#!./perl print "1..75\n"; sub foo { local($a, $b) = @_; local($c, $d); $c = "ok 3\n"; $d = "ok 4\n"; { local($a,$c) = ("ok 9\n", "ok 10\n"); ($x, $y) = ($a, $c); } print $a, $b; $c . $d; } $a = "ok 5\n"; $b = "ok 6\n"; $c = "ok 7\n"; $d = "ok 8\n"; print &foo("ok 1\n","ok 2\n"); print $a,$b,$c,$d,$x,$y; # same thing, only with arrays and associative arrays sub foo2 { local($a, @b) = @_; local(@c, %d); @c = "ok 13\n"; $d{''} = "ok 14\n"; { local($a,@c) = ("ok 19\n", "ok 20\n"); ($x, $y) = ($a, @c); } print $a, @b; $c[0] . $d{''}; } $a = "ok 15\n"; @b = "ok 16\n"; @c = "ok 17\n"; $d{''} = "ok 18\n"; print &foo2("ok 11\n","ok 12\n"); print $a,@b,@c,%d,$x,$y; eval 'local($$e)'; print +($@ =~ /Can't localize through a reference/) ? "" : "not ", "ok 21\n"; eval '$e = []; local(@$e)'; print +($@ =~ /Can't localize through a reference/) ? "" : "not ", "ok 22\n"; eval '$e = {}; local(%$e)'; print +($@ =~ /Can't localize through a reference/) ? "" : "not ", "ok 23\n"; # Array and hash elements @a = ('a', 'b', 'c'); { local($a[1]) = 'foo'; local($a[2]) = $a[2]; print +($a[1] eq 'foo') ? "" : "not ", "ok 24\n"; print +($a[2] eq 'c') ? "" : "not ", "ok 25\n"; undef @a; } print +($a[1] eq 'b') ? "" : "not ", "ok 26\n"; print +($a[2] eq 'c') ? "" : "not ", "ok 27\n"; print +(!defined $a[0]) ? "" : "not ", "ok 28\n"; @a = ('a', 'b', 'c'); { local($a[1]) = "X"; shift @a; } print +($a[0].$a[1] eq "Xb") ? "" : "not ", "ok 29\n"; %h = ('a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3); { local($h{'a'}) = 'foo'; local($h{'b'}) = $h{'b'}; print +($h{'a'} eq 'foo') ? "" : "not ", "ok 30\n"; print +($h{'b'} == 2) ? "" : "not ", "ok 31\n"; local($h{'c'}); delete $h{'c'}; } print +($h{'a'} == 1) ? "" : "not ", "ok 32\n"; print +($h{'b'} == 2) ? "" : "not ", "ok 33\n"; print +($h{'c'} == 3) ? "" : "not ", "ok 34\n"; # check for scope leakage $a = 'outer'; if (1) { local $a = 'inner' } print +($a eq 'outer') ? "" : "not ", "ok 35\n"; # see if localization works when scope unwinds local $m = 5; eval { for $m (6) { local $m = 7; die "bye"; } }; print $m == 5 ? "" : "not ", "ok 36\n"; # see if localization works on tied arrays { package TA; sub TIEARRAY { bless [], $_[0] } sub STORE { print "# STORE [@_]\n"; $_[0]->[$_[1]] = $_[2] } sub FETCH { my $v = $_[0]->[$_[1]]; print "# FETCH [@_=$v]\n"; $v } sub CLEAR { print "# CLEAR [@_]\n"; @{$_[0]} = (); } sub FETCHSIZE { scalar(@{$_[0]}) } sub SHIFT { shift (@{$_[0]}) } sub EXTEND {} } tie @a, 'TA'; @a = ('a', 'b', 'c'); { local($a[1]) = 'foo'; local($a[2]) = $a[2]; print +($a[1] eq 'foo') ? "" : "not ", "ok 37\n"; print +($a[2] eq 'c') ? "" : "not ", "ok 38\n"; @a = (); } print +($a[1] eq 'b') ? "" : "not ", "ok 39\n"; print +($a[2] eq 'c') ? "" : "not ", "ok 40\n"; print +(!defined $a[0]) ? "" : "not ", "ok 41\n"; { package TH; sub TIEHASH { bless {}, $_[0] } sub STORE { print "# STORE [@_]\n"; $_[0]->{$_[1]} = $_[2] } sub FETCH { my $v = $_[0]->{$_[1]}; print "# FETCH [@_=$v]\n"; $v } sub EXISTS { print "# EXISTS [@_]\n"; exists $_[0]->{$_[1]}; } sub DELETE { print "# DELETE [@_]\n"; delete $_[0]->{$_[1]}; } sub CLEAR { print "# CLEAR [@_]\n"; %{$_[0]} = (); } } # see if localization works on tied hashes tie %h, 'TH'; %h = ('a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3); { local($h{'a'}) = 'foo'; local($h{'b'}) = $h{'b'}; local($h{'y'}); local($h{'z'}) = 33; print +($h{'a'} eq 'foo') ? "" : "not ", "ok 42\n"; print +($h{'b'} == 2) ? "" : "not ", "ok 43\n"; local($h{'c'}); delete $h{'c'}; } print +($h{'a'} == 1) ? "" : "not ", "ok 44\n"; print +($h{'b'} == 2) ? "" : "not ", "ok 45\n"; print +($h{'c'} == 3) ? "" : "not ", "ok 46\n"; @a = ('a', 'b', 'c'); { local($a[1]) = "X"; shift @a; } print +($a[0].$a[1] eq "Xb") ? "" : "not ", "ok 47\n"; # now try the same for %SIG $SIG{TERM} = 'foo'; $SIG{INT} = \&foo; $SIG{__WARN__} = $SIG{INT}; { local($SIG{TERM}) = $SIG{TERM}; local($SIG{INT}) = $SIG{INT}; local($SIG{__WARN__}) = $SIG{__WARN__}; print +($SIG{TERM} eq 'main::foo') ? "" : "not ", "ok 48\n"; print +($SIG{INT} eq \&foo) ? "" : "not ", "ok 49\n"; print +($SIG{__WARN__} eq \&foo) ? "" : "not ", "ok 50\n"; local($SIG{INT}); delete $SIG{__WARN__}; } print +($SIG{TERM} eq 'main::foo') ? "" : "not ", "ok 51\n"; print +($SIG{INT} eq \&foo) ? "" : "not ", "ok 52\n"; print +($SIG{__WARN__} eq \&foo) ? "" : "not ", "ok 53\n"; # and for %ENV $ENV{_X_} = 'a'; $ENV{_Y_} = 'b'; $ENV{_Z_} = 'c'; { local($ENV{_A_}); local($ENV{_B_}) = 'foo'; local($ENV{_X_}) = 'foo'; local($ENV{_Y_}) = $ENV{_Y_}; print +($ENV{_X_} eq 'foo') ? "" : "not ", "ok 54\n"; print +($ENV{_Y_} eq 'b') ? "" : "not ", "ok 55\n"; local($ENV{_Z_}); delete $ENV{_Z_}; } print +($ENV{_X_} eq 'a') ? "" : "not ", "ok 56\n"; print +($ENV{_Y_} eq 'b') ? "" : "not ", "ok 57\n"; print +($ENV{_Z_} eq 'c') ? "" : "not ", "ok 58\n"; # does implicit localization in foreach skip magic? $_ = "ok 59,ok 60,"; my $iter = 0; while (/(o.+?),/gc) { print "$1\n"; foreach (1..1) { $iter++ } if ($iter > 2) { print "not ok 60\n"; last; } } { package UnderScore; sub TIESCALAR { bless \my $self, shift } sub FETCH { die "read \$_ forbidden" } sub STORE { die "write \$_ forbidden" } tie $_, __PACKAGE__; my $t = 61; my @tests = ( "Nesting" => sub { print '#'; for (1..3) { print } print "\n" }, 1, "Reading" => sub { print }, 0, "Matching" => sub { $x = /badness/ }, 0, "Concat" => sub { $_ .= "a" }, 0, "Chop" => sub { chop }, 0, "Filetest" => sub { -x }, 0, "Assignment" => sub { $_ = "Bad" }, 0, # XXX whether next one should fail is debatable "Local \$_" => sub { local $_ = 'ok?'; print }, 0, "for local" => sub { for("#ok?\n"){ print } }, 1, ); while ( ($name, $code, $ok) = splice(@tests, 0, 3) ) { print "# Testing $name\n"; eval { &$code }; print(($ok xor $@) ? "ok $t\n" : "not ok $t\n"); ++$t; } untie $_; } { # BUG 20001205.22 my %x; $x{a} = 1; { local $x{b} = 1; } print "not " if exists $x{b}; print "ok 70\n"; { local @x{c,d,e}; } print "not " if exists $x{c}; print "ok 71\n"; } # these tests should be physically located after tests 46 and 58, # but are here instead to avoid renumbering everything. # local() should preserve the existenceness of tied hashes and %ENV print "not " if exists $h{'y'}; print "ok 72\n"; print "not " if exists $h{'z'}; print "ok 73\n"; print "not " if exists $ENV{_A_}; print "ok 74\n"; print "not " if exists $ENV{_B_}; print "ok 75\n";