(* Updates since version 4: ------------------------ - integrate MMU into monad - understand access lists already with one violating entry, even if the other entries are not understood - leaving only one mmu_arm_next maybe todo: - integrate evaluation for priv mode Updates since version 3: ----------------------- - cleaning up - fixing a logical error in data_abort Updates since version 2: ------------------------ - old access list is truncated - todos fixed Updates since version 1: ------------------------ - checking only recent updates in the access list - correct values in mmu_supported - check MMU_support for needed section descriptors only - consistent error handling - obtain coprocessor registers only once - add mode to permitted_byte - correct/check case analysis of permitted_byte - more detailed version of mmu_arm_next (ValueState and Error X) - distinction between read and write *) (* Loading: I assume that armLib is already loaded loadPath := "/NOBACKUP/workspaces/nargeskh/hol4.k.7/examples/ARM/v7/" :: !loadPath; loadPath := "/NOBACKUP/workspaces/nargeskh/hol4.k.7/examples/ARM/v7/eval" :: !loadPath; load "armLib"; open armLib; *) open HolKernel boolLib bossLib Parse; open arm_coretypesTheory arm_seq_monadTheory arm_opsemTheory armTheory; open parmonadsyntax; val _ = new_theory("MMU"); val _ = overload_on("UNKNOWN", ``ARB:bool``); val _ = overload_on("UNKNOWN", ``ARB:word32``); val read_mem32_def = Define ` read_mem32 add mem = word32 ([mem (add);mem (add+1w);mem (add+2w);mem (add+3w)])`; val enabled_MMU_def = Define `enabled_MMU (c1:word32) = let bit0 = BIT 0 (w2n(c1)) in bit0`; (* checking MMU support only for one section descriptor *) (* further changes in version 2: expr3 = 0 and expr7 may be 01 as well *) val sd_supports_MMU_def = Define `sd_supports_MMU content_of_sd si = let expr1 = (content_of_sd && 0x00000003w) in let expr2 = (content_of_sd && 0x0000000Cw) >>> 2 in let expr3 = (content_of_sd && 0x00000010w) >>> 4 in let expr4 = (content_of_sd && 0x00000200w) >>> 9 in let expr7 = (content_of_sd && 0x00000C00w) >>> 10 in let expr5 = (content_of_sd && 0x000FF000w) >>> 12 in let expr6 = (content_of_sd && 0xFFF00000w) >>> 20 in (expr1 = 0b10w:bool[32]) /\ (expr2 = 0b00w:word32) /\ (expr3 = 0b0w:word32) /\ (expr4 = 0b0w:word32) /\ ((expr7 = 0b11w:word32) \/ (expr7 = 0b01w:word32)) /\ (expr5 = 0b0w:word32) /\ (expr6 = si)`; (* permitted_byte *) (* returns (understood, permitted, message) *) val permitted_byte_def = Define `permitted_byte adr is_write (c1:word32) c2 (c3:bool[32]) priv mem = if (~(enabled_MMU c1)) then (T, T, "MMU is disabled") else let si = (adr >>> 20) in let first_sd = c2 && (0xFFFFC000w:bool[32]) in let adr_sd = first_sd + 4w * si in let content_of_sd = read_mem32 adr_sd mem in let domain:bool[32] = (content_of_sd && 0x000001E0w:bool[32]) >>> 5 in (* make sure that it starts with one *) let bit1_c3 = BIT (2*w2n(domain)) (w2n(c3)) in let bit2_c3 = BIT (2*w2n(domain)+1) (w2n(c3)) in let AP = (content_of_sd && 0x00000C00w) >>> 10 in if (sd_supports_MMU content_of_sd si) then (case (bit2_c3, bit1_c3) of (T,T) => (T, T, "uncontrolled manager domain") | (F,F) => (T, F, "no access domain") | (T,F) => (F, UNKNOWN , "unpredictable domain status") | (F,T) => (case AP of 0b00w => (T, F, "no access according to PTE") |0b01w => (if priv then (T, T , "permitted by PTE") else (T, F, "no access according to PTE") ) |0b10w => (if priv then (T, T , "permitted by PTE") else (T, ~is_write, "read-only access according to PTE") ) |0b11w => (T, T , "permitted by PTE") | _ => (F, UNKNOWN, "AP wrongly determined") ) ) else (F, UNKNOWN, "no support") `; (* permitted_byte_pure *) (* returns boolean "permitted" *) (* similar to permitted_byte when assuming *) (* that we always understand the MMU setup *) val permitted_byte_pure_def = Define `permitted_byte_pure adr is_write (c1:word32) c2 (c3:bool[32]) priv mem = if (~(enabled_MMU c1)) then T else let si = (adr >>> 20) in let first_sd = c2 && (0xFFFFC000w:bool[32]) in let adr_sd = first_sd + 4w * si in let content_of_sd = read_mem32 adr_sd mem in let domain:bool[32] = (content_of_sd && 0x000001E0w:bool[32]) >>> 5 in (* make sure that it starts with one *) let bit1_c3 = BIT (2*w2n(domain)) (w2n(c3)) in let bit2_c3 = BIT (2*w2n(domain)+1) (w2n(c3)) in let AP = (content_of_sd && 0x00000C00w) >>> 10 in case (bit2_c3, bit1_c3) of (T,T) => T | (F,F) => F | (F,T) => (case AP of 0b00w => F |0b01w => (if priv then T else F ) |0b10w => (if priv then T else (~is_write) ) |0b11w => T ) `; (* relate permitted_byte with permitted_byte_pure *) val permitted_byte_simp = store_thm ( "permitted_byte_simp", ``!u p m adr is_write c1 c2 c3 priv mem. ((u,p,m) = permitted_byte adr is_write c1 c2 c3 priv mem) /\ u ==> (permitted_byte_pure adr is_write c1 c2 c3 priv mem = p)``, REPEAT STRIP_TAC THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [permitted_byte_def, permitted_byte_pure_def] THEN Cases_on `~enabled_MMU c1` THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [] THEN RW_TAC (srw_ss()) [] THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [LET_DEF] THEN Cases_on `sd_supports_MMU content_of_sd si` THEN Cases_on `bit2_c3` THEN Cases_on `bit1_c3` THEN Cases_on `AP=0w` THEN Cases_on `AP=1w` THEN Cases_on `priv` THEN Cases_on `AP=2w` THEN Cases_on `AP=3w` THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [] ); (* check_accesses *) (* returns (understood, abort, address) *); val check_accesses_def = Define `check_accesses accesses c1 c2 c3 priv memory = case accesses of x::tl => ( let (adr, is_write) = ( case x of MEM_READ address => (address, F) | MEM_WRITE address _ => (address, T) ) in let (und, per, msg) = (permitted_byte adr is_write c1 c2 c3 priv memory) in ( if (und /\ (~per)) then (T, T, adr) else ( let (u, d, a) = check_accesses tl c1 c2 c3 priv memory in if (u /\ d) then (T, T, a) else ( if (und /\ u) then (T,F,UNKNOWN) else (F,UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN) ) ) ) ) | _ => (T, F, UNKNOWN)`; (* check_accesses_pure *) (* returns boolean "abort" *) (* similar to check_accesses when assuming that we *) (* always understand the MMU setup *) val check_accesses_pure_def = Define `check_accesses_pure accesses c1 c2 c3 priv memory = case accesses of x::tl => ( let (adr, is_write) = ( case x of MEM_READ address => (address, F) | MEM_WRITE address _ => (address, T) ) in (~permitted_byte_pure adr is_write c1 c2 c3 priv memory) \/ (check_accesses_pure tl c1 c2 c3 priv memory) ) | _ => F`; (* relate check_accesses with check_accesses_pure *) val check_accesses_TAC = (fn IS_WRITE => FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [LET_DEF] THEN Cases_on [QUOTE ("permitted_byte c "^IS_WRITE^" c1 c2 c3 priv mem")] THEN Cases_on `r` THEN Cases_on `q` THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [permitted_byte_simp] THEN MP_TAC ( SPECL [``T``, ``q':bool``, ``r':string``, ``c:word32``, Term [QUOTE IS_WRITE], ``c1:word32``, ``c2:word32``, ``c3:word32``, ``priv:bool``, ``mem:bool[32] -> bool[8]``] permitted_byte_simp) THEN RW_TAC (srw_ss()) [] THEN Cases_on `check_accesses acc c1 c2 c3 priv mem` THEN Cases_on `r` THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss())[permitted_byte_simp] THEN Cases_on `q` THEN Cases_on `q'` THEN (TRY (Cases_on `q''`)) THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [] THEN (NO_TAC ORELSE METIS_TAC [])); val check_accesses_simp = store_thm ( "check_accesses_simp", ``!u a add acc c1 c2 c3 priv mem. ((u,a,add) = check_accesses acc c1 c2 c3 priv mem) /\ u ==> (check_accesses_pure acc c1 c2 c3 priv mem = a)``, Induct_on `acc` THENL [RW_TAC (srw_ss()) [check_accesses_def, check_accesses_pure_def], ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [check_accesses_def, check_accesses_pure_def] THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [LET_DEF] THEN NTAC 8 STRIP_TAC THEN CASE_TAC THENL [check_accesses_TAC ("F"), check_accesses_TAC ("T")] ]); (* conclude the understandability of check_accesses from the understandability of permitted_byte *) val check_accesses_understand = store_thm ( "check_accesses_understand", ``!acc c1 c2 c3 priv mem. (!add is_write. FST (permitted_byte add is_write c1 c2 c3 priv mem)) ==> (FST (check_accesses acc c1 c2 c3 priv mem))``, Induct_on `acc` THENL [RW_TAC (srw_ss()) [check_accesses_def], ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [check_accesses_def] THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [LET_DEF] THEN STRIP_TAC THEN CASE_TAC THEN PairRules.PBETA_TAC THEN RW_TAC (srw_ss()) [] ]); (* access_violation_full *) val access_violation_full_def = Define `access_violation_full s = check_accesses s.accesses s.coprocessors.state.cp15.C1 s.coprocessors.state.cp15.C2 s.coprocessors.state.cp15.C3 F s.memory`; (* empty access list, no violation *) val empty_accesses_full_lem = store_thm( "empty_accesses_full_lem", ``(s.accesses = []) ==> ((access_violation_full s) = (T,F, ARB))``, NTAC 2 (PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [access_violation_full_def, check_accesses_def]) THEN RW_TAC (srw_ss()) []); (* access_violation_pure *) val access_violation_pure_def = Define `access_violation_pure s = check_accesses_pure s.accesses s.coprocessors.state.cp15.C1 s.coprocessors.state.cp15.C2 s.coprocessors.state.cp15.C3 F s.memory`; (* relate access_violation_pure and access_violation_full *) val access_violation_simp_pure= store_thm( "access_violation_simp_pure", ``!u a add s. ((u,a,add) = access_violation_full s) /\ u ==> (access_violation_pure s = a)``, FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [access_violation_full_def, access_violation_pure_def] THEN METIS_TAC [check_accesses_simp]); (* partially specified access_violation *) (*new_constant("access_violation", ``:arm_state -> bool``);*) val access_violation_def = new_axiom("access_violation_axiom", ``!state u x add. ((u,x,add) = access_violation_full state) /\ u ==> (access_violation state = x) ``); (* if full version is understood, access_violation is equal to pure version *) val access_violation_simp = store_thm ( "access_violation_simp", ``!s x add. ((T,x,add) = access_violation_full s) ==> (access_violation s = access_violation_pure s)``, METIS_TAC [access_violation_simp_pure, access_violation_def]); val access_violation_simp_FST = store_thm ( "access_violation_simp_FST", ``!s. (FST (access_violation_full s)) ==> (access_violation s = access_violation_pure s)``, REPEAT STRIP_TAC THEN Cases_on `access_violation_full s` THEN Cases_on `r` THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [access_violation_simp]); (* empty access list, no violation *) val empty_accesses_lem = store_thm( "empty_accesses_lem", ``(s.accesses = []) ==> (~access_violation s)``, STRIP_TAC THEN IMP_RES_TAC empty_accesses_full_lem THEN ASSUME_TAC (SPECL [``s:arm_state``, ``T``, ``F``, ``ARB:word32``] access_violation_def) THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) []); (* take data abort exception *) val _ = temp_overload_on ("unit4", ``\( u1:unit,u2:unit,u3:unit,u4:unit). constT ()``); (* mmu_arm_next *) val _ = numLib.prefer_num(); val _ = wordsLib.prefer_word(); (*val _ = temp_overload_on (parmonadsyntax.monad_bind, ``seqT``);*) val _ = temp_overload_on (parmonadsyntax.monad_par, ``parT``); val _ = temp_overload_on ("return", ``constT``); val _ = temp_overload_on ("PAD0", ``list$PAD_LEFT #"0"``); val mmu_arm_next_def = Define `mmu_arm_next irpt state = if irpt = NoInterrupt then ( case (waiting_for_interrupt <|proc:=0|> (state with accesses := [])) of Error e => Error e | ValueState wfi wfi_state => ( if (wfi) then ValueState () wfi_state else ( case (fetch_instruction <|proc:=0|> (\a. read_memA <|proc:=0|> (a, 4) >>= (\d. return (word32 d))) (\a. read_memA <|proc:=0|> (a, 2) >>= (\d. return (word16 d))) (wfi_state with accesses := [])) of Error e => Error e | ValueState (opc,instr) fetched_state => ( if access_violation fetched_state then take_prefetch_abort_exception <| proc := 0 |> (fetched_state with accesses := []) else case arm_instr <|proc:=0|> instr (fetched_state with accesses := []) of Error e => Error e | ValueState x end_state => ( if access_violation end_state then take_data_abort_exception <| proc := 0 |> (end_state with accesses := []) else ValueState () end_state ) ) ) ) ) else (((if irpt = HW_Reset then take_reset <|proc:=0|> else if irpt = HW_Fiq then take_fiq_exception <|proc:=0|> else (* irpt = HW_Irq *) take_irq_exception <|proc:=0|>) >>= (\u:unit. clear_wait_for_interrupt <|proc:=0|>)) (state with accesses := []))`; val _ = export_theory();