Use the New Network Printer dialog to install a network printer, thus making the printer available for printing from the network.

Printer Name: Specifies a unique name for the printer. The printer name must be a text string composed of uppercase or lowercase alphabetical characters (a-z, A-Z), digits (0-9), hyphens, or underscores. A printer name can be a maximum of 14 characters long.

Printer Server: This is the computer you have selected to act as the server for print actions. You must be logged on to this computer and be running Oracle Solaris Print Manager on it. Oracle Solaris Print Manager sets up this system with the appropriate software to manage local and remote printers.

Description: [Optional] Describes the printer, including the printer type and location, possibly, or provides other information about the printer.

Printer Type: Specifies the generic name for a type of printer. Supported printer types correspond to entries in the /usr/share/lib/terminfo directory. Examples are PostScript, Daisy, and Diablo.

File Contents: Specifies the format of files that can be printed without any special filtering by the print software. PostScript is the default and is probably correct most of the time.

Fault Notification: Specifies how the superuser will be notified in case of a printer error.

For BSD Protocol, the network name of the printer followed by a colon and the printer-vendor-supplied queue name.
For TCP Protocol, the network name of the printer followed by a colon and the tcp port number to connect to.
For URI Protocol, a printer URI to be used in connecting to the remote printer. For example: "smb://user@printer-host/printer-name".

Protocol: The internet protocol for file transfer; choices are BSD, TCP, or URI.

Options: Default Printer: If checked, this printer is designated as the default printer for printing jobs sent to this server. If another printer had been designated as the default printer for the network, this printer will replace it as the default. If you are using a naming service, this printer will be the default printer for the naming service, also.

Note that this is the last place the print subsystem looks to determine where a particular print job will be printed; the destination option of the lp command is the first place looked, and other environment variables are checked before this one. See the man page for printers.conf(4) for a full explanation of the search order.

Options: Banner: Specifies whether a banner page will be printed between jobs.

"Aways Print Banner" stipulates that a banner will always be printed and may not be turned off by the user.
"User Selectable - Default=on" stipulates that a banner will be printed unless the user selects to turn the banner off.
"Never Print Banner" stipulates that a banner will never be printed and may not be turned on by the user.

User Access List: Specifies the print clients that can print to this printer. By default, all print clients have access to this printer, as designated by the word "all" in the list.

To add a user to the list, type a user name in the blank text field below the list and click Add. Note that this user name replaces "all" or "none" if either "all" or "none" is in the user access list. If "all" or "none" is added as a user, "all" or "none" will replace the names in the list.

To delete a user from the list, select the user in the list and click Delete.

OK: Apply changes and dismiss the window.
Apply: Apply the changes and leave the window displayed.
Reset: Reset all fields to last Apply
Cancel: Dismiss the window.
Help: Display help for the current window or dialog.

install "network printer" "printer name" server description port "printer type" "file contents" fault "fault notification" "default printer" banner new dialog: network printer

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