DHCP Manager Help


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Servers and Relays




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Getting Help

This help system provides reference information and instructions for using SolarisTM DHCP Manager.

Use the links in the contents area on the left to get to the topics you are interested in. The arrow indicates your position in the help system.

The topics in this help system are divided into the following categories.

Overview Introduction and background information about DHCP Manager, Solaris DHCP, macros, and options.
Servers and Relays Reference and context-specific topics about how to manage and configure DHCP servers, BOOTP relay agents, and networks; how to convert to a new data store, or move data to another DHCP server.
Addresses Reference and context-specific topics about how to manage and configure IP addresses in the DHCP network.
Macros Reference and context-specific topics about how to define, create, and manage DHCP macros.
Options Reference and contex-specific topics about how to define, create, and manage DHCP options or symbols.
How To... Step-by-step instructions for using DHCP Manager.
Menus Descriptions of menus and options in the three views displayed by DHCP Manager.
Index Index to topics in the help system.

Further Reading

This help system is not meant to be an exhaustive reference on DHCP or network-based system management. You may want to check the following resources for further information:


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