#!perl -T BEGIN { if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) { chdir 't'; @INC = '../lib'; } } use strict; use Config; use File::Spec; use Test::More; # we enable all Perl warnings, but we don't "use warnings 'all'" because # we want to disable the warnings generated by Sys::Syslog no warnings; use warnings qw(closure deprecated exiting glob io misc numeric once overflow pack portable recursion redefine regexp severe signal substr syntax taint uninitialized unpack untie utf8 void); # if someone is using warnings::compat, the previous trick won't work, so we # must manually disable warnings $^W = 0 if $] < 5.006; my $is_Win32 = $^O =~ /win32/i; my $is_Cygwin = $^O =~ /cygwin/i; # if testing in core, check that the module is at least available if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) { plan skip_all => "Sys::Syslog was not build" unless $Config{'extensions'} =~ /\bSyslog\b/; } # we also need Socket plan skip_all => "Socket was not build" unless $Config{'extensions'} =~ /\bSocket\b/; my $tests; plan tests => $tests; # any remaining warning should be severly punished BEGIN { eval "use Test::NoWarnings"; $tests = $@ ? 0 : 1; } BEGIN { $tests += 1 } # ok, now loads them eval 'use Socket'; use_ok('Sys::Syslog', ':standard', ':extended', ':macros'); BEGIN { $tests += 1 } # check that the documented functions are correctly provided can_ok( 'Sys::Syslog' => qw(openlog syslog syslog setlogmask setlogsock closelog) ); BEGIN { $tests += 1 } # check the diagnostics # setlogsock() eval { setlogsock() }; like( $@, qr/^Invalid argument passed to setlogsock/, "calling setlogsock() with no argument" ); BEGIN { $tests += 3 } # syslog() eval { syslog() }; like( $@, qr/^syslog: expecting argument \$priority/, "calling syslog() with no argument" ); eval { syslog(undef) }; like( $@, qr/^syslog: expecting argument \$priority/, "calling syslog() with one undef argument" ); eval { syslog('') }; like( $@, qr/^syslog: expecting argument \$format/, "calling syslog() with one empty argument" ); my $test_string = "uid $< is testing Perl $] syslog(3) capabilities"; my $r = 0; BEGIN { $tests += 8 } # try to open a syslog using a Unix or stream socket SKIP: { skip "can't connect to Unix socket: _PATH_LOG unavailable", 8 unless -e Sys::Syslog::_PATH_LOG(); # The only known $^O eq 'svr4' that needs this is NCR MP-RAS, # but assuming 'stream' in SVR4 is probably not that bad. my $sock_type = $^O =~ /^(solaris|irix|svr4|powerux)$/ ? 'stream' : 'unix'; eval { setlogsock($sock_type) }; is( $@, '', "setlogsock() called with '$sock_type'" ); TODO: { local $TODO = "minor bug"; ok( $r, "setlogsock() should return true: '$r'" ); } # open syslog with a "local0" facility SKIP: { # openlog() $r = eval { openlog('perl', 'ndelay', 'local0') } || 0; skip "can't connect to syslog", 6 if $@ =~ /^no connection to syslog available/; is( $@, '', "openlog() called with facility 'local0'" ); ok( $r, "openlog() should return true: '$r'" ); # syslog() $r = eval { syslog('info', "$test_string by connecting to a $sock_type socket") } || 0; is( $@, '', "syslog() called with level 'info'" ); ok( $r, "syslog() should return true: '$r'" ); # closelog() $r = eval { closelog() } || 0; is( $@, '', "closelog()" ); ok( $r, "closelog() should return true: '$r'" ); } } BEGIN { $tests += 22 * 8 } # try to open a syslog using all the available connection methods my @passed = (); for my $sock_type (qw(native eventlog unix pipe stream inet tcp udp)) { SKIP: { skip "the 'stream' mechanism because a previous mechanism with similar interface succeeded", 22 if $sock_type eq 'stream' and grep {/pipe|unix/} @passed; # setlogsock() called with an arrayref $r = eval { setlogsock([$sock_type]) } || 0; skip "can't use '$sock_type' socket", 22 unless $r; is( $@, '', "[$sock_type] setlogsock() called with ['$sock_type']" ); ok( $r, "[$sock_type] setlogsock() should return true: '$r'" ); # setlogsock() called with a single argument $r = eval { setlogsock($sock_type) } || 0; skip "can't use '$sock_type' socket", 20 unless $r; is( $@, '', "[$sock_type] setlogsock() called with '$sock_type'" ); ok( $r, "[$sock_type] setlogsock() should return true: '$r'" ); # openlog() without option NDELAY $r = eval { openlog('perl', '', 'local0') } || 0; skip "can't connect to syslog", 18 if $@ =~ /^no connection to syslog available/; is( $@, '', "[$sock_type] openlog() called with facility 'local0' and without option 'ndelay'" ); ok( $r, "[$sock_type] openlog() should return true: '$r'" ); # openlog() with the option NDELAY $r = eval { openlog('perl', 'ndelay', 'local0') } || 0; skip "can't connect to syslog", 16 if $@ =~ /^no connection to syslog available/; is( $@, '', "[$sock_type] openlog() called with facility 'local0' with option 'ndelay'" ); ok( $r, "[$sock_type] openlog() should return true: '$r'" ); # syslog() with negative level, should fail $r = eval { syslog(-1, "$test_string by connecting to a $sock_type socket") } || 0; like( $@, '/^syslog: invalid level\/facility: /', "[$sock_type] syslog() called with level -1" ); ok( !$r, "[$sock_type] syslog() should return false: '$r'" ); # syslog() with invalid level, should fail $r = eval { syslog("plonk", "$test_string by connecting to a $sock_type socket") } || 0; like( $@, '/^syslog: invalid level\/facility: /', "[$sock_type] syslog() called with level plonk" ); ok( !$r, "[$sock_type] syslog() should return false: '$r'" ); # syslog() with levels "info" and "notice" (as a strings), should fail $r = eval { syslog('info,notice', "$test_string by connecting to a $sock_type socket") } || 0; like( $@, '/^syslog: too many levels given: notice/', "[$sock_type] syslog() called with level 'info,notice'" ); ok( !$r, "[$sock_type] syslog() should return false: '$r'" ); # syslog() with facilities "local0" and "local1" (as a strings), should fail $r = eval { syslog('local0,local1', "$test_string by connecting to a $sock_type socket") } || 0; like( $@, '/^syslog: too many facilities given: local1/', "[$sock_type] syslog() called with level 'local0,local1'" ); ok( !$r, "[$sock_type] syslog() should return false: '$r'" ); # syslog() with level "info" (as a string), should pass $r = eval { syslog('info', "$test_string by connecting to a $sock_type socket") } || 0; is( $@, '', "[$sock_type] syslog() called with level 'info' (string)" ); ok( $r, "[$sock_type] syslog() should return true: '$r'" ); # syslog() with level "info" (as a macro), should pass { local $! = 1; $r = eval { syslog(LOG_INFO(), "$test_string by connecting to a $sock_type socket, setting a fake errno: %m") } || 0; } is( $@, '', "[$sock_type] syslog() called with level 'info' (macro)" ); ok( $r, "[$sock_type] syslog() should return true: '$r'" ); push @passed, $sock_type; SKIP: { skip "skipping closelog() tests for 'console'", 2 if $sock_type eq 'console'; # closelog() $r = eval { closelog() } || 0; is( $@, '', "[$sock_type] closelog()" ); ok( $r, "[$sock_type] closelog() should return true: '$r'" ); } } } BEGIN { $tests += 10 } SKIP: { skip "not testing setlogsock('stream') on Win32", 10 if $is_Win32; skip "the 'unix' mechanism works, so the tests will likely fail with the 'stream' mechanism", 10 if grep {/unix/} @passed; skip "not testing setlogsock('stream'): _PATH_LOG unavailable", 10 unless -e Sys::Syslog::_PATH_LOG(); # setlogsock() with "stream" and an undef path $r = eval { setlogsock("stream", undef ) } || ''; is( $@, '', "setlogsock() called, with 'stream' and an undef path" ); if ($is_Cygwin) { if (-x "/usr/sbin/syslog-ng") { ok( $r, "setlogsock() on Cygwin with syslog-ng should return true: '$r'" ); } else { ok( !$r, "setlogsock() on Cygwin without syslog-ng should return false: '$r'" ); } } else { ok( $r, "setlogsock() should return true: '$r'" ); } # setlogsock() with "stream" and an empty path $r = eval { setlogsock("stream", '' ) } || ''; is( $@, '', "setlogsock() called, with 'stream' and an empty path" ); ok( !$r, "setlogsock() should return false: '$r'" ); # setlogsock() with "stream" and /dev/null $r = eval { setlogsock("stream", '/dev/null' ) } || ''; is( $@, '', "setlogsock() called, with 'stream' and '/dev/null'" ); ok( $r, "setlogsock() should return true: '$r'" ); # setlogsock() with "stream" and a non-existing file $r = eval { setlogsock("stream", 'test.log' ) } || ''; is( $@, '', "setlogsock() called, with 'stream' and 'test.log' (file does not exist)" ); ok( !$r, "setlogsock() should return false: '$r'" ); # setlogsock() with "stream" and a local file SKIP: { my $logfile = "test.log"; open(LOG, ">$logfile") or skip "can't create file '$logfile': $!", 2; close(LOG); $r = eval { setlogsock("stream", $logfile ) } || ''; is( $@, '', "setlogsock() called, with 'stream' and '$logfile' (file exists)" ); ok( $r, "setlogsock() should return true: '$r'" ); unlink($logfile); } } BEGIN { $tests += 3 + 4 * 3 } # setlogmask() { my $oldmask = 0; $oldmask = eval { setlogmask(0) } || 0; is( $@, '', "setlogmask() called with a null mask" ); $r = eval { setlogmask(0) } || 0; is( $@, '', "setlogmask() called with a null mask (second time)" ); is( $r, $oldmask, "setlogmask() must return the same mask as previous call"); my @masks = ( LOG_MASK(LOG_ERR()), ~LOG_MASK(LOG_INFO()), LOG_MASK(LOG_CRIT()) | LOG_MASK(LOG_ERR()) | LOG_MASK(LOG_WARNING()), ); for my $newmask (@masks) { $r = eval { setlogmask($newmask) } || 0; is( $@, '', "setlogmask() called with a new mask" ); is( $r, $oldmask, "setlogmask() must return the same mask as previous call"); $r = eval { setlogmask(0) } || 0; is( $@, '', "setlogmask() called with a null mask" ); is( $r, $newmask, "setlogmask() must return the new mask"); setlogmask($oldmask); } }