#include "utils.h" #include #include #include #include #include /*** START DHCP Client ***/ #ifdef PICO_SUPPORT_DHCPC /* This must stay global, its lifetime is the same as the dhcp negotiation */ uint32_t dhcpclient_xid; static uint8_t dhcpclient_devices = 0; void ping_callback_dhcpclient(struct pico_icmp4_stats *s) { char host[30] = { }; pico_ipv4_to_string(host, s->dst.addr); if (s->err == 0) { dbg("DHCP client: %lu bytes from %s: icmp_req=%lu ttl=64 time=%lu ms\n", s->size, host, s->seq, (long unsigned int)s->time); if (s->seq >= 3) { dbg("DHCP client: TEST SUCCESS!\n"); if (--dhcpclient_devices <= 0) exit(0); } } else { dbg("DHCP client: ping %lu to %s error %d\n", s->seq, host, s->err); dbg("DHCP client: TEST FAILED!\n"); exit(1); } } void callback_dhcpclient(void *arg, int code) { struct pico_ip4 address = ZERO_IP4, gateway = ZERO_IP4; char s_address[16] = { }, s_gateway[16] = { }; printf("DHCP client: callback happened with code %d!\n", code); if (code == PICO_DHCP_SUCCESS) { address = pico_dhcp_get_address(arg); gateway = pico_dhcp_get_gateway(arg); pico_ipv4_to_string(s_address, address.addr); pico_ipv4_to_string(s_gateway, gateway.addr); printf("DHCP client: got IP %s assigned with cli %p\n", s_address, arg); #ifdef PICO_SUPPORT_PING pico_icmp4_ping(s_gateway, 3, 1000, 5000, 32, ping_callback_dhcpclient); /* optional test to check routing when links get added and deleted */ /* do { char *new_arg = NULL, *p = NULL; new_arg = calloc(1, strlen(s_address) + strlen(":") + 1); p = strcat(new_arg, s_address); p = strcat(p + strlen(s_address), ":"); app_mcastsend(new_arg); } while (0); */ #endif } } void app_dhcp_client(char *arg) { char *sdev = NULL; char *nxt = arg; struct pico_device *dev = NULL; if (!nxt) goto out; while (nxt) { if (nxt) { nxt = cpy_arg(&sdev, nxt); if(!sdev) { goto out; } } dev = pico_get_device(sdev); if(dev == NULL) { if (sdev) free(sdev); printf("%s: error getting device %s: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, dev->name, strerror(pico_err)); exit(255); } printf("Starting negotiation\n"); if (pico_dhcp_initiate_negotiation(dev, &callback_dhcpclient, &dhcpclient_xid) < 0) { printf("%s: error initiating negotiation: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, strerror(pico_err)); if (sdev) free(sdev); exit(255); } if (sdev) free(sdev); dhcpclient_devices++; } return; out: fprintf(stderr, "dhcpclient expects the following format: dhcpclient:dev_name:[dev_name]\n"); if (sdev) free(sdev); exit(255); } #endif /*** END DHCP Client ***/