structure lazyTools :> lazyTools = struct local open Globals HolKernel Parse Splaymap PrimitiveBddRules DerivedBddRules datatype lazy_thm = LazyThm of (term HOLset.set) * (term list) * (unit -> thm) | Thm of thm val lthms = ref (Splaymap.mkDict ( : (term,lazy_thm)Splaymap.dict) val lzmode = ref true val _ = register_btrace("HolCheckLZ",lzmode); val dbglz = ref false val _ = Feedback.register_btrace("HolCheckDBGLZ",dbglz) fun SPECL tml th = rev_itlist Specialize tml th handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR"lzSPECL" "" val dpfx = "lzt_" val mp_thm = bossLib.DECIDE ``!x y. x ==> (x==>y=y)`` in (*FIXME: if tm has free type vars, they are also free in the tm in the hyp after ASSUME and this may stump the rewriter *) (* this is harder than it looks because we can't bind them like we do normal free_vars by doing a list_mk_forall *) (* and really it can't be fixed directly because type vars also cannot be instantiated in the concl if they are free in the hyp*) (* so how do we "fix" this? ANS: it is possible to instantiate a tyvar in the hyp *and* the concl, so this is only a practical rather than theoretical obstacle *) (*NOTE: lthm does not need assums (except the one from ASSUME of course). See tphols2005 submission for proof and explanation *) (* FIXME: however, add pointer_eq checks so that if I have A |- t and B|-t, then I store two jf's and fire the right one *) (*FIXME: should I be using Susp to handle closures? No need, since a given jf fires at most once, but it might be cleaner to do so*) fun mk_lthm ljf ejf = let val _ = profTools.bgt "lt_ml"(*PRF*) val res = if not (!lzmode) then let val _ = profTools.bgt "lt_ml_eager"(*PRF*) val eres = ejf() val _ = profTools.ent "lt_ml_eager"(*PRF*) in eres end else let val _ = profTools.bgt "lt_ml_lazy"(*PRF*) val (tm,jf) = ljf() val _ = profTools.ent "lt_ml_lazy"(*PRF*) val _ = profTools.bgt "lt_ml_admin"(*PRF*) val fv = FVL [tm] empty_varset val fvl = HOLset.listItems fv val lt = boolSyntax.list_mk_forall (fvl,tm) val _ = (lthms := Splaymap.insert(!lthms,lt,LazyThm(fv,fvl,jf))) val res = (SPECL fvl (ASSUME lt)) val _ = profTools.ent "lt_ml_admin"(*PRF*) in res end val _ = profTools.ent "lt_ml"(*PRF*) in res end fun get_thm (LazyThm (fv,fvl,jf)) = let val th'' = jf() val _ = profTools.bgt "lt_gt_genl"(*PRF*) (*val (asl,cn) = dest_thm th'' (* the commented code shows how inefficient GENL is *) val _ = HOLset.isEmpty(HOLset.intersection(hyp_frees th'',fv)) val th' = mk_thm(asl,boolSyntax.list_mk_forall (fvl,cn))*) val th' = (GENL fvl (th'')) (* FIXME: this will fail if any fv is free in the hyp of th'' *) val _ = profTools.ent "lt_gt_genl"(*PRF*) val th = prove_lthm th' val _ = profTools.bgt "lt_gt_sm"(*PRF*) val _ = (lthms:=Splaymap.insert(!lthms,concl th',Thm th)) val _ = profTools.ent "lt_gt_sm"(*PRF*) in th end | get_thm (Thm th) = th and prove_lthm lthm = let val _ = dbgTools.DEN (dpfx^"_pl") (*DBG*) val res = List.foldl (fn (ass,lth) => let val _ = profTools.bgt "lt_pl_sm"(*PRF*) val asslth = Splaymap.peek(!lthms,ass) val _ = profTools.ent "lt_pl_sm"(*PRF*) in if isSome asslth then let val th = (get_thm (valOf asslth)) val _ = profTools.bgt "lt_pl_mpd"(*PRF*) val th' = MP (DISCH ass lth) th val _ = profTools.ent "lt_pl_mpd"(*PRF*) in th' end else lth end) lthm (hyp lthm) (*FIXME: if failure is caused by justifiers of some assum failing, this does not tell us which justifier failed*) handle ex => (print "\n>>>lazyTools.prove_lthm failure\n"; print_thm lthm; failwith ("\n<< let val _ = profTools.bgt "lt_pt_sm"(*PRF*) val asslth = Splaymap.peek(!lthms,ass) val _ = profTools.ent "lt_pt_sm"(*PRF*) in if isSome asslth then let val th = (get_thm (valOf asslth)) val _ = profTools.bgt "lt_pt_mpd"(*PRF*) val tb = BddEqMp (MP (Drule.ISPECL [concl th,getTerm ltb] mp_thm) th) (BddDisch (BddExtendVarmap (getVarmap ltb) (thmToTermBdd th)) ltb) val _ = profTools.ent "lt_pt_mpd"(*PRF*) in tb end else ltb end) ltb (HOLset.listItems (getAssums ltb)) handle ex => (print "\n>>>lazyTools.prove_ltb failure\n"; print_term (getTerm ltb); failwith ("\n<<Thm.thm) lt = if (!dbglz) then let val th = prove_lthm lt (* just calling jf may fail if jf uses tactics and lt has lazy lemmas *) handle ex => (dbgTools.CBTH (s^"_lz") lt;dbgTools.DTH (s^"_lz") lt; failwith("dbgTools.testlz failure 1:"^s)) in if ( th,concl lt)=EQUAL) then () else (dbgTools.CBTH s th; dbgTools.CBTH (s^"_lz") lt;dbgTools.DTH s th;dbgTools.DTH (s^"_lz") lt; failwith ("dbgTools.testlz failure 2:"^s)) end else () end end