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""" import sys from beadm import _ class Msgs: """Indices corresponding to message numbers for beadm.""" (BEADM_ERR_ACTIVATE, BEADM_ERR_BE_EXISTS, BEADM_ERR_SNAP_EXISTS, BEADM_ERR_CREATE, BEADM_ERR_DESTROY, BEADM_ERR_DESTROY_ACTIVE, BEADM_ERR_BE_DOES_NOT_EXIST, BEADM_ERR_NO_BES_EXIST, BEADM_ERR_MSG_SUB, BEADM_ERR_ILL_SUBCOMMAND, BEADM_ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE, BEADM_ERR_LIST, BEADM_ERR_LIST_DATA, BEADM_ERR_LOG_CREATE, BEADM_ERR_LOG_RM, BEADM_ERR_MOUNT, BEADM_ERR_MOUNT_EXISTS, BEADM_ERR_MOUNTED, BEADM_ERR_MOUNTPOINT, BEADM_ERR_MUTUALLY_EXCL, BEADM_ERR_NO_MSG, BEADM_ERR_NO_ZPOOL, BEADM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_NGZ, BEADM_ERR_OPT_ARGS, BEADM_ERR_OS, BEADM_ERR_PERMISSIONS, BEADM_ERR_RENAME, BEADM_ERR_SHARED_FS, BEADM_ERR_SNAP_DOES_NOT_EXISTS, BEADM_ERR_UNMOUNT, BEADM_ERR_UNMOUNT_ACTIVE, BEADM_ERR_BENAME, BEADM_MSG_ACTIVE_ON_BOOT, BEADM_MSG_DESTROY, BEADM_MSG_DESTROY_NO, BEADM_MSG_BE_CREATE_START, BEADM_MSG_BE_CREATE_SUCCESS, BEADM_MSG_FREE_FORMAT, ) = range(38) # Indices corresponding to message numbers for libbe that we are # interested in expanding messages. (BE_ERR_ACCESS, BE_ERR_ACTIVATE_CURR, BE_ERR_AUTONAME, BE_ERR_BE_NOENT, BE_ERR_BUSY, BE_ERR_CANCELED, BE_ERR_CLONE, BE_ERR_COPY, BE_ERR_CREATDS, BE_ERR_CURR_BE_NOT_FOUND, BE_ERR_DESTROY, BE_ERR_DEMOTE, BE_ERR_DSTYPE, BE_ERR_BE_EXISTS, BE_ERR_INIT, BE_ERR_INTR, BE_ERR_INVAL, BE_ERR_INVALPROP, BE_ERR_INVALMOUNTPOINT, BE_ERR_MOUNT, BE_ERR_MOUNTED, BE_ERR_NAMETOOLONG, BE_ERR_NOENT, BE_ERR_POOL_NOENT, BE_ERR_NODEV, BE_ERR_NOTMOUNTED, BE_ERR_NOMEM, BE_ERR_NONINHERIT, BE_ERR_NXIO, BE_ERR_NOSPC, BE_ERR_NOTSUP, BE_ERR_OPEN, BE_ERR_PERM, BE_ERR_UNAVAIL, BE_ERR_PROMOTE, BE_ERR_ROFS, BE_ERR_READONLYDS, BE_ERR_READONLYPROP, BE_ERR_SS_EXISTS, BE_ERR_SS_NOENT, BE_ERR_UMOUNT, BE_ERR_UMOUNT_CURR_BE, BE_ERR_UMOUNT_SHARED, BE_ERR_UNKNOWN, BE_ERR_ZFS, BE_ERR_DESTROY_CURR_BE, BE_ERR_GEN_UUID, BE_ERR_PARSE_UUID, BE_ERR_NO_UUID, BE_ERR_ZONE_NO_PARENTBE, BE_ERR_ZONE_MULTIPLE_ACTIVE, BE_ERR_ZONE_NO_ACTIVE_ROOT, BE_ERR_ZONE_ROOT_NOT_LEGACY, BE_ERR_NO_MOUNTED_ZONE, BE_ERR_MOUNT_ZONEROOT, BE_ERR_UMOUNT_ZONEROOT, BE_ERR_ZONES_UNMOUNT, BE_ERR_FAULT, BE_ERR_RENAME_ACTIVE, BE_ERR_NO_MENU, BE_ERR_DEV_BUSY, BE_ERR_BAD_MENU_PATH, BE_ERR_ZONE_SS_EXISTS ) = range(4000, 4063) # Error message dictionaries. mBeadmErr = {} mBeadmOut = {} mBeadmLog = {} # Errors from beadm (to stderr). mBeadmErr[BEADM_ERR_ACTIVATE] = _("Unable to activate %(0)s.\n%(1)s") mBeadmErr[BEADM_ERR_BE_EXISTS] = _("BE %s already exists. Please choose a different BE name.") mBeadmErr[BEADM_ERR_BE_DOES_NOT_EXIST] = _("%s does not exist or appear to be a valid BE.\nPlease check that the name of the BE provided is correct.") mBeadmErr[BEADM_ERR_NO_BES_EXIST] = _("No boot environments found on this system.") mBeadmErr[BEADM_ERR_CREATE] = _("Unable to create %(0)s.\n%(1)s") mBeadmErr[BEADM_ERR_DESTROY] = _("Unable to destroy %(0)s.\n%(1)s") mBeadmErr[BEADM_ERR_DESTROY_ACTIVE] = _("%(0)s is the currently active BE and cannot be destroyed.\nYou must boot from another BE in order to destroy %(1)s.") mBeadmErr[BEADM_ERR_MSG_SUB] = _("Fatal error. No message associated with index %d") mBeadmErr[BEADM_ERR_ILL_SUBCOMMAND] = _("Illegal subcommand %s") mBeadmErr[BEADM_ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE] = _("Invalid response. Please enter 'y' or 'n'.") mBeadmErr[BEADM_ERR_LIST] = _("Unable to display Boot Environment: %s") mBeadmErr[BEADM_ERR_LIST_DATA] = _("Unable to process list data.") mBeadmErr[BEADM_ERR_LOG_CREATE] = _("Unable to create log file.") mBeadmErr[BEADM_ERR_LOG_RM] = _("Unable to remove %s") mBeadmErr[BEADM_ERR_MOUNT] = _("Unable to mount %(0)s.\n%(1)s") mBeadmErr[BEADM_ERR_MOUNT_EXISTS] = _("%s is already mounted.\nPlease unmount the BE before mounting it again.") mBeadmErr[BEADM_ERR_MOUNTED] = _("Unable to destroy %(0)s.\nIt is currently mounted and must be unmounted before it can be destroyed.\nUse 'beadm unmount %(1)s' to unmount the BE before destroying\nit or 'beadm destroy -fF %(2)s'.") mBeadmErr[BEADM_ERR_MOUNTPOINT] = _("Invalid mount point %s. Mount point must start with a /.") mBeadmErr[BEADM_ERR_MUTUALLY_EXCL] = _("Invalid options: %s are mutually exclusive.") mBeadmErr[BEADM_ERR_NO_MSG] = _("Unable to find message for error code: %d") mBeadmErr[BEADM_ERR_NO_ZPOOL] = _("BE: %s was not found in any pool.\n The pool may not exist or the name of the BE is not correct.") mBeadmErr[BEADM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_NGZ] = _("beadm is not supported in a non-global zone.") mBeadmErr[BEADM_ERR_OPT_ARGS] = _("Invalid options and arguments:") mBeadmErr[BEADM_ERR_OS] = _("System error: %s") mBeadmErr[BEADM_ERR_RENAME] = _("Rename of BE %(0)s failed.\n%(1)s") mBeadmErr[BEADM_ERR_SHARED_FS] = _("%s is a shared file system and it cannot be unmounted.") mBeadmErr[BEADM_ERR_SNAP_DOES_NOT_EXISTS] = _("%s does not exist or appear to be a valid snapshot.\nPlease check that the name of the snapshot provided is correct.") mBeadmErr[BEADM_ERR_SNAP_EXISTS] = _("Snapshot %s already exists.\n Please choose a different snapshot name.") mBeadmErr[BEADM_ERR_UNMOUNT] = _("Unable to unmount %(0)s.\n%(1)s") mBeadmErr[BEADM_ERR_UNMOUNT_ACTIVE] = _("%s is the currently active BE.\nIt cannot be unmounted unless another BE is the currently active BE.") mBeadmErr[BE_ERR_ZONES_UNMOUNT] = _("Unable to destroy one of %(0)s's zone BE's.\nUse 'beadm destroy -fF %(1)s' or 'zfs -f destroy '.") mBeadmErr[BEADM_ERR_PERMISSIONS] = _("You have insufficient privileges to execute this command.\nEither use 'pfexec' to execute the command or become superuser.") mBeadmErr[BEADM_ERR_BENAME] = _("The BE name provided is invalid.\n Please check it and try again.") # Catchall mBeadmErr[BEADM_MSG_FREE_FORMAT] = "%s" # Messages from beadm (to stdout). mBeadmOut[BEADM_MSG_ACTIVE_ON_BOOT] = _("The BE that was just destroyed was the 'active on boot' BE.\n%s is now the 'active on boot' BE. Use 'beadm activate' to change it.\n") mBeadmOut[BEADM_MSG_DESTROY] = _("Are you sure you want to destroy %s? This action cannot be undone(y/[n]):") mBeadmOut[BEADM_MSG_DESTROY_NO] = _("%s has not been destroyed.\n") # Messages from beadm (to log only). mBeadmLog[BEADM_MSG_BE_CREATE_START] = "Attempting to create %s" mBeadmLog[BEADM_MSG_BE_CREATE_SUCCESS] = "%s was created successfully" msgLog, msgOut, msgErr = range(3) def printLog(string, log_fd): """Print log.""" sendMsg(string, msgLog, log_fd) def printStdout(string, log_fd): """Print standard output.""" sendMsg(string, msgOut, log_fd) def printStderr(string, log_fd): """Print standard error.""" sendMsg(string, msgErr, log_fd) def composeMsg(string, txt=None): """ Compose the message to be dispayed. txt can be either a list or string object. Return the newly composed string. """ try: msg = string % txt except TypeError: msg = string return (msg) def sendMsg(string, mode, log_fd=-1): """Send message.""" if mode == msgOut: print >> sys.stdout, string, if mode == msgErr: print >> sys.stderr, string if log_fd != -1 or mode == msgLog: log_fd.write(string + "\n") def printMsg(msg_idx=-1, txt="", log_fd=-1): """Print the message based on the message index.""" if msg_idx in Msgs.mBeadmErr: printStderr(composeMsg(Msgs.mBeadmErr[msg_idx], txt), log_fd) elif msg_idx in Msgs.mBeadmOut: printStdout(composeMsg(Msgs.mBeadmOut[msg_idx], txt), log_fd) elif msg_idx in Msgs.mBeadmLog: printLog(composeMsg(Msgs.mBeadmLog[msg_idx], txt), log_fd) else: printStderr(composeMsg(Msgs.mLibbe[BEADM_ERR_MSG_SUB], msg_idx), -1) sys.exit(1) def getMsg(msg_idx=-1, txt=""): """Print the message based on the message index.""" if msg_idx in Msgs.mBeadmErr: return(composeMsg(Msgs.mBeadmErr[msg_idx], txt)) elif msg_idx in Msgs.mBeadmOut: return(composeMsg(Msgs.mBeadmOut[msg_idx], txt)) elif msg_idx in Msgs.mBeadmLog: return(composeMsg(Msgs.mBeadmLog[msg_idx], txt)) else: return(composeMsg(Msgs.mLibbe[BEADM_ERR_MSG_SUB])) sys.exit(1)