#!/usr/bin/perl # # Basic operation, initializing the object from an already-open handle # instead of from a filename my $file = "tf$$.txt"; $: = Tie::File::_default_recsep(); if ($^O =~ /vms/i) { print "1..0\n"; exit; } print "1..39\n"; my $N = 1; use Tie::File; print "ok $N\n"; $N++; use Fcntl 'O_CREAT', 'O_RDWR'; sysopen F, $file, O_CREAT | O_RDWR or die "Couldn't create temp file $file: $!; aborting"; binmode F; my $o = tie @a, 'Tie::File', \*F, autochomp => 0, autodefer => 0; print $o ? "ok $N\n" : "not ok $N\n"; $N++; # 3-4 create $a[0] = 'rec0'; check_contents("rec0"); # 5-8 append $a[1] = 'rec1'; check_contents("rec0", "rec1"); $a[2] = 'rec2'; check_contents("rec0", "rec1", "rec2"); # 9-14 same-length alterations $a[0] = 'new0'; check_contents("new0", "rec1", "rec2"); $a[1] = 'new1'; check_contents("new0", "new1", "rec2"); $a[2] = 'new2'; check_contents("new0", "new1", "new2"); # 15-24 lengthening alterations $a[0] = 'long0'; check_contents("long0", "new1", "new2"); $a[1] = 'long1'; check_contents("long0", "long1", "new2"); $a[2] = 'long2'; check_contents("long0", "long1", "long2"); $a[1] = 'longer1'; check_contents("long0", "longer1", "long2"); $a[0] = 'longer0'; check_contents("longer0", "longer1", "long2"); # 25-38 shortening alterations, including truncation $a[0] = 'short0'; check_contents("short0", "longer1", "long2"); $a[1] = 'short1'; check_contents("short0", "short1", "long2"); $a[2] = 'short2'; check_contents("short0", "short1", "short2"); $a[1] = 'sh1'; check_contents("short0", "sh1", "short2"); $a[0] = 'sh0'; check_contents("sh0", "sh1", "short2"); # file with holes $a[4] = 'rec4'; check_contents("sh0", "sh1", "short2", "", "rec4"); $a[3] = 'rec3'; check_contents("sh0", "sh1", "short2", "rec3", "rec4"); close F; undef $o; untie @a; # (39) Does it correctly detect a non-seekable handle? { if ($^O =~ /^(MSWin32|dos|BeOS)$/) { print "ok $N # skipped ($^O has broken pipe semantics)\n"; last; } if ($] < 5.006) { print "ok $N # skipped - 5.005_03 panics after this test\n"; last; } my $pipe_succeeded = eval {pipe *R, *W}; if ($@) { chomp $@; print "ok $N # skipped (no pipes: $@)\n"; last; } elsif (! $pipe_succeeded) { print "ok $N # skipped (pipe call failed: $!)\n"; last; } close R; $o = eval {tie @a, 'Tie::File', \*W}; if ($@) { if ($@ =~ /filehandle does not appear to be seekable/) { print "ok $N\n"; } else { chomp $@; print "not ok $N \# \$\@ is $@\n"; } } else { print "not ok $N \# passing pipe to TIEARRAY didn't abort program\n"; } $N++; } use POSIX 'SEEK_SET'; sub check_contents { my @c = @_; my $x = join $:, @c, ''; local *FH = $o->{fh}; seek FH, 0, SEEK_SET; # my $open = open FH, "< $file"; my $a; { local $/; $a = } $a = "" unless defined $a; if ($a eq $x) { print "ok $N\n"; } else { ctrlfix(my $msg = "# expected <$x>, got <$a>"); print "not ok $N\n$msg\n"; } $N++; # now check FETCH: my $good = 1; my $msg; for (0.. $#c) { unless ($a[$_] eq "$c[$_]$:") { $msg = "expected $c[$_]$:, got $a[$_]"; ctrlfix($msg); $good = 0; } } print $good ? "ok $N\n" : "not ok $N # $msg\n"; $N++; } sub ctrlfix { for (@_) { s/\n/\\n/g; s/\r/\\r/g; } } END { undef $o; untie @a; 1 while unlink $file; }