structure armLib :> armLib = struct (* interactive use: app load ["arm_disassemblerLib", "arm_stepLib"]; *) open HolKernel boolLib bossLib; open armSyntax arm_astSyntax; open arm_parserLib arm_encoderLib arm_disassemblerLib arm_stepLib; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val _ = numLib.prefer_num(); val _ = wordsLib.prefer_word(); val ERR = Feedback.mk_HOL_ERR "armLib"; val trace_progress = ref 1; val label_step_theorems = ref true; val disassemble = ref true; val _ = Feedback.register_trace ("arm steps", trace_progress, 3); val _ = Feedback.register_btrace ("label arm steps", label_step_theorems); val _ = Feedback.register_btrace ("add disassembler comments", disassemble); (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val eval = boolSyntax.rhs o Thm.concl o bossLib.EVAL; local fun mk_word4 i = wordsSyntax.mk_wordii (i,4) val is_AL = Term.term_eq (mk_word4 14) val is_PC = Term.term_eq (mk_word4 15) infix ** fun opt1 ** opt2 = if opt2 = "" then opt1 else opt1 ^ "," ^ opt2 val dest_itstate = eval o wordsSyntax.mk_word_concat o dest_If_Then val ITAdvance = eval o armSyntax.mk_ITAdvance val w2s = Arbnum.toString o numSyntax.dest_numeral o fst o wordsSyntax.dest_n2w fun condition_to_word4 tm = mk_word4 (case fst (Term.dest_var tm) of "eq" => 0 | "ne" => 1 | "cs" => 2 | "hs" => 2 | "cc" => 3 | "lo" => 3 | "mi" => 4 | "pl" => 5 | "vs" => 6 | "vc" => 7 | "hi" => 8 | "ls" => 9 | "ge" => 10 | "lt" => 11 | "gt" => 12 | "le" => 13 | "al" => 14 | s => raise ERR "condition_to_word4" (s ^ " is not a condition")); fun fix_condition tm = if is_var tm then condition_to_word4 tm else tm fun encoding tm = case fst (Term.dest_const tm) of "Encoding_ARM" => "; ARM" | "Encoding_Thumb" => "; 16-bit Thumb" | "Encoding_Thumb2" => "; 32-bit Thumb" | "Encoding_ThumbEE" => "; 16-bit ThumbEE" | _ => raise ERR "encoding" "unexpected encoding" val spaces = String.concat o Lib.separate " " fun print_progress x c opt opc = case x of NONE => arm_step opt opc | SOME ((m,a),e) => let val label = spaces (List.filter (fn s => s <> "") [m,a,e,c]) val _ = if !trace_progress mod 2 = 1 then print (spaces ["step:", label, "...\n"]) else () val thm = if (!trace_progress div 2) mod 2 = 1 then Lib.real_time (arm_step opt) opc else arm_step opt opc in if !label_step_theorems then markerLib.MK_LABEL(label,thm) else thm end in fun arm_steps_from_parse s l = let fun arm_step_from_code (itstate,instr as Instruction (enc,cond,tm)) = let val opc = arm_encoderLib.arm_encode instr val pp = print_progress (if !trace_progress mod 2 = 1 orelse !label_step_theorems then SOME (arm_disassemble instr,encoding enc) else NONE) in SOME (if enc = Encoding_ARM_tm then if is_AL cond orelse is_PC cond then (itstate, pp "" ("arm,pass" ** s) opc, NONE) else (itstate, pp "(pass condition)" ("arm,pass" ** s) opc, SOME (pp "(fail condition)" ("arm,fail" ** s) opc)) else let val itstate' = if is_If_Then tm then dest_itstate tm else ITAdvance itstate val its = "it:" ^ w2s itstate val cond' = fix_condition cond val x = if enc = Encoding_ThumbEE_tm then "thumbee" else "thumb" in if is_AL cond' orelse is_PC cond' then (itstate', pp "" (x ** "pass" ** its ** s) opc, NONE) else (itstate', pp "(pass condition)" ("thumb,pass" ** its ** s) opc, SOME (pp "(fail condition)" (x ** "fail" ** its ** s) opc)) end) end | arm_step_from_code _ = NONE fun recurse [] _ a = List.rev a | recurse (h::t) itstate a = case arm_step_from_code (itstate,h) of SOME (itstate',pass,fail) => recurse t itstate' ((pass,fail)::a) | NONE => recurse t itstate a in recurse l (wordsSyntax.mk_wordii(0,8)) [] end end; fun arm_steps_from f opt qs = arm_steps_from_parse opt (Lib.mk_set ( snd (fst (f qs)))); val arm_steps_from_string = arm_steps_from arm_parse_from_string; val arm_steps_from_file = arm_steps_from arm_parse_from_file; val arm_steps_from_quote = arm_steps_from arm_parse_from_quote; fun bits32 (n,h,l) = let val s = StringCvt.padLeft #"0" 32 (Arbnum.toBinString n) val ss = Substring.slice (Substring.full s, 31 - h, SOME (h + 1 - l)) in Arbnum.fromBinString (Substring.string ss) end; fun decode_opcode opt opc = case opt of SOME (itstate, ee) => let val n = wordsSyntax.mk_wordi (bits32 (opc,15,0),16) val IT = wordsSyntax.mk_wordii (itstate,8) in if bits32 (opc,31,29) = Arbnum.fromBinString "111" andalso bits32 (opc,28,27) <> then pairSyntax.mk_pair (Encoding_Thumb2_tm, mk_thumb2_decode (``arm_coretypes$ARMv7_A``,IT, wordsSyntax.mk_wordi (bits32 (opc,31,16),16),n)) else if ee then mk_thumbee_decode (``arm_coretypes$ARMv7_A``,IT,n) else pairSyntax.mk_pair (Encoding_Thumb_tm, mk_thumb_decode (``arm_coretypes$ARMv7_A``,IT,n)) end | NONE => pairSyntax.mk_pair (Encoding_ARM_tm, mk_arm_decode (boolSyntax.F, wordsSyntax.mk_wordi (opc,32))); fun decode_from_string opt s = let val tm = decode_opcode opt (Arbnum.fromHexString s) in Instruction (case tm |> eval |> pairSyntax.strip_pair of [enc,cond,tm] => (enc,cond,tm) | _ => raise ERR "decode_from_string" "failed to evaluate decoding") end handle Option => raise ERR "decode_from_string" "could not parse HEX string"; val arm_decode = decode_from_string NONE; fun thumb_decode i = decode_from_string (SOME (i,false)); fun thumbee_decode i = decode_from_string (SOME (i,true)); (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) fun output_code ostrm line (c as Instruction _) = let val i = arm_encoderLib.arm_encode c val pad = StringCvt.padRight #" " val comment = if !disassemble then let val (m,a) = arm_disassemble c in String.concat ["\t\t; ", pad 8 m, a] end else "" in TextIO.output (ostrm, String.concat [line, " ", pad 8 i, comment, "\n"]) end | output_code ostrm line c = TextIO.output(ostrm, String.concat [line, " ", arm_encoderLib.arm_encode c, "\n"]); fun output_arm_assemble_parse ostrm s = let open Arbnum val start = fromHexString s handle Option => raise ERR "output_arm_assemble_parse" "expecting Hex string" val lower = Char.toLower val pad = StringCvt.padLeft #" " val pad0 = StringCvt.padLeft #"0" val count = pad 8 o pad0 4 o lower o toHexString in (fn (n,i) => output_code ostrm (count (start + n)) i) end; fun arm_assemble_to_file_parse start filename c = let val ostrm = TextIO.openOut filename in output_arm_assemble_parse ostrm start c before TextIO.closeOut ostrm end; fun print_arm_assemble_from_quote s = output_arm_assemble_parse TextIO.stdOut s o fst o arm_parse_from_quote; fun print_arm_assemble_from_string s = output_arm_assemble_parse TextIO.stdOut s o fst o arm_parse_from_string; fun print_arm_assemble_from_file s = output_arm_assemble_parse TextIO.stdOut s o fst o arm_parse_from_file; fun arm_assemble_to_file_from_quote s f = arm_assemble_to_file_parse s f o fst o arm_parse_from_quote; fun arm_assemble_to_file_from_string s f = arm_assemble_to_file_parse s f o fst o arm_parse_from_string; fun arm_assemble_to_file_from_file s f = arm_assemble_to_file_parse s f o fst o arm_parse_from_file; fun join s (a,b) = if a = "WORD" orelse a = "SHORT" then "UDF; (" ^ s ^ ")" else case b of "" => a | _ => String.concat [a, " ", b]; fun arm_disassemble_decode s = join s (arm_disassemble (arm_decode s)) fun thumb_disassemble_decode i s = join s (arm_disassemble (thumb_decode i s)) fun thumbee_disassemble_decode i s = join s (arm_disassemble (thumbee_decode i s)) end