/* * Copyright (c) 2012, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package java.util.stream; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Spliterator; import java.util.Spliterators; import java.util.concurrent.CountedCompleter; import java.util.function.BinaryOperator; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.DoubleConsumer; import java.util.function.IntConsumer; import java.util.function.IntFunction; import java.util.function.LongConsumer; import java.util.function.LongFunction; /** * Factory methods for constructing implementations of {@link Node} and * {@link Node.Builder} and their primitive specializations. Fork/Join tasks * for collecting output from a {@link PipelineHelper} to a {@link Node} and * flattening {@link Node}s. * * @since 1.8 */ final class Nodes { private Nodes() { throw new Error("no instances"); } /** * The maximum size of an array that can be allocated. */ static final long MAX_ARRAY_SIZE = Integer.MAX_VALUE - 8; // IllegalArgumentException messages static final String BAD_SIZE = "Stream size exceeds max array size"; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private static final Node EMPTY_NODE = new EmptyNode.OfRef(); private static final Node.OfInt EMPTY_INT_NODE = new EmptyNode.OfInt(); private static final Node.OfLong EMPTY_LONG_NODE = new EmptyNode.OfLong(); private static final Node.OfDouble EMPTY_DOUBLE_NODE = new EmptyNode.OfDouble(); /** * @return an array generator for an array whose elements are of type T. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static IntFunction castingArray() { return size -> (T[]) new Object[size]; } // General shape-based node creation methods /** * Produces an empty node whose count is zero, has no children and no content. * * @param the type of elements of the created node * @param shape the shape of the node to be created * @return an empty node. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static Node emptyNode(StreamShape shape) { switch (shape) { case REFERENCE: return (Node) EMPTY_NODE; case INT_VALUE: return (Node) EMPTY_INT_NODE; case LONG_VALUE: return (Node) EMPTY_LONG_NODE; case DOUBLE_VALUE: return (Node) EMPTY_DOUBLE_NODE; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown shape " + shape); } } /** * Produces a concatenated {@link Node} that has two or more children. *

The count of the concatenated node is equal to the sum of the count * of each child. Traversal of the concatenated node traverses the content * of each child in encounter order of the list of children. Splitting a * spliterator obtained from the concatenated node preserves the encounter * order of the list of children. * *

The result may be a concatenated node, the input sole node if the size * of the list is 1, or an empty node. * * @param the type of elements of the concatenated node * @param shape the shape of the concatenated node to be created * @param left the left input node * @param right the right input node * @return a {@code Node} covering the elements of the input nodes * @throws IllegalStateException if all {@link Node} elements of the list * are an not instance of type supported by this factory. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static Node conc(StreamShape shape, Node left, Node right) { switch (shape) { case REFERENCE: return new ConcNode<>(left, right); case INT_VALUE: return (Node) new ConcNode.OfInt((Node.OfInt) left, (Node.OfInt) right); case LONG_VALUE: return (Node) new ConcNode.OfLong((Node.OfLong) left, (Node.OfLong) right); case DOUBLE_VALUE: return (Node) new ConcNode.OfDouble((Node.OfDouble) left, (Node.OfDouble) right); default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown shape " + shape); } } // Reference-based node methods /** * Produces a {@link Node} describing an array. * *

The node will hold a reference to the array and will not make a copy. * * @param the type of elements held by the node * @param array the array * @return a node holding an array */ static Node node(T[] array) { return new ArrayNode<>(array); } /** * Produces a {@link Node} describing a {@link Collection}. *

* The node will hold a reference to the collection and will not make a copy. * * @param the type of elements held by the node * @param c the collection * @return a node holding a collection */ static Node node(Collection c) { return new CollectionNode<>(c); } /** * Produces a {@link Node.Builder}. * * @param exactSizeIfKnown -1 if a variable size builder is requested, * otherwise the exact capacity desired. A fixed capacity builder will * fail if the wrong number of elements are added to the builder. * @param generator the array factory * @param the type of elements of the node builder * @return a {@code Node.Builder} */ static Node.Builder builder(long exactSizeIfKnown, IntFunction generator) { return (exactSizeIfKnown >= 0 && exactSizeIfKnown < MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) ? new FixedNodeBuilder<>(exactSizeIfKnown, generator) : builder(); } /** * Produces a variable size @{link Node.Builder}. * * @param the type of elements of the node builder * @return a {@code Node.Builder} */ static Node.Builder builder() { return new SpinedNodeBuilder<>(); } // Int nodes /** * Produces a {@link Node.OfInt} describing an int[] array. * *

The node will hold a reference to the array and will not make a copy. * * @param array the array * @return a node holding an array */ static Node.OfInt node(int[] array) { return new IntArrayNode(array); } /** * Produces a {@link Node.Builder.OfInt}. * * @param exactSizeIfKnown -1 if a variable size builder is requested, * otherwise the exact capacity desired. A fixed capacity builder will * fail if the wrong number of elements are added to the builder. * @return a {@code Node.Builder.OfInt} */ static Node.Builder.OfInt intBuilder(long exactSizeIfKnown) { return (exactSizeIfKnown >= 0 && exactSizeIfKnown < MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) ? new IntFixedNodeBuilder(exactSizeIfKnown) : intBuilder(); } /** * Produces a variable size @{link Node.Builder.OfInt}. * * @return a {@code Node.Builder.OfInt} */ static Node.Builder.OfInt intBuilder() { return new IntSpinedNodeBuilder(); } // Long nodes /** * Produces a {@link Node.OfLong} describing a long[] array. *

* The node will hold a reference to the array and will not make a copy. * * @param array the array * @return a node holding an array */ static Node.OfLong node(final long[] array) { return new LongArrayNode(array); } /** * Produces a {@link Node.Builder.OfLong}. * * @param exactSizeIfKnown -1 if a variable size builder is requested, * otherwise the exact capacity desired. A fixed capacity builder will * fail if the wrong number of elements are added to the builder. * @return a {@code Node.Builder.OfLong} */ static Node.Builder.OfLong longBuilder(long exactSizeIfKnown) { return (exactSizeIfKnown >= 0 && exactSizeIfKnown < MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) ? new LongFixedNodeBuilder(exactSizeIfKnown) : longBuilder(); } /** * Produces a variable size @{link Node.Builder.OfLong}. * * @return a {@code Node.Builder.OfLong} */ static Node.Builder.OfLong longBuilder() { return new LongSpinedNodeBuilder(); } // Double nodes /** * Produces a {@link Node.OfDouble} describing a double[] array. * *

The node will hold a reference to the array and will not make a copy. * * @param array the array * @return a node holding an array */ static Node.OfDouble node(final double[] array) { return new DoubleArrayNode(array); } /** * Produces a {@link Node.Builder.OfDouble}. * * @param exactSizeIfKnown -1 if a variable size builder is requested, * otherwise the exact capacity desired. A fixed capacity builder will * fail if the wrong number of elements are added to the builder. * @return a {@code Node.Builder.OfDouble} */ static Node.Builder.OfDouble doubleBuilder(long exactSizeIfKnown) { return (exactSizeIfKnown >= 0 && exactSizeIfKnown < MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) ? new DoubleFixedNodeBuilder(exactSizeIfKnown) : doubleBuilder(); } /** * Produces a variable size @{link Node.Builder.OfDouble}. * * @return a {@code Node.Builder.OfDouble} */ static Node.Builder.OfDouble doubleBuilder() { return new DoubleSpinedNodeBuilder(); } // Parallel evaluation of pipelines to nodes /** * Collect, in parallel, elements output from a pipeline and describe those * elements with a {@link Node}. * * @implSpec * If the exact size of the output from the pipeline is known and the source * {@link Spliterator} has the {@link Spliterator#SUBSIZED} characteristic, * then a flat {@link Node} will be returned whose content is an array, * since the size is known the array can be constructed in advance and * output elements can be placed into the array concurrently by leaf * tasks at the correct offsets. If the exact size is not known, output * elements are collected into a conc-node whose shape mirrors that * of the computation. This conc-node can then be flattened in * parallel to produce a flat {@code Node} if desired. * * @param helper the pipeline helper describing the pipeline * @param flattenTree whether a conc node should be flattened into a node * describing an array before returning * @param generator the array generator * @return a {@link Node} describing the output elements */ public static Node collect(PipelineHelper helper, Spliterator spliterator, boolean flattenTree, IntFunction generator) { long size = helper.exactOutputSizeIfKnown(spliterator); if (size >= 0 && spliterator.hasCharacteristics(Spliterator.SUBSIZED)) { if (size >= MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) throw new IllegalArgumentException(BAD_SIZE); P_OUT[] array = generator.apply((int) size); new SizedCollectorTask.OfRef<>(spliterator, helper, array).invoke(); return node(array); } else { Node node = new CollectorTask.OfRef<>(helper, generator, spliterator).invoke(); return flattenTree ? flatten(node, generator) : node; } } /** * Collect, in parallel, elements output from an int-valued pipeline and * describe those elements with a {@link Node.OfInt}. * * @implSpec * If the exact size of the output from the pipeline is known and the source * {@link Spliterator} has the {@link Spliterator#SUBSIZED} characteristic, * then a flat {@link Node} will be returned whose content is an array, * since the size is known the array can be constructed in advance and * output elements can be placed into the array concurrently by leaf * tasks at the correct offsets. If the exact size is not known, output * elements are collected into a conc-node whose shape mirrors that * of the computation. This conc-node can then be flattened in * parallel to produce a flat {@code Node.OfInt} if desired. * * @param the type of elements from the source Spliterator * @param helper the pipeline helper describing the pipeline * @param flattenTree whether a conc node should be flattened into a node * describing an array before returning * @return a {@link Node.OfInt} describing the output elements */ public static Node.OfInt collectInt(PipelineHelper helper, Spliterator spliterator, boolean flattenTree) { long size = helper.exactOutputSizeIfKnown(spliterator); if (size >= 0 && spliterator.hasCharacteristics(Spliterator.SUBSIZED)) { if (size >= MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) throw new IllegalArgumentException(BAD_SIZE); int[] array = new int[(int) size]; new SizedCollectorTask.OfInt<>(spliterator, helper, array).invoke(); return node(array); } else { Node.OfInt node = new CollectorTask.OfInt<>(helper, spliterator).invoke(); return flattenTree ? flattenInt(node) : node; } } /** * Collect, in parallel, elements output from a long-valued pipeline and * describe those elements with a {@link Node.OfLong}. * * @implSpec * If the exact size of the output from the pipeline is known and the source * {@link Spliterator} has the {@link Spliterator#SUBSIZED} characteristic, * then a flat {@link Node} will be returned whose content is an array, * since the size is known the array can be constructed in advance and * output elements can be placed into the array concurrently by leaf * tasks at the correct offsets. If the exact size is not known, output * elements are collected into a conc-node whose shape mirrors that * of the computation. This conc-node can then be flattened in * parallel to produce a flat {@code Node.OfLong} if desired. * * @param the type of elements from the source Spliterator * @param helper the pipeline helper describing the pipeline * @param flattenTree whether a conc node should be flattened into a node * describing an array before returning * @return a {@link Node.OfLong} describing the output elements */ public static Node.OfLong collectLong(PipelineHelper helper, Spliterator spliterator, boolean flattenTree) { long size = helper.exactOutputSizeIfKnown(spliterator); if (size >= 0 && spliterator.hasCharacteristics(Spliterator.SUBSIZED)) { if (size >= MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) throw new IllegalArgumentException(BAD_SIZE); long[] array = new long[(int) size]; new SizedCollectorTask.OfLong<>(spliterator, helper, array).invoke(); return node(array); } else { Node.OfLong node = new CollectorTask.OfLong<>(helper, spliterator).invoke(); return flattenTree ? flattenLong(node) : node; } } /** * Collect, in parallel, elements output from n double-valued pipeline and * describe those elements with a {@link Node.OfDouble}. * * @implSpec * If the exact size of the output from the pipeline is known and the source * {@link Spliterator} has the {@link Spliterator#SUBSIZED} characteristic, * then a flat {@link Node} will be returned whose content is an array, * since the size is known the array can be constructed in advance and * output elements can be placed into the array concurrently by leaf * tasks at the correct offsets. If the exact size is not known, output * elements are collected into a conc-node whose shape mirrors that * of the computation. This conc-node can then be flattened in * parallel to produce a flat {@code Node.OfDouble} if desired. * * @param the type of elements from the source Spliterator * @param helper the pipeline helper describing the pipeline * @param flattenTree whether a conc node should be flattened into a node * describing an array before returning * @return a {@link Node.OfDouble} describing the output elements */ public static Node.OfDouble collectDouble(PipelineHelper helper, Spliterator spliterator, boolean flattenTree) { long size = helper.exactOutputSizeIfKnown(spliterator); if (size >= 0 && spliterator.hasCharacteristics(Spliterator.SUBSIZED)) { if (size >= MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) throw new IllegalArgumentException(BAD_SIZE); double[] array = new double[(int) size]; new SizedCollectorTask.OfDouble<>(spliterator, helper, array).invoke(); return node(array); } else { Node.OfDouble node = new CollectorTask.OfDouble<>(helper, spliterator).invoke(); return flattenTree ? flattenDouble(node) : node; } } // Parallel flattening of nodes /** * Flatten, in parallel, a {@link Node}. A flattened node is one that has * no children. If the node is already flat, it is simply returned. * * @implSpec * If a new node is to be created, the generator is used to create an array * whose length is {@link Node#count()}. Then the node tree is traversed * and leaf node elements are placed in the array concurrently by leaf tasks * at the correct offsets. * * @param type of elements contained by the node * @param node the node to flatten * @param generator the array factory used to create array instances * @return a flat {@code Node} */ public static Node flatten(Node node, IntFunction generator) { if (node.getChildCount() > 0) { long size = node.count(); if (size >= MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) throw new IllegalArgumentException(BAD_SIZE); T[] array = generator.apply((int) size); new ToArrayTask.OfRef<>(node, array, 0).invoke(); return node(array); } else { return node; } } /** * Flatten, in parallel, a {@link Node.OfInt}. A flattened node is one that * has no children. If the node is already flat, it is simply returned. * * @implSpec * If a new node is to be created, a new int[] array is created whose length * is {@link Node#count()}. Then the node tree is traversed and leaf node * elements are placed in the array concurrently by leaf tasks at the * correct offsets. * * @param node the node to flatten * @return a flat {@code Node.OfInt} */ public static Node.OfInt flattenInt(Node.OfInt node) { if (node.getChildCount() > 0) { long size = node.count(); if (size >= MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) throw new IllegalArgumentException(BAD_SIZE); int[] array = new int[(int) size]; new ToArrayTask.OfInt(node, array, 0).invoke(); return node(array); } else { return node; } } /** * Flatten, in parallel, a {@link Node.OfLong}. A flattened node is one that * has no children. If the node is already flat, it is simply returned. * * @implSpec * If a new node is to be created, a new long[] array is created whose length * is {@link Node#count()}. Then the node tree is traversed and leaf node * elements are placed in the array concurrently by leaf tasks at the * correct offsets. * * @param node the node to flatten * @return a flat {@code Node.OfLong} */ public static Node.OfLong flattenLong(Node.OfLong node) { if (node.getChildCount() > 0) { long size = node.count(); if (size >= MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) throw new IllegalArgumentException(BAD_SIZE); long[] array = new long[(int) size]; new ToArrayTask.OfLong(node, array, 0).invoke(); return node(array); } else { return node; } } /** * Flatten, in parallel, a {@link Node.OfDouble}. A flattened node is one that * has no children. If the node is already flat, it is simply returned. * * @implSpec * If a new node is to be created, a new double[] array is created whose length * is {@link Node#count()}. Then the node tree is traversed and leaf node * elements are placed in the array concurrently by leaf tasks at the * correct offsets. * * @param node the node to flatten * @return a flat {@code Node.OfDouble} */ public static Node.OfDouble flattenDouble(Node.OfDouble node) { if (node.getChildCount() > 0) { long size = node.count(); if (size >= MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) throw new IllegalArgumentException(BAD_SIZE); double[] array = new double[(int) size]; new ToArrayTask.OfDouble(node, array, 0).invoke(); return node(array); } else { return node; } } // Implementations private abstract static class EmptyNode implements Node { EmptyNode() { } @Override public T[] asArray(IntFunction generator) { return generator.apply(0); } public void copyInto(T_ARR array, int offset) { } @Override public long count() { return 0; } public void forEach(T_CONS consumer) { } private static class OfRef extends EmptyNode> { private OfRef() { super(); } @Override public Spliterator spliterator() { return Spliterators.emptySpliterator(); } } private static final class OfInt extends EmptyNode implements Node.OfInt { OfInt() { } // Avoid creation of special accessor @Override public Spliterator.OfInt spliterator() { return Spliterators.emptyIntSpliterator(); } @Override public int[] asPrimitiveArray() { return EMPTY_INT_ARRAY; } } private static final class OfLong extends EmptyNode implements Node.OfLong { OfLong() { } // Avoid creation of special accessor @Override public Spliterator.OfLong spliterator() { return Spliterators.emptyLongSpliterator(); } @Override public long[] asPrimitiveArray() { return EMPTY_LONG_ARRAY; } } private static final class OfDouble extends EmptyNode implements Node.OfDouble { OfDouble() { } // Avoid creation of special accessor @Override public Spliterator.OfDouble spliterator() { return Spliterators.emptyDoubleSpliterator(); } @Override public double[] asPrimitiveArray() { return EMPTY_DOUBLE_ARRAY; } } } /** Node class for a reference array */ private static class ArrayNode implements Node { final T[] array; int curSize; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ArrayNode(long size, IntFunction generator) { if (size >= MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) throw new IllegalArgumentException(BAD_SIZE); this.array = generator.apply((int) size); this.curSize = 0; } ArrayNode(T[] array) { this.array = array; this.curSize = array.length; } // Node @Override public Spliterator spliterator() { return Arrays.spliterator(array, 0, curSize); } @Override public void copyInto(T[] dest, int destOffset) { System.arraycopy(array, 0, dest, destOffset, curSize); } @Override public T[] asArray(IntFunction generator) { if (array.length == curSize) { return array; } else { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } @Override public long count() { return curSize; } @Override public void forEach(Consumer consumer) { for (int i = 0; i < curSize; i++) { consumer.accept(array[i]); } } // @Override public String toString() { return String.format("ArrayNode[%d][%s]", array.length - curSize, Arrays.toString(array)); } } /** Node class for a Collection */ private static final class CollectionNode implements Node { private final Collection c; CollectionNode(Collection c) { this.c = c; } // Node @Override public Spliterator spliterator() { return c.stream().spliterator(); } @Override public void copyInto(T[] array, int offset) { for (T t : c) array[offset++] = t; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T[] asArray(IntFunction generator) { return c.toArray(generator.apply(c.size())); } @Override public long count() { return c.size(); } @Override public void forEach(Consumer consumer) { c.forEach(consumer); } // @Override public String toString() { return String.format("CollectionNode[%d][%s]", c.size(), c); } } /** * Node class for an internal node with two or more children */ private abstract static class AbstractConcNode> implements Node { protected final T_NODE left; protected final T_NODE right; private final long size; AbstractConcNode(T_NODE left, T_NODE right) { this.left = left; this.right = right; // The Node count will be required when the Node spliterator is // obtained and it is cheaper to aggressively calculate bottom up // as the tree is built rather than later on from the top down // traversing the tree this.size = left.count() + right.count(); } @Override public int getChildCount() { return 2; } @Override public T_NODE getChild(int i) { if (i == 0) return left; if (i == 1) return right; throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } @Override public long count() { return size; } } static final class ConcNode extends AbstractConcNode> implements Node { ConcNode(Node left, Node right) { super(left, right); } @Override public Spliterator spliterator() { return new Nodes.InternalNodeSpliterator.OfRef<>(this); } @Override public void copyInto(T[] array, int offset) { Objects.requireNonNull(array); left.copyInto(array, offset); // Cast to int is safe since it is the callers responsibility to // ensure that there is sufficient room in the array right.copyInto(array, offset + (int) left.count()); } @Override public T[] asArray(IntFunction generator) { long size = count(); if (size >= MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) throw new IllegalArgumentException(BAD_SIZE); T[] array = generator.apply((int) size); copyInto(array, 0); return array; } @Override public void forEach(Consumer consumer) { left.forEach(consumer); right.forEach(consumer); } @Override public Node truncate(long from, long to, IntFunction generator) { if (from == 0 && to == count()) return this; long leftCount = left.count(); if (from >= leftCount) return right.truncate(from - leftCount, to - leftCount, generator); else if (to <= leftCount) return left.truncate(from, to, generator); else { return Nodes.conc(getShape(), left.truncate(from, leftCount, generator), right.truncate(0, to - leftCount, generator)); } } @Override public String toString() { if (count() < 32) { return String.format("ConcNode[%s.%s]", left, right); } else { return String.format("ConcNode[size=%d]", count()); } } private abstract static class OfPrimitive, T_NODE extends Node.OfPrimitive> extends AbstractConcNode implements Node.OfPrimitive { OfPrimitive(T_NODE left, T_NODE right) { super(left, right); } @Override public void forEach(T_CONS consumer) { left.forEach(consumer); right.forEach(consumer); } @Override public void copyInto(T_ARR array, int offset) { left.copyInto(array, offset); // Cast to int is safe since it is the callers responsibility to // ensure that there is sufficient room in the array right.copyInto(array, offset + (int) left.count()); } @Override public T_ARR asPrimitiveArray() { long size = count(); if (size >= MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) throw new IllegalArgumentException(BAD_SIZE); T_ARR array = newArray((int) size); copyInto(array, 0); return array; } @Override public String toString() { if (count() < 32) return String.format("%s[%s.%s]", this.getClass().getName(), left, right); else return String.format("%s[size=%d]", this.getClass().getName(), count()); } } static final class OfInt extends ConcNode.OfPrimitive implements Node.OfInt { OfInt(Node.OfInt left, Node.OfInt right) { super(left, right); } @Override public Spliterator.OfInt spliterator() { return new InternalNodeSpliterator.OfInt(this); } } static final class OfLong extends ConcNode.OfPrimitive implements Node.OfLong { OfLong(Node.OfLong left, Node.OfLong right) { super(left, right); } @Override public Spliterator.OfLong spliterator() { return new InternalNodeSpliterator.OfLong(this); } } static final class OfDouble extends ConcNode.OfPrimitive implements Node.OfDouble { OfDouble(Node.OfDouble left, Node.OfDouble right) { super(left, right); } @Override public Spliterator.OfDouble spliterator() { return new InternalNodeSpliterator.OfDouble(this); } } } /** Abstract class for spliterator for all internal node classes */ private abstract static class InternalNodeSpliterator, N extends Node> implements Spliterator { // Node we are pointing to // null if full traversal has occurred N curNode; // next child of curNode to consume int curChildIndex; // The spliterator of the curNode if that node is last and has no children. // This spliterator will be delegated to for splitting and traversing. // null if curNode has children S lastNodeSpliterator; // spliterator used while traversing with tryAdvance // null if no partial traversal has occurred S tryAdvanceSpliterator; // node stack used when traversing to search and find leaf nodes // null if no partial traversal has occurred Deque tryAdvanceStack; InternalNodeSpliterator(N curNode) { this.curNode = curNode; } /** * Initiate a stack containing, in left-to-right order, the child nodes * covered by this spliterator */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected final Deque initStack() { // Bias size to the case where leaf nodes are close to this node // 8 is the minimum initial capacity for the ArrayDeque implementation Deque stack = new ArrayDeque<>(8); for (int i = curNode.getChildCount() - 1; i >= curChildIndex; i--) stack.addFirst((N) curNode.getChild(i)); return stack; } /** * Depth first search, in left-to-right order, of the node tree, using * an explicit stack, to find the next non-empty leaf node. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected final N findNextLeafNode(Deque stack) { N n = null; while ((n = stack.pollFirst()) != null) { if (n.getChildCount() == 0) { if (n.count() > 0) return n; } else { for (int i = n.getChildCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) stack.addFirst((N) n.getChild(i)); } } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected final boolean initTryAdvance() { if (curNode == null) return false; if (tryAdvanceSpliterator == null) { if (lastNodeSpliterator == null) { // Initiate the node stack tryAdvanceStack = initStack(); N leaf = findNextLeafNode(tryAdvanceStack); if (leaf != null) tryAdvanceSpliterator = (S) leaf.spliterator(); else { // A non-empty leaf node was not found // No elements to traverse curNode = null; return false; } } else tryAdvanceSpliterator = lastNodeSpliterator; } return true; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public final S trySplit() { if (curNode == null || tryAdvanceSpliterator != null) return null; // Cannot split if fully or partially traversed else if (lastNodeSpliterator != null) return (S) lastNodeSpliterator.trySplit(); else if (curChildIndex < curNode.getChildCount() - 1) return (S) curNode.getChild(curChildIndex++).spliterator(); else { curNode = (N) curNode.getChild(curChildIndex); if (curNode.getChildCount() == 0) { lastNodeSpliterator = (S) curNode.spliterator(); return (S) lastNodeSpliterator.trySplit(); } else { curChildIndex = 0; return (S) curNode.getChild(curChildIndex++).spliterator(); } } } @Override public final long estimateSize() { if (curNode == null) return 0; // Will not reflect the effects of partial traversal. // This is compliant with the specification if (lastNodeSpliterator != null) return lastNodeSpliterator.estimateSize(); else { long size = 0; for (int i = curChildIndex; i < curNode.getChildCount(); i++) size += curNode.getChild(i).count(); return size; } } @Override public final int characteristics() { return Spliterator.SIZED; } private static final class OfRef extends InternalNodeSpliterator, Node> { OfRef(Node curNode) { super(curNode); } @Override public boolean tryAdvance(Consumer consumer) { if (!initTryAdvance()) return false; boolean hasNext = tryAdvanceSpliterator.tryAdvance(consumer); if (!hasNext) { if (lastNodeSpliterator == null) { // Advance to the spliterator of the next non-empty leaf node Node leaf = findNextLeafNode(tryAdvanceStack); if (leaf != null) { tryAdvanceSpliterator = leaf.spliterator(); // Since the node is not-empty the spliterator can be advanced return tryAdvanceSpliterator.tryAdvance(consumer); } } // No more elements to traverse curNode = null; } return hasNext; } @Override public void forEachRemaining(Consumer consumer) { if (curNode == null) return; if (tryAdvanceSpliterator == null) { if (lastNodeSpliterator == null) { Deque> stack = initStack(); Node leaf; while ((leaf = findNextLeafNode(stack)) != null) { leaf.forEach(consumer); } curNode = null; } else lastNodeSpliterator.forEachRemaining(consumer); } else while(tryAdvance(consumer)) { } } } private abstract static class OfPrimitive, N extends Node.OfPrimitive> extends InternalNodeSpliterator implements Spliterator.OfPrimitive { OfPrimitive(N cur) { super(cur); } @Override public boolean tryAdvance(T_CONS consumer) { if (!initTryAdvance()) return false; boolean hasNext = tryAdvanceSpliterator.tryAdvance(consumer); if (!hasNext) { if (lastNodeSpliterator == null) { // Advance to the spliterator of the next non-empty leaf node N leaf = findNextLeafNode(tryAdvanceStack); if (leaf != null) { tryAdvanceSpliterator = leaf.spliterator(); // Since the node is not-empty the spliterator can be advanced return tryAdvanceSpliterator.tryAdvance(consumer); } } // No more elements to traverse curNode = null; } return hasNext; } @Override public void forEachRemaining(T_CONS consumer) { if (curNode == null) return; if (tryAdvanceSpliterator == null) { if (lastNodeSpliterator == null) { Deque stack = initStack(); N leaf; while ((leaf = findNextLeafNode(stack)) != null) { leaf.forEach(consumer); } curNode = null; } else lastNodeSpliterator.forEachRemaining(consumer); } else while(tryAdvance(consumer)) { } } } private static final class OfInt extends OfPrimitive implements Spliterator.OfInt { OfInt(Node.OfInt cur) { super(cur); } } private static final class OfLong extends OfPrimitive implements Spliterator.OfLong { OfLong(Node.OfLong cur) { super(cur); } } private static final class OfDouble extends OfPrimitive implements Spliterator.OfDouble { OfDouble(Node.OfDouble cur) { super(cur); } } } /** * Fixed-sized builder class for reference nodes */ private static final class FixedNodeBuilder extends ArrayNode implements Node.Builder { FixedNodeBuilder(long size, IntFunction generator) { super(size, generator); assert size < MAX_ARRAY_SIZE; } @Override public Node build() { if (curSize < array.length) throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Current size %d is less than fixed size %d", curSize, array.length)); return this; } @Override public void begin(long size) { if (size != array.length) throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Begin size %d is not equal to fixed size %d", size, array.length)); curSize = 0; } @Override public void accept(T t) { if (curSize < array.length) { array[curSize++] = t; } else { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Accept exceeded fixed size of %d", array.length)); } } @Override public void end() { if (curSize < array.length) throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("End size %d is less than fixed size %d", curSize, array.length)); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("FixedNodeBuilder[%d][%s]", array.length - curSize, Arrays.toString(array)); } } /** * Variable-sized builder class for reference nodes */ private static final class SpinedNodeBuilder extends SpinedBuffer implements Node, Node.Builder { private boolean building = false; SpinedNodeBuilder() {} // Avoid creation of special accessor @Override public Spliterator spliterator() { assert !building : "during building"; return super.spliterator(); } @Override public void forEach(Consumer consumer) { assert !building : "during building"; super.forEach(consumer); } // @Override public void begin(long size) { assert !building : "was already building"; building = true; clear(); ensureCapacity(size); } @Override public void accept(T t) { assert building : "not building"; super.accept(t); } @Override public void end() { assert building : "was not building"; building = false; // @@@ check begin(size) and size } @Override public void copyInto(T[] array, int offset) { assert !building : "during building"; super.copyInto(array, offset); } @Override public T[] asArray(IntFunction arrayFactory) { assert !building : "during building"; return super.asArray(arrayFactory); } @Override public Node build() { assert !building : "during building"; return this; } } // private static final int[] EMPTY_INT_ARRAY = new int[0]; private static final long[] EMPTY_LONG_ARRAY = new long[0]; private static final double[] EMPTY_DOUBLE_ARRAY = new double[0]; private static class IntArrayNode implements Node.OfInt { final int[] array; int curSize; IntArrayNode(long size) { if (size >= MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) throw new IllegalArgumentException(BAD_SIZE); this.array = new int[(int) size]; this.curSize = 0; } IntArrayNode(int[] array) { this.array = array; this.curSize = array.length; } // Node @Override public Spliterator.OfInt spliterator() { return Arrays.spliterator(array, 0, curSize); } @Override public int[] asPrimitiveArray() { if (array.length == curSize) { return array; } else { return Arrays.copyOf(array, curSize); } } @Override public void copyInto(int[] dest, int destOffset) { System.arraycopy(array, 0, dest, destOffset, curSize); } @Override public long count() { return curSize; } @Override public void forEach(IntConsumer consumer) { for (int i = 0; i < curSize; i++) { consumer.accept(array[i]); } } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("IntArrayNode[%d][%s]", array.length - curSize, Arrays.toString(array)); } } private static class LongArrayNode implements Node.OfLong { final long[] array; int curSize; LongArrayNode(long size) { if (size >= MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) throw new IllegalArgumentException(BAD_SIZE); this.array = new long[(int) size]; this.curSize = 0; } LongArrayNode(long[] array) { this.array = array; this.curSize = array.length; } @Override public Spliterator.OfLong spliterator() { return Arrays.spliterator(array, 0, curSize); } @Override public long[] asPrimitiveArray() { if (array.length == curSize) { return array; } else { return Arrays.copyOf(array, curSize); } } @Override public void copyInto(long[] dest, int destOffset) { System.arraycopy(array, 0, dest, destOffset, curSize); } @Override public long count() { return curSize; } @Override public void forEach(LongConsumer consumer) { for (int i = 0; i < curSize; i++) { consumer.accept(array[i]); } } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("LongArrayNode[%d][%s]", array.length - curSize, Arrays.toString(array)); } } private static class DoubleArrayNode implements Node.OfDouble { final double[] array; int curSize; DoubleArrayNode(long size) { if (size >= MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) throw new IllegalArgumentException(BAD_SIZE); this.array = new double[(int) size]; this.curSize = 0; } DoubleArrayNode(double[] array) { this.array = array; this.curSize = array.length; } @Override public Spliterator.OfDouble spliterator() { return Arrays.spliterator(array, 0, curSize); } @Override public double[] asPrimitiveArray() { if (array.length == curSize) { return array; } else { return Arrays.copyOf(array, curSize); } } @Override public void copyInto(double[] dest, int destOffset) { System.arraycopy(array, 0, dest, destOffset, curSize); } @Override public long count() { return curSize; } @Override public void forEach(DoubleConsumer consumer) { for (int i = 0; i < curSize; i++) { consumer.accept(array[i]); } } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("DoubleArrayNode[%d][%s]", array.length - curSize, Arrays.toString(array)); } } private static final class IntFixedNodeBuilder extends IntArrayNode implements Node.Builder.OfInt { IntFixedNodeBuilder(long size) { super(size); assert size < MAX_ARRAY_SIZE; } @Override public Node.OfInt build() { if (curSize < array.length) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Current size %d is less than fixed size %d", curSize, array.length)); } return this; } @Override public void begin(long size) { if (size != array.length) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Begin size %d is not equal to fixed size %d", size, array.length)); } curSize = 0; } @Override public void accept(int i) { if (curSize < array.length) { array[curSize++] = i; } else { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Accept exceeded fixed size of %d", array.length)); } } @Override public void end() { if (curSize < array.length) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("End size %d is less than fixed size %d", curSize, array.length)); } } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("IntFixedNodeBuilder[%d][%s]", array.length - curSize, Arrays.toString(array)); } } private static final class LongFixedNodeBuilder extends LongArrayNode implements Node.Builder.OfLong { LongFixedNodeBuilder(long size) { super(size); assert size < MAX_ARRAY_SIZE; } @Override public Node.OfLong build() { if (curSize < array.length) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Current size %d is less than fixed size %d", curSize, array.length)); } return this; } @Override public void begin(long size) { if (size != array.length) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Begin size %d is not equal to fixed size %d", size, array.length)); } curSize = 0; } @Override public void accept(long i) { if (curSize < array.length) { array[curSize++] = i; } else { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Accept exceeded fixed size of %d", array.length)); } } @Override public void end() { if (curSize < array.length) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("End size %d is less than fixed size %d", curSize, array.length)); } } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("LongFixedNodeBuilder[%d][%s]", array.length - curSize, Arrays.toString(array)); } } private static final class DoubleFixedNodeBuilder extends DoubleArrayNode implements Node.Builder.OfDouble { DoubleFixedNodeBuilder(long size) { super(size); assert size < MAX_ARRAY_SIZE; } @Override public Node.OfDouble build() { if (curSize < array.length) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Current size %d is less than fixed size %d", curSize, array.length)); } return this; } @Override public void begin(long size) { if (size != array.length) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Begin size %d is not equal to fixed size %d", size, array.length)); } curSize = 0; } @Override public void accept(double i) { if (curSize < array.length) { array[curSize++] = i; } else { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Accept exceeded fixed size of %d", array.length)); } } @Override public void end() { if (curSize < array.length) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("End size %d is less than fixed size %d", curSize, array.length)); } } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("DoubleFixedNodeBuilder[%d][%s]", array.length - curSize, Arrays.toString(array)); } } private static final class IntSpinedNodeBuilder extends SpinedBuffer.OfInt implements Node.OfInt, Node.Builder.OfInt { private boolean building = false; IntSpinedNodeBuilder() {} // Avoid creation of special accessor @Override public Spliterator.OfInt spliterator() { assert !building : "during building"; return super.spliterator(); } @Override public void forEach(IntConsumer consumer) { assert !building : "during building"; super.forEach(consumer); } // @Override public void begin(long size) { assert !building : "was already building"; building = true; clear(); ensureCapacity(size); } @Override public void accept(int i) { assert building : "not building"; super.accept(i); } @Override public void end() { assert building : "was not building"; building = false; // @@@ check begin(size) and size } @Override public void copyInto(int[] array, int offset) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException { assert !building : "during building"; super.copyInto(array, offset); } @Override public int[] asPrimitiveArray() { assert !building : "during building"; return super.asPrimitiveArray(); } @Override public Node.OfInt build() { assert !building : "during building"; return this; } } private static final class LongSpinedNodeBuilder extends SpinedBuffer.OfLong implements Node.OfLong, Node.Builder.OfLong { private boolean building = false; LongSpinedNodeBuilder() {} // Avoid creation of special accessor @Override public Spliterator.OfLong spliterator() { assert !building : "during building"; return super.spliterator(); } @Override public void forEach(LongConsumer consumer) { assert !building : "during building"; super.forEach(consumer); } // @Override public void begin(long size) { assert !building : "was already building"; building = true; clear(); ensureCapacity(size); } @Override public void accept(long i) { assert building : "not building"; super.accept(i); } @Override public void end() { assert building : "was not building"; building = false; // @@@ check begin(size) and size } @Override public void copyInto(long[] array, int offset) { assert !building : "during building"; super.copyInto(array, offset); } @Override public long[] asPrimitiveArray() { assert !building : "during building"; return super.asPrimitiveArray(); } @Override public Node.OfLong build() { assert !building : "during building"; return this; } } private static final class DoubleSpinedNodeBuilder extends SpinedBuffer.OfDouble implements Node.OfDouble, Node.Builder.OfDouble { private boolean building = false; DoubleSpinedNodeBuilder() {} // Avoid creation of special accessor @Override public Spliterator.OfDouble spliterator() { assert !building : "during building"; return super.spliterator(); } @Override public void forEach(DoubleConsumer consumer) { assert !building : "during building"; super.forEach(consumer); } // @Override public void begin(long size) { assert !building : "was already building"; building = true; clear(); ensureCapacity(size); } @Override public void accept(double i) { assert building : "not building"; super.accept(i); } @Override public void end() { assert building : "was not building"; building = false; // @@@ check begin(size) and size } @Override public void copyInto(double[] array, int offset) { assert !building : "during building"; super.copyInto(array, offset); } @Override public double[] asPrimitiveArray() { assert !building : "during building"; return super.asPrimitiveArray(); } @Override public Node.OfDouble build() { assert !building : "during building"; return this; } } /* * This and subclasses are not intended to be serializable */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") private abstract static class SizedCollectorTask, K extends SizedCollectorTask> extends CountedCompleter implements Sink { protected final Spliterator spliterator; protected final PipelineHelper helper; protected final long targetSize; protected long offset; protected long length; // For Sink implementation protected int index, fence; SizedCollectorTask(Spliterator spliterator, PipelineHelper helper, int arrayLength) { assert spliterator.hasCharacteristics(Spliterator.SUBSIZED); this.spliterator = spliterator; this.helper = helper; this.targetSize = AbstractTask.suggestTargetSize(spliterator.estimateSize()); this.offset = 0; this.length = arrayLength; } SizedCollectorTask(K parent, Spliterator spliterator, long offset, long length, int arrayLength) { super(parent); assert spliterator.hasCharacteristics(Spliterator.SUBSIZED); this.spliterator = spliterator; this.helper = parent.helper; this.targetSize = parent.targetSize; this.offset = offset; this.length = length; if (offset < 0 || length < 0 || (offset + length - 1 >= arrayLength)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("offset and length interval [%d, %d + %d) is not within array size interval [0, %d)", offset, offset, length, arrayLength)); } } @Override public void compute() { SizedCollectorTask task = this; Spliterator rightSplit = spliterator, leftSplit; while (rightSplit.estimateSize() > task.targetSize && (leftSplit = rightSplit.trySplit()) != null) { task.setPendingCount(1); long leftSplitSize = leftSplit.estimateSize(); task.makeChild(leftSplit, task.offset, leftSplitSize).fork(); task = task.makeChild(rightSplit, task.offset + leftSplitSize, task.length - leftSplitSize); } assert task.offset + task.length < MAX_ARRAY_SIZE; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T_SINK sink = (T_SINK) task; task.helper.wrapAndCopyInto(sink, rightSplit); task.propagateCompletion(); } abstract K makeChild(Spliterator spliterator, long offset, long size); @Override public void begin(long size) { if (size > length) throw new IllegalStateException("size passed to Sink.begin exceeds array length"); // Casts to int are safe since absolute size is verified to be within // bounds when the root concrete SizedCollectorTask is constructed // with the shared array index = (int) offset; fence = index + (int) length; } @SuppressWarnings("serial") static final class OfRef extends SizedCollectorTask, OfRef> implements Sink { private final P_OUT[] array; OfRef(Spliterator spliterator, PipelineHelper helper, P_OUT[] array) { super(spliterator, helper, array.length); this.array = array; } OfRef(OfRef parent, Spliterator spliterator, long offset, long length) { super(parent, spliterator, offset, length, parent.array.length); this.array = parent.array; } @Override OfRef makeChild(Spliterator spliterator, long offset, long size) { return new OfRef<>(this, spliterator, offset, size); } @Override public void accept(P_OUT value) { if (index >= fence) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(Integer.toString(index)); } array[index++] = value; } } @SuppressWarnings("serial") static final class OfInt extends SizedCollectorTask> implements Sink.OfInt { private final int[] array; OfInt(Spliterator spliterator, PipelineHelper helper, int[] array) { super(spliterator, helper, array.length); this.array = array; } OfInt(SizedCollectorTask.OfInt parent, Spliterator spliterator, long offset, long length) { super(parent, spliterator, offset, length, parent.array.length); this.array = parent.array; } @Override SizedCollectorTask.OfInt makeChild(Spliterator spliterator, long offset, long size) { return new SizedCollectorTask.OfInt<>(this, spliterator, offset, size); } @Override public void accept(int value) { if (index >= fence) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(Integer.toString(index)); } array[index++] = value; } } @SuppressWarnings("serial") static final class OfLong extends SizedCollectorTask> implements Sink.OfLong { private final long[] array; OfLong(Spliterator spliterator, PipelineHelper helper, long[] array) { super(spliterator, helper, array.length); this.array = array; } OfLong(SizedCollectorTask.OfLong parent, Spliterator spliterator, long offset, long length) { super(parent, spliterator, offset, length, parent.array.length); this.array = parent.array; } @Override SizedCollectorTask.OfLong makeChild(Spliterator spliterator, long offset, long size) { return new SizedCollectorTask.OfLong<>(this, spliterator, offset, size); } @Override public void accept(long value) { if (index >= fence) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(Integer.toString(index)); } array[index++] = value; } } @SuppressWarnings("serial") static final class OfDouble extends SizedCollectorTask> implements Sink.OfDouble { private final double[] array; OfDouble(Spliterator spliterator, PipelineHelper helper, double[] array) { super(spliterator, helper, array.length); this.array = array; } OfDouble(SizedCollectorTask.OfDouble parent, Spliterator spliterator, long offset, long length) { super(parent, spliterator, offset, length, parent.array.length); this.array = parent.array; } @Override SizedCollectorTask.OfDouble makeChild(Spliterator spliterator, long offset, long size) { return new SizedCollectorTask.OfDouble<>(this, spliterator, offset, size); } @Override public void accept(double value) { if (index >= fence) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(Integer.toString(index)); } array[index++] = value; } } } @SuppressWarnings("serial") private abstract static class ToArrayTask, K extends ToArrayTask> extends CountedCompleter { protected final T_NODE node; protected final int offset; ToArrayTask(T_NODE node, int offset) { this.node = node; this.offset = offset; } ToArrayTask(K parent, T_NODE node, int offset) { super(parent); this.node = node; this.offset = offset; } abstract void copyNodeToArray(); abstract K makeChild(int childIndex, int offset); @Override public void compute() { ToArrayTask task = this; while (true) { if (task.node.getChildCount() == 0) { task.copyNodeToArray(); task.propagateCompletion(); return; } else { task.setPendingCount(task.node.getChildCount() - 1); int size = 0; int i = 0; for (;i < task.node.getChildCount() - 1; i++) { K leftTask = task.makeChild(i, task.offset + size); size += leftTask.node.count(); leftTask.fork(); } task = task.makeChild(i, task.offset + size); } } } @SuppressWarnings("serial") private static final class OfRef extends ToArrayTask, OfRef> { private final T[] array; private OfRef(Node node, T[] array, int offset) { super(node, offset); this.array = array; } private OfRef(OfRef parent, Node node, int offset) { super(parent, node, offset); this.array = parent.array; } @Override OfRef makeChild(int childIndex, int offset) { return new OfRef<>(this, node.getChild(childIndex), offset); } @Override void copyNodeToArray() { node.copyInto(array, offset); } } @SuppressWarnings("serial") private static class OfPrimitive, T_NODE extends Node.OfPrimitive> extends ToArrayTask> { private final T_ARR array; private OfPrimitive(T_NODE node, T_ARR array, int offset) { super(node, offset); this.array = array; } private OfPrimitive(OfPrimitive parent, T_NODE node, int offset) { super(parent, node, offset); this.array = parent.array; } @Override OfPrimitive makeChild(int childIndex, int offset) { return new OfPrimitive<>(this, node.getChild(childIndex), offset); } @Override void copyNodeToArray() { node.copyInto(array, offset); } } @SuppressWarnings("serial") private static final class OfInt extends OfPrimitive { private OfInt(Node.OfInt node, int[] array, int offset) { super(node, array, offset); } } @SuppressWarnings("serial") private static final class OfLong extends OfPrimitive { private OfLong(Node.OfLong node, long[] array, int offset) { super(node, array, offset); } } @SuppressWarnings("serial") private static final class OfDouble extends OfPrimitive { private OfDouble(Node.OfDouble node, double[] array, int offset) { super(node, array, offset); } } } @SuppressWarnings("serial") private static class CollectorTask, T_BUILDER extends Node.Builder> extends AbstractTask> { protected final PipelineHelper helper; protected final LongFunction builderFactory; protected final BinaryOperator concFactory; CollectorTask(PipelineHelper helper, Spliterator spliterator, LongFunction builderFactory, BinaryOperator concFactory) { super(helper, spliterator); this.helper = helper; this.builderFactory = builderFactory; this.concFactory = concFactory; } CollectorTask(CollectorTask parent, Spliterator spliterator) { super(parent, spliterator); helper = parent.helper; builderFactory = parent.builderFactory; concFactory = parent.concFactory; } @Override protected CollectorTask makeChild(Spliterator spliterator) { return new CollectorTask<>(this, spliterator); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected T_NODE doLeaf() { T_BUILDER builder = builderFactory.apply(helper.exactOutputSizeIfKnown(spliterator)); return (T_NODE) helper.wrapAndCopyInto(builder, spliterator).build(); } @Override public void onCompletion(CountedCompleter caller) { if (!isLeaf()) setLocalResult(concFactory.apply(leftChild.getLocalResult(), rightChild.getLocalResult())); super.onCompletion(caller); } @SuppressWarnings("serial") private static final class OfRef extends CollectorTask, Node.Builder> { OfRef(PipelineHelper helper, IntFunction generator, Spliterator spliterator) { super(helper, spliterator, s -> builder(s, generator), ConcNode::new); } } @SuppressWarnings("serial") private static final class OfInt extends CollectorTask { OfInt(PipelineHelper helper, Spliterator spliterator) { super(helper, spliterator, Nodes::intBuilder, ConcNode.OfInt::new); } } @SuppressWarnings("serial") private static final class OfLong extends CollectorTask { OfLong(PipelineHelper helper, Spliterator spliterator) { super(helper, spliterator, Nodes::longBuilder, ConcNode.OfLong::new); } } @SuppressWarnings("serial") private static final class OfDouble extends CollectorTask { OfDouble(PipelineHelper helper, Spliterator spliterator) { super(helper, spliterator, Nodes::doubleBuilder, ConcNode.OfDouble::new); } } } }