#!./perl -w BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; } use strict; use Devel::SelfStubber; use File::Spec::Functions; my $runperl = "$^X \"-I../lib\""; $runperl =~ s|../lib|::lib:| if $^O eq 'MacOS'; # ensure correct output ordering for system() calls select STDERR; $| = 1; select STDOUT; $| = 1; print "1..12\n"; my @cleanup; END { foreach my $file (reverse @cleanup) { unlink $file or warn "unlink $file failed: $!" while -f $file; rmdir $file or warn "rmdir $file failed: $!" if -d $file; } } my $inlib = "SSI-$$"; mkdir $inlib, 0777 or die $!; push @cleanup, $inlib; while () { if (/^\#{16,}\s+(.*)/) { my $f = $1; my $file = catfile(curdir(),$inlib,$f); push @cleanup, $file; open FH, ">$file" or die $!; } else { print FH; } } close FH; { my $file = "A-$$"; push @cleanup, $file; open FH, ">$file" or die $!; select FH; Devel::SelfStubber->stub('Child', $inlib); select STDOUT; print "ok 1\n"; close FH or die $!; open FH, $file or die $!; my @A = ; if (@A == 1 && $A[0] =~ /^\s*sub\s+Child::foo\s*;\s*$/) { print "ok 2\n"; } else { print "not ok 2\n"; print "# $_" foreach (@A); } } { my $file = "B-$$"; push @cleanup, $file; open FH, ">$file" or die $!; select FH; Devel::SelfStubber->stub('Proto', $inlib); select STDOUT; print "ok 3\n"; # Checking that we did not die horribly. close FH or die $!; open FH, $file or die $!; my @B = ; if (@B == 1 && $B[0] =~ /^\s*sub\s+Proto::bar\s*\(\$\$\);\s*$/) { print "ok 4\n"; } else { print "not ok 4\n"; print "# $_" foreach (@B); } close FH or die $!; } { my $file = "C-$$"; push @cleanup, $file; open FH, ">$file" or die $!; select FH; Devel::SelfStubber->stub('Attribs', $inlib); select STDOUT; print "ok 5\n"; # Checking that we did not die horribly. close FH or die $!; open FH, $file or die $!; my @C = ; if (@C == 2 && $C[0] =~ /^\s*sub\s+Attribs::baz\s+:\s*locked\s*;\s*$/ && $C[1] =~ /^\s*sub\s+Attribs::lv\s+:\s*lvalue\s*:\s*method\s*;\s*$/) { print "ok 6\n"; } else { print "not ok 6\n"; print "# $_" foreach (@C); } close FH or die $!; } # "wrong" and "right" may change if SelfLoader is changed. my %wrong = ( Parent => 'Parent', Child => 'Parent' ); my %right = ( Parent => 'Parent', Child => 'Child' ); if ($^O eq 'VMS') { # extra line feeds for MBX IPC %wrong = ( Parent => "Parent\n", Child => "Parent\n" ); %right = ( Parent => "Parent\n", Child => "Child\n" ); } my @module = qw(Parent Child) ; sub fail { my ($left, $right) = @_; while (my ($key, $val) = each %$left) { # warn "$key $val $$right{$key}"; return 1 unless $val eq $$right{$key}; } return; } sub faildump { my ($expect, $got) = @_; foreach (sort keys %$expect) { print "# $_ expect '$$expect{$_}' got '$$got{$_}'\n"; } } # Now test that the module tree behaves "wrongly" as expected foreach my $module (@module) { my $file = "$module--$$"; push @cleanup, $file; open FH, ">$file" or die $!; print FH "use $module; print ${module}->foo; "; close FH or die $!; } { my %output; foreach my $module (@module) { print "# $runperl \"-I$inlib\" $module--$$\n"; ($output{$module} = `$runperl "-I$inlib" $module--$$`) =~ s/\'s foo//; } if (&fail (\%wrong, \%output)) { print "not ok 7\n", &faildump (\%wrong, \%output); } else { print "ok 7\n"; } } my $lib="SSO-$$"; mkdir $lib, 0777 or die $!; push @cleanup, $lib; $Devel::SelfStubber::JUST_STUBS=0; undef $/; foreach my $module (@module, 'Data', 'End') { my $file = catfile(curdir(),$lib,"$module.pm"); my $fileo = catfile(curdir(),$inlib,"$module.pm"); open FH, $fileo or die "Can't open $fileo: $!"; my $contents = ; close FH or die $!; push @cleanup, $file; open FH, ">$file" or die $!; select FH; if ($contents =~ /__DATA__/) { # This will die for any module with no __DATA__ Devel::SelfStubber->stub($module, $inlib); } else { print $contents; } select STDOUT; close FH or die $!; } print "ok 8\n"; { my %output; foreach my $module (@module) { print "# $runperl \"-I$lib\" $module--$$\n"; ($output{$module} = `$runperl "-I$lib" $module--$$`) =~ s/\'s foo//; } if (&fail (\%right, \%output)) { print "not ok 9\n", &faildump (\%right, \%output); } else { print "ok 9\n"; } } # Check that the DATA handle stays open system "$runperl -w \"-I$lib\" \"-MData\" -e \"Data::ok\""; # Possibly a pointless test as this doesn't really verify that it's been # stubbed. system "$runperl -w \"-I$lib\" \"-MEnd\" -e \"End::lime\""; # But check that the documentation after the __END__ survived. open FH, catfile(curdir(),$lib,"End.pm") or die $!; $_ = ; close FH or die $!; if (/Did the documentation here survive\?/) { print "ok 12\n"; } else { print "not ok 12 # information after an __END__ token seems to be lost\n"; } __DATA__ ################ Parent.pm package Parent; sub foo { return __PACKAGE__; } 1; __END__ ################ Child.pm package Child; require Parent; @ISA = 'Parent'; use SelfLoader; 1; __DATA__ sub foo { return __PACKAGE__; } __END__ ################ Proto.pm package Proto; use SelfLoader; 1; __DATA__ sub bar ($$) { } ################ Attribs.pm package Attribs; use SelfLoader; 1; __DATA__ sub baz : locked { } sub lv : lvalue : method { my $a; \$a; } ################ Data.pm package Data; use SelfLoader; 1; __DATA__ sub ok { print ; } __END__ DATA ok 10 ################ End.pm package End; use SelfLoader; 1; __DATA__ sub lime { print "ok 11\n"; } __END__ Did the documentation here survive?