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DO NOT EDIT! aa=afar ab=abkhazian ae=av\u00e9stico af=afric\u00e2ner am=am\u00e1rico an=aragon\u00eas ar=\u00e1rabe as=assam\u00eas av=avaric ay=aimara az=azerbaijano ba=bashkir be=bielo-russo bg=b\u00falgaro bh=biari bi=bislam\u00e1 bm=bambara bn=bengali bo=tibetano br=bret\u00e3o bs=b\u00f3snio ca=catal\u00e3o ce=chechene ch=chamorro co=c\u00f3rsico cr=cree cs=tcheco cu=eslavo eclesi\u00e1stico cv=chuvash cy=gal\u00eas da=dinamarqu\u00eas de=alem\u00e3o dv=divehi dz=dzonga ee=eve el=grego en=ingl\u00eas eo=esperanto es=espanhol et=estoniano eu=basco fa=persa ff=fula fi=finland\u00eas fj=fijiano fo=fero\u00eas fr=franc\u00eas fy=fris\u00e3o ga=irland\u00eas gd=ga\u00e9lico escoc\u00eas gl=galego gn=guarani gu=guzerate gv=manx ha=hau\u00e7\u00e1 he=hebraico hi=hindi ho=hiri motu hr=croata ht=haitiano hu=h\u00fangaro hy=arm\u00eanio hz=herero ia=interl\u00edngua id=indon\u00e9sio ie=interlingue ig=ibo ii=sichuan yi in=indon\u00e9sio io=ido is=island\u00eas it=italiano iu=inuktitut iw=hebraico ja=japon\u00eas ji=i\u00eddiche ka=georgiano kg=congol\u00eas ki=quicuio kj=Kuanyama kk=cazaque kl=groenland\u00eas km=cmer kn=canar\u00eas ko=coreano kr=can\u00fari ks=kashmiri ku=curdo kv=komi kw=c\u00f3rnico ky=quirguiz la=latim lb=luxemburgu\u00eas lg=luganda li=limburgish ln=lingala lo=laosiano lt=lituano lu=luba-catanga lv=let\u00e3o mg=malgaxe mh=marshall\u00eas mi=maori mk=maced\u00f4nio ml=malaiala mn=mongol mo=mold\u00e1vio mr=marata ms=malaio mt=malt\u00eas my=birman\u00eas na=nauruano nb=bokm\u00e5l noruegu\u00eas nd=ndebele, north ne=nepali ng=dongo nl=holand\u00eas nn=nynorsk noruegu\u00eas no=noruegu\u00eas nr=ndebele, south nv=navajo ny=nianja; chicheua; cheua oc=occit\u00e2nico (ap\u00f3s 1500); proven\u00e7al oj=ojibwa om=oromo or=oriya os=ossetic pa=panjabi pi=p\u00e1li pl=polon\u00eas ps=pashto (pushto) pt=portugu\u00eas qu=qu\u00edchua rm=rhaeto-romance rn=rundi ro=romeno ru=russo rw=kinyarwanda sa=s\u00e2nscrito sc=sardo sd=sindi se=northern sami sg=sango si=cingal\u00eas sk=eslovaco sl=eslov\u00eanio so=somali sq=alban\u00eas sr=s\u00e9rvio ss=swati st=soto, do sul su=sundan\u00eas sv=sueco sw=sua\u00edli ta=t\u00e2mil te=telugu tg=tadjique th=tailand\u00eas ti=tigr\u00ednia tk=turcomano tn=tswana to=tonga (ilhas tonga) tr=turco ts=tsonga tt=tatar tw=twi ty=taitiano ug=uighur uk=ucraniano ur=urdu uz=usbeque ve=venda vi=vietnamita vo=volapuque wa=walloon wo=uolofe xh=xosa yi=i\u00eddiche yo=ioruba za=zhuang zh=chin\u00eas zu=zulu AE=Emirados \u00c1rabes Unidos AF=Afeganist\u00e3o AG=Ant\u00edgua e Barbuda AL=Alb\u00e2nia AM=Arm\u00eania AN=Antilhas Holandesas AQ=Ant\u00e1rtida AS=Samoa Americana AT=\u00c1ustria AU=Austr\u00e1lia AZ=Azerbaij\u00e3o BA=B\u00f3snia-Herzeg\u00f3vina BE=B\u00e9lgica BF=Burquina Faso BG=Bulg\u00e1ria BH=Bareine BM=Bermudas BO=Bol\u00edvia BR=Brasil BT=But\u00e3o BV=Ilha Bouvet BW=Botsuana CA=Canad\u00e1 CC=Ilhas Cocos (Keeling) CD=Congo, Rep\u00fablica Democr\u00e1tica do CF=Rep\u00fablica Centro-Africana CH=Su\u00ed\u00e7a CI=Costa do Marfim CK=Ilhas Cook CM=Rep\u00fablica dos Camar\u00f5es CO=Col\u00f4mbia CS=S\u00e9rvia e Montenegro CV=Cabo Verde CX=Ilhas Natal CY=Chipre CZ=Rep\u00fablica Tcheca DE=Alemanha DJ=Djibuti DK=Dinamarca DO=Rep\u00fablica Dominicana DZ=Arg\u00e9lia EC=Equador EE=Est\u00f4nia EG=Egito EH=Saara Ocidental ER=Eritr\u00e9ia ES=Espanha ET=Eti\u00f3pia FI=Finl\u00e2ndia FK=Ilhas Malvinas FM=Micron\u00e9sia, Estados Federados da FO=Ilhas Faroe FR=Fran\u00e7a GA=Gab\u00e3o GB=Reino Unido GD=Granada GE=Ge\u00f3rgia GF=Guiana Francesa GH=Gana GL=Gro\u00eanlandia GM=G\u00e2mbia GN=Guin\u00e9 GP=Guadalupe GQ=Guin\u00e9 Equatorial GR=Gr\u00e9cia GS=Ge\u00f3rgia do Sul e Ilhas Sandwich do Sul GW=Guin\u00e9 Bissau GY=Guiana HK=Hong Kong, Regi\u00e3o Admin. Especial da China HM=Ilha Heard e Ilhas McDonald HR=Cro\u00e1cia HU=Hungria ID=Indon\u00e9sia IE=Irlanda IN=\u00cdndia IO=Territ\u00f3rio Brit\u00e2nico do Oceano \u00cdndico IQ=Iraque IR=Ir\u00e3 IS=Isl\u00e2ndia IT=It\u00e1lia JO=Jord\u00e2nia JP=Jap\u00e3o KE=Qu\u00eania KG=Quirguist\u00e3o KH=Camboja KI=Quiribati KM=Comores KN=S\u00e3o Cristov\u00e3o e Nevis KP=Cor\u00e9ia, Norte KR=Cor\u00e9ia, Sul KY=Ilhas Caiman KZ=Casaquist\u00e3o LA=Rep\u00fablica Democr\u00e1tica Popular de Lao LB=L\u00edbano LC=Santa L\u00facia LR=Lib\u00e9ria LS=Lesoto LT=Litu\u00e2nia LU=Luxemburgo LV=Let\u00f4nia LY=L\u00edbia MA=Marrocos MC=M\u00f4naco MD=Moldova, Rep\u00fablica de MH=Ilhas Marshall MK=Maced\u00f4nia, Rep\u00fablica da MM=Mianm\u00e1 MN=Mong\u00f3lia MO=Macau, Regi\u00e3o Admin. Especial da China MP=Ilhas Marianas do Norte MQ=Martinica MR=Maurit\u00e2nia MU=Maur\u00edcio MV=Maldivas MX=M\u00e9xico MY=Mal\u00e1sia MZ=Mo\u00e7ambique NA=Nam\u00edbia NC=Nova Caled\u00f4nia NE=N\u00edger NF=Ilha Norfolk NG=Nig\u00e9ria NI=Nicar\u00e1gua NL=Pa\u00edses Baixos NO=Noruega NZ=Nova Zel\u00e2ndia OM=Om\u00e3 PA=Panam\u00e1 PF=Polin\u00e9sia Francesa PG=Papua-Nova Guin\u00e9 PH=Filipinas PK=Paquist\u00e3o PL=Pol\u00f4nia PM=Saint Pierre e Miquelon PR=Porto Rico PS=Territ\u00f3rio da Palestina PY=Paraguai QA=Catar RE=Reuni\u00e3o RO=Rom\u00eania RU=R\u00fassia RW=Ruanda SA=Ar\u00e1bia Saudita SB=Ilhas Salom\u00e3o SD=Sud\u00e3o SE=Su\u00e9cia SG=Cingapura SH=Santa Helena SI=Eslov\u00eania SJ=Svalbard e Jan Mayen SK=Eslov\u00e1quia SL=Serra Leoa SO=Som\u00e1lia ST=S\u00e3o Tom\u00e9 e Pr\u00edncipe SY=S\u00edria SZ=Suazil\u00e2ndia TC=Ilhas Turks e Caicos TD=Chade TF=Territ\u00f3rios Franceses do Sul TH=Tail\u00e2ndia TJ=Tadjiquist\u00e3o TL=Timor Leste TM=Turcomenist\u00e3o TN=Tun\u00edsia TR=Turquia TT=Trinidad e Tobago TZ=Tanz\u00e2nia UA=Ucr\u00e2nia UM=Ilhas Menores Distantes dos Estados Unidos US=Estados Unidos UY=Uruguai UZ=Uzbequist\u00e3o VA=Vaticano VC=S\u00e3o Vicente e Granadinas VG=Ilhas Virgens Brit\u00e2nicas VI=Ilhas Virgens dos EUA VN=Vietn\u00e3 WF=Wallis e Futuna YE=I\u00eamen ZA=\u00c1frica do Sul ZM=Z\u00e2mbia ZW=Zimb\u00e1bwe