Oracle Solaris Print Manager help is displayed if you choose one of the help items from the Help menu in the Print Manager main window or if you click on a Help button in any of the Print Manager windows or dialogs.

Viewing a help article

When you click on a Help button or choose a help item from the Help menu, help for the selected topic is displayed in the help viewer. See the headings labeled Navigation, Index, and Search below for instructions for viewing other help articles.


To move around in an article, click on the scroll bar to the right of the article text. Note that you can expand or contract the help window by grabbing a corner with the mouse cursor and moving the mouse. See below for instructions for viewing other help articles.

Back button: Click to move to the last article viewed.
Forward button: Click to move to the article viewed prior to clicking the Back button.
See also pulldown menu: Select an item from the menu and click Show to display the selected article.
Show button: After selecting an item from the See also menu, click Show to display it.


1. Click the Index tab at the top of the help window to display the index search tool.

By default the Search field is blank and all help articles are listed. To limit the index listing, enter the first letters of a help article; the articles that start with the entered letters will be displayed as you type. To see all the task descriptions, for instance, enter "to" and a blank.

2. To view an article, double-click on it or select it and click Show. The article is displayed in view mode.


Click the Search tab at the top of the help window to display the search tool.

Enter a word or phrase in the Keywords field and click Search.

All articles with the entered keyword or phrase marked as a keyword will be displayed in the Search Results list.

To view an article, double-click on it or select it and click Show. The article is displayed in view mode.

view index search show back forward "see also" help keywords
