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All rights reserved. # Use is subject to license terms. # # ident "%Z%%M% %I% %E% SMI" # # # Sun::Solaris::Lgrp documentation. # =head1 NAME Lgrp - Perl interface to Solaris liblgrp library. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Sun::Solaris::Lgrp qw(:ALL); # initialize lgroup interface my $cookie = lgrp_init(LGRP_VIEW_OS | LGRP_VIEW_CALLER); my $l = Sun::Solaris::Lgrp->new(LGRP_VIEW_OS | LGRP_VIEW_CALLER); my $version = lgrp_version(LGRP_VER_CURRENT | LGRP_VER_NONE); $version = $l->version(LGRP_VER_CURRENT | LGRP_VER_NONE); $home = lgrp_home(P_PID, P_MYID); $home = l->home(P_PID, P_MYID); lgrp_affinity_set(P_PID, $pid, $lgrp, LGRP_AFF_STRONG | LGRP_AFF_WEAK | LGRP_AFF_NONE); $l->affinity_set(P_PID, $pid, $lgrp, LGRP_AFF_STRONG | LGRP_AFF_WEAK | LGRP_AFF_NONE); my $affinity = lgrp_affinity_get(P_PID, $pid, $lgrp); $affinity = $l->affinity_get(P_PID, $pid, $lgrp); my $nlgrps = lgrp_nlgrps($cookie); $nlgrps = $l->nlgrps(); my $root = lgrp_root($cookie); $root = l->root(); $latency = lgrp_latency($lgrp1, $lgrp2); $latency = $l->latency($lgrp1, $lgrp2); my @children = lgrp_children($cookie, $lgrp); @children = l->children($lgrp); my @parents = lgrp_parents($cookie, $lgrp); @parents = l->parents($lgrp); my @lgrps = lgrp_lgrps($cookie); @lgrps = l->lgrps(); @lgrps = lgrp_lgrps($cookie, $lgrp); @lgrps = l->lgrps($lgrp); my @leaves = lgrp_leaves($cookie); @leaves = l->leaves(); my $is_leaf = lgrp_isleaf($cookie, $lgrp); $is_leaf = $l->is_leaf($lgrp); my @cpus = lgrp_cpus($cookie, $lgrp, LGRP_CONTENT_HIERARCHY | LGRP_CONTENT_DIRECT); @cpus = l->cpus($lgrp, LGRP_CONTENT_HIERARCHY | LGRP_CONTENT_DIRECT); my $memsize = lgrp_mem_size($cookie, $lgrp, LGRP_MEM_SZ_INSTALLED | LGRP_MEM_SZ_FREE, LGRP_CONTENT_HIERARCHY | LGRP_CONTENT_DIRECT); $memsize = l->mem_size($lgrp, LGRP_MEM_SZ_INSTALLED | LGRP_MEM_SZ_FREE, LGRP_CONTENT_HIERARCHY | LGRP_CONTENT_DIRECT); my $is_stale = lgrp_cookie_stale($cookie); $stale = l->stale(); lgrp_fini($cookie); # The following is available for API version greater than 1: my @lgrps = lgrp_resources($cookie, $lgrp, LGRP_RSRC_CPU); # Get latencies from cookie $latency = lgrp_latency_cookie($cookie, $from, $to); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module provides access to the C library and to various constants and functions defined in C header file. It provides both the procedural and object interface to the library. The procedural interface requires (in most cases) passing a transparent cookie around. The object interface hides all the cookie manipulations from the user. Functions returning scalar value indicate error by returning B. The caller may examine the B<$!> variable to get the C value. Functions returning list value return the number of elements in the list when called in scalar context. In case of error the empty list is return in the array context and B is returned in the scalar context. =head2 CONSTANTS The constants are exported with B<:CONSTANTS> or B<:ALL> tags: use Sun::Solaris::Lgrp ':ALL'; or use Sun::Solaris::Lgrp ':CONSTANTS'; The following constants are available for use in Perl programs: LGRP_NONE LGRP_VER_CURRENT LGRP_VER_NONE LGRP_VIEW_CALLER LGRP_VIEW_OS LGRP_AFF_NONE LGRP_AFF_STRONG LGRP_AFF_WEAK LGRP_CONTENT_DIRECT LGRP_CONTENT_HIERARCHY LGRP_MEM_SZ_FREE LGRP_MEM_SZ_INSTALLED LGRP_RSRC_CPU (1) LGRP_RSRC_MEM (1) LGRP_CONTENT_ALL (1) LGRP_LAT_CPU_TO_MEM(1) P_PID P_LWPID P_MYID (1) Available for versions of the liblgrp(3LIB) API greater than 1. =head2 functions A detailed description of each function follows. Since this module is intended to provide a Perl interface to the routines in L, a very short description is given for the corresponding functions in this module and a reference is given to the complete description in the L man pages. Any differences or additional functionality in the Perl module are highlighted and fully documented here. =over =item lgrp_init([LGRP_VIEW_CALLER | LGRP_VIEW_OS]) The function initializes the lgroup interface and takes a snapshot of the lgroup hierarchy with the given view. Given the view, L returns a cookie representing this snapshot of the lgroup hierarchy. This cookie should be used with other routines in the lgroup interface needing the lgroup hierarchy. The L function should be called with the cookie when it is no longer needed. Unlike L, C is assumed as the default if no view is provided. Upon successful completion, L returns a cookie. Otherwise it returns B and sets B<$!> to indicate the error. See L for more information. =item lgrp_fini($cookie) The function takes a cookie, frees the snapshot of the lgroup hierarchy created by L, and cleans up anything else set up by L. After this function is called, the cookie returned by the lgroup interface might no longer be valid and should not be used. Upon successful completion, 1 is returned. Otherwise, B is returned and B<$!> is set to indicate the error. See L for more information. =item lgrp_view($cookie) The function takes a cookie representing the snapshot of the lgroup hierarchy and returns the snapshot's view of the lgroup hierarchy. If the given view is C, the snapshot contains only the resources that are available to the caller (such as those with respect to processor sets). When the view is C, the snapshot contains what is available to the operating system. Upon succesful completion, the function returns the view for the snapshot of the lgroup hierarchy represented by the given cookie. Otherwise, B is returned and C<$!> is set. See L for more information. =item lgrp_home($idtype, $id) Returns the home lgroup for the given process or thread. The B<$idtype> argument should be C to specify a process and the B<$id> argument should be its process id. Otherwise, the B<$idtype> argument should be C to specify a thread and the B<$id> argument should be its LWP id. The value C can be used for the id argument to specify the current process or thread. Upon successful completion, C returns the id of the home lgroup of the specified process or thread. Otherwise, B is returned and B<$!> is set to indicate the error. See L for more information. =item lgrp_cookie_stale($cookie) Upon successful completion, the function returns whether the cookie is stale. Otherwise, it returns B and sets B<$!> to indicate the error. The L function will fail with C if the cookie is not valid. See L for more information. =item lgrp_cpus($cookie, $lgrp, $context) The function takes a cookie representing a snapshot of the lgroup hierarchy and returns the list of CPUs in the lgroup specified by B<$lgrp>. The B<$context> argument should be set to one of the following values to specify whether the direct contents or everything in this lgroup including its children should be returned: =over =item LGRP_CONTENT_HIERARCHY Everything within this hierarchy. =item LGRP_CONTENT_DIRECT Directly contained in lgroup. =back When called in scalar context, L function returns the number of CPUs, contained in the specified lgroup. In case of error B is returned in scalar context and B<$!> is set to indicate the error. In list context the empty list is returned and B<$!> is set. See L for more information. =item lgrp_children($cookie, $lgrp) The function takes a cookie representing a snapshot of the lgroup hierarchy and returns the list of lgroups that are children of the specified lgroup. When called in scalar context, L function returns the number of children lgroups for the specified lgroup. In case of error B or empty list is returned and B<$!> is set to indicate the error. See L for more information. =item lgrp_parents($cookie, $lgrp) The function takes a cookie representing a snapshot of the lgroup hierarchy and returns the list of parent of the specified lgroup. When called in scalar context, L function returns the number of parent lgroups for the specified lgroup. In case of error B or empty list is returned and B<$!> is set to indicate the error. See L for more information. =item lgrp_nlgrps($cookie) The function takes a cookie representing a snapshot of the lgroup hierarchy. It returns the number of lgroups in the hierarchy where the number is always at least one. In case of error B is returned and B<$!> is set to EINVAL indicatng that the cookie is not valid. See L for more information. =item lgrp_root($cookie) The function returns the root lgroup ID. In case of error B is returned and B<$!> is set to EINVAL indicatng that the cookie is not valid. See L for more information. =item lgrp_mem_size($cookie, $lgrp, $type, $content) The function takes a cookie representing a snapshot of the lgroup hierarchy. The function returns the memory size of the given lgroup in bytes. The B<$type> argument should be set to one of the following values: =over =item LGRP_MEM_SZ_FREE Free memory. =item LGRP_MEM_SZ_INSTALLED Installed memory. =back The B<$content> argument should be set to one of the following values to specify whether the direct contents or everything in this lgroup including its children should be returned: =over =item LGRP_CONTENT_HIERARCHY Everything within this hierarchy. =item LGRP_CONTENT_DIRECT Directly contained in lgroup. =back The total sizes include all the memory in the lgroup including its children, while the others reflect only the memory contained directly in the given lgroup. Upon successful completion, the size in bytes is returned. Otherwise, B is returned and B<$!> is set to indicate the error. See L for more information. =item lgrp_version([$version]) The function takes an interface version number, B$version>, as an argument and returns an lgroup interface version. The B<$version> argument should be the value of C or C to find out the current lgroup interface version on the running system. If B<$version> is still supported by the implementation, then L returns the requested version. If C is returned, the implementation cannot support the requested version. If B<$version> is C, L returns the current version of the library. The following example tests whether the version of the interface used by the caller is supported: lgrp_version(LGRP_VER_CURRENT) == LGRP_VER_CURRENT or die("Built with unsupported lgroup interface"); See L for more information. =item lgrp_affinity_set($idtype, $id, $lgrp, $affinity) The function sets of LWPs specified by the B<$idtype> and B<$id> arguments have for the given lgroup. The function sets the affinity that the LWP or set of LWPs specified by $idtype and $id have for the given lgroup. The lgroup affinity can be set to C, C, or C. If the B<$idtype> is C, the affinity is retrieved for one of the LWPs in the process or set for all the LWPs of the process with process id (PID) B<$id>. The affinity is retrieved or set for the LWP of the current process with LWP id $id if idtype is C. If $id is C, then the current LWP or process is specified. There are different levels of affinity that can be specified by a thread for a particuliar lgroup. The levels of affinity are the following from strongest to weakest: =over =item LGRP_AFF_STRONG Strong affinity. =item LGRP_AFF_WEAK Weak affinity. =item LGRP_AFF_NONE No affinity. =back Upon successful completion, L return 1. Otherwise, it returns B and set B<$!> to indicate the error. See L for more information. =item lgrp_affinity_get($idtype, $id, $lgrp) The function returns the affinity that the LWP has to a given lgrp. See L for detailed description. See L for more information. =item lgrp_latency_cookie($cookie, $from, $to, [$between=LGRP_LAT_CPU_TO_MEM]) The function takes a cookie representing a snapshot of the lgroup hierarchy and returns the latency value between a hardware resource in the $from lgroup to a hardware resource in the B<$to> lgroup. If B<$from> is the same lgroup as $to, the latency value within that lgroup is returned. The optional B argument should be set to C to specify between which hardware resources the latency should be measured. Currently the only valid value is C which represents latency from CPU to memory. Upon successful completion, lgrp_latency_cookie() return 1. Otherwise, it returns B and set B<$!> to indicate the error. For LGRP API version 1 the L is an alias for L. See L for more information. =item lgrp_latency($from, $to) The function is similiar to the L function, but returns the latency between the given lgroups at the given instant in time. Since lgroups may be freed and reallocated, this function may not be able to provide a consistent answer across calls. For that reason, it is recommended that L function be used in its place. See L for more information. =item lgrp_resources($cookie, $lgrp, $type) Return the list of lgroups directly containing resources of the specified type. The resources are represented by a set of lgroups in which each lgroup directly contains CPU and/or memory resources. The type can be specified as =over =item C CPU resources =item C Memory resources =back In case of error B or empty list is returned and B<$!> is set to indicate the error. This function is only available for API version 2 and will return B or empty list for API version 1 and set $! to C. See C for more information. =item lgrp_lgrps($cookie, [$lgrp]) Returns list of all lgroups in a hierarchy starting from $lgrp. If B<$lgrp> is not specified, uses the value of lgrp_root($cookie). Returns the empty list on failure. When called in scalar context, returns the total number of lgroups in the system. =item lgrp_leaves($cookie, [$lgrp]) Returns list of all leaf lgroups in a hierarchy starting from $lgrp. If $lgrp is not specified, uses the value of lgrp_root($cookie). Returns B or empty list on failure. When called in scalar context, returns the total number of leaf lgroups in the system. =item lgrp_isleaf($cookie, $lgrp) Returns B if $lgrp is leaf (has no children), B otherwise. =back =head2 Object Methods =over =item new([$view]) Creates a new Sun::Solaris::Lgrp object. An optional argument is passed to L function. By default uses C. =item cookie() Returns a transparent cookie that may be passed to functions accepting cookie. =item version([$version]) Without the argument returns the current version of the L library. This is a wrapper for L with C as the default version argument. =item stale() Returns B if the lgroup information in the object is stale, B otherwise. It is a wrapper for L. =item view() Returns the snapshot's view of the lgroup hierarchy. It is a wrapper for L. =item root() Returns the root lgroup. It is a wrapper for L. =item children($lgrp) Returns the list of lgroups that are children of the specified lgroup. This is a wrapper for L. =item parents($lgrp) Returns the list of lgroups that are parents of the specified lgroup. This is a wrapper for L. =item nlgrps() Returns the number of lgroups in the hierarchy. This is a wrapper for L. =item mem_size($lgrp, $type, $content) Returns the memory size of the given lgroup in bytes. This is a wrapper for L. =item cpus($lgrp, $context) Returns the list of CPUs in the lgroup specified by $lgrp. This is a wrapper for L. =item resources($lgrp, $type) Returns the list of lgroups directly containing resources of the specified type. This is a wrapper for L. =item home($idtype, $id) Returns the home lgroup for the given process or thread. This is a wrapper for L. =item affinity_get($idtype, $id, $lgrp) Returns the affinity that the LWP has to a given lgrp. This is a wrapper for L. =item affinity_set($idtype, $id, $lgrp, $affinity) Sets of LWPs specified by the $idtype and $id arguments have for the given lgroup. This is a wrapper for L. =item lgrps([$lgrp]) Returns list of all lgroups in a hierarchy starting from $lgrp (or the L if $lgrp is not specified). This is a wrapper for L. =item leaves([$lgrp]) Returns list of all leaf lgroups in a hierarchy starting from B<$lgrp>. If $lgrp is not specified, uses the value of lgrp_root(). This is a wrapper for L. =item isleaf($lgrp) Returns B if B<$lgrp> is leaf (has no children), B otherwise. This is a wrapper for L. =item latency($from, $to) Returns the latency value between a hardware resource in the $from lgroup to a hardware resource in the B<$to> lgroup. It will use L for version 1 of liblgrp(3LIB) and L for newer versions. =back =head2 EXPORTS By default nothing is exported from this module. The following tags can be used to selectively import constants and functions defined in this module: =over =item :LGRP_CONSTANTS LGRP_AFF_NONE, LGRP_AFF_STRONG, LGRP_AFF_WEAK, LGRP_CONTENT_DIRECT, LGRP_CONTENT_HIERARCHY, LGRP_MEM_SZ_FREE, LGRP_MEM_SZ_INSTALLED, LGRP_VER_CURRENT, LGRP_VER_NONE, LGRP_VIEW_CALLER, LGRP_VIEW_OS, LGRP_NONE, LGRP_RSRC_CPU, LGRP_RSRC_MEM, LGRP_CONTENT_ALL, LGRP_LAT_CPU_TO_MEM. =item :PROC_CONSTANTS P_PID, P_LWPID P_MYID =item :CONSTANTS :LGRP_CONSTANTS, :PROC_CONSTANTS =item :FUNCTIONS lgrp_affinity_get(), lgrp_affinity_set(), lgrp_children(), lgrp_cookie_stale(), lgrp_cpus(), lgrp_fini(), lgrp_home(), lgrp_init(), lgrp_latency(), lgrp_latency_cookie(), lgrp_mem_size(), lgrp_nlgrps(), lgrp_parents(), lgrp_root(), lgrp_version(), lgrp_view(), lgrp_resources(), lgrp_lgrps(), lgrp_leaves(), lgrp_isleaf(), lgrp_lgrps(), lgrp_leaves(). =item :ALL :CONSTANTS, :FUNCTIONS =back =head2 Error values The functions in this module return B or an empty list when an underlying library function fails. The B<$!> is set to provide more information values for the error. The following error codes are possible: =over =item EINVAL The value supplied is not valid. =item ENOMEM There was not enough system memory to complete an operation. =item EPERM The effective user of the calling process does not have appropriate privileges, and its real or effective user ID does not match the real or effective user ID of one of the threads. =item ESRCH The specified process or thread was not found. =back =head2 Difference in the API versions The C is versioned. The exact version which was used to compile a module is available through B function. Version 2 of the lgrpp_user API introduced the following constants and functions, nbot present in version 1: =over =item C constant =item C constant =item C constant =item C constant =item C function =item C function =back The C and C are not defined for version 1. The L function is defined for version 1 but always returns empty list. The L function is an alias for lgrp_latency for version 1. =head1 ATTRIBUTES See L for descriptions of the following attributes: ___________________________________________________________ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | Availability | SUNWpl5u | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | Interface Stability | Unstable | |_____________________________|_____________________________| =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L =cut