/********************************************************************* PicoTCP. Copyright (c) 2012-2017 Altran Intelligent Systems. Some rights reserved. See COPYING, LICENSE.GPLv2 and LICENSE.GPLv3 for usage. Authors: Kristof Roelants, Frederik Van Slycken, Maxime Vincent *********************************************************************/ #include "pico_dhcp_client.h" #include "pico_stack.h" #include "pico_config.h" #include "pico_device.h" #include "pico_ipv4.h" #include "pico_socket.h" #include "pico_eth.h" #if (defined PICO_SUPPORT_DHCPC && defined PICO_SUPPORT_UDP) #ifdef DEBUG_DHCP_CLIENT #define dhcpc_dbg dbg #else #define dhcpc_dbg(...) do {} while(0) #endif /* timer values */ #define DHCP_CLIENT_REINIT 6000 /* msec */ #define DHCP_CLIENT_RETRANS 4 /* sec */ #define DHCP_CLIENT_RETRIES 3 #define DHCP_CLIENT_TIMER_STOPPED 0 #define DHCP_CLIENT_TIMER_STARTED 1 /* maximum size of a DHCP message */ #define DHCP_CLIENT_MAXMSGZISE (PICO_IP_MRU - PICO_SIZE_IP4HDR) #define PICO_DHCP_HOSTNAME_MAXLEN 64U /* Mockables */ #if defined UNIT_TEST # define MOCKABLE __attribute__((weak)) #else # define MOCKABLE #endif static char dhcpc_host_name[PICO_DHCP_HOSTNAME_MAXLEN] = ""; static char dhcpc_domain_name[PICO_DHCP_HOSTNAME_MAXLEN] = ""; enum dhcp_client_state { DHCP_CLIENT_STATE_INIT_REBOOT = 0, DHCP_CLIENT_STATE_REBOOTING, DHCP_CLIENT_STATE_INIT, DHCP_CLIENT_STATE_SELECTING, DHCP_CLIENT_STATE_REQUESTING, DHCP_CLIENT_STATE_BOUND, DHCP_CLIENT_STATE_RENEWING, DHCP_CLIENT_STATE_REBINDING }; #define PICO_DHCPC_TIMER_INIT 0 #define PICO_DHCPC_TIMER_REQUEST 1 #define PICO_DHCPC_TIMER_RENEW 2 #define PICO_DHCPC_TIMER_REBIND 3 #define PICO_DHCPC_TIMER_T1 4 #define PICO_DHCPC_TIMER_T2 5 #define PICO_DHCPC_TIMER_LEASE 6 #define PICO_DHCPC_TIMER_ARRAY_SIZE 7 struct dhcp_client_timer { uint8_t state; unsigned int type; uint32_t xid; uint32_t timer_id; }; struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie { uint8_t event; uint8_t retry; uint32_t xid; uint32_t *uid; enum dhcp_client_state state; void (*cb)(void*dhcpc, int code); pico_time init_timestamp; struct pico_socket *s; struct pico_ip4 address; struct pico_ip4 netmask; struct pico_ip4 gateway; struct pico_ip4 nameserver[2]; struct pico_ip4 server_id; struct pico_device *dev; struct dhcp_client_timer *timer[PICO_DHCPC_TIMER_ARRAY_SIZE]; uint32_t t1_time; uint32_t t2_time; uint32_t lease_time; uint32_t renew_time; uint32_t rebind_time; }; static int pico_dhcp_client_init(struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc); static int reset(struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc, uint8_t *buf); static int8_t pico_dhcp_client_msg(struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc, uint8_t msg_type); static void pico_dhcp_client_wakeup(uint16_t ev, struct pico_socket *s); static void pico_dhcp_state_machine(uint8_t event, struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc, uint8_t *buf); static void pico_dhcp_client_callback(struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc, int code); static const struct pico_ip4 bcast_netmask = { .addr = 0xFFFFFFFF }; static struct pico_ip4 inaddr_any = { 0 }; static int dhcp_cookies_cmp(void *ka, void *kb) { struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *a = ka, *b = kb; if (a->xid == b->xid) return 0; return (a->xid < b->xid) ? (-1) : (1); } static PICO_TREE_DECLARE(DHCPCookies, dhcp_cookies_cmp); static struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *pico_dhcp_client_add_cookie(uint32_t xid, struct pico_device *dev, void (*cb)(void *dhcpc, int code), uint32_t *uid) { struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc = NULL, *found = NULL, test = { 0 }; test.xid = xid; found = pico_tree_findKey(&DHCPCookies, &test); if (found) { pico_err = PICO_ERR_EAGAIN; return NULL; } dhcpc = PICO_ZALLOC(sizeof(struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie)); if (!dhcpc) { pico_err = PICO_ERR_ENOMEM; return NULL; } dhcpc->state = DHCP_CLIENT_STATE_INIT; dhcpc->xid = xid; dhcpc->uid = uid; *(dhcpc->uid) = 0; dhcpc->cb = cb; dhcpc->dev = dev; if (pico_tree_insert(&DHCPCookies, dhcpc)) { PICO_FREE(dhcpc); return NULL; } return dhcpc; } static void pico_dhcp_client_stop_timers(struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc); static int pico_dhcp_client_del_cookie(uint32_t xid) { struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie test = { 0 }, *found = NULL; test.xid = xid; found = pico_tree_findKey(&DHCPCookies, &test); if (!found) return -1; pico_dhcp_client_stop_timers(found); pico_socket_close(found->s); found->s = NULL; pico_ipv4_link_del(found->dev, found->address); pico_tree_delete(&DHCPCookies, found); PICO_FREE(found); return 0; } static struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *pico_dhcp_client_find_cookie(uint32_t xid) { struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie test = { 0 }, *found = NULL; test.xid = xid; found = pico_tree_findKey(&DHCPCookies, &test); if (found) return found; else return NULL; } static void pico_dhcp_client_timer_handler(pico_time now, void *arg); static void pico_dhcp_client_reinit(pico_time now, void *arg); static struct dhcp_client_timer *pico_dhcp_timer_add(uint8_t type, uint32_t time, struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *ck) { struct dhcp_client_timer *t = ck->timer[type]; if (t) { /* Stale timer, mark to be freed in the callback */ t->state = DHCP_CLIENT_TIMER_STOPPED; } /* allocate a new timer, the old one is still in the timer tree, and will be freed as soon as it expires */ t = PICO_ZALLOC(sizeof(struct dhcp_client_timer)); if (!t) return NULL; t->state = DHCP_CLIENT_TIMER_STARTED; t->xid = ck->xid; t->type = type; t->timer_id = pico_timer_add(time, pico_dhcp_client_timer_handler, t); if (!t->timer_id) { dhcpc_dbg("DHCP: Failed to start timer\n"); PICO_FREE(t); return NULL; } /* store timer struct reference in cookie */ ck->timer[type] = t; return t; } static int dhcp_get_timer_event(struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc, unsigned int type) { const int events[PICO_DHCPC_TIMER_ARRAY_SIZE] = { PICO_DHCP_EVENT_RETRANSMIT, PICO_DHCP_EVENT_RETRANSMIT, PICO_DHCP_EVENT_RETRANSMIT, PICO_DHCP_EVENT_RETRANSMIT, PICO_DHCP_EVENT_T1, PICO_DHCP_EVENT_T2, PICO_DHCP_EVENT_LEASE }; if (type == PICO_DHCPC_TIMER_REQUEST) { if (++dhcpc->retry > DHCP_CLIENT_RETRIES) { reset(dhcpc, NULL); return PICO_DHCP_EVENT_NONE; } } else if (type < PICO_DHCPC_TIMER_T1) { dhcpc->retry++; } return events[type]; } static void pico_dhcp_client_timer_handler(pico_time now, void *arg) { struct dhcp_client_timer *t = (struct dhcp_client_timer *)arg; struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc; if (!t) return; (void) now; if (t->state != DHCP_CLIENT_TIMER_STOPPED) { dhcpc = pico_dhcp_client_find_cookie(t->xid); if (dhcpc) { t->state = DHCP_CLIENT_TIMER_STOPPED; if ((t->type == PICO_DHCPC_TIMER_INIT) && (dhcpc->state < DHCP_CLIENT_STATE_SELECTING)) { /* this was an INIT timer */ pico_dhcp_client_reinit(now, dhcpc); } else if (t->type != PICO_DHCPC_TIMER_INIT) { /* this was NOT an INIT timer */ dhcpc->event = (uint8_t)dhcp_get_timer_event(dhcpc, t->type); if (dhcpc->event != PICO_DHCP_EVENT_NONE) pico_dhcp_state_machine(dhcpc->event, dhcpc, NULL); } } } /* stale timer, it's associated struct should be freed */ if (t->state == DHCP_CLIENT_TIMER_STOPPED) PICO_FREE(t); } static void pico_dhcp_client_reinit(pico_time now, void *arg) { struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc = (struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *)arg; (void) now; if (dhcpc->s) { pico_socket_close(dhcpc->s); dhcpc->s = NULL; } if (++dhcpc->retry > DHCP_CLIENT_RETRIES) { pico_err = PICO_ERR_EAGAIN; pico_dhcp_client_callback(dhcpc, PICO_DHCP_ERROR); pico_dhcp_client_del_cookie(dhcpc->xid); return; } pico_dhcp_client_init(dhcpc); return; } static void pico_dhcp_client_stop_timers(struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc) { int i; dhcpc->retry = 0; for (i = 0; i < PICO_DHCPC_TIMER_ARRAY_SIZE; i++) { if (dhcpc->timer[i]) { /* Do not cancel timer, but rather set it's state to be freed when it expires */ dhcpc->timer[i]->state = DHCP_CLIENT_TIMER_STOPPED; dhcpc->timer[i] = NULL; } } } static int pico_dhcp_client_start_init_timer(struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc) { uint32_t time = 0; /* timer value is doubled with every retry (exponential backoff) */ time = (uint32_t) (DHCP_CLIENT_RETRANS << dhcpc->retry); if (!pico_dhcp_timer_add(PICO_DHCPC_TIMER_INIT, time * 1000, dhcpc)) return -1; return 0; } static int pico_dhcp_client_start_requesting_timer(struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc) { uint32_t time = 0; /* timer value is doubled with every retry (exponential backoff) */ time = (uint32_t)(DHCP_CLIENT_RETRANS << dhcpc->retry); if (!pico_dhcp_timer_add(PICO_DHCPC_TIMER_REQUEST, time * 1000, dhcpc)) return -1; return 0; } static int pico_dhcp_client_start_renewing_timer(struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc) { uint32_t halftime = 0; /* wait one-half of the remaining time until T2, down to a minimum of 60 seconds */ /* (dhcpc->retry + 1): initial -> divide by 2, 1st retry -> divide by 4, 2nd retry -> divide by 8, etc */ pico_dhcp_client_stop_timers(dhcpc); halftime = dhcpc->renew_time >> (dhcpc->retry + 1); if (halftime < 60) halftime = 60; if (!pico_dhcp_timer_add(PICO_DHCPC_TIMER_RENEW, halftime * 1000, dhcpc)) return -1; return 0; } static int pico_dhcp_client_start_rebinding_timer(struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc) { uint32_t halftime = 0; pico_dhcp_client_stop_timers(dhcpc); halftime = dhcpc->rebind_time >> (dhcpc->retry + 1); if (halftime < 60) halftime = 60; if (!pico_dhcp_timer_add(PICO_DHCPC_TIMER_REBIND, halftime * 1000, dhcpc)) return -1; return 0; } static int pico_dhcp_client_start_reacquisition_timers(struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc) { pico_dhcp_client_stop_timers(dhcpc); if (!pico_dhcp_timer_add(PICO_DHCPC_TIMER_T1, dhcpc->t1_time * 1000, dhcpc)) goto fail; if (!pico_dhcp_timer_add(PICO_DHCPC_TIMER_T2, dhcpc->t2_time * 1000, dhcpc)) goto fail; if (!pico_dhcp_timer_add(PICO_DHCPC_TIMER_LEASE, dhcpc->lease_time * 1000, dhcpc)) goto fail; return 0; fail: pico_dhcp_client_stop_timers(dhcpc); return -1; } static int pico_dhcp_client_init(struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc) { uint16_t port = PICO_DHCP_CLIENT_PORT; if (!dhcpc) return -1; /* adding a link with address and netmask, * automatically adds a route for a global broadcast */ pico_ipv4_link_add(dhcpc->dev, inaddr_any, bcast_netmask); if (!dhcpc->s) dhcpc->s = pico_socket_open(PICO_PROTO_IPV4, PICO_PROTO_UDP, &pico_dhcp_client_wakeup); if (!dhcpc->s) { if (!pico_dhcp_timer_add(PICO_DHCPC_TIMER_INIT, DHCP_CLIENT_REINIT, dhcpc)) return -1; return 0; } dhcpc->s->dev = dhcpc->dev; if (pico_socket_bind(dhcpc->s, &inaddr_any, &port) < 0) { pico_socket_close(dhcpc->s); dhcpc->s = NULL; if (!pico_dhcp_timer_add(PICO_DHCPC_TIMER_INIT, DHCP_CLIENT_REINIT, dhcpc)) return -1; return 0; } if (pico_dhcp_client_msg(dhcpc, PICO_DHCP_MSG_DISCOVER) < 0) { pico_socket_close(dhcpc->s); dhcpc->s = NULL; if (!pico_dhcp_timer_add(PICO_DHCPC_TIMER_INIT, DHCP_CLIENT_REINIT, dhcpc)) return -1; return 0; } dhcpc->retry = 0; dhcpc->init_timestamp = PICO_TIME_MS(); if (pico_dhcp_client_start_init_timer(dhcpc) < 0) { pico_socket_close(dhcpc->s); dhcpc->s = NULL; return -1; } return 0; } int MOCKABLE pico_dhcp_initiate_negotiation(struct pico_device *dev, void (*cb)(void *dhcpc, int code), uint32_t *uid) { uint8_t retry = 32; uint32_t xid = 0; struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc = NULL; if (!dev || !cb || !uid) { pico_err = PICO_ERR_EINVAL; return -1; } if (!dev->eth) { pico_err = PICO_ERR_EOPNOTSUPP; return -1; } /* attempt to generate a correct xid, else fail */ do { xid = pico_rand(); } while (!xid && --retry); if (!xid) { pico_err = PICO_ERR_EAGAIN; return -1; } dhcpc = pico_dhcp_client_add_cookie(xid, dev, cb, uid); if (!dhcpc) return -1; dhcpc_dbg("DHCP client: cookie with xid %u\n", dhcpc->xid); *uid = xid; return pico_dhcp_client_init(dhcpc); } static void pico_dhcp_client_recv_params(struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc, struct pico_dhcp_opt *opt) { do { switch (opt->code) { case PICO_DHCP_OPT_PAD: break; case PICO_DHCP_OPT_END: break; case PICO_DHCP_OPT_MSGTYPE: dhcpc->event = opt->ext.msg_type.type; dhcpc_dbg("DHCP client: message type %u\n", dhcpc->event); break; case PICO_DHCP_OPT_LEASETIME: dhcpc->lease_time = long_be(opt->ext.lease_time.time); dhcpc_dbg("DHCP client: lease time %u\n", dhcpc->lease_time); break; case PICO_DHCP_OPT_RENEWALTIME: dhcpc->t1_time = long_be(opt->ext.renewal_time.time); dhcpc_dbg("DHCP client: renewal time %u\n", dhcpc->t1_time); break; case PICO_DHCP_OPT_REBINDINGTIME: dhcpc->t2_time = long_be(opt->ext.rebinding_time.time); dhcpc_dbg("DHCP client: rebinding time %u\n", dhcpc->t2_time); break; case PICO_DHCP_OPT_ROUTER: dhcpc->gateway = opt->ext.router.ip; dhcpc_dbg("DHCP client: router %08X\n", dhcpc->gateway.addr); break; case PICO_DHCP_OPT_DNS: dhcpc->nameserver[0] = opt->ext.dns1.ip; dhcpc_dbg("DHCP client: dns1 %08X\n", dhcpc->nameserver[0].addr); if (opt->len >= 8) { dhcpc->nameserver[1] = opt->ext.dns2.ip; dhcpc_dbg("DHCP client: dns1 %08X\n", dhcpc->nameserver[1].addr); } break; case PICO_DHCP_OPT_NETMASK: dhcpc->netmask = opt->ext.netmask.ip; dhcpc_dbg("DHCP client: netmask %08X\n", dhcpc->netmask.addr); break; case PICO_DHCP_OPT_SERVERID: dhcpc->server_id = opt->ext.server_id.ip; dhcpc_dbg("DHCP client: server ID %08X\n", dhcpc->server_id.addr); break; case PICO_DHCP_OPT_OPTOVERLOAD: dhcpc_dbg("DHCP client: WARNING option overload present (not processed)"); break; case PICO_DHCP_OPT_HOSTNAME: { uint32_t maxlen = PICO_DHCP_HOSTNAME_MAXLEN; if (opt->len < maxlen) maxlen = opt->len; strncpy(dhcpc_host_name, opt->ext.string.txt, maxlen); } break; case PICO_DHCP_OPT_DOMAINNAME: { uint32_t maxlen = PICO_DHCP_HOSTNAME_MAXLEN; if (opt->len < maxlen) maxlen = opt->len; strncpy(dhcpc_domain_name, opt->ext.string.txt, maxlen); } break; default: dhcpc_dbg("DHCP client: WARNING unsupported option %u\n", opt->code); break; } } while (pico_dhcp_next_option(&opt)); /* default values for T1 and T2 when not provided */ if (!dhcpc->t1_time) dhcpc->t1_time = dhcpc->lease_time >> 1; if (!dhcpc->t2_time) dhcpc->t2_time = (dhcpc->lease_time * 875) / 1000; return; } static int recv_offer(struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc, uint8_t *buf) { struct pico_dhcp_hdr *hdr = (struct pico_dhcp_hdr *)buf; struct pico_dhcp_opt *opt = DHCP_OPT(hdr, 0); pico_dhcp_client_recv_params(dhcpc, opt); if ((dhcpc->event != PICO_DHCP_MSG_OFFER) || !dhcpc->server_id.addr || !dhcpc->netmask.addr || !dhcpc->lease_time) return -1; dhcpc->address.addr = hdr->yiaddr; /* we skip state SELECTING, process first offer received */ dhcpc->state = DHCP_CLIENT_STATE_REQUESTING; dhcpc->retry = 0; pico_dhcp_client_msg(dhcpc, PICO_DHCP_MSG_REQUEST); if (pico_dhcp_client_start_requesting_timer(dhcpc) < 0) return -1; return 0; } static void pico_dhcp_client_update_link(struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc) { struct pico_ip4 any_address = { 0 }; struct pico_ip4 address = { 0 }; struct pico_ipv4_link *l; dbg("DHCP client: update link\n"); pico_ipv4_link_del(dhcpc->dev, address); l = pico_ipv4_link_by_dev(dhcpc->dev); while(l) { pico_ipv4_link_del(dhcpc->dev, l->address); l = pico_ipv4_link_by_dev_next(dhcpc->dev, l); } pico_ipv4_link_add(dhcpc->dev, dhcpc->address, dhcpc->netmask); /* If router option is received, use it as default gateway */ if (dhcpc->gateway.addr != 0U) { pico_ipv4_route_add(any_address, any_address, dhcpc->gateway, 1, NULL); } } static int recv_ack(struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc, uint8_t *buf) { struct pico_dhcp_hdr *hdr = (struct pico_dhcp_hdr *)buf; struct pico_dhcp_opt *opt = DHCP_OPT(hdr, 0); struct pico_ipv4_link *l; pico_dhcp_client_recv_params(dhcpc, opt); if ((dhcpc->event != PICO_DHCP_MSG_ACK) || !dhcpc->server_id.addr || !dhcpc->netmask.addr || !dhcpc->lease_time) return -1; /* Issue #20 the server can transmit on ACK a different IP than the one in OFFER */ /* RFC2131 ch 4.3.2 ... The client SHOULD use the parameters in the DHCPACK message for configuration */ if (dhcpc->state == DHCP_CLIENT_STATE_REQUESTING) dhcpc->address.addr = hdr->yiaddr; /* close the socket used for address (re)acquisition */ pico_socket_close(dhcpc->s); dhcpc->s = NULL; /* Delete all the links before adding the new ip address * in case the new address doesn't match the old one */ l = pico_ipv4_link_by_dev(dhcpc->dev); if (dhcpc->address.addr != (l->address).addr) { pico_dhcp_client_update_link(dhcpc); } dbg("DHCP client: renewal time (T1) %u\n", (unsigned int)dhcpc->t1_time); dbg("DHCP client: rebinding time (T2) %u\n", (unsigned int)dhcpc->t2_time); dbg("DHCP client: lease time %u\n", (unsigned int)dhcpc->lease_time); dhcpc->retry = 0; dhcpc->renew_time = dhcpc->t2_time - dhcpc->t1_time; dhcpc->rebind_time = dhcpc->lease_time - dhcpc->t2_time; if (pico_dhcp_client_start_reacquisition_timers(dhcpc) < 0) { pico_dhcp_client_callback(dhcpc, PICO_DHCP_ERROR); return -1; } *(dhcpc->uid) = dhcpc->xid; pico_dhcp_client_callback(dhcpc, PICO_DHCP_SUCCESS); dhcpc->state = DHCP_CLIENT_STATE_BOUND; return 0; } static int renew(struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc, uint8_t *buf) { uint16_t port = PICO_DHCP_CLIENT_PORT; (void) buf; dhcpc->state = DHCP_CLIENT_STATE_RENEWING; dhcpc->s = pico_socket_open(PICO_PROTO_IPV4, PICO_PROTO_UDP, &pico_dhcp_client_wakeup); if (!dhcpc->s) { dhcpc_dbg("DHCP client ERROR: failure opening socket on renew, aborting DHCP! (%s)\n", strerror(pico_err)); pico_dhcp_client_callback(dhcpc, PICO_DHCP_ERROR); return -1; } if (pico_socket_bind(dhcpc->s, &dhcpc->address, &port) != 0) { dhcpc_dbg("DHCP client ERROR: failure binding socket on renew, aborting DHCP! (%s)\n", strerror(pico_err)); pico_socket_close(dhcpc->s); dhcpc->s = NULL; pico_dhcp_client_callback(dhcpc, PICO_DHCP_ERROR); return -1; } dhcpc->retry = 0; pico_dhcp_client_msg(dhcpc, PICO_DHCP_MSG_REQUEST); if (pico_dhcp_client_start_renewing_timer(dhcpc) < 0) { pico_socket_close(dhcpc->s); dhcpc->s = NULL; pico_dhcp_client_callback(dhcpc, PICO_DHCP_ERROR); return -1; } return 0; } static int rebind(struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc, uint8_t *buf) { (void) buf; dhcpc->state = DHCP_CLIENT_STATE_REBINDING; dhcpc->retry = 0; pico_dhcp_client_msg(dhcpc, PICO_DHCP_MSG_REQUEST); if (pico_dhcp_client_start_rebinding_timer(dhcpc) < 0) return -1; return 0; } static int reset(struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc, uint8_t *buf) { struct pico_ip4 address = { 0 }; (void) buf; if (dhcpc->state == DHCP_CLIENT_STATE_REQUESTING) address.addr = PICO_IP4_ANY; else address.addr = dhcpc->address.addr; /* close the socket used for address (re)acquisition */ pico_socket_close(dhcpc->s); dhcpc->s = NULL; /* delete the link with the currently in use address */ pico_ipv4_link_del(dhcpc->dev, address); pico_dhcp_client_callback(dhcpc, PICO_DHCP_RESET); if (dhcpc->state < DHCP_CLIENT_STATE_BOUND) { /* pico_dhcp_client_timer_stop(dhcpc, PICO_DHCPC_TIMER_INIT); */ } dhcpc->state = DHCP_CLIENT_STATE_INIT; pico_dhcp_client_stop_timers(dhcpc); pico_dhcp_client_init(dhcpc); return 0; } static int retransmit(struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc, uint8_t *buf) { (void) buf; switch (dhcpc->state) { case DHCP_CLIENT_STATE_INIT: pico_dhcp_client_msg(dhcpc, PICO_DHCP_MSG_DISCOVER); if (pico_dhcp_client_start_init_timer(dhcpc) < 0) return -1; break; case DHCP_CLIENT_STATE_REQUESTING: pico_dhcp_client_msg(dhcpc, PICO_DHCP_MSG_REQUEST); if (pico_dhcp_client_start_requesting_timer(dhcpc) < 0) return -1; break; case DHCP_CLIENT_STATE_RENEWING: pico_dhcp_client_msg(dhcpc, PICO_DHCP_MSG_REQUEST); if (pico_dhcp_client_start_renewing_timer(dhcpc) < 0) return -1; break; case DHCP_CLIENT_STATE_REBINDING: pico_dhcp_client_msg(dhcpc, PICO_DHCP_MSG_DISCOVER); if (pico_dhcp_client_start_rebinding_timer(dhcpc) < 0) return -1; break; default: dhcpc_dbg("DHCP client WARNING: retransmit in incorrect state (%u)!\n", dhcpc->state); return -1; } return 0; } struct dhcp_action_entry { int (*offer)(struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc, uint8_t *buf); int (*ack)(struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc, uint8_t *buf); int (*nak)(struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc, uint8_t *buf); int (*timer1)(struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc, uint8_t *buf); int (*timer2)(struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc, uint8_t *buf); int (*timer_lease)(struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc, uint8_t *buf); int (*timer_retransmit)(struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc, uint8_t *buf); }; static struct dhcp_action_entry dhcp_fsm[] = { /* event |offer |ack |nak |T1 |T2 |lease |retransmit */ /* state init-reboot */ { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, /* state rebooting */ { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, /* state init */ { recv_offer, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, retransmit }, /* state selecting */ { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, /* state requesting */ { NULL, recv_ack, reset, NULL, NULL, NULL, retransmit }, /* state bound */ { NULL, NULL, NULL, renew, NULL, NULL, NULL }, /* state renewing */ { NULL, recv_ack, reset, NULL, rebind, NULL, retransmit }, /* state rebinding */ { NULL, recv_ack, reset, NULL, NULL, reset, retransmit }, }; static void dhcp_action_call( int (*call)(struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc, uint8_t *buf), struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc, uint8_t *buf) { if (call) call(dhcpc, buf); } /* TIMERS REMARK: * In state bound we have T1, T2 and the lease timer running. If T1 goes off, we attempt to renew. * If the renew succeeds a new T1, T2 and lease timer is started. The former T2 and lease timer is * still running though. This poses no concerns as the T2 and lease event in state bound have a NULL * pointer in the fsm. If the former T2 or lease timer goes off, nothing happens. Same situation * applies for T2 and a succesfull rebind. */ static void pico_dhcp_state_machine(uint8_t event, struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc, uint8_t *buf) { switch (event) { case PICO_DHCP_MSG_OFFER: dhcpc_dbg("DHCP client: received OFFER\n"); dhcp_action_call(dhcp_fsm[dhcpc->state].offer, dhcpc, buf); break; case PICO_DHCP_MSG_ACK: dhcpc_dbg("DHCP client: received ACK\n"); dhcp_action_call(dhcp_fsm[dhcpc->state].ack, dhcpc, buf); break; case PICO_DHCP_MSG_NAK: dhcpc_dbg("DHCP client: received NAK\n"); dhcp_action_call(dhcp_fsm[dhcpc->state].nak, dhcpc, buf); break; case PICO_DHCP_EVENT_T1: dhcpc_dbg("DHCP client: received T1 timeout\n"); dhcp_action_call(dhcp_fsm[dhcpc->state].timer1, dhcpc, buf); break; case PICO_DHCP_EVENT_T2: dhcpc_dbg("DHCP client: received T2 timeout\n"); dhcp_action_call(dhcp_fsm[dhcpc->state].timer2, dhcpc, buf); break; case PICO_DHCP_EVENT_LEASE: dhcpc_dbg("DHCP client: received LEASE timeout\n"); dhcp_action_call(dhcp_fsm[dhcpc->state].timer_lease, dhcpc, buf); break; case PICO_DHCP_EVENT_RETRANSMIT: dhcpc_dbg("DHCP client: received RETRANSMIT timeout\n"); dhcp_action_call(dhcp_fsm[dhcpc->state].timer_retransmit, dhcpc, buf); break; default: dhcpc_dbg("DHCP client WARNING: unrecognized event (%u)!\n", dhcpc->event); return; } return; } static int16_t pico_dhcp_client_opt_parse(void *ptr, uint16_t len) { uint32_t optlen = len - (uint32_t)sizeof(struct pico_dhcp_hdr); struct pico_dhcp_hdr *hdr = (struct pico_dhcp_hdr *)ptr; struct pico_dhcp_opt *opt = DHCP_OPT(hdr, 0); if (hdr->dhcp_magic != PICO_DHCPD_MAGIC_COOKIE) return -1; if (!pico_dhcp_are_options_valid(opt, (int32_t)optlen)) return -1; do { if (opt->code == PICO_DHCP_OPT_MSGTYPE) return opt->ext.msg_type.type; } while (pico_dhcp_next_option(&opt)); return -1; } static int8_t pico_dhcp_client_msg(struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc, uint8_t msg_type) { int32_t r = 0; uint16_t optlen = 0, offset = 0; struct pico_ip4 destination = { .addr = 0xFFFFFFFF }; struct pico_dhcp_hdr *hdr = NULL; /* RFC 2131 3.1.3: Request is always BROADCAST */ /* Set again default route for the bcast request */ pico_ipv4_route_set_bcast_link(pico_ipv4_link_by_dev(dhcpc->dev)); switch (msg_type) { case PICO_DHCP_MSG_DISCOVER: dhcpc_dbg("DHCP client: sent DHCPDISCOVER\n"); optlen = PICO_DHCP_OPTLEN_MSGTYPE + PICO_DHCP_OPTLEN_MAXMSGSIZE + PICO_DHCP_OPTLEN_PARAMLIST + PICO_DHCP_OPTLEN_END; hdr = PICO_ZALLOC((size_t)(sizeof(struct pico_dhcp_hdr) + optlen)); if (!hdr) { pico_err = PICO_ERR_ENOMEM; return -1; } /* specific options */ offset = (uint16_t)(offset + pico_dhcp_opt_maxmsgsize(DHCP_OPT(hdr, offset), DHCP_CLIENT_MAXMSGZISE)); break; case PICO_DHCP_MSG_REQUEST: optlen = PICO_DHCP_OPTLEN_MSGTYPE + PICO_DHCP_OPTLEN_MAXMSGSIZE + PICO_DHCP_OPTLEN_PARAMLIST + PICO_DHCP_OPTLEN_REQIP + PICO_DHCP_OPTLEN_SERVERID + PICO_DHCP_OPTLEN_END; hdr = PICO_ZALLOC(sizeof(struct pico_dhcp_hdr) + optlen); if (!hdr) { pico_err = PICO_ERR_ENOMEM; return -1; } /* specific options */ offset = (uint16_t)(offset + pico_dhcp_opt_maxmsgsize(DHCP_OPT(hdr, offset), DHCP_CLIENT_MAXMSGZISE)); if (dhcpc->state == DHCP_CLIENT_STATE_REQUESTING) { offset = (uint16_t)(offset + pico_dhcp_opt_reqip(DHCP_OPT(hdr, offset), &dhcpc->address)); offset = (uint16_t)(offset + pico_dhcp_opt_serverid(DHCP_OPT(hdr, offset), &dhcpc->server_id)); } break; default: return -1; } /* common options */ offset = (uint16_t)(offset + pico_dhcp_opt_msgtype(DHCP_OPT(hdr, offset), msg_type)); offset = (uint16_t)(offset + pico_dhcp_opt_paramlist(DHCP_OPT(hdr, offset))); offset = (uint16_t)(offset + pico_dhcp_opt_end(DHCP_OPT(hdr, offset))); switch (dhcpc->state) { case DHCP_CLIENT_STATE_BOUND: destination.addr = dhcpc->server_id.addr; hdr->ciaddr = dhcpc->address.addr; break; case DHCP_CLIENT_STATE_RENEWING: destination.addr = dhcpc->server_id.addr; hdr->ciaddr = dhcpc->address.addr; break; case DHCP_CLIENT_STATE_REBINDING: hdr->ciaddr = dhcpc->address.addr; break; default: /* do nothing */ break; } /* header information */ hdr->op = PICO_DHCP_OP_REQUEST; hdr->htype = PICO_DHCP_HTYPE_ETH; hdr->hlen = PICO_SIZE_ETH; hdr->xid = dhcpc->xid; /* hdr->flags = short_be(PICO_DHCP_FLAG_BROADCAST); / * Nope: see bug #96! * / */ hdr->dhcp_magic = PICO_DHCPD_MAGIC_COOKIE; /* copy client hardware address */ memcpy(hdr->hwaddr, &dhcpc->dev->eth->mac, PICO_SIZE_ETH); if (destination.addr == PICO_IP4_BCAST) pico_ipv4_route_set_bcast_link(pico_ipv4_link_get(&dhcpc->address)); r = pico_socket_sendto(dhcpc->s, hdr, (int)(sizeof(struct pico_dhcp_hdr) + optlen), &destination, PICO_DHCPD_PORT); PICO_FREE(hdr); if (r < 0) return -1; return 0; } static void pico_dhcp_client_wakeup(uint16_t ev, struct pico_socket *s) { uint8_t *buf; int r = 0; struct pico_dhcp_hdr *hdr = NULL; struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc = NULL; if ((ev & PICO_SOCK_EV_RD) == 0) return; buf = PICO_ZALLOC(DHCP_CLIENT_MAXMSGZISE); if (!buf) { return; } r = pico_socket_recvfrom(s, buf, DHCP_CLIENT_MAXMSGZISE, NULL, NULL); if (r < 0) goto out_discard_buf; /* If the 'xid' of an arriving message does not match the 'xid' * of the most recent transmitted message, the message must be * silently discarded. */ hdr = (struct pico_dhcp_hdr *)buf; dhcpc = pico_dhcp_client_find_cookie(hdr->xid); if (!dhcpc) goto out_discard_buf; dhcpc->event = (uint8_t)pico_dhcp_client_opt_parse(buf, (uint16_t)r); pico_dhcp_state_machine(dhcpc->event, dhcpc, buf); out_discard_buf: PICO_FREE(buf); } static void pico_dhcp_client_callback(struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie *dhcpc, int code) { if(dhcpc->cb) dhcpc->cb(dhcpc, code); } void *MOCKABLE pico_dhcp_get_identifier(uint32_t xid) { return (void *)pico_dhcp_client_find_cookie(xid); } struct pico_ip4 MOCKABLE pico_dhcp_get_address(void*dhcpc) { return ((struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie*)dhcpc)->address; } struct pico_ip4 MOCKABLE pico_dhcp_get_gateway(void*dhcpc) { return ((struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie*)dhcpc)->gateway; } struct pico_ip4 pico_dhcp_get_netmask(void *dhcpc) { return ((struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie*)dhcpc)->netmask; } struct pico_ip4 pico_dhcp_get_nameserver(void*dhcpc, int index) { struct pico_ip4 fault = { .addr = 0xFFFFFFFFU }; if ((index != 0) && (index != 1)) return fault; return ((struct pico_dhcp_client_cookie*)dhcpc)->nameserver[index]; } int pico_dhcp_client_abort(uint32_t xid) { return pico_dhcp_client_del_cookie(xid); } char *pico_dhcp_get_hostname(void) { return dhcpc_host_name; } char *pico_dhcp_get_domain(void) { return dhcpc_domain_name; } #endif