMap2 >> imp_res_tac maps_to_obj >> fsrw_tac [][hom_def] ) >> srw_tac [][] >> match_mp_tac YMap2 >> imp_res_tac maps_to_obj >> fsrw_tac [][hom_def]); val YonedaEmbedding = Q.store_thm( "YonedaEmbedding", `∀c. is_category c ⇒ embedding (Yfunctor c)`, srw_tac [][embedding_def,YonedaFaithful,YonedaFull]); val YonedaInjObj = Q.store_thm( "YonedaInjObj", `∀c. is_category c ⇒ inj_obj (Yfunctor c)`, srw_tac [][inj_obj_def] >> srw_tac [][] >> pop_assum mp_tac >> srw_tac [][] >> `(c|_→a|)@@a = (c|_→b|)@@a` by asm_simp_tac std_ss [] >> pop_assum mp_tac >> pop_assum (K ALL_TAC) >> srw_tac [][EXTENSION] >> pop_assum (qspec_then `id a -:c` mp_tac) >> srw_tac [][hom_def,id_maps_to] >> fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def] >> imp_res_tac id_maps_to >> fsrw_tac [][maps_to_in_def]); val _ = export_theory ();