(*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Regular expressions and a regexp matcher. *) (* Originated from Konrad Slind, tweaked by MJCG for Accellera PSL SEREs *) (* An automata-based matcher added by Joe Hurd *) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* app load ["bossLib", "rich_listTheory", "metisLib", "pred_setTheory", "stringTheory", "regexpTheory"]; *) open HolKernel Parse boolLib; open bossLib metisLib open pairTheory combinTheory listTheory rich_listTheory stringTheory arithmeticTheory; open regexpTheory; open pred_setTheory; val () = new_theory "matcher"; (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Symbolic tacticals. *) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) infixr 0 THENC ORELSEC ORELSER; val Know = Q_TAC KNOW_TAC; val Suff = Q_TAC SUFF_TAC; val REVERSE = Tactical.REVERSE; fun FULL_CONV_TAC c = CONV_TAC c THEN POP_ASSUM_LIST (EVERY o map (ASSUME_TAC o CONV_RULE c) o rev); local val prover = METIS_TAC [ABS_PAIR_THM]; fun rewriter th = FULL_SIMP_TAC bool_ss [th] THEN FULL_CONV_TAC (DEPTH_CONV pairLib.let_CONV); in fun INTRODUCE_TAC tm = let val (l,r) = dest_eq tm val assumer = if is_var l then K ALL_TAC else ASSUME_TAC val vs = free_vars r in (KNOW_TAC (list_mk_exists (vs,tm)) THEN1 prover) THEN STRIP_TAC THEN POP_ASSUM (fn th => rewriter th THEN assumer th) end; end; val Introduce = Q_TAC INTRODUCE_TAC; val pureDefine = with_flag (computeLib.auto_import_definitions, false) Define; fun GCONJUNCTS th = let val tm = concl th val (vs, imps) = strip_forall tm val (xs, conjs) = strip_imp imps val add_imps = fn th => foldr (fn (x,t) => DISCH x t) th xs val add_vars = fn th => foldr (fn (v,t) => GEN v t) th vs in (map (add_vars o add_imps) o CONJUNCTS o UNDISCH_ALL o SPEC_ALL) th end; (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Misc. theorems *) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) val MLEX_def = Define `MLEX f r x y = f x < f y \/ (f x = f y) /\ r x y`; val WF_MLEX = store_thm ("WF_MLEX", ``!f r. WF r ==> WF (MLEX f r)``, RW_TAC std_ss [] >> Suff `MLEX f r = inv_image ((<) LEX r) (\x. (f x, x))` >- METIS_TAC [prim_recTheory.WF_LESS, WF_LEX, relationTheory.WF_inv_image] >> RW_TAC std_ss [FUN_EQ_THM,MLEX_def,relationTheory.inv_image_def,LEX_DEF]); val NO_MEM = store_thm ("NO_MEM", ``!l. (!x. ~MEM x l) = (l = [])``, Cases >> RW_TAC std_ss [MEM] >> METIS_TAC []); val set_of_list_def = Define `(set_of_list [] = {}) /\ (set_of_list (h :: t) = h INSERT set_of_list t)`; val set_of_list = store_thm ("set_of_list", ``!l x. x IN set_of_list l = MEM x l``, Induct >> RW_TAC std_ss [set_of_list_def, MEM, NOT_IN_EMPTY, IN_INSERT]); val interval_def = Define `(interval x 0 = []) /\ (interval x (SUC n) = x :: interval (SUC x) n)`; val MEM_interval = store_thm ("MEM_interval", ``!x k n. MEM x (interval k n) = k <= x /\ x < k + n``, Induct_on `n` >> RW_TAC arith_ss [MEM, interval_def]); val MEM_FILTER = store_thm ("MEM_FILTER", ``!p l x. MEM x (FILTER p l) = MEM x l /\ p x``, Induct_on `l` >> RW_TAC std_ss [FILTER, MEM] >> METIS_TAC []); val EVERY_MONO = store_thm ("EVERY_MONO", ``!p q l. (!x. p x ==> q x) /\ EVERY p l ==> EVERY q l``, METIS_TAC [EVERY_MONOTONIC]); val partition_def = Define `(partition p [] = ([],[])) /\ (partition p (h :: t) = let (l,r) = partition p t in if p h then (h::l,r) else (l,h::r))`; val LENGTH_partition = store_thm ("LENGTH_partition", ``!p l x y. (partition p l = (x,y)) ==> (LENGTH l = LENGTH x + LENGTH y)``, Induct_on `l` >> RW_TAC list_ss [partition_def] >> Introduce `partition p l = (a,b)` >> REPEAT (POP_ASSUM MP_TAC) >> RW_TAC arith_ss [LENGTH] >> RES_TAC >> RW_TAC arith_ss [LENGTH]); val MEM_partition = store_thm ("MEM_partition", ``!p l x y k. (partition p l = (x,y)) ==> (MEM k x = p k /\ MEM k l) /\ (MEM k y = ~p k /\ MEM k l)``, Induct_on `l` >> RW_TAC list_ss [partition_def] >> Introduce `partition p l = (a,b)` >> REPEAT (POP_ASSUM MP_TAC) >> RW_TAC arith_ss [MEM] >> RES_TAC >> RW_TAC arith_ss [MEM] >> METIS_TAC []); val BUTFIRSTN_EL = store_thm ("BUTFIRSTN_EL", ``!n l. n < LENGTH l ==> (EL n l :: BUTFIRSTN (SUC n) l = BUTFIRSTN n l)``, Induct >> Cases >> RW_TAC arith_ss [EL, BUTFIRSTN, LENGTH, HD, TL]); val BUTFIRSTN_HD = store_thm ("BUTFIRSTN_HD", ``!n l. n < LENGTH l ==> (HD (BUTFIRSTN n l) = EL n l)``, Induct >> Cases >> RW_TAC arith_ss [EL, BUTFIRSTN, LENGTH, HD, TL]); val BUTFIRSTN_TL = store_thm ("BUTFIRSTN_TL", ``!n l. n < LENGTH l ==> (TL (BUTFIRSTN n l) = BUTFIRSTN (SUC n) l)``, Induct >> Cases >> RW_TAC arith_ss [EL, BUTFIRSTN, LENGTH, HD, TL]); (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Theorems for reducing character equations. *) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) val chr_11 = store_thm ("chr_11", ``!m n x. (m = ORD x) /\ (n = ORD x) = (m = n) /\ (m = ORD x)``, METIS_TAC []); val chr_suff = store_thm ("chr_suff", ``!n p. (?x. (n = ORD x) \/ p x) = n < 256 \/ ?x. p x``, METIS_TAC [ORD_ONTO]); val chr_suff1 = store_thm ("chr_suff1", ``!n. (?x. (n = ORD x)) = n < 256``, METIS_TAC [ORD_ONTO]); (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Dijkstra's reachability algorithm. *) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) val accepting_path_def = Define `(accepting_path (t : 'a->'a->bool) a s [] = a s) /\ (accepting_path t a s (s' :: l) = t s s' /\ accepting_path t a s' l)`; val accepting_path_tail = store_thm ("accepting_path_tail", ``!p t a k ks. ~p k /\ accepting_path t a k ks ==> ?j js n. n <= LENGTH ks /\ (j :: js = BUTFIRSTN n (k :: ks)) /\ ~p j /\ EVERY p js /\ accepting_path t a j js``, completeInduct_on `LENGTH ks` >> RW_TAC std_ss [] >> Cases_on `EVERY p ks` >- (Q.EXISTS_TAC `k` >> Q.EXISTS_TAC `ks` >> Q.EXISTS_TAC `0` >> RW_TAC arith_ss [EVERY_MEM, BUTFIRSTN]) >> POP_ASSUM (MP_TAC o REWRITE_RULE [EVERY_MEM, MEM_EL]) >> RW_TAC std_ss [] >> Suff `?j js n'. n' <= LENGTH (BUTFIRSTN (SUC n) ks) /\ (j::js = BUTFIRSTN n' (EL n ks :: BUTFIRSTN (SUC n) ks)) /\ ~p j /\ ALL_EL p js /\ accepting_path t a j js` >- (Q.PAT_X_ASSUM `!m. P m` (K ALL_TAC) >> RW_TAC arith_ss [BUTFIRSTN_EL, LENGTH_BUTFIRSTN] >> Know `n' + n < LENGTH ks` >- DECIDE_TAC >> STRIP_TAC >> Q.EXISTS_TAC `EL (n + n') ks` >> Q.EXISTS_TAC `BUTFIRSTN (SUC n + n') ks` >> Q.EXISTS_TAC `SUC n + n'` >> FULL_SIMP_TAC arith_ss [BUTFIRSTN, ALL_EL_BUTFIRSTN, BUTFIRSTN_EL, BUTFIRSTN_BUTFIRSTN, ADD] >> Suff `(j = EL (n + n') ks) /\ (js = BUTFIRSTN (SUC (n + n')) ks)` >- METIS_TAC [] >> METIS_TAC [HD, TL, BUTFIRSTN_HD, BUTFIRSTN_TL]) >> Q.PAT_X_ASSUM `!x. P x` MP_TAC >> SIMP_TAC std_ss [GSYM RIGHT_FORALL_IMP_THM, AND_IMP_INTRO] >> DISCH_THEN MATCH_MP_TAC >> RW_TAC arith_ss [LENGTH_BUTFIRSTN] >> POP_ASSUM (K ALL_TAC) >> POP_ASSUM MP_TAC >> POP_ASSUM MP_TAC >> Q.SPEC_TAC (`k`, `k`) >> Q.SPEC_TAC (`ks`, `ks`) >> Induct_on `n` >> Cases >> RW_TAC arith_ss [BUTFIRSTN, LENGTH, EL, HD, accepting_path_def, TL] >> METIS_TAC []); val (dijkstra_def, dijkstra_ind) = Defn.tprove (Defn.Hol_defn "dijkstra" `(dijkstra t a [] w = F) /\ (dijkstra t a (s :: l) w = let (x,y) = partition (t s) w in EXISTS a x \/ dijkstra t a (x <> l) y)`, WF_REL_TAC `measure (\ (_,_,l,w). LENGTH l + LENGTH w)` >> RW_TAC list_ss [] >> POP_ASSUM (ASSUME_TAC o SYM) >> MP_TAC (Q.SPECL [`(t : 'a->'a->bool) s`, `w`, `x`, `y`] LENGTH_partition) >> RW_TAC arith_ss []); val _ = save_thm ("dijkstra_def", dijkstra_def); val dijkstra = store_thm ("dijkstra", ``!t a u v. EXISTS a u \/ dijkstra t a u v = ?k l. MEM k u /\ EVERY (\x. MEM x (u <> v)) l /\ accepting_path t a k l``, SIMP_TAC std_ss [EXISTS_MEM] >> recInduct dijkstra_ind >> RW_TAC list_ss [dijkstra_def] (* >> Introduce `partition (t s) w = (x,y)` *) >> Q.PAT_X_ASSUM `!x y. P x y` (MP_TAC o Q.SPECL [`x`, `y`]) >> RW_TAC std_ss [] >> RW_TAC std_ss [RIGHT_AND_OVER_OR, EXISTS_OR_THM, GSYM DISJ_ASSOC] >> RW_TAC std_ss [DISJ_ASSOC] >> Know `(a s \/ (?k. IS_EL k l /\ a k)) \/ SOME_EL a x = a s \/ ?k. (IS_EL k x \/ IS_EL k l) /\ a k` >- METIS_TAC [EXISTS_MEM] >> DISCH_THEN (fn th => REWRITE_TAC [th]) >> RW_TAC std_ss [GSYM DISJ_ASSOC] >> Q.PAT_X_ASSUM `X = Y` (K ALL_TAC) >> Cases_on `?q. ALL_EL (\k. (k = s) \/ IS_EL k l \/ IS_EL k w) q /\ accepting_path t a s q` >- (ASM_SIMP_TAC std_ss [] >> Know `?q. ALL_EL (\x. IS_EL x l \/ IS_EL x w) q /\ accepting_path t a s q` >- (POP_ASSUM STRIP_ASSUME_TAC >> MP_TAC (Q.SPECL [`\k. ~(k = s)`, `t`, `a`, `s`, `q`] accepting_path_tail) >> RW_TAC std_ss [] >> Q.EXISTS_TAC `js` >> RW_TAC std_ss [] >> Suff `ALL_EL (\k. ~(k = s)) js /\ ALL_EL (\k. (k = s) \/ IS_EL k l \/ IS_EL k w) js` >- (SIMP_TAC std_ss [GSYM EVERY_CONJ] >> Q.SPEC_TAC (`js`, `js`) >> MATCH_MP_TAC EVERY_MONOTONIC >> RW_TAC std_ss [FUN_EQ_THM] >> METIS_TAC []) >> RW_TAC std_ss [] >> Q.PAT_X_ASSUM `X = BUTFIRSTN N L` MP_TAC >> Cases_on `n` >> RW_TAC std_ss [BUTFIRSTN] >> Know `js = TL (BUTFIRSTN n' q)` >- METIS_TAC [TL] >> RW_TAC arith_ss [BUTFIRSTN_TL] >> METIS_TAC [ALL_EL_BUTFIRSTN]) >> POP_ASSUM (K ALL_TAC) >> RW_TAC std_ss [] >> POP_ASSUM MP_TAC >> Cases_on `q` >> RW_TAC std_ss [accepting_path_def] >> DISJ2_TAC >> Q.EXISTS_TAC `h` >> Q.EXISTS_TAC `t'` >> RW_TAC std_ss [] >- (FULL_SIMP_TAC std_ss [EVERY_DEF] >> METIS_TAC [MEM_partition]) >> MATCH_MP_TAC EVERY_MONO >> Q.EXISTS_TAC `\k. MEM k l \/ MEM k w` >> (RW_TAC std_ss [] >> FULL_SIMP_TAC std_ss [EVERY_DEF]) >> METIS_TAC [MEM_partition]) >> ASM_SIMP_TAC std_ss [] >> POP_ASSUM MP_TAC >> SIMP_TAC std_ss [] >> DISCH_THEN (MP_TAC o ONCE_REWRITE_RULE [PROVE [] ``a \/ b = ~a ==> b``]) >> SIMP_TAC std_ss [] >> STRIP_TAC >> Cases_on `a s` >- (Q.PAT_X_ASSUM `!x. P x` (MP_TAC o Q.SPEC `[]`) >> RW_TAC std_ss [EVERY_DEF, accepting_path_def]) >> RW_TAC std_ss [] >> RW_TAC std_ss [RIGHT_AND_OVER_OR, EXISTS_OR_THM] >> MATCH_MP_TAC (PROVE [] ``~a /\ (b = c) ==> (a \/ b = c)``) >> CONJ_TAC >- (SIMP_TAC std_ss [] >> ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [PROVE [] ``a \/ b = ~a ==> b``] >> ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [PROVE [] ``a \/ b = ~a ==> b``] >> RW_TAC std_ss [] >> STRIP_TAC >> Q.PAT_X_ASSUM `!x. P x` (MP_TAC o Q.SPEC `k :: l'`) >> RW_TAC std_ss [EVERY_DEF, accepting_path_def] >| [METIS_TAC [MEM_partition], MATCH_MP_TAC EVERY_MONO >> Q.EXISTS_TAC `\k. IS_EL k x \/ IS_EL k l \/ IS_EL k y` >> RW_TAC std_ss [] >> METIS_TAC [MEM_partition], METIS_TAC [MEM_partition]]) >> HO_MATCH_MP_TAC (METIS_PROVE [] ``(!x y. A x y /\ C x y ==> (B x y = D x y)) ==> ((?x y. A x y /\ B x y /\ C x y) = (?x y. A x y /\ D x y /\ C x y))``) >> RW_TAC std_ss [] >> EQ_TAC >- (Q.SPEC_TAC (`l'`, `l'`) >> MATCH_MP_TAC EVERY_MONOTONIC >> METIS_TAC [MEM_partition]) >> STRIP_TAC >> Suff `EVERY (\k. ~(k = s)) l'` >- (POP_ASSUM MP_TAC >> SIMP_TAC std_ss [AND_IMP_INTRO, GSYM EVERY_CONJ] >> Q.SPEC_TAC (`l'`, `l'`) >> MATCH_MP_TAC EVERY_MONOTONIC >> METIS_TAC [MEM_partition]) >> RW_TAC std_ss [EVERY_MEM, MEM_EL] >> CCONTR_TAC >> FULL_SIMP_TAC std_ss [] >> Q.PAT_X_ASSUM `!x. P x` (MP_TAC o Q.SPEC `BUTFIRSTN (SUC n) l'`) >> RW_TAC std_ss [] >- (Q.PAT_X_ASSUM `EVERY P L` MP_TAC >> Q.SPEC_TAC (`EL n l'`, `s`) >> RW_TAC std_ss [] >> Know `SUC n <= LENGTH l'` >- DECIDE_TAC >> Q.SPEC_TAC (`n`, `n`) >> MATCH_MP_TAC ALL_EL_BUTFIRSTN >> RW_TAC std_ss []) >> POP_ASSUM MP_TAC >> Q.PAT_X_ASSUM `accepting_path t a k l'` MP_TAC >> POP_ASSUM_LIST (K ALL_TAC) >> SIMP_TAC std_ss [AND_IMP_INTRO] >> Q.SPEC_TAC (`k`, `k`) >> Q.SPEC_TAC (`l'`, `l`) >> Induct_on `n` >> Cases >> RW_TAC arith_ss [LENGTH, BUTFIRSTN, EL, HD, TL, accepting_path_def] >> METIS_TAC []); val dijkstra_partition = store_thm ("dijkstra_partition", ``!t a p l u v. (partition p l = (u,v)) ==> (EXISTS a u \/ dijkstra t a u v = ?k ks. MEM k u /\ EVERY (\j. MEM j l) ks /\ accepting_path t a k ks)``, RW_TAC std_ss [dijkstra, MEM_APPEND] >> Suff `!j. MEM j l = MEM j u \/ MEM j v` >- RW_TAC std_ss [] >> METIS_TAC [MEM_partition]); val dijkstra1 = store_thm ("dijkstra1", ``!t a s l. MEM s l ==> (a s \/ dijkstra t a [s] (FILTER (\x. ~(x = s)) l) = ?ks. EVERY (\j. MEM j l) ks /\ accepting_path t a s ks)``, RW_TAC std_ss [] >> Know `a s = EXISTS a [s]` >- RW_TAC std_ss [EXISTS_DEF] >> DISCH_THEN (fn th => REWRITE_TAC [th]) >> RW_TAC std_ss [dijkstra] >> RW_TAC std_ss [MEM, MEM_APPEND] >> Suff `!j. (j = s) \/ IS_EL j (FILTER (\x. ~(x = s)) l) = IS_EL j l` >- RW_TAC std_ss [] >> RW_TAC std_ss [MEM_FILTER] >> METIS_TAC []); (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* BIGLIST is designed to speed up evaluation of very long lists. *) (* (But it doesn't seem to have the desired effect, so we don't use it.) *) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) val drop_def = pureDefine `(drop 0 l = l) /\ (drop (SUC i) l = if NULL l then [] else drop i (TL l))`; val BIGLIST_def = Define `BIGLIST l = drop 0 l`; val drop_nil = prove (``!i. drop i [] = []``, Induct >> RW_TAC std_ss [NULL_DEF, drop_def]); val null_drop = store_thm ("null_drop", ``!i l. NULL (drop i l) = LENGTH l <= i``, Induct >- (RW_TAC arith_ss [drop_def] >> METIS_TAC [LENGTH_NIL, NULL_EQ_NIL]) >> Cases_on `l` >> RW_TAC arith_ss [drop_def, LENGTH, NULL_DEF, TL]); val tl_drop = store_thm ("tl_drop", ``!i l. TL (drop i l) = if i < LENGTH l then drop (SUC i) l else TL (drop i l)``, Induct >- (RW_TAC arith_ss [drop_def, NULL_EQ_NIL] >> FULL_SIMP_TAC arith_ss [LENGTH]) >> Cases_on `l` >> RW_TAC arith_ss [drop_def, LENGTH, NULL_EQ_NIL, TL] >> Q.PAT_X_ASSUM `!l. P l` (fn th => ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [th]) >> FULL_SIMP_TAC arith_ss [LENGTH, drop_def, NULL_EQ_NIL]); val head_drop = store_thm ("head_drop", ``!i l h t. (drop i l = h :: t) ==> (HD (drop i l) = h)``, RW_TAC std_ss [HD]); val tail_drop = store_thm ("tail_drop", ``!l i h t. (drop i l = h :: t) ==> (drop (SUC i) l = t)``, Induct >- RW_TAC bool_ss [drop_def, drop_nil] >> RW_TAC std_ss [drop_def, TL, NULL, drop_nil] >> POP_ASSUM MP_TAC >> Cases_on `i` >> RW_TAC std_ss [drop_def, NULL_EQ_NIL, TL]); val length_drop = store_thm ("length_drop", ``!i l h. (drop i l = [h]) ==> (LENGTH l = SUC i)``, Induct >- RW_TAC arith_ss [drop_def, LENGTH] >> Cases >> RW_TAC std_ss [drop_def, TL, NULL_EQ_NIL, drop_nil, LENGTH]); (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Non-deterministic and deterministic automata. *) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) val () = type_abbrev ("na", Type`:'a # ('a->'b->'a->bool) # ('a->bool)`); val () = type_abbrev ("da", Type`:'a # ('a->'b->'a) # ('a->bool)`); val initial_def = Define `initial ((i,trans,acc) : ('a,'b) na) = i`; val transition_def = Define `transition ((i,trans,acc) : ('a,'b) na) = trans`; val accept_def = Define `accept ((i,trans,acc) : ('a,'b) na) = acc`; val na_step_def = Define `(na_step ((i,trans,acc) : ('a,'b) na) s [] = (acc s)) /\ (na_step (i,trans,acc) s (h :: t) = ?s'. trans s h s' /\ na_step (i,trans,acc) s' t)`; val na_accepts_def = Define `na_accepts (i,trans,acc) l = na_step (i,trans,acc) i l`; val da_step_def = Define `(da_step ((i,trans,acc) : ('a,'b) da) s [] = acc s) /\ (da_step (i,trans,acc) s (h :: t) = da_step (i,trans,acc) (trans s h) t)`; val da_accepts_def = Define `da_accepts (i,trans,acc) l = da_step (i,trans,acc) i l`; val na2da_def = Define `na2da (n : ('a,'b) na) = ({initial n}, (\s c. {y | ?x. x IN s /\ (transition n) x c y}), (\s. ?x. x IN s /\ accept n x))`; val na2da_lemma = prove (``!n s l. da_step (na2da n) s l = ?x. x IN s /\ na_step n x l``, RW_TAC std_ss [] >> Introduce `n = (i,trans,acc)` >> RW_TAC std_ss [na2da_def, initial_def, transition_def, accept_def] >> Q.SPEC_TAC (`s`, `s`) >> Induct_on `l` >- (RW_TAC std_ss [da_step_def, na_step_def, IN_SING] >> METIS_TAC []) >> RW_TAC std_ss [da_step_def, na_step_def] >> RW_TAC std_ss [GSYM na2da_def, GSPECIFICATION] >> METIS_TAC []); val na2da = store_thm ("na2da", ``!n l. na_accepts n l = da_accepts (na2da n) l``, RW_TAC std_ss [] >> Introduce `n = (i,trans,acc)` >> RW_TAC std_ss [na_accepts_def, da_accepts_def, na2da_def] >> RW_TAC std_ss [na2da_lemma, GSYM na2da_def, IN_SING] >> RW_TAC std_ss [initial_def]); (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* A checker that works by constructing a deterministic finite automata. *) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) val regexp2na_def = Define `(regexp2na (Atom b) = (1, (\s x s'. (s=1) /\ b x /\ (s'=0)), \s. s=0)) /\ (regexp2na (r1 # r2) = let (i1,t1,a1) = regexp2na r1 in let (i2,t2,a2) = regexp2na r2 in (i1 + i2 + 1, (\s x s'. if s <= i2 then t2 s x s' else if s' <= i2 then a1 (s - (i2 + 1)) /\ t2 i2 x s' else t1 (s - (i2 + 1)) x (s' - (i2 + 1))), \s. if s <= i2 then a2 s else a2 i2 /\ a1 (s - (i2 + 1)))) /\ (regexp2na (r1 % r2) = let (i1,t1,a1) = regexp2na r1 in let (i2,t2,a2) = regexp2na r2 in (i1 + i2 + 1, (\s x s'. if s <= i2 then t2 s x s' else if s' <= i2 then ?y. t1 (s - (i2 + 1)) x y /\ a1 y /\ t2 i2 x s' else t1 (s - (i2 + 1)) x (s' - (i2 + 1))), a2)) /\ (regexp2na (r1 || r2) = let (i1,t1,a1) = regexp2na r1 in let (i2,t2,a2) = regexp2na r2 in (i1 + i2 + 2, (\s x s'. if s = i1 + i2 + 2 then if s' <= i1 then t1 i1 x s' else t2 i2 x (s' - (i1 + 1)) else if s <= i1 then t1 s x s' else ~(s' <= i1) /\ t2 (s - (i1 + 1)) x (s' - (i1 + 1))), \s. if s = i1 + i2 + 2 then a1 i1 \/ a2 i2 else if s <= i1 then a1 s else a2 (s - (i1 + 1)))) /\ (regexp2na (r1 & r2) = let (i1,t1,a1) = regexp2na r1 in let (i2,t2,a2) = regexp2na r2 in (i1 * i2 + i1 + i2, (\s x s'. t1 (s DIV (i2 + 1)) x (s' DIV (i2 + 1)) /\ t2 (s MOD (i2 + 1)) x (s' MOD (i2 + 1))), \s. a1 (s DIV (i2 + 1)) /\ a2 (s MOD (i2 + 1)))) /\ (regexp2na (Repeat r) = let (i,t,a) = regexp2na r in if a i then (i, (\s x s'. t s x s' \/ a s /\ t i x s'), a) else (i + 1, (\s x s'. if s = i + 1 then t i x s' else t s x s' \/ a s /\ t i x s'), \s. (s = i + 1) \/ a s)) /\ (regexp2na (Prefix r) = let (i,t,a) = regexp2na r in (i, t, \s. ?l. accepting_path (\s s'. ?x. t s x s') a s l))`; val regexp2da_def = Define `regexp2da r = na2da (regexp2na r)`; val da_match_def = Define `da_match r = da_accepts (regexp2da r)`; (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Correctness of the finite automata matcher *) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) val regexp2na_bounds = prove (``!r i trans acc. (regexp2na r = (i,trans,acc)) ==> (!s. acc s ==> s <= i) /\ (!s x s'. trans s x s' ==> s <= i /\ s' <= i)``, Induct (* 7 subgoals *) >| [(* Atom *) FULL_SIMP_TAC std_ss [regexp2na_def], (* # *) Introduce `r = r1` >> Introduce `r' = r2` >> REPEAT GEN_TAC >> SIMP_TAC std_ss [regexp2na_def] >> Introduce `regexp2na r1 = (i1,t1,a1)` >> Introduce `regexp2na r2 = (i2,t2,a2)` >> STRIP_TAC >> REPEAT (POP_ASSUM MP_TAC) >> RW_TAC std_ss [] (* 3 subgoals *) >> POP_ASSUM MP_TAC >> RW_TAC std_ss [] >> RES_TAC >> fs [], (* % *) Introduce `r = r1` >> Introduce `r' = r2` >> REPEAT GEN_TAC >> SIMP_TAC std_ss [regexp2na_def] >> Introduce `regexp2na r1 = (i1,t1,a1)` >> Introduce `regexp2na r2 = (i2,t2,a2)` >> REPEAT (POP_ASSUM MP_TAC) >> RW_TAC std_ss [] >> POP_ASSUM MP_TAC >> RW_TAC std_ss [] >> RES_TAC >> fs [], (* || *) Introduce `r = r1` >> Introduce `r' = r2` >> REPEAT GEN_TAC >> SIMP_TAC std_ss [regexp2na_def] >> Introduce `regexp2na r1 = (i1,t1,a1)` >> Introduce `regexp2na r2 = (i2,t2,a2)` >> REPEAT (POP_ASSUM MP_TAC) >> (RW_TAC std_ss [] >> POP_ASSUM MP_TAC >> RW_TAC std_ss []) >> RES_TAC >> fs [], (* & *) Introduce `r = r1` >> Introduce `r' = r2` >> REPEAT GEN_TAC >> SIMP_TAC std_ss [regexp2na_def] >> Introduce `regexp2na r1 = (i1,t1,a1)` >> Introduce `regexp2na r2 = (i2,t2,a2)` >> Q.PAT_X_ASSUM `!i. P i` (MP_TAC o Q.SPECL [`i2`,`t2`,`a2`]) >> Q.PAT_X_ASSUM `!i. P i` (MP_TAC o Q.SPECL [`i1`,`t1`,`a1`]) >> SIMP_TAC std_ss [] >> REPEAT (DISCH_THEN STRIP_ASSUME_TAC) >> CONJ_TAC >| [REPEAT (POP_ASSUM MP_TAC) >> (RW_TAC std_ss [] >> POP_ASSUM MP_TAC >> RW_TAC std_ss []) >> MP_TAC (Q.SPEC `i2 + 1` DIVISION) >> DISCH_THEN (MP_TAC o Q.SPEC `s` o SIMP_RULE arith_ss []) >> DISCH_THEN (fn th => ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [th]) >> MATCH_MP_TAC LESS_EQ_TRANS >> Q.EXISTS_TAC `(s DIV (i2 + 1)) * (i2 + 1) + i2` >> SIMP_TAC std_ss [ADD_MONO_LESS_EQ, LESS_EQ_MONO_ADD_EQ] >> CONJ_TAC >- (RES_TAC >> fs []) >> Know `!m n. m * n + m = m * (n + 1)` >- METIS_TAC [MULT_CLAUSES, ADD1, MULT_COMM] >> DISCH_THEN (fn th => REWRITE_TAC [th]) >> MATCH_MP_TAC LESS_MONO_MULT >> METIS_TAC [], REPEAT (POP_ASSUM MP_TAC) >> (RW_TAC std_ss [] >> POP_ASSUM MP_TAC >> RW_TAC std_ss []) >| [MP_TAC (Q.SPEC `i2 + 1` DIVISION) >> DISCH_THEN (MP_TAC o Q.SPEC `s` o SIMP_RULE arith_ss []) >> DISCH_THEN (fn th => ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [th]) >> MATCH_MP_TAC LESS_EQ_TRANS >> Q.EXISTS_TAC `(s DIV (i2 + 1)) * (i2 + 1) + i2` >> SIMP_TAC std_ss [ADD_MONO_LESS_EQ, LESS_EQ_MONO_ADD_EQ] >> CONJ_TAC >- (RES_TAC >> fs []) >> Know `!m n. m * n + m = m * (n + 1)` >- METIS_TAC [MULT_CLAUSES, ADD1, MULT_COMM] >> DISCH_THEN (fn th => REWRITE_TAC [th]) >> MATCH_MP_TAC LESS_MONO_MULT >> METIS_TAC [], MP_TAC (Q.SPEC `i2 + 1` DIVISION) >> DISCH_THEN (MP_TAC o Q.SPEC `s'` o SIMP_RULE arith_ss []) >> DISCH_THEN (fn th => ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [th]) >> MATCH_MP_TAC LESS_EQ_TRANS >> Q.EXISTS_TAC `(s' DIV (i2 + 1)) * (i2 + 1) + i2` >> SIMP_TAC std_ss [ADD_MONO_LESS_EQ, LESS_EQ_MONO_ADD_EQ] >> CONJ_TAC >- (RES_TAC >> fs []) >> Know `!m n. m * n + m = m * (n + 1)` >- METIS_TAC [MULT_CLAUSES, ADD1, MULT_COMM] >> DISCH_THEN (fn th => REWRITE_TAC [th]) >> MATCH_MP_TAC LESS_MONO_MULT >> METIS_TAC []]], (* Repeat *) REPEAT GEN_TAC >> SIMP_TAC std_ss [regexp2na_def] >> Introduce `regexp2na r = (i,t,a)` >> REPEAT (POP_ASSUM MP_TAC) >> (RW_TAC std_ss [] >> POP_ASSUM MP_TAC >> RW_TAC std_ss []) >> METIS_TAC [LESS_EQ_TRANS, LESS_EQ_ADD, ADD_COMM, LESS_EQ_REFL], (* Prefix *) REPEAT GEN_TAC >> SIMP_TAC std_ss [regexp2na_def] >> Introduce `regexp2na r = (i,t,a)` >> REPEAT (POP_ASSUM MP_TAC) >> (RW_TAC std_ss [] >> POP_ASSUM MP_TAC >> RW_TAC std_ss []) >| [POP_ASSUM MP_TAC >> Cases_on `l` >> RW_TAC std_ss [accepting_path_def] >> METIS_TAC [], METIS_TAC [], METIS_TAC []]]); val regexp2na_acc = prove (``!r i trans acc s. (regexp2na r = (i,trans,acc)) /\ acc s ==> s <= i``, METIS_TAC [regexp2na_bounds]); val regexp2na_trans = prove (``!r i trans acc s x s'. (regexp2na r = (i,trans,acc)) /\ trans s x s' ==> s <= i /\ s' <= i``, METIS_TAC [regexp2na_bounds]); val na_match_atom = prove (``!b l. na_accepts (regexp2na (Atom b)) l = sem (Atom b) l``, RW_TAC std_ss [regexp2na_def, sem_def, LENGTH_EQ_ONE, na_accepts_def] >> Cases_on `l` >> RW_TAC std_ss [na_step_def, HD] >> Cases_on `t` >> RW_TAC std_ss [na_step_def, HD]); val na_match_concat = prove (``!r1 r2. (!l. na_accepts (regexp2na r1) l = sem r1 l) /\ (!l. na_accepts (regexp2na r2) l = sem r2 l) ==> !l. na_accepts (regexp2na (r1 # r2)) l = sem (r1 # r2) l``, REPEAT GEN_TAC >> Introduce `regexp2na r1 = (i1, t1, a1)` >> Introduce `regexp2na r2 = (i2, t2, a2)` >> NTAC 2 (RW_TAC std_ss [regexp2na_def, sem_def, na_accepts_def]) >> RW_TAC std_ss [regexp2na_def, sem_def, na_accepts_def] >> REPEAT (Q.PAT_X_ASSUM `!x. P x` (fn th => REWRITE_TAC [GSYM th])) >> Suff `!k. na_step (i1 + i2 + 1, (\s x s'. if s <= i2 then t2 s x s' else if s' <= i2 then a1 (s - (i2 + 1)) /\ t2 i2 x s' else t1 (s - (i2 + 1)) x (s' - (i2 + 1))), (\s. if s <= i2 then a2 s else a2 i2 /\ a1 (s - (i2 + 1)))) (k + i2 + 1) l = ?w1 w2. (l = w1 <> w2) /\ na_step (i1,t1,a1) k w1 /\ na_step (i2,t2,a2) i2 w2` >- METIS_TAC [] >> Induct_on `l` >- (RW_TAC std_ss [na_step_def, APPEND_eq_NIL] >> FULL_SIMP_TAC arith_ss [] >> METIS_TAC []) >> RW_TAC std_ss [] >> Know `!P Q. (Q = P [] \/ ?t h. P (h :: t)) ==> (Q = (?l. P l))` >- (POP_ASSUM_LIST (K ALL_TAC) >> METIS_TAC [list_CASES]) >> DISCH_THEN HO_MATCH_MP_TAC >> RW_TAC arith_ss [APPEND, na_step_def] >> HO_MATCH_MP_TAC (METIS_PROVE [] ``!P Q R X Y Z. ((?x : num. P x /\ Q x /\ Z x) = X) /\ ((?x. ~P x /\ R x /\ Z x) = Y) ==> ((?x. (if P x then Q x else R x) /\ Z x) = X \/ Y)``) >> REVERSE CONJ_TAC >- (Suff `!P Q. ((?x : num. P (x + i2 + 1)) = Q) ==> ((?x. ~(x <= i2) /\ P x) = Q)` >- (DISCH_THEN HO_MATCH_MP_TAC >> POP_ASSUM MP_TAC >> RW_TAC arith_ss [] >> POP_ASSUM (K ALL_TAC) >> METIS_TAC []) >> POP_ASSUM (K ALL_TAC) >> Suff `!x. ~(x <= i2) = (?y. x = y + i2 + 1)` >- METIS_TAC [] >> RW_TAC arith_ss [] >> REVERSE EQ_TAC >- RW_TAC arith_ss [] >> RW_TAC arith_ss [] >> Q.EXISTS_TAC `x - (i2 + 1)` >> DECIDE_TAC) >> POP_ASSUM (K ALL_TAC) >> HO_MATCH_MP_TAC (METIS_PROVE [] ``!A B C D E. (!x. E x ==> A x) /\ (!x. A x ==> (D x = E x)) ==> ((?x. A x /\ (B /\ C x) /\ D x) = B /\ ?x. C x /\ E x)``) >> CONJ_TAC >- (Cases_on `l` >> RW_TAC std_ss [na_step_def] >> METIS_TAC [regexp2na_trans, regexp2na_acc]) >> Induct_on `l` >- RW_TAC std_ss [na_step_def] >> RW_TAC std_ss [na_step_def] >> METIS_TAC [regexp2na_trans]); val na_match_fuse = prove (``!r1 r2. (!l. na_accepts (regexp2na r1) l = sem r1 l) /\ (!l. na_accepts (regexp2na r2) l = sem r2 l) ==> !l. na_accepts (regexp2na (r1 % r2)) l = sem (r1 % r2) l``, REPEAT GEN_TAC >> Introduce `regexp2na r1 = (i1, t1, a1)` >> Introduce `regexp2na r2 = (i2, t2, a2)` >> NTAC 2 (RW_TAC std_ss [regexp2na_def, sem_def, na_accepts_def]) >> REPEAT (Q.PAT_X_ASSUM `!x. P x` (fn th => REWRITE_TAC [GSYM th])) >> Suff `!k. na_step (i1 + i2 + 1, (\s x s'. if s <= i2 then t2 s x s' else if s' <= i2 then ?y. t1 (s - (i2 + 1)) x y /\ a1 y /\ t2 i2 x s' else t1 (s - (i2 + 1)) x (s' - (i2 + 1))),a2) (k + i2 + 1) l = ?w1 w2 c. (l = w1 <> [c] <> w2) /\ na_step (i1,t1,a1) k (w1 <> [c]) /\ na_step (i2,t2,a2) i2 ([c] <> w2)` >- METIS_TAC [] >> Induct_on `l` >- (RW_TAC std_ss [na_step_def, APPEND_eq_NIL] >> Suff `~(k + i2 + 1 <= i2)` >- METIS_TAC [regexp2na_acc] >> RW_TAC arith_ss []) >> RW_TAC std_ss [] >> HO_MATCH_MP_TAC (METIS_PROVE [list_CASES] ``!P Q. (Q = P [] \/ ?t h. P (h :: t)) ==> (Q = (?l. P l))``) >> RW_TAC arith_ss [na_step_def] >> HO_MATCH_MP_TAC (METIS_PROVE [] ``!P Q R X Y Z. ((?x : num. P x /\ Q x /\ Z x) = X) /\ ((?x. ~P x /\ R x /\ Z x) = Y) ==> ((?x. (if P x then Q x else R x) /\ Z x) = X \/ Y)``) >> REVERSE CONJ_TAC >- (Suff `!P Q. ((?x : num. P (x + i2 + 1)) = Q) ==> ((?x. ~(x <= i2) /\ P x) = Q)` >- (DISCH_THEN HO_MATCH_MP_TAC >> POP_ASSUM MP_TAC >> RW_TAC arith_ss [] >> POP_ASSUM (K ALL_TAC) >> RW_TAC arith_ss [na_step_def, APPEND] >> METIS_TAC []) >> POP_ASSUM (K ALL_TAC) >> Suff `!x. ~(x <= i2) = (?y. x = y + i2 + 1)` >- METIS_TAC [] >> RW_TAC arith_ss [] >> REVERSE EQ_TAC >- RW_TAC arith_ss [] >> RW_TAC arith_ss [] >> Q.EXISTS_TAC `x - (i2 + 1)` >> DECIDE_TAC) >> POP_ASSUM (K ALL_TAC) >> RW_TAC std_ss [APPEND, na_step_def] >> HO_MATCH_MP_TAC (METIS_PROVE [] ``!A B C D E G. (!x. G x ==> A x) /\ (!x. A x ==> (E x = G x)) ==> ((?x. A x /\ (?y. B y /\ C y /\ D x) /\ E x) = (?y. B y /\ C y) /\ (?x. D x /\ G x))``) >> CONJ_TAC >- (Cases_on `l` >> RW_TAC std_ss [na_step_def] >> METIS_TAC [regexp2na_trans, regexp2na_acc]) >> Induct_on `l` >- RW_TAC std_ss [na_step_def] >> RW_TAC std_ss [na_step_def] >> METIS_TAC [regexp2na_trans]); val na_match_or = prove (``!r1 r2. (!l. na_accepts (regexp2na r1) l = sem r1 l) /\ (!l. na_accepts (regexp2na r2) l = sem r2 l) ==> !l. na_accepts (regexp2na (r1 || r2)) l = sem (r1 || r2) l``, REPEAT GEN_TAC >> Introduce `regexp2na r1 = (i1, t1, a1)` >> Introduce `regexp2na r2 = (i2, t2, a2)` >> NTAC 2 (RW_TAC std_ss [regexp2na_def, sem_def, na_accepts_def]) >> REPEAT (Q.PAT_X_ASSUM `!x. P x` (fn th => REWRITE_TAC [GSYM th])) >> Cases_on `l` >- RW_TAC std_ss [na_step_def] >> RW_TAC std_ss [na_step_def] >> HO_MATCH_MP_TAC (METIS_PROVE [] ``!P Q R X Y Z. ((?x : num. Z x /\ P x /\ R x) = X) /\ ((?x. ~Z x /\ Q x /\ R x) = Y) ==> ((?x. (if Z x then P x else Q x) /\ R x) = X \/ Y)``) >> CONJ_TAC >- (HO_MATCH_MP_TAC (METIS_PROVE [] ``!P Q R X. (!x. P x ==> X x) /\ (!x : num. X x ==> (Q x = R x)) ==> ((?x. X x /\ P x /\ Q x) = (?x. P x /\ R x))``) >> CONJ_TAC >- METIS_TAC [regexp2na_trans] >> Induct_on `t` >- RW_TAC arith_ss [na_step_def] >> RW_TAC arith_ss [na_step_def] >> HO_MATCH_MP_TAC (METIS_PROVE [] ``!P Q R. (!x : num. P x ==> (Q x = R x)) ==> ((?x. P x /\ Q x) = (?x. P x /\ R x))``) >> RW_TAC std_ss [] >> rename1 `na_step _ s''' t = na_step (i1,t1,a1) s''' t` >> Know `s''' <= i1` >- METIS_TAC [regexp2na_trans] (* was: s'' *) >> POP_ASSUM (K ALL_TAC) >> STRIP_TAC >> Q.PAT_X_ASSUM `!k. P k` (MP_TAC o Q.SPEC `s'''`) >> RW_TAC arith_ss []) >> HO_MATCH_MP_TAC (METIS_PROVE [] ``!P Q. (!x. P x ==> ?y. x = y + (i1 + 1)) /\ (!x : num. P (x + (i1 + 1)) = Q x) ==> ((?x. P x) = (?x. Q x))``) >> CONJ_TAC >- (RW_TAC std_ss [] >> Q.EXISTS_TAC `s' - (i1 + 1)` >> POP_ASSUM (K ALL_TAC) >> DECIDE_TAC) >> RW_TAC arith_ss [] >> MATCH_MP_TAC (PROVE [] ``!x y z. (x ==> (y = z)) ==> (x /\ y = x /\ z)``) >> STRIP_TAC >> rename1 `na_step _ (i1 + (s'' + 1)) t = na_step (i2,t2,a2) s'' t` >> Know `s'' <= i2` >- METIS_TAC [regexp2na_trans] (* was: s' *) >> POP_ASSUM (K ALL_TAC) >> Q.SPEC_TAC (`s''`, `k`) >> Induct_on `t` >- RW_TAC arith_ss [na_step_def] >> RW_TAC arith_ss [na_step_def] >> HO_MATCH_MP_TAC (METIS_PROVE [] ``!P Q. (!x. P x ==> ?y. x = y + (i1 + 1)) /\ (!x : num. P (x + (i1 + 1)) = Q x) ==> ((?x. P x) = (?x. Q x))``) >> CONJ_TAC >- (Q.PAT_X_ASSUM `!x. P x` (K ALL_TAC) >> RW_TAC std_ss [] >> Q.EXISTS_TAC `s' - (i1 + 1)` >> POP_ASSUM (K ALL_TAC) >> DECIDE_TAC) >> RW_TAC arith_ss [] >> MATCH_MP_TAC (PROVE [] ``!x y z. (x ==> (y = z)) ==> (x /\ y = x /\ z)``) >> STRIP_TAC >> rename1 `na_step _ (i1 + (s'' + 1)) t = na_step (i2,t2,a2) s'' t` >> Q.PAT_X_ASSUM `!x. P x` (MP_TAC o Q.SPEC `s''`) (* was: s' *) >> Know `s'' <= i2` >- METIS_TAC [regexp2na_trans] >> RW_TAC arith_ss []); val na_match_and = prove (``!r1 r2. (!l. na_accepts (regexp2na r1) l = sem r1 l) /\ (!l. na_accepts (regexp2na r2) l = sem r2 l) ==> !l. na_accepts (regexp2na (r1 & r2)) l = sem (r1 & r2) l``, REPEAT GEN_TAC >> Introduce `regexp2na r1 = (i1, t1, a1)` >> Introduce `regexp2na r2 = (i2, t2, a2)` >> NTAC 2 (RW_TAC std_ss [regexp2na_def, sem_def, na_accepts_def]) >> REPEAT (Q.PAT_X_ASSUM `!x. P x` (fn th => REWRITE_TAC [GSYM th])) >> Suff `!j k. j <= i1 /\ k <= i2 ==> (na_step (i1 * i2 + i1 + i2, (\s x s'. t1 (s DIV (i2 + 1)) x (s' DIV (i2 + 1)) /\ t2 (s MOD (i2 + 1)) x (s' MOD (i2 + 1))), (\s. a1 (s DIV (i2 + 1)) /\ a2 (s MOD (i2 + 1)))) (j * (i2 + 1) + k) l = na_step (i1,t1,a1) j l /\ na_step (i2,t2,a2) k l)` >- (DISCH_THEN (MP_TAC o Q.SPECL [`i1`, `i2`]) >> RW_TAC arith_ss [LEFT_ADD_DISTRIB]) >> Know `0 < i2 + 1` >- DECIDE_TAC >> STRIP_TAC >> Know `!k. k < i2 + 1 = k <= i2` >- DECIDE_TAC >> STRIP_TAC >> Induct_on `l` >- RW_TAC std_ss [na_step_def, DIV_MULT, MOD_MULT] >> RW_TAC std_ss [na_step_def, DIV_MULT, MOD_MULT] >> CONV_TAC (REDEPTH_CONV (LEFT_AND_EXISTS_CONV ORELSEC RIGHT_AND_EXISTS_CONV)) >> RW_TAC std_ss [] >> MP_TAC (Q.SPEC `i2 + 1` DIVISION) >> ASM_REWRITE_TAC [] >> HO_MATCH_MP_TAC (METIS_PROVE [] ``!P Q A B C. ((?x. A x /\ B (P x)) = C) ==> ((!x. (x = P x) /\ Q x) ==> ((?x. A x /\ B x) = C))``) >> HO_MATCH_MP_TAC (METIS_PROVE [] ``!P A B C. (!x. A x ==> P x) /\ ((?x. A x /\ (P x ==> B x)) = C) ==> ((?x. A x /\ B x) = C)``) >> Q.EXISTS_TAC `\x. x DIV (i2 + 1) <= i1 /\ x MOD (i2 + 1) <= i2` >> BETA_TAC >> CONJ_TAC >- METIS_TAC [regexp2na_trans] >> Q.PAT_X_ASSUM `!x. P x` (fn th => RW_TAC std_ss [th]) >> HO_MATCH_MP_TAC (METIS_PROVE [] ``!P A B C. (!x. A x ==> P x) /\ ((?x. A x /\ B x) = C) ==> ((?x. A x /\ (P x ==> B x)) = C)``) >> CONJ_TAC >- METIS_TAC [regexp2na_trans] >> EQ_TAC >- METIS_TAC [] >> RW_TAC std_ss [] >> rename1 `na_step (i2,t2,a2) s''' l` >> rename1 `na_step (i1,t1,a1) s'' l` >> Q.EXISTS_TAC `s'' * (i2 + 1) + s'''` (* was: s', s'' *) >> Know `s''' <= i2` >- METIS_TAC [regexp2na_trans] >> RW_TAC std_ss [DIV_MULT, MOD_MULT]); val na_match_repeat = prove (``!r. (!l. na_accepts (regexp2na r) l = sem r l) ==> !l. na_accepts (regexp2na (Repeat r)) l = sem (Repeat r) l``, REPEAT GEN_TAC >> Introduce `regexp2na r = (i, t, a)` >> (NTAC 2 (RW_TAC std_ss [regexp2na_def, sem_def, na_accepts_def]) >> (REPEAT o Q.PAT_X_ASSUM `!x. P x`) (fn th => REWRITE_TAC [GSYM (MATCH_MP EQ_EXT th)])) >- (HO_MATCH_MP_TAC (METIS_PROVE [list_CASES] ``!P Q. (Q = P [] \/ ?w ws. P (w :: ws)) ==> (Q = (?l. P l))``) >> RW_TAC std_ss [CONCAT_def, ALL_EL] >> Cases_on `l = []` >- RW_TAC std_ss [na_step_def] >> RW_TAC std_ss [] >> Suff `!k. (na_step (i,(\s x s'. t s x s' \/ a s /\ t i x s'),a) k l = ?w ws. (l = w <> CONCAT ws) /\ na_step (i,t,a) k w /\ ALL_EL (na_step (i,t,a) i) ws)` >- RW_TAC std_ss [] >> POP_ASSUM (K ALL_TAC) >> Induct_on `l` >- (RW_TAC std_ss [na_step_def, APPEND_eq_NIL] >> REVERSE (Cases_on `a k`) >- RW_TAC std_ss [] >> RW_TAC std_ss [] >> Q.EXISTS_TAC `[]` >> RW_TAC std_ss [CONCAT_def, ALL_EL]) >> RW_TAC std_ss [] >> HO_MATCH_MP_TAC (METIS_PROVE [list_CASES] ``!P Q. (Q = P [] \/ ?c cs. P (c :: cs)) ==> (Q = (?l. P l))``) >> RW_TAC std_ss [na_step_def, APPEND] >> RW_TAC std_ss [RIGHT_AND_OVER_OR, EXISTS_OR_THM] >> MATCH_MP_TAC (PROVE [] ``(a = d) /\ (b = c) ==> (a \/ b = c \/ d)``) >> CONJ_TAC >- METIS_TAC [] >> POP_ASSUM (K ALL_TAC) >> REVERSE (Cases_on `a k`) >- RW_TAC std_ss [] >> RW_TAC std_ss [] >> POP_ASSUM (K ALL_TAC) >> EQ_TAC >- (RW_TAC std_ss [] >> Q.EXISTS_TAC `(h::w) :: ws` >> RW_TAC std_ss [ALL_EL, CONCAT_def, na_step_def, APPEND] >> PROVE_TAC []) >> RW_TAC std_ss [] >> Induct_on `ws` >- RW_TAC std_ss [CONCAT_def] >> Cases >- RW_TAC std_ss [CONCAT_def, APPEND, ALL_EL, na_step_def] >> POP_ASSUM (K ALL_TAC) >> RW_TAC std_ss [CONCAT_def, APPEND, ALL_EL, na_step_def] >> PROVE_TAC []) >> HO_MATCH_MP_TAC (METIS_PROVE [list_CASES] ``!P Q. (Q = P [] \/ ?w ws. P (w :: ws)) ==> (Q = (?l. P l))``) >> RW_TAC std_ss [CONCAT_def, ALL_EL] >> Cases_on `l` >- RW_TAC std_ss [na_step_def] >> RW_TAC std_ss [na_step_def] >> HO_MATCH_MP_TAC (METIS_PROVE [list_CASES] ``!P Q. (Q = P [] \/ ?x xs. P (x :: xs)) ==> (Q = (?l. P l))``) >> RW_TAC std_ss [CONCAT_def, ALL_EL, APPEND, na_step_def] >> HO_MATCH_MP_TAC (METIS_PROVE [] ``!P Q A B C. (!x. P x ==> x <= i) /\ (!x. x <= i ==> (Q x = ?y z. A y z /\ B x y z /\ C y z)) ==> ((?x. P x /\ Q x) = ?y z. A y z /\ (?x. P x /\ B x y z) /\ C y z)``) >> CONJ_TAC >- METIS_TAC [regexp2na_trans] >> Induct_on `t'` >- (RW_TAC arith_ss [na_step_def, APPEND_eq_NIL] >> rename1 `s'' <= i` >> REVERSE (Cases_on `a s''`) >- RW_TAC std_ss [] (* was: s' *) >> RW_TAC std_ss [] >> Q.EXISTS_TAC `[]` >> RW_TAC std_ss [CONCAT_def, ALL_EL]) >> RW_TAC std_ss [] >> HO_MATCH_MP_TAC (METIS_PROVE [list_CASES] ``!P Q. (Q = P [] \/ ?x xs. P (x :: xs)) ==> (Q = (?l. P l))``) >> RW_TAC arith_ss [CONCAT_def, ALL_EL, APPEND, na_step_def] >> RW_TAC std_ss [RIGHT_AND_OVER_OR, EXISTS_OR_THM] >> MATCH_MP_TAC (PROVE [] ``(a = d) /\ (b = c) ==> (a \/ b = c \/ d)``) >> CONJ_TAC >- (HO_MATCH_MP_TAC (METIS_PROVE [] ``!P A B C. (!x. A x ==> P x) /\ ((?x. A x /\ (P x ==> B x)) = C) ==> ((?x. A x /\ B x) = C)``) >> Q.EXISTS_TAC `\x. x <= i` >> BETA_TAC >> CONJ_TAC >- METIS_TAC [regexp2na_trans] >> Q.PAT_X_ASSUM `!x. P x` (fn th => RW_TAC std_ss [th]) >> HO_MATCH_MP_TAC (METIS_PROVE [] ``!P A B C. (!x. A x ==> P x) /\ ((?x. A x /\ B x) = C) ==> ((?x. A x /\ (P x ==> B x)) = C)``) >> CONJ_TAC >- METIS_TAC [regexp2na_trans] >> METIS_TAC []) >> rename1 `s'' <= i` >> REVERSE (Cases_on `a s''`) >- RW_TAC std_ss [] (* was: s'' *) >> RW_TAC std_ss [] >> HO_MATCH_MP_TAC (METIS_PROVE [] ``!P Q R. (!x. P x ==> x <= i) /\ ((?x. P x /\ (x <= i ==> Q x)) = R) ==> ((?x. P x /\ Q x) = R)``) >> CONJ_TAC >- METIS_TAC [regexp2na_trans] >> RW_TAC std_ss [] >> NTAC 3 (POP_ASSUM (K ALL_TAC)) >> HO_MATCH_MP_TAC (METIS_PROVE [] ``!P Q R. (!x. P x ==> x <= i) /\ ((?x. P x /\ Q x) = R) ==> ((?x. P x /\ (x <= i ==> Q x)) = R)``) >> CONJ_TAC >- METIS_TAC [regexp2na_trans] >> EQ_TAC >- (RW_TAC std_ss [] >> Q.EXISTS_TAC `(h::xs) :: ws` >> RW_TAC std_ss [ALL_EL, CONCAT_def, na_step_def, APPEND] >> PROVE_TAC []) >> RW_TAC std_ss [] >> REPEAT (POP_ASSUM MP_TAC) >> Cases_on `ws` >- RW_TAC std_ss [CONCAT_def] >> Cases_on `h'` >- RW_TAC std_ss [na_step_def, ALL_EL] >> RW_TAC std_ss [CONCAT_def, APPEND, ALL_EL, na_step_def] >> METIS_TAC []); val na_match_prefix = prove (``!r. (!l. na_accepts (regexp2na r) l = sem r l) ==> !l. na_accepts (regexp2na (Prefix r)) l = sem (Prefix r) l``, REPEAT GEN_TAC >> Introduce `regexp2na r = (i, t, a)` >> (NTAC 2 (RW_TAC std_ss [regexp2na_def, sem_def, na_accepts_def]) >> (REPEAT o Q.PAT_X_ASSUM `!x. P x`) (fn th => REWRITE_TAC [GSYM (MATCH_MP EQ_EXT th)])) >> Suff `!k. na_step (i,t,(\s. ?l. accepting_path (\s s'. ?x. t s x s') a s l)) k l = ?w'. na_step (i,t,a) k (l <> w')` >- RW_TAC std_ss [] >> REVERSE (Induct_on `l`) >- (RW_TAC std_ss [na_step_def, APPEND] >> HO_MATCH_MP_TAC (METIS_PROVE [] ``!P Q R. (!s. P s ==> (Q s = ?w. R w s)) ==> ((?s. P s /\ Q s) = ?w s. P s /\ R w s)``) >> POP_ASSUM (fn th => RW_TAC std_ss [GSYM th])) >> RW_TAC std_ss [APPEND, na_step_def] >> Suff `!n k. (?l. (LENGTH l = n) /\ accepting_path (\s s'. ?x. t s x s') a k l) = ?w'. (LENGTH w' = n) /\ na_step (i,t,a) k w'` >- METIS_TAC [] >> Induct >- RW_TAC std_ss [LENGTH_NIL, accepting_path_def, na_step_def] >> RW_TAC std_ss [LENGTH_CONS, accepting_path_def, na_step_def, GSYM LEFT_EXISTS_AND_THM] >> METIS_TAC []); val na_match = prove (``!r l. na_accepts (regexp2na r) l = sem r l``, Induct >> RW_TAC std_ss [na_match_atom, na_match_concat, na_match_fuse, na_match_or, na_match_and, na_match_repeat, na_match_prefix]); val da_accepts_regexp2da = prove (``!r. sem r = da_accepts (regexp2da r)``, RW_TAC std_ss [FUN_EQ_THM, regexp2da_def, GSYM na2da, na_match]); val da_match = store_thm ("da_match", ``!r l. da_match r l = sem r l``, RW_TAC std_ss [da_match_def, da_accepts_regexp2da]); val kleene_regexp2dfa = store_thm ("kleene_regexp2dfa", ``!exp : 'a regexp. ?dfa : (num->bool,'a) da. sem exp = da_accepts dfa``, METIS_TAC [da_accepts_regexp2da]); (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* A version of the automata matcher that is easy to execute. *) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) val initial_regexp2na_def = pureDefine `initial_regexp2na r = initial (regexp2na r)`; val accept_regexp2na_def = pureDefine `accept_regexp2na r = accept (regexp2na r)`; val transition_regexp2na_def = pureDefine `transition_regexp2na r = transition (regexp2na r)`; (* val (accept_regexp2na_prefix_def, accept_regexp2na_prefix_ind) = Defn.tprove (Defn.Hol_defn "accept_regexp2na_prefix" `(accept_regexp2na_prefix r [] w = F) /\ (accept_regexp2na_prefix r (s :: l) w = accept_regexp2na_prefix' r s l [] w) /\ (accept_regexp2na_prefix' r s l w [] = accept_regexp2na_prefix r l w) /\ (accept_regexp2na_prefix' r s l w (h :: t) = if (?x. transition_regexp2na r s x h) then accept_regexp2na r h \/ accept_regexp2na_prefix' r s (h :: l) w t else accept_regexp2na_prefix' r s l (h :: w) t)`, WF_REL_TAC `MLEX (sum_case (\ (_,l,w). 2 * (LENGTH l + LENGTH w)) (\ (_,_,l,w,t). 2 * (LENGTH l + LENGTH w + LENGTH t) + 1)) (measure (sum_case (\_. 0) (\ (_,_,_,_,t). LENGTH t)))` >> RW_TAC arith_ss [MLEX_def, LENGTH] >> RW_TAC std_ss [GSYM prim_recTheory.measure_thm] >> CONV_TAC (DEPTH_CONV ETA_CONV) >> METIS_TAC [WF_MLEX, prim_recTheory.WF_measure]); val accept_regexp2na_prefix_ind1 = hd (GCONJUNCTS accept_regexp2na_prefix_ind); *) val exists_transition_regexp2na_def = pureDefine `exists_transition_regexp2na r s s' = ?x. transition_regexp2na r s x s'`; val transition_regexp2na_fuse_def = Define `(transition_regexp2na_fuse a t 0 = F) /\ (transition_regexp2na_fuse a t (SUC s') = a s' /\ t s' \/ transition_regexp2na_fuse a t s')`; val transition_regexp2na_fuse = prove (``!k r s x i t a. (regexp2na r = (i,t,a)) ==> (transition_regexp2na_fuse a (t s x) k = ?y. a y /\ y < k /\ t s x y)``, Induct >> RW_TAC arith_ss [transition_regexp2na_fuse_def] >> METIS_TAC [prim_recTheory.LESS_THM]); val initial_regexp2na = store_thm ("initial_regexp2na", ``(initial_regexp2na (Atom b : 'a regexp) = 1) /\ (initial_regexp2na (r1 # r2 : 'a regexp) = initial_regexp2na r1 + initial_regexp2na r2 + 1) /\ (initial_regexp2na (r1 % r2) = initial_regexp2na r1 + initial_regexp2na r2 + 1) /\ (initial_regexp2na (r1 || r2) = initial_regexp2na r1 + initial_regexp2na r2 + 2) /\ (initial_regexp2na (r1 & r2) = let i1 = initial_regexp2na r1 in let i2 = initial_regexp2na r2 in i1 * i2 + i1 + i2) /\ (initial_regexp2na (Repeat r : 'a regexp) = let i = initial_regexp2na r in if accept_regexp2na r i then i else i + 1) /\ (initial_regexp2na (Prefix r : 'a regexp) = initial_regexp2na r)``, Introduce `regexp2na r1 = (i1,t1,a1)` >> Introduce `regexp2na r2 = (i2,t2,a2)` >> Introduce `regexp2na r = (i,t,a)` >> NTAC 2 (RW_TAC std_ss [regexp2na_def, initial_def, accept_def, initial_regexp2na_def, accept_regexp2na_def])); val accept_regexp2na = store_thm ("accept_regexp2na", ``(accept_regexp2na (Atom b : 'a regexp) s = (s = 0)) /\ (accept_regexp2na (r1 # r2 : 'a regexp) s = let i2 = initial_regexp2na r2 in if s <= i2 then accept_regexp2na r2 s else accept_regexp2na r2 i2 /\ accept_regexp2na r1 (s - (i2 + 1))) /\ (accept_regexp2na (r1 % r2) s = accept_regexp2na r2 s) /\ (accept_regexp2na (r1 || r2) s = let i1 = initial_regexp2na r1 in let i2 = initial_regexp2na r2 in if s = i1 + i2 + 2 then accept_regexp2na r1 i1 \/ accept_regexp2na r2 i2 else if s <= i1 then accept_regexp2na r1 s else accept_regexp2na r2 (s - (i1 + 1))) /\ (accept_regexp2na (r1 & r2) s = let i2 = initial_regexp2na r2 in accept_regexp2na r1 (s DIV (i2 + 1)) /\ accept_regexp2na r2 (s MOD (i2 + 1))) /\ (accept_regexp2na (Repeat r : 'a regexp) s = accept_regexp2na r s \/ let i = initial_regexp2na r in (s = i + 1) /\ ~accept_regexp2na r i) /\ (accept_regexp2na (Prefix r : 'a regexp) s = accept_regexp2na r s \/ dijkstra (exists_transition_regexp2na r) (accept_regexp2na r) [s] (FILTER (\x. ~(x = s)) (interval 0 (SUC (initial_regexp2na r)))))``, Introduce `regexp2na r1 = (i1,t1,a1)` >> Introduce `regexp2na r2 = (i2,t2,a2)` >> Introduce `regexp2na r = (i,t,a)` >> NTAC 2 (RW_TAC std_ss [regexp2na_def, initial_def, accept_def, initial_regexp2na_def, accept_regexp2na_def]) >- METIS_TAC [] >> Know `exists_transition_regexp2na r = \s s'. ?x. t s x s'` >- RW_TAC std_ss [exists_transition_regexp2na_def, FUN_EQ_THM, transition_regexp2na_def, transition_def] >> DISCH_THEN (fn th => RW_TAC std_ss [th]) >> REVERSE (Cases_on `s <= i`) >- (MATCH_MP_TAC (PROVE [] ``~a /\ ~b ==> (a = b)``) >> RW_TAC std_ss [] >| [Cases_on `l` >> RW_TAC std_ss [accepting_path_def] >> METIS_TAC [regexp2na_acc, regexp2na_trans], METIS_TAC [regexp2na_acc], RW_TAC std_ss [dijkstra_def] >> Suff `!l. partition (\s'. ?x. t s x s') l = ([],l)` >- (DISCH_THEN (fn th => FULL_SIMP_TAC std_ss [th]) >> RW_TAC std_ss [EXISTS_DEF, APPEND, dijkstra_def]) >> Induct >> RW_TAC std_ss [partition_def] >> METIS_TAC [regexp2na_trans]]) >> Know `MEM s (interval 0 (SUC i))` >- RW_TAC arith_ss [MEM_interval] >> RW_TAC std_ss [dijkstra1] >> REVERSE EQ_TAC >- METIS_TAC [] >> RW_TAC arith_ss [MEM_interval] >> Q.EXISTS_TAC `l` >> Know `!k. k < SUC i = k <= i` >- DECIDE_TAC >> DISCH_THEN (fn th => RW_TAC std_ss [th]) >> POP_ASSUM MP_TAC >> Q.SPEC_TAC (`s`, `s`) >> Induct_on `l` >> RW_TAC std_ss [accepting_path_def, EVERY_DEF] >> METIS_TAC [regexp2na_trans]); val transition_regexp2na = store_thm ("transition_regexp2na", ``(transition_regexp2na (Atom b : 'a regexp) s x s' = (s = 1) /\ (s' = 0) /\ b x) /\ (transition_regexp2na (r1 # r2 : 'a regexp) s x s' = let i2 = initial_regexp2na r2 in if s <= i2 then transition_regexp2na r2 s x s' else if s' <= i2 then accept_regexp2na r1 (s - (i2 + 1)) /\ transition_regexp2na r2 i2 x s' else transition_regexp2na r1 (s - (i2 + 1)) x (s' - (i2 + 1))) /\ (transition_regexp2na (r1 % r2) s x s' = let i2 = initial_regexp2na r2 in if s <= i2 then transition_regexp2na r2 s x s' else if s' <= i2 then transition_regexp2na r2 i2 x s' /\ let i1 = initial_regexp2na r1 in transition_regexp2na_fuse (accept_regexp2na r1) (transition_regexp2na r1 (s - (i2 + 1)) x) (SUC i1) else transition_regexp2na r1 (s - (i2 + 1)) x (s' - (i2 + 1))) /\ (transition_regexp2na (r1 || r2) s x s' = let i1 = initial_regexp2na r1 in let i2 = initial_regexp2na r2 in if s = i1 + i2 + 2 then if s' <= i1 then transition_regexp2na r1 i1 x s' else transition_regexp2na r2 i2 x (s' - (i1 + 1)) else if s <= i1 then transition_regexp2na r1 s x s' else ~(s' <= i1) /\ transition_regexp2na r2 (s - (i1 + 1)) x (s' - (i1 + 1))) /\ (transition_regexp2na (r1 & r2) s x s' = let i2 = initial_regexp2na r2 in transition_regexp2na r1 (s DIV (i2 + 1)) x (s' DIV (i2 + 1)) /\ transition_regexp2na r2 (s MOD (i2 + 1)) x (s' MOD (i2 + 1))) /\ (transition_regexp2na (Repeat r : 'a regexp) s x s' = let i = initial_regexp2na r in if s = i + 1 then ~accept_regexp2na r i /\ transition_regexp2na r i x s' else transition_regexp2na r s x s' \/ accept_regexp2na r s /\ transition_regexp2na r i x s') /\ (transition_regexp2na (Prefix r : 'a regexp) s x s' = transition_regexp2na r s x s')``, Introduce `regexp2na r1 = (i1,t1,a1)` >> Introduce `regexp2na r2 = (i2,t2,a2)` >> Introduce `regexp2na r = (i,t,a)` >> NTAC 2 (RW_TAC std_ss [regexp2na_def, initial_def, accept_def, transition_def, initial_regexp2na_def, accept_regexp2na_def, transition_regexp2na_def]) >| [METIS_TAC [], MP_TAC (Q.SPECL [`SUC i1`, `r1`, `s - (i2 + 1)`, `x`, `i1`, `t1`, `a1`] transition_regexp2na_fuse) >> RW_TAC std_ss [] >> Know `!p q. p < SUC q = p <= q` >- DECIDE_TAC >> METIS_TAC [regexp2na_acc], Know `!n. ~(n + 1 <= n)` >- DECIDE_TAC >> METIS_TAC [regexp2na_trans, regexp2na_acc], Know `!n. ~(n + 1 <= n)` >- DECIDE_TAC >> METIS_TAC [regexp2na_trans, regexp2na_acc]]); val eval_accepts_def = pureDefine `(eval_accepts (Prefix r) l = EXISTS (accept_regexp2na r) l \/ let i = initial_regexp2na r in dijkstra (exists_transition_regexp2na r) (accept_regexp2na r) l (FILTER (\x. ~MEM x l) (interval 0 (SUC (initial_regexp2na r))))) /\ (eval_accepts r l = EXISTS (accept_regexp2na r) l)`; val eval_accepts = prove (``!r l. eval_accepts r l = EXISTS (accept_regexp2na r) l``, Cases >> RW_TAC std_ss [eval_accepts_def] >> normalForms.REMOVE_ABBR_TAC >> RW_TAC std_ss [] >> Introduce `r' = r` >> Introduce `regexp2na r = (i,t,a)` >> RW_TAC std_ss [dijkstra] >> RW_TAC std_ss [MEM_APPEND, EXISTS_MEM, accept_regexp2na_def, accept_def, regexp2na_def] >> Know `exists_transition_regexp2na r = \s s'. ?x. t s x s'` >- RW_TAC std_ss [exists_transition_regexp2na_def, FUN_EQ_THM, transition_regexp2na_def, transition_def] >> DISCH_THEN (fn th => RW_TAC std_ss [th]) >> RW_TAC arith_ss [MEM_FILTER, MEM_interval] >> HO_MATCH_MP_TAC (METIS_PROVE [] ``(!l k. C k l ==> B k l) ==> ((?k l'. A k /\ B k l' /\ C k l') = (?e. A e /\ ?l. C e l))``) >> Know `!x y. x < SUC y = x <= y` >- DECIDE_TAC >> DISCH_THEN (fn th => ASM_SIMP_TAC std_ss [th, initial_regexp2na_def, initial_def]) >> Induct >> RW_TAC std_ss [EVERY_DEF, accepting_path_def] >> METIS_TAC [regexp2na_trans]); val calc_transitions_def = Define `(calc_transitions r l c 0 a = a) /\ (calc_transitions r l c (SUC s') a = calc_transitions r l c s' (if EXISTS (\s. transition_regexp2na r s c s') l then s' :: a else a))`; val eval_transitions_def = pureDefine `eval_transitions r l c = calc_transitions r l c (SUC (initial_regexp2na r)) []`; val areport_def = pureDefine `areport h b = b`; val astep_def = Define `(astep r l [] = eval_accepts r l) /\ (astep r l (c :: cs) = astep r (eval_transitions r l c) cs)`; val amatch_def = Define `amatch r l = let i = initial_regexp2na r in astep r [i] l`; val acheckpt_def = Define `(acheckpt r f h l [] = T) /\ (acheckpt r f h l (c :: cs) = let l' = eval_transitions r l c in let h = c :: h in (eval_accepts r l' ==> areport h (f (c :: cs))) /\ acheckpt r f h l' cs)`; val acheck_def = Define `acheck r f l = let i = initial_regexp2na r in acheckpt r f [] [i] l`; (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Correctness of this version of the automata matcher. *) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) val da_accepts_na2da = prove (``!n. da_accepts (na2da n) = da_step (na2da n) (set_of_list [initial n])``, STRIP_TAC >> Introduce `n = (i,t,a)` >> RW_TAC std_ss [FUN_EQ_THM, na2da_def, da_accepts_def, initial_def, set_of_list_def]); val da_step_regexp2na = prove (``(da_step (na2da (regexp2na r)) (set_of_list l) [] = EXISTS (accept (regexp2na r)) l) /\ (da_step (na2da (regexp2na r)) (set_of_list l) (c :: cs) = let i = initial (regexp2na r) in let l' = calc_transitions r l c (SUC i) [] in da_step (na2da (regexp2na r)) (set_of_list l') cs)``, Introduce `regexp2na r = (i,t,a)` >> RW_TAC std_ss [da_step_def, na2da_def, EXISTS_MEM, set_of_list] >> REPEAT (AP_TERM_TAC ORELSE AP_THM_TAC) >> RW_TAC std_ss [EXTENSION, GSPECIFICATION, set_of_list, initial_def] >> Suff `!k. MEM x (calc_transitions r l c (SUC i) k) = IS_EL x k \/ (x < SUC i /\ ?y. IS_EL y l /\ transition (i,t,a) y c x)` >- (DISCH_THEN (MP_TAC o Q.SPEC `[]`) >> Know `!x. x < SUC i = x <= i` >- DECIDE_TAC >> RW_TAC std_ss [MEM, transition_def] >> METIS_TAC [regexp2na_trans]) >> Q.SPEC_TAC (`SUC i`, `n`) >> Induct (* 2 subgoals *) >- RW_TAC arith_ss [calc_transitions_def, EXISTS_MEM, MEM, transition_regexp2na_def] >> GEN_TAC >> ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [calc_transitions_def] >> RW_TAC arith_ss [EXISTS_MEM, MEM, transition_regexp2na_def] (* 2 subgoals *) >| [ EQ_TAC >> rpt STRIP_TAC >> ASM_REWRITE_TAC [] >| [ fs [] >> DISJ2_TAC >> Q.EXISTS_TAC `s` >> ASM_REWRITE_TAC [], fs [] >> DISJ2_TAC >> Q.EXISTS_TAC `y` >> ASM_REWRITE_TAC [], Cases_on `x = n` >- ASM_REWRITE_TAC [] \\ DISJ2_TAC \\ `!a b. ~(a < b) /\ a < SUC b = (a = b)` by DECIDE_TAC \\ `x < n` by PROVE_TAC [] >> ASM_REWRITE_TAC [] \\ Q.EXISTS_TAC `y` >> ASM_REWRITE_TAC [] ], EQ_TAC >> rpt STRIP_TAC >> ASM_REWRITE_TAC [] >| [ fs [] >> DISJ2_TAC >> Q.EXISTS_TAC `y` >> ASM_REWRITE_TAC [], Cases_on `x < n` >- (ASM_REWRITE_TAC [] >> DISJ2_TAC >> Q.EXISTS_TAC `y` >> ASM_REWRITE_TAC []) \\ `!a b. ~(a < b) /\ a < SUC b = (a = b)` by DECIDE_TAC \\ `x = n` by PROVE_TAC [] \\ METIS_TAC [] ] ]); val amatch = store_thm ("amatch", ``!r l. amatch r l = sem r l``, RW_TAC std_ss [GSYM da_match, da_match_def, regexp2da_def, da_accepts_na2da, amatch_def] >> normalForms.REMOVE_ABBR_TAC >> RW_TAC std_ss [initial_regexp2na_def] >> Suff `!k. astep r k l = da_step (na2da (regexp2na r)) (set_of_list k) l` >- RW_TAC std_ss [] >> Induct_on `l` >- RW_TAC std_ss [astep_def, da_step_def, na2da_def, eval_accepts, EXISTS_MEM, set_of_list, accept_regexp2na_def] >> ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [astep_def] >> SIMP_TAC std_ss [da_step_regexp2na, eval_transitions_def, NULL_DEF, TL] >> RW_TAC std_ss [initial_regexp2na_def, HD]); val acheck = store_thm ("acheck", ``!r l. acheck r f l = !n. n < LENGTH l /\ sem r (FIRSTN (SUC n) l) ==> f (BUTFIRSTN n l)``, RW_TAC std_ss [acheck_def, GSYM da_match, da_match_def, regexp2da_def, da_accepts_na2da] >> normalForms.REMOVE_ABBR_TAC >> RW_TAC std_ss [initial_regexp2na_def] >> Q.SPEC_TAC (`[initial (regexp2na r)]`, `k`) >> Q.SPEC_TAC (`[]`, `h`) >> Induct_on `l` >- RW_TAC arith_ss [acheckpt_def, LENGTH] >> ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [acheckpt_def] >> RW_TAC std_ss [] >> normalForms.REMOVE_ABBR_TAC >> RW_TAC std_ss [] >> HO_MATCH_MP_TAC (METIS_PROVE [num_CASES] ``(P = Q 0 /\ !n. Q (SUC n)) ==> (P = !n. Q n)``) >> RW_TAC arith_ss [LENGTH, FIRSTN, BUTFIRSTN, da_step_regexp2na, areport_def, eval_accepts, accept_regexp2na_def, eval_transitions_def, initial_regexp2na_def]); val () = export_theory ();