# Copyright (c) 2005, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. # # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as # published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this # particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided # by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. # # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License # version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that # accompanied this code). # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version # 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA # or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any # questions. # # #****************************************************************************** # (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1996-2003 - All Rights Reserved * # * # The original version of this source code and documentation is copyrighted * # and owned by IBM, These materials are provided under terms of a License * # Agreement between IBM and Sun. This technology is protected by multiple * # US and International patents. This notice and attribution to IBM may not * # to removed. * #****************************************************************************** # # This locale data is based on the ICU's Vietnamese locale data (rev. 1.38) # found at: # # http://oss.software.ibm.com/cvs/icu/icu/source/data/locales/vi.txt?rev=1.38 # language names # key is ISO 639 language code ar=Ti\u1EBFng A-r\u1EADp az=Ti\u1EBFng Ai-d\u00E9c-bai-gian be=Ti\u1EBFng B\u00EA-la-r\u00FAt bg=Ti\u1EBFng Bun-ga-ri bo=Ti\u1EBFng T\u00E2y T\u1EA1ng ca=Ti\u1EBFng Ca-ta-l\u0103ng cs=Ti\u1EBFng S\u00E9c da=Ti\u1EBFng \u0110an M\u1EA1ch de=Ti\u1EBFng \u0110\u1EE9c el=Ti\u1EBFng Hy L\u1EA1p en=Ti\u1EBFng Anh eo=Ti\u1EBFng Qu\u1ED1c T\u1EBF Ng\u1EEF es=Ti\u1EBFng T\u00E2y Ban Nha et=Ti\u1EBFng E-xt\u00F4-ni-a fa=Ti\u1EBFng Ba T\u01B0 fi=Ti\u1EBFng Ph\u1EA7n Lan fr=Ti\u1EBFng Ph\u00E1p ga=Ti\u1EBFng Ai-len he=Ti\u1EBFng H\u00EA-br\u01A1 hi=Ti\u1EBFng Hin-\u0111i hr=Ti\u1EBFng Cr\u00F4-a-ti-a hu=Ti\u1EBFng Hung-ga-ri hy=Ti\u1EBFng \u00C1c-m\u00EA-ni ia=Ti\u1EBFng Khoa H\u1ECDc Qu\u1ED1c T\u1EBF id=Ti\u1EBFng In-\u0111\u00F4-n\u00EA-xia is=Ti\u1EBFng Ai-x\u01A1-len it=Ti\u1EBFng \u00DD ja=Ti\u1EBFng Nh\u1EADt jv=Ti\u1EBFng Gia-va km=Ti\u1EBFng Campuchia kn=Ti\u1EBFng Kan-na-\u0111a ko=Ti\u1EBFng H\u00E0n Qu\u1ED1c la=Ti\u1EBFng La-tinh lo=Ti\u1EBFng L\u00E0o lt=Ti\u1EBFng L\u00EDt-va lv=Ti\u1EBFng L\u00E1t-vi-a mk=Ti\u1EBFng Ma-x\u00EA-\u0111\u00F4-ni-a mn=Ti\u1EBFng M\u00F4ng C\u1ED5 ms=Ti\u1EBFng Ma-lay-xi-a ne=Ti\u1EBFng N\u00EA-pan nl=Ti\u1EBFng H\u00E0 Lan no=Ti\u1EBFng Na Uy pl=Ti\u1EBFng Ba Lan pt=Ti\u1EBFng B\u1ED3 \u0110\u00E0o Nha ro=Ti\u1EBFng Ru-ma-ni ru=Ti\u1EBFng Nga sa=Ti\u1EBFng Ph\u1EA1n sk=Ti\u1EBFng Xl\u00F4-v\u00E1c sl=Ti\u1EBFng Xl\u00F4-ven so=Ti\u1EBFng X\u00F4-ma-li sq=Ti\u1EBFng An-ba-ni sr=Ti\u1EBFng S\u00E9c-bi sv=Ti\u1EBFng Th\u1EE5y \u0110i\u1EC3n th=Ti\u1EBFng Th\u00E1i tr=Ti\u1EBFng Th\u1ED5 Nh\u0129 K\u1EF3 uk=Ti\u1EBFng U-crai-na uz=Ti\u1EBFng U-d\u01A1-b\u1EBFch vi=Ti\u1EBFng Vi\u1EC7t yi=Ti\u1EBFng Y-\u0111it zh=Ti\u1EBFng Trung Qu\u1ED1c # country names # key is ISO 3166 country code AE=C\u00e1c Ti\u1ec3u V\u01b0\u01a1ng qu\u1ed1c A-r\u1eadp Th\u1ed1ng nh\u1ea5t AF=\u00c1p-ga-ni-xtan AG=An-ti-gu-a v\u00e0 Ba-bu-\u0111a AL=An-ba-ni AM=\u00c1c-m\u00ea-ni-a AO=\u0102ng-g\u00f4-la AR=\u00c1c-hen-ti-na AT=\u00c1o AU=\u00dac AZ=Ai-d\u00e9c-bai-gian BA=B\u00f4-xni-a H\u00e9c-x\u00ea-g\u00f4-vi-na BB=B\u00e1c-ba-\u0111\u1ed1t BD=B\u0103ng-la-\u0111\u00e9t BE=B\u1ec9 BF=Bu\u1ed1c-ki-na Pha-x\u00f4 BG=Bun-ga-ri BH=Ba-ren BI=Bu-run-\u0111i BJ=B\u00ea-nanh BN=Bru-n\u00e2y BO=B\u00f4-li-vi-a BR=Bra-xin BS=Ba-ha-ma BW=B\u1ed1t-xoa-na BY=B\u00ea-la-r\u00fat BZ=B\u00ea-li-x\u00ea CA=Ca-na-\u0111a CF=C\u1ed9ng h\u00f2a Trung Phi CG=C\u00f4ng-g\u00f4 CH=Th\u1ee5y S\u0129 CI=B\u1edd Bi\u1ec3n Ng\u00e0 CL=Chi-l\u00ea CM=Ca-m\u01a1-run CN=Trung Qu\u1ed1c CO=C\u00f4-l\u00f4m-bi-a CR=C\u1ed1t-xta Ri-ca CU=Cu Ba CV=C\u00e1p-ve CY=S\u00edp CZ=C\u1ed9ng h\u00f2a S\u00e9c DE=\u0110\u1ee9c DJ=Gi-bu-ti DK=\u0110an M\u1ea1ch DZ=An-gi\u00ea-ri EC=\u00ca-cu-a-\u0111o EE=E-xt\u00f4-ni-a EG=Ai C\u1eadp EH=T\u00e2y Sahara ER=\u00ca-ri-t\u01a1-r\u00ea-a ES=T\u00e2y Ban Nha ET=\u00ca-ti-\u00f4-pi-a FI=Ph\u1ea7n Lan FJ=Phi-gi FM=Mi-cr\u00f4-n\u00ea-xi-a FR=Ph\u00e1p GA=Ga-b\u00f4ng GB=V\u01b0\u01a1ng qu\u1ed1c Anh GD=Gr\u00ea-na-\u0111a GE=Gru-di-a GH=Gha-na GM=G\u0103m-bi-a GN=Ghi-n\u00ea GQ=Ghi-n\u00ea X\u00edch-\u0111\u1ea1o GR=Hy L\u1ea1p GT=Goa-t\u00ea-ma-la GW=Ghi-n\u00ea B\u00edt-xao GY=Guy-a-na HN=H\u00f4n-\u0111u-r\u00e1t HR=Cr\u00f4-a-ti-a HT=Ha-i-ti HU=Hung-ga-ri ID=Nam D\u01b0\u01a1ng IE=Ai-len IL=I-xra-en IN=\u1ea4n \u0110\u1ed9 IQ=I-r\u1eafc IR=I-ran IS=Ai-x\u01a1-len IT=\u00DD JM=Ha-mai-ca JO=Gi\u00f3c-\u0111a-ni JP=Nh\u1eadt B\u1ea3n KE=K\u00ea-ni-a KG=C\u01b0-r\u01a1-g\u01b0-xtan KH=Campuchia KI=Ki-ri-ba-ti KM=C\u00f4-m\u00f4 KN=Xan-k\u00edt v\u00e0 N\u00ea-vi KP=B\u1eafc Tri\u1ec1u Ti\u00ean KR=H\u00e0n Qu\u1ed1c KW=C\u00f4-o\u00e9t KZ=Ka-d\u1eafc-xtan LA=L\u00e0o LB=Li-b\u0103ng LC=Xan Lu-xi LI=Lich-ten-xt\u00ean LK=Xri Lan-ca LR=Li-b\u00ea-ri-a LS=L\u00ea-x\u00f4-th\u00f4 LT=Li-tu-a-ni-a LU=L\u00fac-x\u0103m-bua LV=L\u00e1t-vi-a LY=Li-bi MA=Ma-r\u1ed1c MC=M\u00f4-na-c\u00f4 MD=M\u00f4n-\u0111\u00f4-va MG=Ma-\u0111a-g\u00e1t-xca MH=Qu\u1ea7n \u0111\u1ea3o M\u00e1c-san MK=Ma-x\u00ea-\u0111\u00f4-ni-a ML=Ma-li MM=Mi-an-ma MN=M\u00f4ng C\u1ed5 MR=M\u00f4-ri-ta-ni MT=Man-ta MU=M\u00f4-ri-x\u01a1 MV=Man-\u0111i-v\u01a1 MW=Ma-la-uy MX=M\u00ea-hi-c\u00f4 MY=Ma-lay-xi-a MZ=M\u00f4-d\u0103m-b\u00edch NA=Nam-mi-bi-a NE=Ni-gi\u00ea NG=Ni-gi\u00ea-ri-a NI=Ni-ca-ra-goa NL=H\u00e0 Lan NO=Na Uy NP=N\u00ea-pan NZ=Niu Di-l\u00e2n OM=\u00d4-man PA=Pa-na-ma PE=P\u00ea-ru PG=Pa-pu-a Niu Ghi-n\u00ea PH=Phi-lip-pin PK=Pa-ki-xtan PL=Ba Lan PT=B\u1ed3 \u0110\u00e0o Nha PY=Pa-ra-goay QA=Ca-ta RO=Ru-ma-ni RU=Nga RW=Ru-an-\u0111a SA=A-r\u1eadp X\u00ea-\u00fat SB=Qu\u1ea7n \u0111\u1ea3o X\u00f4-l\u00f4-m\u00f4ng SC=X\u00e2y-sen SD=Xu-\u0111\u0103ng SE=Th\u1ee5y \u0110i\u1ec3n SG=Xin-ga-po SI=Xl\u00f4-ven-ni-a SK=Xl\u00f4-va-ki-a SL=Xi-\u00ea-ra L\u00ea-\u00f4n SM=Xan Ma-ri-n\u00f4 SN=X\u00ea-n\u00ea-gan SO=X\u00f4-ma-li SP=S\u00e9c-bia SR=Xu-ri-nam ST=Xao T\u00f4-m\u00ea v\u00e0 Prin-xi-p\u00ea SV=En-san-va-\u0111o SY=Xi-ri SZ=Xoa-di-len TD=S\u00e1t TG=T\u00f4-g\u00f4 TH=Th\u00e1i Lan TJ=T\u00e1t-gi-ki-xtan TM=Tu\u1ed1c-m\u00ea-ni-xtan TN=Tuy-ni-di TO=T\u00f4ng-ga TR=Th\u1ed5 Nh\u0129 K\u1ef3 TT=Tri-ni-\u0111\u00e1t v\u00e0 T\u00f4-ba-g\u00f4 TV=Tu-va-lu TW=\u0110\u00e0i Loan TZ=Tan-da-ni-a UA=U-crai-na UG=U-gan-\u0111a US=Hoa K\u1ef3 UY=U-ru-goay UZ=U-d\u01a1-b\u00ea-ki-xtan VA=Va-ti-c\u0103ng VC=Xan Vin-xen v\u00e0 Gr\u00ea-na-din VE=V\u00ea-n\u00ea-zu-\u00ea-la VN=Vi\u1ec7t Nam VU=Va-nu-a-tu WS=Xa-moa YE=Y-\u00ea-men YU=Nam T\u01B0 ZA=Nam Phi ZM=D\u0103m-bi-a ZW=Dim-ba-bu-\u00ea