/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END */ /* * Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. */ /* auditd smf(5)/libscf(3LIB) interface - set and display audit parameters */ #include #include /* propvec array must be NULL terminated */ scf_propvec_t prop_vect[MAX_PROPVECS + 1]; /* * prt_error() - prt_error_va() wrapper; see prt_error_va() for more contextual * information. Note, that the function disregards errno; if you need to print * out strerror()/errno use directly prt_error_va(). * Inputs - program error format and message. */ /*PRINTFLIKE1*/ static void prt_error(char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; errno = 0; va_start(args, fmt); prt_error_va(fmt, args); va_end(args); } /* * prt_error_va() - prints an error message along with corresponding system * error number. Inputs - program error format and the va_list already prepared * by the preceding functions. * */ /*PRINTFLIKE1*/ void prt_error_va(char *fmt, va_list args) { (void) vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args); (void) fputc('\n', stderr); if (errno) (void) fprintf(stderr, "error: %s(%d)\n", strerror(errno), errno); (void) fflush(stderr); } /* * prt_scf_err() - scf_error()/scf_strerror() wrapper. */ static void prt_scf_err(void) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", scf_strerror(scf_error())); } /* * add_prop_vect_scf() - adds vector to the array of vectors later passed to * get_/set_val_scf(). The first argument (vector) points to particular position * in the vector of properties. */ static void add_prop_vect_scf(scf_propvec_t *vector, const char *prop_str, scf_type_t prop_type, void *prop_val_ptr) { vector->pv_prop = prop_str; vector->pv_type = prop_type; vector->pv_ptr = prop_val_ptr; } /* * get_val_scf() - get a property values from the audit service * * Arguments: vector = pointers to the head end of array of property vectors * pgroup_str = property group of property in AUDITD_FMRI * */ static boolean_t get_val_scf(scf_propvec_t *vector, char *pgroup_str) { scf_propvec_t *bad_prop_vec = NULL; /* * Get the property vector from the editing snapshot (B_FALSE). * For documentation on property vectors see . */ if (scf_read_propvec(AUDITD_FMRI, pgroup_str, B_FALSE, vector, &bad_prop_vec) != SCF_SUCCESS) { prt_scf_err(); if (bad_prop_vec != NULL) { prt_error(gettext("Reading the %s property in the %s " "property group failed.\n"), bad_prop_vec->pv_prop, pgroup_str); } return (B_FALSE); } return (B_TRUE); } /* * set_val_scf() - set property values of the audit service. * * arguments: vector = pointers to the head end of array of property vectors * pgroup_str = property group of property in AUDITD_FMRI * */ static boolean_t set_val_scf(scf_propvec_t *vector, char *pgroup_str) { scf_propvec_t *bad_prop_vec = NULL; /* for documentation on property vectors see */ if (scf_write_propvec(AUDITD_FMRI, pgroup_str, vector, &bad_prop_vec) != SCF_SUCCESS) { prt_scf_err(); if (bad_prop_vec != NULL) { prt_error(gettext("Setting the %s property in the %s " "property group failed.\n"), bad_prop_vec->pv_prop, pgroup_str); } return (B_FALSE); } return (B_TRUE); } /* * free_prop_vect() - deallocate heap memory used for propvect values. */ static void free_prop_vect(void) { scf_propvec_t *prop_vect_ptr; prop_vect_ptr = prop_vect; while (prop_vect_ptr->pv_prop != NULL) { if (stack_inbounds(prop_vect_ptr->pv_ptr) == 0) { free(prop_vect_ptr->pv_ptr); } prop_vect_ptr++; } } /* * chk_prop_vect() - check for prop_vect boundaries and possibly process * (typically) full prop_vect. */ static boolean_t chk_prop_vect(scf_propvec_t **prop_vect_ptr, char *pgrp_str) { if (*prop_vect_ptr < prop_vect || *prop_vect_ptr >= (prop_vect + MAX_PROPVECS)) { DPRINT((dbfp, "prop_vect is full; flushing\n")); if (!set_val_scf(prop_vect, pgrp_str)) { return (B_FALSE); } free_prop_vect(); bzero(prop_vect, sizeof (prop_vect)); *prop_vect_ptr = prop_vect; } return (B_TRUE); } /* * get_props_kva_all() - get all properties and fill in the plugin_kva. */ static boolean_t get_props_kva_all(asi_scfhandle_t *handle, asi_scfhandle_iter_t *handle_iter, kva_t **plugin_kva) { char key_buf[PLUGIN_MAXKEY]; char val_buf[PLUGIN_MAXVAL]; char attr_string[PLUGIN_MAXATT]; char attr_buf[PLUGIN_MAXATT]; int len = 0; scf_type_t prop_type; attr_string[0] = 0; attr_buf[0] = 0; while (scf_iter_next_property(handle_iter->prop, handle->prop) == 1) { if (scf_property_get_name(handle->prop, key_buf, PLUGIN_MAXKEY) == -1) { prt_scf_err(); return (B_FALSE); } /* * We do not fully support multi-valued properties. * scf_property_get_value() only supports single-valued * properties. It returns SCF_ERROR_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATED and one * of the property values. The audit service configuration * values are all single-valued properties. The authorizations * to configure and read the audit service properties may be * multi-valued, these may safely be ignored here as not an * error. */ if (scf_property_get_value(handle->prop, handle_iter->prop_val) != 0 && scf_error() != SCF_ERROR_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATED) { prt_scf_err(); return (B_FALSE); } if (scf_property_type(handle->prop, &prop_type) == -1) { prt_scf_err(); return (B_FALSE); } switch (prop_type) { case SCF_TYPE_BOOLEAN: { uint8_t pval_bool; if (scf_value_get_boolean(handle_iter->prop_val, &pval_bool) == -1) { prt_scf_err(); return (B_FALSE); } len = snprintf(attr_buf, PLUGIN_MAXATT, "%s=%d;", key_buf, pval_bool); if (len < 0 || len >= PLUGIN_MAXATT) { prt_error(gettext("Too long attribute: %s\n"), key_buf); return (B_FALSE); } if (strlcat(attr_string, attr_buf, PLUGIN_MAXATT) >= PLUGIN_MAXATT) { prt_error(gettext("Too long attribute string: " "%s\n"), key_buf); return (B_FALSE); } break; } case SCF_TYPE_ASTRING: { if (scf_value_get_as_string(handle_iter->prop_val, val_buf, PLUGIN_MAXATT) == -1) { prt_scf_err(); return (B_FALSE); } len = snprintf(attr_buf, PLUGIN_MAXATT, "%s=%s;", key_buf, val_buf); if (len < 0 || len >= PLUGIN_MAXATT) { prt_error(gettext("Too long attribute: %s\n"), key_buf); return (B_FALSE); } if (strlcat(attr_string, attr_buf, PLUGIN_MAXATT) >= PLUGIN_MAXATT) { prt_error(gettext("Too long attribute string: " "%s\n"), key_buf); return (B_FALSE); } break; } case SCF_TYPE_COUNT: { uint64_t pval_count; if (scf_value_get_count(handle_iter->prop_val, &pval_count) == -1) { prt_scf_err(); return (B_FALSE); } len = snprintf(attr_buf, PLUGIN_MAXATT, "%s=%llu;", key_buf, pval_count); if (len < 0 || len >= PLUGIN_MAXATT) { prt_error(gettext("Too long attribute: %s\n"), key_buf); return (B_FALSE); } if (strlcat(attr_string, attr_buf, PLUGIN_MAXATT) >= PLUGIN_MAXATT) { prt_error(gettext("Too long attribute string: " "%s\n"), key_buf); return (B_FALSE); } break; } default: (void) printf("Unsupported value type %s [%d]\n", key_buf, prop_type); break; } } if (*attr_string == '\0' || (*plugin_kva = _str2kva(attr_string, "=", ";")) == NULL) { prt_error(gettext("Empty or invalid attribute string.")); return (B_FALSE); } return (B_TRUE); } /* * get_plugin_kva() - get and save config attributes of given plugin plugin_str * (or all plugins in case plugin_str == NULL) into scf_plugin_kva_node_t. */ static boolean_t get_plugin_kva(asi_scfhandle_t *handle, asi_scfhandle_iter_t *handle_iter, scf_plugin_kva_node_t **plugin_kva_ll, char *plugin_str) { scf_plugin_kva_node_t *node = NULL; scf_plugin_kva_node_t *node_prev = NULL; scf_plugin_kva_node_t *node_head = NULL; char plugin_str_tmp[PLUGIN_MAXBUF]; bzero(plugin_str_tmp, PLUGIN_MAXBUF); if (scf_iter_instance_pgs_typed(handle_iter->pgrp, handle->inst, (const char *)"plugin") == -1) { prt_scf_err(); return (B_FALSE); } while (scf_iter_next_pg(handle_iter->pgrp, handle->pgrp) == 1) { if (scf_pg_get_name(handle->pgrp, plugin_str_tmp, PLUGIN_MAXBUF) == -1) { prt_scf_err(); plugin_kva_ll_free(node); return (B_FALSE); } if (plugin_str != NULL && strcmp(plugin_str_tmp, plugin_str) != 0) { continue; } if ((node = calloc(1, sizeof (scf_plugin_kva_node_t))) == NULL) { prt_error(gettext("No available memory.")); plugin_kva_ll_free(node_prev); return (B_FALSE); } if (node_head == NULL) { node_head = node; } if (node_prev != NULL) { node_prev->next = node; node->prev = node_prev; } node_prev = node; (void) strlcat((char *)&(node->plugin_name), plugin_str_tmp, PLUGIN_MAXBUF); if (scf_iter_pg_properties(handle_iter->prop, handle->pgrp) != 0) { prt_scf_err(); plugin_kva_ll_free(node); return (B_FALSE); } if (!get_props_kva_all(handle, handle_iter, &(node->plugin_kva))) { plugin_kva_ll_free(node); return (B_FALSE); } } #if DEBUG { scf_plugin_kva_node_t *node_debug = node_head; char attr_string[PLUGIN_MAXATT]; while (node_debug != NULL) { if (_kva2str(node_debug->plugin_kva, attr_string, PLUGIN_MAXATT, "=", ";") == 0) { DPRINT((dbfp, "Found plugin - %s: %s\n", node_debug->plugin_name, attr_string)); } else { DPRINT((dbfp, "Could not get attribute string " "for %s\n", node_debug->plugin_name)); } node_debug = node_debug->prev; } } #endif *plugin_kva_ll = node_head; return (B_TRUE); } /* * scf_free() - free scf handles */ static void scf_free(asi_scfhandle_t *handle) { if (handle == NULL) { return; } if (handle->prop != NULL) { scf_property_destroy(handle->prop); } if (handle->pgrp != NULL) { scf_pg_destroy(handle->pgrp); } if (handle->inst != NULL) { scf_instance_destroy(handle->inst); } if (handle->hndl != NULL) { if (scf_handle_unbind(handle->hndl) == -1) { prt_error(gettext("Internal error.")); prt_scf_err(); } scf_handle_destroy(handle->hndl); } } /* * scf_init() - initiate scf handles */ static boolean_t scf_init(asi_scfhandle_t *handle) { bzero(handle, sizeof (asi_scfhandle_t)); if ((handle->hndl = scf_handle_create(SCF_VERSION)) == NULL || scf_handle_bind(handle->hndl) != 0) { goto err_out; } if ((handle->inst = scf_instance_create(handle->hndl)) == NULL) { goto err_out; } if ((handle->pgrp = scf_pg_create(handle->hndl)) == NULL) { goto err_out; } if ((handle->prop = scf_property_create(handle->hndl)) == NULL) { goto err_out; } return (B_TRUE); err_out: prt_scf_err(); scf_free(handle); return (B_FALSE); } /* * scf_free_iter() - free scf iter handles */ static void scf_free_iter(asi_scfhandle_iter_t *handle_iter) { if (handle_iter == NULL) { return; } if (handle_iter->pgrp != NULL) { scf_iter_destroy(handle_iter->pgrp); } if (handle_iter->prop != NULL) { scf_iter_destroy(handle_iter->prop); } if (handle_iter->prop_val != NULL) { scf_value_destroy(handle_iter->prop_val); } } /* * scf_init_iter() - initiate scf iter handles */ static boolean_t scf_init_iter(asi_scfhandle_iter_t *handle_iter, asi_scfhandle_t *handle) { bzero(handle_iter, sizeof (asi_scfhandle_iter_t)); if ((handle_iter->pgrp = scf_iter_create(handle->hndl)) == NULL) { goto err_out; } if ((handle_iter->prop = scf_iter_create(handle->hndl)) == NULL) { goto err_out; } if ((handle_iter->prop_val = scf_value_create(handle->hndl)) == NULL) { goto err_out; } return (B_TRUE); err_out: prt_scf_err(); scf_free_iter(handle_iter); return (B_FALSE); } /* * chk_policy_context() - does some policy based checks, checks the context * (zone, smf) in which the policy could make some sense. */ static boolean_t chk_policy_context(char *policy_str) { /* * "all" and "none" policy flags, since they represent * sub/set of auditing policies, are not stored in the * AUDITD_FMRI service instance configuration. */ DPRINT((dbfp, "Walking policy - %s: ", policy_str)); if (strcmp("all", policy_str) == 0 || strcmp("none", policy_str) == 0) { DPRINT((dbfp, "skipped\n")); return (B_FALSE); } /* * In the local zone (!= GLOBAL_ZONEID) we do not touch * "ahlt" and "perzone" policy flags, since these are * relevant only in the global zone. */ if ((getzoneid() != GLOBAL_ZONEID) && (strcmp("ahlt", policy_str) == 0 || strcmp("perzone", policy_str) == 0)) { DPRINT((dbfp, "skipped\n")); return (B_FALSE); } return (B_TRUE); } /* * free_static_att_kva() - free hardcoded/static plugin attributes (key/value * pairs) from the kva plugin structure. */ void free_static_att_kva(kva_t *plugin_kva) { _kva_free_value(plugin_kva, PLUGIN_ACTIVE); _kva_free_value(plugin_kva, PLUGIN_PATH); _kva_free_value(plugin_kva, PLUGIN_QSIZE); _kva_free_value(plugin_kva, "read_authorization"); _kva_free_value(plugin_kva, "value_authorization"); } /* * do_getqctrl_scf() - get the values of qctrl properties of the audit service */ boolean_t do_getqctrl_scf(struct au_qctrl *cval) { scf_propvec_t *prop_vect_ptr; scf_qctrl_t cval_scf; bzero(prop_vect, sizeof (prop_vect)); prop_vect_ptr = prop_vect; add_prop_vect_scf(prop_vect_ptr++, QUEUECTRL_QHIWATER, SCF_TYPE_COUNT, &cval_scf.scf_qhiwater); add_prop_vect_scf(prop_vect_ptr++, QUEUECTRL_QLOWATER, SCF_TYPE_COUNT, &cval_scf.scf_qlowater); add_prop_vect_scf(prop_vect_ptr++, QUEUECTRL_QBUFSZ, SCF_TYPE_COUNT, &cval_scf.scf_qbufsz); add_prop_vect_scf(prop_vect_ptr, QUEUECTRL_QDELAY, SCF_TYPE_COUNT, &cval_scf.scf_qdelay); if (!get_val_scf(prop_vect, ASI_PGROUP_QUEUECTRL)) { return (B_FALSE); } cval->aq_hiwater = (size_t)cval_scf.scf_qhiwater; cval->aq_lowater = (size_t)cval_scf.scf_qlowater; cval->aq_bufsz = (size_t)cval_scf.scf_qbufsz; cval->aq_delay = (clock_t)cval_scf.scf_qdelay; scf_clean_propvec(prop_vect); return (B_TRUE); } /* * do_getqbufsz_scf() - get the qbufsz audit service property value */ boolean_t do_getqbufsz_scf(size_t *cval) { uint64_t cval_l; bzero(prop_vect, sizeof (prop_vect)); add_prop_vect_scf(prop_vect, QUEUECTRL_QBUFSZ, SCF_TYPE_COUNT, &cval_l); if (!get_val_scf(prop_vect, ASI_PGROUP_QUEUECTRL)) { return (B_FALSE); } *cval = (size_t)cval_l; return (B_TRUE); } /* * do_getqdelay_scf() - get the qdelay audit service property value */ boolean_t do_getqdelay_scf(clock_t *cval) { uint64_t cval_l; bzero(prop_vect, sizeof (prop_vect)); add_prop_vect_scf(prop_vect, QUEUECTRL_QDELAY, SCF_TYPE_COUNT, &cval_l); if (!get_val_scf(prop_vect, ASI_PGROUP_QUEUECTRL)) { return (B_FALSE); } *cval = (clock_t)cval_l; return (B_TRUE); } /* * do_getqhiwater_scf() - get the qhiwater audit service property value */ boolean_t do_getqhiwater_scf(size_t *cval) { uint64_t cval_l; bzero(prop_vect, sizeof (prop_vect)); add_prop_vect_scf(prop_vect, QUEUECTRL_QHIWATER, SCF_TYPE_COUNT, &cval_l); if (!get_val_scf(prop_vect, ASI_PGROUP_QUEUECTRL)) { return (B_FALSE); } *cval = (size_t)cval_l; return (B_TRUE); } /* * do_getqlowater_scf() - get the qlowater audit service property value */ boolean_t do_getqlowater_scf(size_t *cval) { uint64_t cval_l; bzero(prop_vect, sizeof (prop_vect)); add_prop_vect_scf(prop_vect, QUEUECTRL_QLOWATER, SCF_TYPE_COUNT, &cval_l); if (!get_val_scf(prop_vect, ASI_PGROUP_QUEUECTRL)) { return (B_FALSE); } *cval = (size_t)cval_l; return (B_TRUE); } /* * do_getpolicy_scf() - get the audit policy flags from service */ boolean_t do_getpolicy_scf(uint32_t *policy_mask) { int i; scf_propvec_t *prop_vect_ptr; char *cur_policy_str; policy_sw_t policy_arr[POLICY_TBL_SZ + 1]; policy_sw_t *policy_arr_ptr; prop_vect_ptr = prop_vect; policy_arr_ptr = policy_arr; bzero(prop_vect, sizeof (prop_vect)); bzero(policy_arr, sizeof (policy_arr)); /* prepare the smf(5) query */ for (i = 0; i < POLICY_TBL_SZ; i++) { cur_policy_str = policy_table[i].policy_str; /* Do some basic policy dependent checks */ if (!chk_policy_context(cur_policy_str)) { continue; } DPRINT((dbfp, "will be queried\n")); add_prop_vect_scf(prop_vect_ptr++, cur_policy_str, SCF_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &policy_arr_ptr->flag); policy_arr_ptr->policy = cur_policy_str; policy_arr_ptr++; } if (!get_val_scf(prop_vect, ASI_PGROUP_POLICY)) { return (B_FALSE); } /* set the policy mask */ policy_arr_ptr = policy_arr; *policy_mask = 0; while (policy_arr_ptr->policy != NULL) { if (policy_arr_ptr->flag) { *policy_mask |= get_policy(policy_arr_ptr->policy); } policy_arr_ptr++; } return (B_TRUE); } /* * do_setpolicy_scf() - sets the policy flags in audit service configuration */ boolean_t do_setpolicy_scf(uint32_t policy) { int i; char *cur_policy_str; scf_propvec_t *prop_vect_ptr; boolean_t bool_arr[POLICY_TBL_SZ]; boolean_t *bool_arr_ptr; prop_vect_ptr = prop_vect; bool_arr_ptr = bool_arr; bzero(prop_vect, sizeof (prop_vect)); bzero(bool_arr, sizeof (bool_arr)); for (i = 0; i < POLICY_TBL_SZ; i++) { cur_policy_str = policy_table[i].policy_str; /* Do some basic policy dependent checks */ if (!chk_policy_context(cur_policy_str)) { continue; } if (policy_table[i].policy_mask & policy) { *bool_arr_ptr = B_TRUE; } else { *bool_arr_ptr = B_FALSE; } DPRINT((dbfp, "%s%s\n", (*bool_arr_ptr == B_TRUE ? "+" : "-"), cur_policy_str)); add_prop_vect_scf(prop_vect_ptr++, cur_policy_str, SCF_TYPE_BOOLEAN, bool_arr_ptr++); } return (set_val_scf(prop_vect, ASI_PGROUP_POLICY)); } /* * do_setqctrl_scf() - set the values of qctrl properties of the audit service */ boolean_t do_setqctrl_scf(struct au_qctrl *cval) { scf_propvec_t *prop_vect_ptr; scf_qctrl_t cval_scf; if (!CHK_BDRY_QHIWATER(cval->aq_lowater, cval->aq_hiwater) && cval->aq_hiwater != 0) { (void) printf(gettext("Specified audit queue hiwater mark is " "outside of allowed boundaries.\n")); return (B_FALSE); } if (!CHK_BDRY_QLOWATER(cval->aq_lowater, cval->aq_hiwater) && cval->aq_lowater != 0) { (void) printf(gettext("Specified audit queue lowater mark is " "outside of allowed boundaries.\n")); return (B_FALSE); } if (!CHK_BDRY_QBUFSZ(cval->aq_bufsz) && cval->aq_bufsz != 0) { (void) printf(gettext("Specified audit queue buffer size is " "outside of allowed boundaries.\n")); return (B_FALSE); } if (!CHK_BDRY_QDELAY(cval->aq_delay) && cval->aq_delay != 0) { (void) printf(gettext("Specified audit queue delay is " "outside of allowed boundaries.\n")); return (B_FALSE); } cval_scf.scf_qhiwater = (uint64_t)cval->aq_hiwater; cval_scf.scf_qlowater = (uint64_t)cval->aq_lowater; cval_scf.scf_qbufsz = (uint64_t)cval->aq_bufsz; cval_scf.scf_qdelay = (uint64_t)cval->aq_delay; bzero(prop_vect, sizeof (prop_vect)); prop_vect_ptr = prop_vect; add_prop_vect_scf(prop_vect_ptr++, QUEUECTRL_QHIWATER, SCF_TYPE_COUNT, &cval_scf.scf_qhiwater); add_prop_vect_scf(prop_vect_ptr++, QUEUECTRL_QLOWATER, SCF_TYPE_COUNT, &cval_scf.scf_qlowater); add_prop_vect_scf(prop_vect_ptr++, QUEUECTRL_QBUFSZ, SCF_TYPE_COUNT, &cval_scf.scf_qbufsz); add_prop_vect_scf(prop_vect_ptr, QUEUECTRL_QDELAY, SCF_TYPE_COUNT, &cval_scf.scf_qdelay); return (set_val_scf(prop_vect, ASI_PGROUP_QUEUECTRL)); } /* * do_setqbufsz_scf() - set the qbufsz property value of the audit service */ boolean_t do_setqbufsz_scf(size_t *cval) { uint64_t cval_l; if (!CHK_BDRY_QBUFSZ(*cval) && *cval != 0) { (void) printf(gettext("Specified audit queue buffer size is " "outside of allowed boundaries.\n")); return (B_FALSE); } cval_l = (uint64_t)*cval; bzero(prop_vect, sizeof (prop_vect)); add_prop_vect_scf(prop_vect, QUEUECTRL_QBUFSZ, SCF_TYPE_COUNT, &cval_l); return (set_val_scf(prop_vect, ASI_PGROUP_QUEUECTRL)); } /* * do_setqdelay_scf() - set the qdelay property value of the audit service */ boolean_t do_setqdelay_scf(clock_t *cval) { uint64_t cval_l; if (!CHK_BDRY_QDELAY(*cval) && *cval != 0) { (void) printf(gettext("Specified audit queue delay is " "outside of allowed boundaries.\n")); return (B_FALSE); } cval_l = (uint64_t)*cval; bzero(prop_vect, sizeof (prop_vect)); add_prop_vect_scf(prop_vect, QUEUECTRL_QDELAY, SCF_TYPE_COUNT, &cval_l); return (set_val_scf(prop_vect, ASI_PGROUP_QUEUECTRL)); } /* * do_setqhiwater_scf() - set the qhiwater property value of the audit service */ boolean_t do_setqhiwater_scf(size_t *cval) { uint64_t cval_l; size_t cval_lowater; if (!do_getqlowater_scf(&cval_lowater)) { (void) printf(gettext("Could not get configured value of " "queue lowater mark.\n")); return (B_FALSE); } if (cval_lowater == 0) { cval_lowater = AQ_MINLOW; } if (!CHK_BDRY_QHIWATER(cval_lowater, *cval) && *cval != 0) { (void) printf(gettext("Specified audit queue hiwater mark is " "outside of allowed boundaries.\n")); return (B_FALSE); } cval_l = (uint64_t)*cval; bzero(prop_vect, sizeof (prop_vect)); add_prop_vect_scf(prop_vect, QUEUECTRL_QHIWATER, SCF_TYPE_COUNT, &cval_l); return (set_val_scf(prop_vect, ASI_PGROUP_QUEUECTRL)); } /* * do_setqlowater_scf() - set the qlowater property value of the audit service */ boolean_t do_setqlowater_scf(size_t *cval) { uint64_t cval_l; size_t cval_hiwater; if (!do_getqhiwater_scf(&cval_hiwater)) { (void) printf(gettext("Could not get configured value of " "queue hiwater mark.\n")); return (B_FALSE); } if (cval_hiwater == 0) { cval_hiwater = AQ_MAXHIGH; } if (!CHK_BDRY_QLOWATER(*cval, cval_hiwater) && *cval != 0) { (void) printf(gettext("Specified audit queue lowater mark is " "outside of allowed boundaries.\n")); return (B_FALSE); } cval_l = (uint64_t)*cval; bzero(prop_vect, sizeof (prop_vect)); add_prop_vect_scf(prop_vect, QUEUECTRL_QLOWATER, SCF_TYPE_COUNT, &cval_l); return (set_val_scf(prop_vect, ASI_PGROUP_QUEUECTRL)); } /* * do_getflags_scf() - get the audit attributable flags from service */ boolean_t do_getflags_scf(char **flags) { bzero(prop_vect, sizeof (prop_vect)); add_prop_vect_scf(prop_vect, PRESELECTION_FLAGS, SCF_TYPE_ASTRING, flags); if (!get_val_scf(prop_vect, ASI_PGROUP_PRESELECTION)) { return (B_FALSE); } return (B_TRUE); } /* * do_getnaflags_scf() - get the audit non-attributable flags from service */ boolean_t do_getnaflags_scf(char **naflags) { bzero(prop_vect, sizeof (prop_vect)); add_prop_vect_scf(prop_vect, PRESELECTION_NAFLAGS, SCF_TYPE_ASTRING, naflags); if (!get_val_scf(prop_vect, ASI_PGROUP_PRESELECTION)) { return (B_FALSE); } return (B_TRUE); } /* * do_setflags_scf() - set the attributable mask property value of the audit * service */ boolean_t do_setflags_scf(char *flags) { bzero(prop_vect, sizeof (prop_vect)); add_prop_vect_scf(prop_vect, PRESELECTION_FLAGS, SCF_TYPE_ASTRING, flags); return (set_val_scf(prop_vect, ASI_PGROUP_PRESELECTION)); } /* * do_setnaflags_scf() - set the attributable mask property value of the audit * service */ boolean_t do_setnaflags_scf(char *naflags) { bzero(prop_vect, sizeof (prop_vect)); add_prop_vect_scf(prop_vect, PRESELECTION_NAFLAGS, SCF_TYPE_ASTRING, naflags); return (set_val_scf(prop_vect, ASI_PGROUP_PRESELECTION)); } /* * plugin_avail_scf() - look for the plugin in the audit service configuration */ boolean_t plugin_avail_scf(const char *plugin_str) { scf_simple_handle_t *sh; if (plugin_str == NULL || *plugin_str == '\0') { return (B_FALSE); } if ((sh = scf_general_pg_setup(AUDITD_FMRI, plugin_str)) == NULL) { DPRINT((dbfp, "No such plugin found: %s (%s)\n", plugin_str, scf_strerror(scf_error()))); return (B_FALSE); } scf_simple_handle_destroy(sh); return (B_TRUE); } /* * do_getpluginconfig_scf() - get plugin configuration from the audit service * configuration. */ boolean_t do_getpluginconfig_scf(char *plugin_str, scf_plugin_kva_node_t **plugin_kva_ll) { char *asi_fmri; asi_scfhandle_t handle; asi_scfhandle_iter_t handle_iter; boolean_t plugin_all = B_FALSE; boolean_t rv = B_TRUE; if (plugin_str == NULL || *plugin_str == '\0') { if (asprintf(&asi_fmri, "%s", AUDITD_FMRI) == -1) { prt_error(gettext("Out of memory.")); return (B_FALSE); } plugin_all = B_TRUE; } else { if (asprintf(&asi_fmri, "%s%s%s", AUDITD_FMRI, SCF_FMRI_PROPERTYGRP_PREFIX, plugin_str) == -1) { prt_error(gettext("Out of memory.")); return (B_FALSE); } } DPRINT((dbfp, "%s will be decoded\n", asi_fmri)); if (!scf_init(&handle)) { prt_error(gettext("Unable to initialize scf handles.")); free(asi_fmri); return (B_FALSE); } if (scf_handle_decode_fmri(handle.hndl, asi_fmri, NULL, NULL, handle.inst, plugin_all ? NULL : handle.pgrp, NULL, SCF_DECODE_FMRI_EXACT) == -1) { prt_scf_err(); scf_free(&handle); free(asi_fmri); return (B_FALSE); } if (!scf_init_iter(&handle_iter, &handle)) { prt_error(gettext("Unable to initialize scf iter handles.")); scf_free(&handle); free(asi_fmri); return (B_FALSE); } if (plugin_all) { rv = get_plugin_kva(&handle, &handle_iter, plugin_kva_ll, NULL); } else { rv = get_plugin_kva(&handle, &handle_iter, plugin_kva_ll, plugin_str); } scf_free(&handle); scf_free_iter(&handle_iter); free(asi_fmri); return (rv); } /* * do_setpluginconfig_scf() - set plugin configuration in the audit service * configuration. */ boolean_t do_setpluginconfig_scf(char *plugin_str, boolean_t plugin_state, char *plugin_att, int plugin_qsize) { kva_t *plugin_att_kva = NULL; char *plugin_att_ptr = plugin_att; char *plugin_att_clr_ptr = plugin_att; scf_simple_prop_t *plugin_prop; scf_type_t plugin_prop_type; scf_propvec_t *prop_vect_ptr; int cnt = 0; kv_t *data; boolean_t rval = B_TRUE; uint64_t plugin_qsize_l = (uint64_t)plugin_qsize; DPRINT((dbfp, "Auditd plugin configuration to be set:\n\tplugin=%s\n\t" "state=%d (%s)\n\tattributes=%s\n\tqsize=%d%s\n", plugin_str, plugin_state, plugin_state == B_TRUE ? "active" : "inactive", plugin_att == NULL ? " (unspecified)" : plugin_att, plugin_qsize, plugin_qsize == -1 ? " (unspecified)" : "")); bzero(prop_vect, sizeof (prop_vect)); prop_vect_ptr = prop_vect; if (plugin_att != NULL) { /* get rid of white-space chars */ if (*plugin_att_ptr != '\0') { while (*plugin_att_ptr != '\0') { if (isspace(*plugin_att_ptr) == 0) { *plugin_att_clr_ptr++ = *plugin_att_ptr; } plugin_att_ptr++; } *plugin_att_clr_ptr = '\0'; } DPRINT((dbfp, "attributes (no white-space): %s\n", plugin_att)); /* allow empty plugin_att */ if (*plugin_att == '\0') { cnt = 0; data = NULL; } else { plugin_att_kva = _str2kva(plugin_att, "=", ";"); if (plugin_att_kva == NULL) { prt_error(gettext("Could not parse plugin " "attributes.")); return (B_FALSE); } free_static_att_kva(plugin_att_kva); cnt = plugin_att_kva->length; data = plugin_att_kva->data; } } /* set state */ add_prop_vect_scf(prop_vect_ptr++, PLUGIN_ACTIVE, SCF_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &plugin_state); DPRINT((dbfp, "Prepared active -> %d\n", plugin_state)); /* set attributes */ while (cnt) { if (data->value == NULL) { cnt--; data++; continue; } if (!chk_prop_vect(&prop_vect_ptr, plugin_str)) { rval = B_FALSE; goto err_out; } if ((plugin_prop = scf_simple_prop_get(NULL, AUDITD_FMRI, plugin_str, data->key)) == NULL) { prt_error(gettext("Could not get configuration for " "attribute: %s"), data->key); prt_scf_err(); rval = B_FALSE; goto err_out; } if ((plugin_prop_type = scf_simple_prop_type(plugin_prop)) == -1) { prt_error(gettext("Could not get property type: %s"), data->key); prt_scf_err(); rval = B_FALSE; goto err_out; } switch (plugin_prop_type) { case SCF_TYPE_BOOLEAN: { uint8_t *pval_bool; pval_bool = (uint8_t *)malloc(sizeof (uint8_t)); if (pval_bool == NULL) { prt_error(gettext("No free memory available.")); rval = B_FALSE; goto err_out; } *pval_bool = (uint8_t)atoi(data->value); add_prop_vect_scf(prop_vect_ptr++, data->key, SCF_TYPE_BOOLEAN, pval_bool); break; } case SCF_TYPE_ASTRING: { char *pval_str; if ((pval_str = strdup(data->value)) == NULL) { prt_error(gettext("No free memory available.")); rval = B_FALSE; goto err_out; } add_prop_vect_scf(prop_vect_ptr++, data->key, SCF_TYPE_ASTRING, pval_str); break; } case SCF_TYPE_COUNT: { uint64_t *pval_count; pval_count = (uint64_t *)malloc(sizeof (uint64_t)); if (pval_count == NULL) { prt_error(gettext("No free memory available.")); rval = B_FALSE; goto err_out; } *pval_count = (uint64_t)atoll(data->value); add_prop_vect_scf(prop_vect_ptr++, data->key, SCF_TYPE_COUNT, pval_count); break; } default: prt_error(gettext("Unsupported property type: %s (%d)"), data->key, plugin_prop_type); break; } DPRINT((dbfp, "Prepared %s -> %s\n", data->key, data->value)); scf_simple_prop_free(plugin_prop); data++; cnt--; } if (!chk_prop_vect(&prop_vect_ptr, plugin_str)) { rval = B_FALSE; goto err_out; } /* set qsize */ if (plugin_qsize != -1) { add_prop_vect_scf(prop_vect_ptr, PLUGIN_QSIZE, SCF_TYPE_COUNT, &plugin_qsize_l); DPRINT((dbfp, "Prepared qsize -> %d\n", plugin_qsize)); } if (!set_val_scf(prop_vect, plugin_str)) { rval = B_FALSE; } err_out: free_prop_vect(); _kva_free(plugin_att_kva); return (rval); } /* * plugin_kva_ll_free() - free the memory used by plugin kva linked list. */ void plugin_kva_ll_free(scf_plugin_kva_node_t *node) { scf_plugin_kva_node_t *node_next; if (node == NULL) { return; } while (node->prev != NULL) { node = node->prev; } while (node != NULL) { _kva_free(node->plugin_kva); node_next = node->next; free(node); node = node_next; } } /* * get_policy() - get policy mask entry */ uint32_t get_policy(char *policy) { int i; for (i = 0; i < POLICY_TBL_SZ; i++) { if (strcasecmp(policy, policy_table[i].policy_str) == 0) { return (policy_table[i].policy_mask); } } return (0); }