structure comparelogs = struct val theory_width = 30 structure Process = OS.Process fun die s = (TextIO.output(TextIO.stdErr, s ^ "\n"); Process.exit Process.failure) fun mkquiet {bequiet, diffsort, files} = {bequiet = true, diffsort = diffsort, files = files} fun mkdiff {bequiet, diffsort, files} = {bequiet = bequiet, diffsort = true, files = files} fun usage_msg appname = "Usage:\n " ^ appname ^ " file1 file2 ... filen\n\n" ^ "Options:\n\ \ -d Sort results in order of the differences (only with two files)\n\ \ -q Print raw data only, no sums, or fancy lines; (output to other tools)\n\ \ -h Show this help message\n\ \ -? Show this help message\n" fun show_usage appname = (print (usage_msg appname); Process.exit Process.success) fun getargs appname args = let fun recurse args = case args of [] => {bequiet = false, diffsort = false, files = []} | "-q" :: rest => mkquiet (recurse rest) | "-d" :: rest => mkdiff (recurse rest) | "-h" :: _ => show_usage appname | "-?" :: _ => show_usage appname | _ => {bequiet = false, diffsort = false, files = args} in recurse args end fun print_dashes n = (print (StringCvt.padLeft #"-" (15 * n + theory_width) ""); print "\n") fun read_file (fname,m) = let val instr = TextIO.openIn fname fun recurse m = case TextIO.inputLine instr of NONE => m | SOME s => let val [thyname, number_s] = String.tokens Char.isSpace s val number = valOf (Real.fromString number_s) val basemap = case Binarymap.peek(m, fname) of NONE => Binarymap.mkDict | SOME m0 => m0 val submap = Binarymap.insert(basemap, thyname, number) in recurse (Binarymap.insert(m, fname, submap)) end in recurse m before TextIO.closeIn instr end fun lookup m fname thy = case Binarymap.peek(m, fname) of NONE => NONE | SOME m' => Binarymap.peek(m', thy) fun fmt_fname s = let val s' = if size s > 14 then String.extract(s, size s - 14, NONE) else s in StringCvt.padLeft #" " 15 s' end fun centered25 s = let open StringCvt in padLeft #" " 15 s end fun fmt_real r = centered25 (Real.fmt (StringCvt.FIX (SOME 3)) r) fun print_line m args thyname = let open StringCvt fun print_entry fname = case lookup m fname thyname of NONE => print (centered25 "--") | SOME r => print (fmt_real r) in print (StringCvt.padRight #" " theory_width thyname); app print_entry args; print "\n" end fun print_entry total_map fname = let open StringCvt in print (fmt_real (Binarymap.find(total_map, fname))) end fun main() = let val args0 = CommandLine.arguments() val {bequiet,diffsort,files = args} = getargs ( args0 val _ = if null args then die "Must specify at least one file to \"analyse\"" else () val _ = if length args <> 2 andalso diffsort then die "-d option not appropriate when #files <> 2" else () val base = hd args val final_map = List.foldl read_file (Binarymap.mkDict args val base_theories = map #1 (Binarymap.listItems (Binarymap.find(final_map, base))) handle NotFound => die ("No data in base file: "^hd args) val base_theories = if diffsort then let val [file1, file2] = args fun nzero NONE = 0.0 | nzero (SOME r) = r fun get f thy = nzero (lookup final_map f thy) fun compare (thy1, thy2) = let val t11 = get file1 thy1 val t12 = get file1 thy2 val t21 = get file2 thy1 val t22 = get file2 thy2 in (t21 - t11, t22 - t12) end in Listsort.sort compare base_theories end else base_theories fun calc_totals m = let fun calc_file (fname, m0) = let fun foldthis (thy, subtot) = let val r = case lookup m fname thy of NONE => 0.0 | SOME v => v in subtot + r end in Binarymap.insert(m0, fname, List.foldl foldthis 0.0 base_theories) end in List.foldl calc_file (Binarymap.mkDict args end val _ = if not bequiet then (print (StringCvt.padLeft #" " theory_width ""); app (print o fmt_fname) args; print "\n"; print_dashes (length args)) else () val _ = app (print_line final_map args) base_theories val total_map = calc_totals final_map in if not bequiet then (print_dashes (length args); print (StringCvt.padRight #" " theory_width "Total"); app (print_entry total_map) args; print "\n") else () end end (* struct *)