val _ = use "../../tools-poly/prelude.ML"; val _ = use "../../tools-poly/prelude2.ML"; val _ = PolyML.print_depth 0; fun exnMessage (e:exn) = let fun p (e:exn) = PolyML.prettyRepresentation (e, 10000) in PP.pp_to_string 75 p e end fun die s = (TextIO.output(TextIO.stdErr, s ^ "\n"); OS.Process.exit OS.Process.failure) fun lnumdie linenum extra exn = die ("Exception raised on line " ^ Int.toString linenum ^ ": "^ extra ^ exnMessage exn) val outputPrompt = ref ">" val quote = QFRead.fromString fun quoteFile lnum fname = QFRead.inputFile fname handle e => lnumdie lnum "" e datatype lbuf = LB of { currentOpt : string option ref, strm : TextIO.instream , line : int ref } fun current (LB {currentOpt, ...}) = !currentOpt fun linenum (LB {line, ...}) = !line fun advance (LB {strm, currentOpt, line}) = (currentOpt := TextIO.inputLine strm ; line := !line + 1) fun mklbuf strm = let val lb = LB {currentOpt = ref NONE, strm = strm, line = ref 0} val _ = advance lb in lb end fun mkLex s = let val i = ref 0 val sz = size s fun doit () = if !i < sz then SOME (String.sub(s,!i)) before i := !i + 1 else NONE in doit end fun compiler {push = obufPush, read = obufRD, reset = obufRST} handler infn = let fun record_error {message,...} = PolyML.prettyPrint(obufPush,70) message fun rpt acc = (obufRST(); PolyML.compiler(infn, [PolyML.Compiler.CPErrorMessageProc record_error, PolyML.Compiler.CPOutStream obufPush]) () handle e => handler (obufRD()) e; if obufRD() = "" then String.concat (List.rev acc) else rpt (obufRD() :: acc)) in rpt [] end fun silentUse lnum s = let val filecontents = quoteFile lnum s val buf = HM_SimpleBuffer.mkBuffer() in compiler buf (lnumdie 1) (mkLex filecontents) end fun umunge umap s = let fun recurse acc s = case UTF8.getChar s of NONE => String.concat (List.rev acc) | SOME ((c, _), rest) => case Binarymap.peek(umap, c) of NONE => recurse (c :: acc) rest | SOME s => recurse (s :: acc) rest in recurse [] s end val elision_string1 = ref "\\quad\\textit{\\small\\dots{}output elided\\dots{}}\n" fun deleteTrailingWhiteSpace s = let open Substring val (pfx, sfx) = splitr Char.isSpace (full s) val noNLsfx = dropl (not o equal #"\n") sfx val term = if size noNLsfx = 0 then "" else "\n" in string pfx ^ term end fun remove_multi_goalproved s = let val ss = Substring.full s val (l,r) = Substring.position "\n\nGoal proved." ss fun recurse ss = let val ss' = Substring.slice(ss, 1, NONE) val (l,r) = Substring.position "\n\nGoal proved." ss' in if Substring.size r <> 0 then case recurse r of NONE => SOME r | x => x else NONE end in if Substring.size r <> 0 then case recurse r of NONE => NONE | SOME r' => SOME (Substring.string l ^ !elision_string1 ^ Substring.string (Substring.triml 1 r')) else NONE end fun cruftSuffix sfxs s = case List.find (fn (sfx,_) => String.isSuffix sfx s) sfxs of NONE => NONE | SOME (sfx,rep) => SOME (String.substring(s, 0, size s - size sfx) ^ rep) val cruftySuffixes = ref [ ("\n : proofs\n", ""), ("\n : proof\n", "\n"), (":\n proof\n", "\n") ] fun try _ [] s = s | try restart (f::fs) s = case f s of SOME s' => restart s' | NONE => try restart fs s fun remove_nsubgoals s = let open Substring val ss0 = full s val (ss,_) = splitr Char.isSpace ss0 in if isSuffix "subgoals" ss then let val (p,s) = splitr (fn c => c <> #"\n") ss val (sn, rest) = splitl Char.isDigit s in if size sn <> 0 andalso string rest = " subgoals" then SOME (string p) else NONE end else NONE end fun delete_suffixNL sfx s = if String.isSuffix (sfx ^ "\n") s then String.extract(s, 0, SOME (size s - (size sfx + 1))) ^ "\n" |> deleteTrailingWhiteSpace else s fun remove_colonthm s = s |> delete_suffixNL "thm" |> delete_suffixNL ":" fun shorten_longmetis s = let open Substring val ss = full s val (pfx, sfx) = position "\nmetis: " ss fun ismetis_guff c = case c of #"r" => true | #"+" => true | #"[" => true | #"]" => true | _ => Char.isDigit c fun recurse csfx = if size csfx <> 0 then let val (guff, rest) = splitl ismetis_guff (triml 8 csfx) in if size guff > 55 then SOME (string (span (pfx, slice(guff, 0, SOME 50))) ^ " .... " ^ string rest) else let val (_, sfx') = position "\nmetis: " (triml 1 csfx) in recurse sfx' end end else NONE in recurse sfx end fun removeCruft s = try removeCruft [cruftSuffix (!cruftySuffixes), remove_multi_goalproved, shorten_longmetis, remove_nsubgoals] s fun addIndent ws = String.translate(fn #"\n" => "\n"^ws | c => str c) fun transformOutput umap ws s = s |> umunge umap |> removeCruft |> addIndent ws |> deleteTrailingWhiteSpace |> (fn s => ws ^ s) fun spaceNotNL c = Char.isSpace c andalso c <> #"\n" val getIndent = (Substring.string ## Substring.string) o Substring.splitl spaceNotNL o Substring.full fun dropLWS s = s |> Substring.full |> Substring.dropl Char.isSpace |> Substring.string fun strip_for_thm s = let val s0 = if String.isPrefix "val it =" s then String.extract(s, 9, NONE) |> dropLWS else s in remove_colonthm s0 end fun process_line umap obuf origline lbuf = let val {reset = obRST, ...} = obuf val (ws,line) = getIndent origline val indent = String.size ws val oPsize = size (!outputPrompt) fun getRest userPromptSize acc = let val _ = advance lbuf val handlePromptSize = if userPromptSize > oPsize then fn i => fn s => if i < userPromptSize then dropLWS s else String.extract(s, userPromptSize - oPsize, NONE) else let val ws_n = CharVector.tabulate(oPsize - userPromptSize, fn _ => #" ") in fn i => fn s => ws_n ^ s end in case current lbuf of NONE => String.concat (List.rev acc) | SOME s => let val (ws',_) = getIndent s val wssz = String.size ws' in if indent < wssz then getRest userPromptSize (handlePromptSize wssz s::acc) else String.concat (List.rev acc) end end val assertcmd = "##assert " val assertcmdsz = size assertcmd in if String.isPrefix ">>>" line then (advance lbuf; (ws ^ String.extract(line, 1, NONE), NONE)) else if String.isPrefix "###" line then (advance lbuf; (ws ^ String.extract(line, 1, NONE), NONE)) else if String.isPrefix assertcmd line then let val e = String.substring(line, assertcmdsz, size line - assertcmdsz - 1) (* for \n at end *) val _ = compiler obuf (lnumdie (linenum lbuf)) (QFRead.stringToReader ("val _ = if (" ^ e ^ ") then () " ^ "else die \"Assertion failed: line " ^ Int.toString (linenum lbuf) ^ "\";")) val _ = advance lbuf in ("", NONE) end else if String.isPrefix "##thm" line then let val thm_name = String.extract(line, 5, NONE) |> dropLWS val raw_output = compiler obuf (lnumdie (linenum lbuf)) (QFRead.stringToReader (thm_name ^ " :Thm.thm")) val output = transformOutput umap ws (strip_for_thm raw_output) |> deleteTrailingWhiteSpace |> (fn s => " " ^ s) val _ = advance lbuf in (ws ^ umunge umap thm_name, SOME output) end else if String.isPrefix "##eval" line then let val line = String.extract(line, 6, NONE) val e = Fail "" val (inputpfx, firstline, indent) = if String.isPrefix "[" line then let val ss = Substring.full line val (p,s) = Substring.position "] " ss val _ = Substring.size s <> 0 orelse lnumdie (linenum lbuf) "Mal-formed ##eval directive" e val vname = String.extract(Substring.string p, 1, NONE) val firstline = String.extract(Substring.string s, 2, NONE) in ("val "^vname^" = ", firstline, 9 + size vname) end else ("", String.extract(line, 1, NONE), 7) handle Subcript => lnumdie (linenum lbuf) "Mal-formed ##eval directive" e val input = getRest (indent + 1) [firstline] val _ = compiler obuf (lnumdie (linenum lbuf)) (QFRead.stringToReader (inputpfx ^ input)) in (ws ^ umunge umap input, NONE) end else if String.isPrefix "##parse" line then let val line = String.extract(line, 7, NONE) val pfx = if String.isPrefix "tm " line then "" else if String.isPrefix "ty " line then ":" else lnumdie (linenum lbuf) "Mal-formed ##parse directive" (Fail "") val (firstline, indent) = (String.extract(line, 3, NONE), 10) val input = getRest (indent + 1) [firstline] val _ = compiler obuf (lnumdie (linenum lbuf)) (QFRead.stringToReader ("``" ^ pfx ^ input ^ "``")) in (ws ^ umunge umap input, NONE) end else if String.isPrefix "##use " line then let val fname = String.substring(line, 6, size line - 7) (* for \n at end *) val _ = silentUse (linenum lbuf) fname val _ = advance lbuf in ("", NONE) end else if String.isPrefix ">>-" line then let val firstline = String.extract(line, 3, NONE) val input = getRest 3 [firstline] val raw_output = compiler obuf (lnumdie (linenum lbuf)) (QFRead.stringToReader input) in ("", SOME (transformOutput umap ws raw_output)) end else if String.isPrefix ">>__" line then let val firstline = String.extract(line, 4, NONE) val input = getRest 4 [firstline] val _ = compiler obuf (lnumdie (linenum lbuf)) (QFRead.stringToReader input) in ("", NONE) end else if String.isPrefix ">>_" line then let val firstline = String.extract(line, 3, NONE) val input = getRest 3 [firstline] val _ = compiler obuf (lnumdie (linenum lbuf)) (QFRead.stringToReader input) fun removeNL s = String.substring(s, 0, size s - 1) in (ws ^ ">" ^ removeNL (umunge umap input), SOME (!elision_string1)) end else if String.isPrefix ">>+" line then let val firstline = String.extract(line, 3, NONE) val input = getRest 3 [firstline] fun handle_exn extra exn = raise Fail (extra ^ exnMessage exn) val raw_output = compiler obuf handle_exn (QFRead.stringToReader input) handle Fail s => "Exception- " ^ s ^ " raised\n" in (ws ^ ">" ^ umunge umap input, SOME (transformOutput umap ws raw_output)) end else if String.isPrefix ">>" line then let val _ = obRST() val firstline = String.extract(line, 2, NONE) val input = getRest 2 [firstline] val raw_output = compiler obuf (lnumdie (linenum lbuf)) (QFRead.stringToReader input) in (ws ^ ">" ^ umunge umap input, SOME (transformOutput umap ws raw_output)) end else (advance lbuf; (origline, NONE)) end fun read_umap fname = let val instrm = TextIO.openIn fname handle _ => die ("Couldn't open "^fname) fun recurse (i, acc) = case TextIO.inputLine instrm of SOME line => (if size line <= 1 then recurse (i + 1, acc) else case UTF8.getChar line of NONE => die ("read_umap: should never happen") | SOME ((cstr, _), rest) => let val restss = Substring.full rest val range = restss |> Substring.dropl Char.isSpace |> Substring.dropr Char.isSpace |> Substring.string in recurse(i + 1, Binarymap.insert(acc, cstr, range)) end) | NONE => acc in recurse(1, Binarymap.mkDict end fun usage() = "Usage:\n "^ ^ " [umapfile]" fun main () = let val _ = PolyML.print_depth 100; val _ = Parse.current_backend := PPBackEnd.raw_terminal val umap = case CommandLine.arguments() of [] => Binarymap.mkDict | [name] => read_umap name | _ => die (usage()) val (obuf as {push = obPush, ...}) = HM_SimpleBuffer.mkBuffer() val _ = ReadHMF.extend_path_with_includes {quietp = true, lpref = loadPath} val _ = Feedback.ERR_outstream := obPush val _ = Feedback.WARNING_outstream := obPush val _ = Feedback.MESG_outstream := obPush val cvn = PolyML.Compiler.compilerVersionNumber val _ = if cvn = 551 orelse cvn = 552 then ignore (TextIO.inputLine TextIO.stdIn) else () val lb = mklbuf TextIO.stdIn fun recurse lb : unit= case current lb of NONE => () | SOME line => let val (i, coutopt) = process_line umap obuf line lb handle e => die ("Untrapped exception: line "^ Int.toString (linenum lb) ^ ": " ^ exnMessage e) in (case coutopt of NONE => print i | SOME out => print (i ^ out)); recurse lb end in recurse lb end