#!/bin/sh # # Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230) # # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause # # This script is intended to be symlinked into the same location as your root # CMakeLists.txt file and then invoked from a clean build directory. set -eu # Determine path to this script (fast, cheap "dirname"). SCRIPT_PATH=${0%/*} # Save script name for diagnostic messages (fast, cheap "basename"). SCRIPT_NAME=${0##*/} # Ensure script path and current working directory are not the same. if [ "$PWD" = "$SCRIPT_PATH" ] then echo "\"$SCRIPT_NAME\" should not be invoked from top-level directory" >&2 exit 1 fi # Try and make sure we weren't invoked from a source directory by checking for a # CMakeLists.txt file. if [ -e CMakeLists.txt ] then echo "\"$SCRIPT_NAME\" should be invoked from a build directory and not" \ "source directories containing a CMakeLists.txt file" >&2 exit 1 fi if [ -d "$HOME/.sel4_cache" ] then CACHE_DIR="$HOME/.sel4_cache" else CACHE_DIR="$SCRIPT_PATH/.sel4_cache" fi if [ -e "$SCRIPT_PATH/CMakeLists.txt" ] then # If we have a CMakeLists.txt in the top level project directory, # initialize CMake. cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="$SCRIPT_PATH"/kernel/gcc.cmake -G Ninja "$@" \ -DSEL4_CACHE_DIR="$CACHE_DIR" -C "$SCRIPT_PATH/settings.cmake" "$SCRIPT_PATH" else # If we don't have a CMakeLists.txt in the top level project directory then # assume we use the project's directory tied to easy-settings.cmake and resolve # that to use as the CMake source directory. real_easy_settings="$(realpath $SCRIPT_PATH/easy-settings.cmake)" project_dir="$(dirname $real_easy_settings)" # Initialize CMake. cmake -G Ninja "$@" -DSEL4_CACHE_DIR="$CACHE_DIR" -C "$project_dir/settings.cmake" "$project_dir" fi