#!/usr/bin/perl -w # This test puts MakeMaker through the paces of a basic perl module # build, test and installation of the Big::Fat::Dummy module. BEGIN { if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = ('../lib', 'lib'); } else { unshift @INC, 't/lib'; } } use strict; use Config; use Test::More tests => 73; use MakeMaker::Test::Utils; use File::Find; use File::Spec; use File::Path; # 'make disttest' sets a bunch of environment variables which interfere # with our testing. delete @ENV{qw(PREFIX LIB MAKEFLAGS)}; my $perl = which_perl(); my $Is_VMS = $^O eq 'VMS'; chdir($Is_VMS ? 'BFD_TEST_ROOT:[t]' : 't'); perl_lib; my $Touch_Time = calibrate_mtime(); $| = 1; ok( chdir('Big-Dummy'), "chdir'd to Big-Dummy" ) || diag("chdir failed: $!"); my @mpl_out = run(qq{$perl Makefile.PL "PREFIX=../dummy-install"}); END { rmtree '../dummy-install'; } cmp_ok( $?, '==', 0, 'Makefile.PL exited with zero' ) || diag(@mpl_out); my $makefile = makefile_name(); ok( grep(/^Writing $makefile for Big::Dummy/, @mpl_out) == 1, 'Makefile.PL output looks right'); ok( grep(/^Current package is: main$/, @mpl_out) == 1, 'Makefile.PL run in package main'); ok( -e $makefile, 'Makefile exists' ); # -M is flakey on VMS my $mtime = (stat($makefile))[9]; cmp_ok( $Touch_Time, '<=', $mtime, ' its been touched' ); END { unlink makefile_name(), makefile_backup() } my $make = make_run(); { # Supress 'make manifest' noise local $ENV{PERL_MM_MANIFEST_VERBOSE} = 0; my $manifest_out = run("$make manifest"); ok( -e 'MANIFEST', 'make manifest created a MANIFEST' ); ok( -s 'MANIFEST', ' its not empty' ); } END { unlink 'MANIFEST'; } my $ppd_out = run("$make ppd"); is( $?, 0, ' exited normally' ) || diag $ppd_out; ok( open(PPD, 'Big-Dummy.ppd'), ' .ppd file generated' ); my $ppd_html; { local $/; $ppd_html = } close PPD; like( $ppd_html, qr{^}m, ' ' ); like( $ppd_html, qr{^\s*Big-Dummy}m, ' ' ); like( $ppd_html, qr{^\s*<ABSTRACT>Try "our" hot dog's</ABSTRACT>}m, ' <ABSTRACT>'); like( $ppd_html, qr{^\s*<AUTHOR>Michael G Schwern <schwern\@pobox.com></AUTHOR>}m, ' <AUTHOR>' ); like( $ppd_html, qr{^\s*<IMPLEMENTATION>}m, ' <IMPLEMENTATION>'); like( $ppd_html, qr{^\s*<DEPENDENCY NAME="strict" VERSION="0,0,0,0" />}m, ' <DEPENDENCY>' ); like( $ppd_html, qr{^\s*<OS NAME="$Config{osname}" />}m, ' <OS>' ); like( $ppd_html, qr{^\s*<ARCHITECTURE NAME="$Config{archname}" />}m, ' <ARCHITECTURE>'); like( $ppd_html, qr{^\s*<CODEBASE HREF="" />}m, ' <CODEBASE>'); like( $ppd_html, qr{^\s*</IMPLEMENTATION>}m, ' </IMPLEMENTATION>'); like( $ppd_html, qr{^\s*</SOFTPKG>}m, ' </SOFTPKG>'); END { unlink 'Big-Dummy.ppd' } my $test_out = run("$make test"); like( $test_out, qr/All tests successful/, 'make test' ); is( $?, 0, ' exited normally' ) || diag $test_out; # Test 'make test TEST_VERBOSE=1' my $make_test_verbose = make_macro($make, 'test', TEST_VERBOSE => 1); $test_out = run("$make_test_verbose"); like( $test_out, qr/ok \d+ - TEST_VERBOSE/, 'TEST_VERBOSE' ); like( $test_out, qr/All tests successful/, ' successful' ); is( $?, 0, ' exited normally' ) || diag $test_out; my $install_out = run("$make install"); is( $?, 0, 'install' ) || diag $install_out; like( $install_out, qr/^Installing /m ); like( $install_out, qr/^Writing /m ); ok( -r '../dummy-install', ' install dir created' ); my %files = (); find( sub { # do it case-insensitive for non-case preserving OSs $files{lc $_} = $File::Find::name; }, '../dummy-install' ); ok( $files{'dummy.pm'}, ' Dummy.pm installed' ); ok( $files{'liar.pm'}, ' Liar.pm installed' ); ok( $files{'.packlist'}, ' packlist created' ); ok( $files{'perllocal.pod'},' perllocal.pod created' ); SKIP: { skip "VMS install targets do not preserve $(PREFIX)", 8 if $Is_VMS; $install_out = run("$make install PREFIX=elsewhere"); is( $?, 0, 'install with PREFIX override' ) || diag $install_out; like( $install_out, qr/^Installing /m ); like( $install_out, qr/^Writing /m ); ok( -r 'elsewhere', ' install dir created' ); %files = (); find( sub { $files{$_} = $File::Find::name; }, 'elsewhere' ); ok( $files{'Dummy.pm'}, ' Dummy.pm installed' ); ok( $files{'Liar.pm'}, ' Liar.pm installed' ); ok( $files{'.packlist'}, ' packlist created' ); ok( $files{'perllocal.pod'},' perllocal.pod created' ); rmtree('elsewhere'); } SKIP: { skip "VMS install targets do not preserve $(DESTDIR)", 10 if $Is_VMS; $install_out = run("$make install PREFIX= DESTDIR=other"); is( $?, 0, 'install with DESTDIR' ) || diag $install_out; like( $install_out, qr/^Installing /m ); like( $install_out, qr/^Writing /m ); ok( -d 'other', ' destdir created' ); %files = (); my $perllocal; find( sub { $files{$_} = $File::Find::name; }, 'other' ); ok( $files{'Dummy.pm'}, ' Dummy.pm installed' ); ok( $files{'Liar.pm'}, ' Liar.pm installed' ); ok( $files{'.packlist'}, ' packlist created' ); ok( $files{'perllocal.pod'},' perllocal.pod created' ); ok( open(PERLLOCAL, $files{'perllocal.pod'} ) ) || diag("Can't open $files{'perllocal.pod'}: $!"); { local $/; unlike(<PERLLOCAL>, qr/other/, 'DESTDIR should not appear in perllocal'); } close PERLLOCAL; # TODO not available in the min version of Test::Harness we require # ok( open(PACKLIST, $files{'.packlist'} ) ) || # diag("Can't open $files{'.packlist'}: $!"); # { local $/; # local $TODO = 'DESTDIR still in .packlist'; # unlike(<PACKLIST>, qr/other/, 'DESTDIR should not appear in .packlist'); # } # close PACKLIST; rmtree('other'); } SKIP: { skip "VMS install targets do not preserve $(PREFIX)", 9 if $Is_VMS; $install_out = run("$make install PREFIX=elsewhere DESTDIR=other/"); is( $?, 0, 'install with PREFIX override and DESTDIR' ) || diag $install_out; like( $install_out, qr/^Installing /m ); like( $install_out, qr/^Writing /m ); ok( !-d 'elsewhere', ' install dir not created' ); ok( -d 'other/elsewhere', ' destdir created' ); %files = (); find( sub { $files{$_} = $File::Find::name; }, 'other/elsewhere' ); ok( $files{'Dummy.pm'}, ' Dummy.pm installed' ); ok( $files{'Liar.pm'}, ' Liar.pm installed' ); ok( $files{'.packlist'}, ' packlist created' ); ok( $files{'perllocal.pod'},' perllocal.pod created' ); rmtree('other'); } my $dist_test_out = run("$make disttest"); is( $?, 0, 'disttest' ) || diag($dist_test_out); # Test META.yml generation use ExtUtils::Manifest qw(maniread); ok( -f 'META.yml', 'META.yml written' ); my $manifest = maniread(); # VMS is non-case preserving, so we can't know what the MANIFEST will # look like. :( _normalize($manifest); is( $manifest->{'meta.yml'}, 'Module meta-data (added by MakeMaker)' ); # Test NO_META META.yml suppression unlink 'META.yml'; ok( !-f 'META.yml', 'META.yml deleted' ); @mpl_out = run(qq{$perl Makefile.PL "NO_META=1"}); cmp_ok( $?, '==', 0, 'Makefile.PL exited with zero' ) || diag(@mpl_out); my $metafile_out = run("$make metafile"); is( $?, 0, 'metafile' ) || diag($metafile_out); ok( !-f 'META.yml', 'META.yml generation suppressed by NO_META' ); # Test if MANIFEST is read-only. chmod 0444, 'MANIFEST'; @mpl_out = run(qq{$perl Makefile.PL}); cmp_ok( $?, '==', 0, 'Makefile.PL exited with zero' ) || diag(@mpl_out); $metafile_out = run("$make metafile_addtomanifest"); is( $?, 0, q{metafile_addtomanifest didn't die with locked MANIFEST} ) || diag($metafile_out); # Make sure init_dirscan doesn't go into the distdir @mpl_out = run(qq{$perl Makefile.PL "PREFIX=../dummy-install"}); cmp_ok( $?, '==', 0, 'Makefile.PL exited with zero' ) || diag(@mpl_out); ok( grep(/^Writing $makefile for Big::Dummy/, @mpl_out) == 1, 'init_dirscan skipped distdir') || diag(@mpl_out); # I know we'll get ignored errors from make here, that's ok. # Send STDERR off to oblivion. open(SAVERR, ">&STDERR") or die $!; open(STDERR, ">".File::Spec->devnull) or die $!; my $realclean_out = run("$make realclean"); is( $?, 0, 'realclean' ) || diag($realclean_out); open(STDERR, ">&SAVERR") or die $!; close SAVERR; sub _normalize { my $hash = shift; while(my($k,$v) = each %$hash) { delete $hash->{$k}; $hash->{lc $k} = $v; } }