/* * Copyright (c) 2012, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package build.tools.cldrconverter; import build.tools.cldrconverter.BundleGenerator.BundleType; import java.io.File; import java.nio.file.DirectoryStream; import java.nio.file.FileSystems; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.*; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory; import org.xml.sax.SAXNotRecognizedException; import org.xml.sax.SAXNotSupportedException; /** * Converts locale data from "Locale Data Markup Language" format to * JRE resource bundle format. LDML is the format used by the Common * Locale Data Repository maintained by the Unicode Consortium. */ public class CLDRConverter { static final String LDML_DTD_SYSTEM_ID = "http://www.unicode.org/cldr/dtd/2.0/ldml.dtd"; static final String SPPL_LDML_DTD_SYSTEM_ID = "http://www.unicode.org/cldr/dtd/2.0/ldmlSupplemental.dtd"; private static String CLDR_BASE = "../CLDR/21.0.1/"; static String LOCAL_LDML_DTD; static String LOCAL_SPPL_LDML_DTD; private static String SOURCE_FILE_DIR; private static String SPPL_SOURCE_FILE; private static String NUMBERING_SOURCE_FILE; private static String METAZONES_SOURCE_FILE; static String DESTINATION_DIR = "build/gensrc"; static final String LOCALE_NAME_PREFIX = "locale.displayname."; static final String CURRENCY_SYMBOL_PREFIX = "currency.symbol."; static final String CURRENCY_NAME_PREFIX = "currency.displayname."; static final String CALENDAR_NAME_PREFIX = "calendarname."; static final String TIMEZONE_ID_PREFIX = "timezone.id."; static final String ZONE_NAME_PREFIX = "timezone.displayname."; static final String METAZONE_ID_PREFIX = "metazone.id."; private static SupplementDataParseHandler handlerSuppl; static NumberingSystemsParseHandler handlerNumbering; static MetaZonesParseHandler handlerMetaZones; private static BundleGenerator bundleGenerator; static enum DraftType { UNCONFIRMED, PROVISIONAL, CONTRIBUTED, APPROVED; private static final Map map = new HashMap<>(); static { for (DraftType dt : values()) { map.put(dt.getKeyword(), dt); } } static private DraftType defaultType = CONTRIBUTED; private final String keyword; private DraftType() { keyword = this.name().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); } static DraftType forKeyword(String keyword) { return map.get(keyword); } static DraftType getDefault() { return defaultType; } static void setDefault(String keyword) { defaultType = Objects.requireNonNull(forKeyword(keyword)); } String getKeyword() { return keyword; } } static boolean USE_UTF8 = false; private static boolean verbose; private CLDRConverter() { // no instantiation } @SuppressWarnings("AssignmentToForLoopParameter") public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { if (args.length != 0) { String currentArg = null; try { for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { currentArg = args[i]; switch (currentArg) { case "-draft": String draftDataType = args[++i]; try { DraftType.setDefault(draftDataType); } catch (NullPointerException e) { severe("Error: incorrect draft value: %s%n", draftDataType); System.exit(1); } info("Using the specified data type: %s%n", draftDataType); break; case "-base": // base directory for input files CLDR_BASE = args[++i]; if (!CLDR_BASE.endsWith("/")) { CLDR_BASE += "/"; } break; case "-o": // output directory DESTINATION_DIR = args[++i]; break; case "-utf8": USE_UTF8 = true; break; case "-verbose": verbose = true; break; case "-help": usage(); System.exit(0); break; default: throw new RuntimeException(); } } } catch (RuntimeException e) { severe("unknown or imcomplete arg(s): " + currentArg); usage(); System.exit(1); } } // Set up path names LOCAL_LDML_DTD = CLDR_BASE + "common/dtd/ldml.dtd"; LOCAL_SPPL_LDML_DTD = CLDR_BASE + "common/dtd/ldmlSupplemental.dtd"; SOURCE_FILE_DIR = CLDR_BASE + "common/main"; SPPL_SOURCE_FILE = CLDR_BASE + "common/supplemental/supplementalData.xml"; NUMBERING_SOURCE_FILE = CLDR_BASE + "common/supplemental/numberingSystems.xml"; METAZONES_SOURCE_FILE = CLDR_BASE + "common/supplemental/metaZones.xml"; bundleGenerator = new ResourceBundleGenerator(); List bundles = readBundleList(); convertBundles(bundles); } private static void usage() { errout("Usage: java CLDRConverter [options]%n" + "\t-help output this usage message and exit%n" + "\t-verbose output information%n" + "\t-draft [approved | provisional | unconfirmed]%n" + "\t\t draft level for using data (default: approved)%n" + "\t-base dir base directory for CLDR input files%n" + "\t-o dir output directory (defaut: ./build/gensrc)%n" + "\t-utf8 use UTF-8 rather than \\uxxxx (for debug)%n"); } static void info(String fmt, Object... args) { if (verbose) { System.out.printf(fmt, args); } } static void info(String msg) { if (verbose) { System.out.println(msg); } } static void warning(String fmt, Object... args) { System.err.print("Warning: "); System.err.printf(fmt, args); } static void warning(String msg) { System.err.print("Warning: "); errout(msg); } static void severe(String fmt, Object... args) { System.err.print("Error: "); System.err.printf(fmt, args); } static void severe(String msg) { System.err.print("Error: "); errout(msg); } private static void errout(String msg) { if (msg.contains("%n")) { System.err.printf(msg); } else { System.err.println(msg); } } /** * Configure the parser to allow access to DTDs on the file system. */ private static void enableFileAccess(SAXParser parser) throws SAXNotSupportedException { try { parser.setProperty("http://javax.xml.XMLConstants/property/accessExternalDTD", "file"); } catch (SAXNotRecognizedException ignore) { // property requires >= JAXP 1.5 } } private static List readBundleList() throws Exception { ResourceBundle.Control defCon = ResourceBundle.Control.getControl(ResourceBundle.Control.FORMAT_DEFAULT); List retList = new ArrayList<>(); Path path = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(SOURCE_FILE_DIR); try (DirectoryStream dirStr = Files.newDirectoryStream(path)) { for (Path entry : dirStr) { String fileName = entry.getFileName().toString(); if (fileName.endsWith(".xml")) { String id = fileName.substring(0, fileName.indexOf('.')); Locale cldrLoc = Locale.forLanguageTag(toLanguageTag(id)); List candList = defCon.getCandidateLocales("", cldrLoc); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Locale loc : candList) { if (!loc.equals(Locale.ROOT)) { sb.append(toLocaleName(loc.toLanguageTag())); sb.append(","); } } if (sb.indexOf("root") == -1) { sb.append("root"); } Bundle b = new Bundle(id, sb.toString(), null, null); // Insert the bundle for en at the top so that it will get // processed first. if ("en".equals(id)) { retList.add(0, b); } else { retList.add(b); } } } } return retList; } private static Map> cldrBundles = new HashMap<>(); static Map getCLDRBundle(String id) throws Exception { Map bundle = cldrBundles.get(id); if (bundle != null) { return bundle; } SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); factory.setValidating(true); SAXParser parser = factory.newSAXParser(); enableFileAccess(parser); LDMLParseHandler handler = new LDMLParseHandler(id); File file = new File(SOURCE_FILE_DIR + File.separator + id + ".xml"); if (!file.exists()) { // Skip if the file doesn't exist. return Collections.emptyMap(); } info("..... main directory ....."); info("Reading file " + file); parser.parse(file, handler); bundle = handler.getData(); cldrBundles.put(id, bundle); String country = getCountryCode(id); if (country != null) { bundle = handlerSuppl.getData(country); if (bundle != null) { //merge two maps into one map Map temp = cldrBundles.remove(id); bundle.putAll(temp); cldrBundles.put(id, bundle); } } return bundle; } private static void convertBundles(List bundles) throws Exception { // Parse SupplementalData file and store the information in the HashMap // Calendar information such as firstDay and minDay are stored in // supplementalData.xml as of CLDR1.4. Individual territory is listed // with its ISO 3166 country code while default is listed using UNM49 // region and composition numerical code (001 for World.) SAXParserFactory factorySuppl = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); factorySuppl.setValidating(true); SAXParser parserSuppl = factorySuppl.newSAXParser(); enableFileAccess(parserSuppl); handlerSuppl = new SupplementDataParseHandler(); File fileSupply = new File(SPPL_SOURCE_FILE); parserSuppl.parse(fileSupply, handlerSuppl); // Parse numberingSystems to get digit zero character information. SAXParserFactory numberingParser = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); numberingParser.setValidating(true); SAXParser parserNumbering = numberingParser.newSAXParser(); enableFileAccess(parserNumbering); handlerNumbering = new NumberingSystemsParseHandler(); File fileNumbering = new File(NUMBERING_SOURCE_FILE); parserNumbering.parse(fileNumbering, handlerNumbering); // Parse metaZones to create mappings between Olson tzids and CLDR meta zone names SAXParserFactory metazonesParser = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); metazonesParser.setValidating(true); SAXParser parserMetaZones = metazonesParser.newSAXParser(); enableFileAccess(parserMetaZones); handlerMetaZones = new MetaZonesParseHandler(); File fileMetaZones = new File(METAZONES_SOURCE_FILE); parserNumbering.parse(fileMetaZones, handlerMetaZones); // For generating information on supported locales. Map> metaInfo = new HashMap<>(); metaInfo.put("LocaleNames", new TreeSet()); metaInfo.put("CurrencyNames", new TreeSet()); metaInfo.put("TimeZoneNames", new TreeSet()); metaInfo.put("CalendarData", new TreeSet()); metaInfo.put("FormatData", new TreeSet()); for (Bundle bundle : bundles) { // Get the target map, which contains all the data that should be // visible for the bundle's locale Map targetMap = bundle.getTargetMap(); EnumSet bundleTypes = bundle.getBundleTypes(); // Fill in any missing resources in the base bundle from en and en-US data. // This is because CLDR root.xml is supposed to be language neutral and doesn't // provide some resource data. Currently, the runtime assumes that there are all // resources though the parent resource bundle chain. if (bundle.isRoot()) { Map enData = new HashMap<>(); // Create a superset of en-US and en bundles data in order to // fill in any missing resources in the base bundle. enData.putAll(Bundle.getBundle("en").getTargetMap()); enData.putAll(Bundle.getBundle("en_US").getTargetMap()); for (String key : enData.keySet()) { if (!targetMap.containsKey(key)) { targetMap.put(key, enData.get(key)); } } // Add DateTimePatternChars because CLDR no longer supports localized patterns. targetMap.put("DateTimePatternChars", "GyMdkHmsSEDFwWahKzZ"); } // Now the map contains just the entries that need to be in the resources bundles. // Go ahead and generate them. if (bundleTypes.contains(Bundle.Type.LOCALENAMES)) { Map localeNamesMap = extractLocaleNames(targetMap, bundle.getID()); if (!localeNamesMap.isEmpty() || bundle.isRoot()) { metaInfo.get("LocaleNames").add(toLanguageTag(bundle.getID())); bundleGenerator.generateBundle("util", "LocaleNames", bundle.getID(), true, localeNamesMap, BundleType.OPEN); } } if (bundleTypes.contains(Bundle.Type.CURRENCYNAMES)) { Map currencyNamesMap = extractCurrencyNames(targetMap, bundle.getID(), bundle.getCurrencies()); if (!currencyNamesMap.isEmpty() || bundle.isRoot()) { metaInfo.get("CurrencyNames").add(toLanguageTag(bundle.getID())); bundleGenerator.generateBundle("util", "CurrencyNames", bundle.getID(), true, currencyNamesMap, BundleType.OPEN); } } if (bundleTypes.contains(Bundle.Type.TIMEZONENAMES)) { Map zoneNamesMap = extractZoneNames(targetMap, bundle.getID()); if (!zoneNamesMap.isEmpty() || bundle.isRoot()) { metaInfo.get("TimeZoneNames").add(toLanguageTag(bundle.getID())); bundleGenerator.generateBundle("util", "TimeZoneNames", bundle.getID(), true, zoneNamesMap, BundleType.TIMEZONE); } } if (bundleTypes.contains(Bundle.Type.CALENDARDATA)) { Map calendarDataMap = extractCalendarData(targetMap, bundle.getID()); if (!calendarDataMap.isEmpty() || bundle.isRoot()) { metaInfo.get("CalendarData").add(toLanguageTag(bundle.getID())); bundleGenerator.generateBundle("util", "CalendarData", bundle.getID(), true, calendarDataMap, BundleType.PLAIN); } } if (bundleTypes.contains(Bundle.Type.FORMATDATA)) { Map formatDataMap = extractFormatData(targetMap, bundle.getID()); // LocaleData.getAvailableLocales depends on having FormatData bundles around if (!formatDataMap.isEmpty() || bundle.isRoot()) { metaInfo.get("FormatData").add(toLanguageTag(bundle.getID())); bundleGenerator.generateBundle("text", "FormatData", bundle.getID(), true, formatDataMap, BundleType.PLAIN); } } // For testing SortedSet allLocales = new TreeSet<>(); allLocales.addAll(metaInfo.get("CurrencyNames")); allLocales.addAll(metaInfo.get("LocaleNames")); allLocales.addAll(metaInfo.get("CalendarData")); allLocales.addAll(metaInfo.get("FormatData")); metaInfo.put("All", allLocales); } bundleGenerator.generateMetaInfo(metaInfo); } /* * Returns the language portion of the given id. * If id is "root", "" is returned. */ static String getLanguageCode(String id) { int index = id.indexOf('_'); String lang = null; if (index != -1) { lang = id.substring(0, index); } else { lang = "root".equals(id) ? "" : id; } return lang; } /** * Examine if the id includes the country (territory) code. If it does, it returns * the country code. * Otherwise, it returns null. eg. when the id is "zh_Hans_SG", it return "SG". */ private static String getCountryCode(String id) { //Truncate a variant code with '@' if there is any //(eg. de_DE@collation=phonebook,currency=DOM) if (id.indexOf('@') != -1) { id = id.substring(0, id.indexOf('@')); } String[] tokens = id.split("_"); for (int index = 1; index < tokens.length; ++index) { if (tokens[index].length() == 2 && Character.isLetter(tokens[index].charAt(0)) && Character.isLetter(tokens[index].charAt(1))) { return tokens[index]; } } return null; } private static class KeyComparator implements Comparator { static KeyComparator INSTANCE = new KeyComparator(); private KeyComparator() { } @Override public int compare(String o1, String o2) { int len1 = o1.length(); int len2 = o2.length(); if (!isDigit(o1.charAt(0)) && !isDigit(o2.charAt(0))) { // Shorter string comes first unless either starts with a digit. if (len1 < len2) { return -1; } if (len1 > len2) { return 1; } } return o1.compareTo(o2); } private boolean isDigit(char c) { return c >= '0' && c <= '9'; } } private static Map extractLocaleNames(Map map, String id) { Map localeNames = new TreeMap<>(KeyComparator.INSTANCE); for (String key : map.keySet()) { if (key.startsWith(LOCALE_NAME_PREFIX)) { localeNames.put(key.substring(LOCALE_NAME_PREFIX.length()), map.get(key)); } } return localeNames; } @SuppressWarnings("AssignmentToForLoopParameter") private static Map extractCurrencyNames(Map map, String id, String names) throws Exception { Map currencyNames = new TreeMap<>(KeyComparator.INSTANCE); for (String key : map.keySet()) { if (key.startsWith(CURRENCY_NAME_PREFIX)) { currencyNames.put(key.substring(CURRENCY_NAME_PREFIX.length()), map.get(key)); } else if (key.startsWith(CURRENCY_SYMBOL_PREFIX)) { currencyNames.put(key.substring(CURRENCY_SYMBOL_PREFIX.length()), map.get(key)); } } return currencyNames; } private static Map extractZoneNames(Map map, String id) { Map names = new HashMap<>(); for (String tzid : handlerMetaZones.keySet()) { String tzKey = TIMEZONE_ID_PREFIX + tzid; Object data = map.get(tzKey); if (data instanceof String[]) { names.put(tzid, data); } else { String meta = handlerMetaZones.get(tzid); if (meta != null) { String metaKey = METAZONE_ID_PREFIX + meta; data = map.get(metaKey); if (data instanceof String[]) { // Keep the metazone prefix here. names.put(metaKey, data); names.put(tzid, meta); } } } } return names; } private static Map extractCalendarData(Map map, String id) { Map calendarData = new LinkedHashMap<>(); copyIfPresent(map, "firstDayOfWeek", calendarData); copyIfPresent(map, "minimalDaysInFirstWeek", calendarData); return calendarData; } static final String[] FORMAT_DATA_ELEMENTS = { "MonthNames", "standalone.MonthNames", "MonthAbbreviations", "standalone.MonthAbbreviations", "MonthNarrows", "standalone.MonthNarrows", "DayNames", "standalone.DayNames", "DayAbbreviations", "standalone.DayAbbreviations", "DayNarrows", "standalone.DayNarrows", "QuarterNames", "standalone.QuarterNames", "QuarterAbbreviations", "standalone.QuarterAbbreviations", "QuarterNarrows", "standalone.QuarterNarrows", "AmPmMarkers", "narrow.AmPmMarkers", "long.Eras", "Eras", "narrow.Eras", "field.era", "field.year", "field.month", "field.week", "field.weekday", "field.dayperiod", "field.hour", "field.minute", "field.second", "field.zone", "TimePatterns", "DatePatterns", "DateTimePatterns", "DateTimePatternChars" }; private static Map extractFormatData(Map map, String id) { Map formatData = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (CalendarType calendarType : CalendarType.values()) { String prefix = calendarType.keyElementName(); for (String element : FORMAT_DATA_ELEMENTS) { String key = prefix + element; copyIfPresent(map, "java.time." + key, formatData); copyIfPresent(map, key, formatData); } } // Workaround for islamic-umalqura name support (JDK-8015986) switch (id) { case "ar": map.put(CLDRConverter.CALENDAR_NAME_PREFIX + CalendarType.ISLAMIC_UMALQURA.lname(), // derived from CLDR 24 draft "\u0627\u0644\u062a\u0642\u0648\u064a\u0645 " +"\u0627\u0644\u0625\u0633\u0644\u0627\u0645\u064a " +"[\u0623\u0645 \u0627\u0644\u0642\u0631\u0649]"); break; case "en": map.put(CLDRConverter.CALENDAR_NAME_PREFIX + CalendarType.ISLAMIC_UMALQURA.lname(), // derived from CLDR 24 draft "Islamic Calendar [Umm al-Qura]"); break; } // Copy available calendar names for (String key : map.keySet()) { if (key.startsWith(CLDRConverter.CALENDAR_NAME_PREFIX)) { String type = key.substring(CLDRConverter.CALENDAR_NAME_PREFIX.length()); for (CalendarType calendarType : CalendarType.values()) { if (type.equals(calendarType.lname())) { Object value = map.get(key); formatData.put(key, value); String ukey = CLDRConverter.CALENDAR_NAME_PREFIX + calendarType.uname(); if (!key.equals(ukey)) { formatData.put(ukey, value); } } } } } copyIfPresent(map, "DefaultNumberingSystem", formatData); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List numberingScripts = (List) map.remove("numberingScripts"); if (numberingScripts != null) { for (String script : numberingScripts) { copyIfPresent(map, script + "." + "NumberElements", formatData); } } else { copyIfPresent(map, "NumberElements", formatData); } copyIfPresent(map, "NumberPatterns", formatData); return formatData; } private static void copyIfPresent(Map src, String key, Map dest) { Object value = src.get(key); if (value != null) { dest.put(key, value); } } // --- code below here is adapted from java.util.Properties --- private static final String specialSaveCharsJava = "\""; private static final String specialSaveCharsProperties = "=: \t\r\n\f#!"; /* * Converts unicodes to encoded \uxxxx * and writes out any of the characters in specialSaveChars * with a preceding slash */ static String saveConvert(String theString, boolean useJava) { if (theString == null) { return ""; } String specialSaveChars; if (useJava) { specialSaveChars = specialSaveCharsJava; } else { specialSaveChars = specialSaveCharsProperties; } boolean escapeSpace = false; int len = theString.length(); StringBuilder outBuffer = new StringBuilder(len * 2); Formatter formatter = new Formatter(outBuffer, Locale.ROOT); for (int x = 0; x < len; x++) { char aChar = theString.charAt(x); switch (aChar) { case ' ': if (x == 0 || escapeSpace) { outBuffer.append('\\'); } outBuffer.append(' '); break; case '\\': outBuffer.append('\\'); outBuffer.append('\\'); break; case '\t': outBuffer.append('\\'); outBuffer.append('t'); break; case '\n': outBuffer.append('\\'); outBuffer.append('n'); break; case '\r': outBuffer.append('\\'); outBuffer.append('r'); break; case '\f': outBuffer.append('\\'); outBuffer.append('f'); break; default: if (aChar < 0x0020 || (!USE_UTF8 && aChar > 0x007e)) { formatter.format("\\u%04x", (int)aChar); } else { if (specialSaveChars.indexOf(aChar) != -1) { outBuffer.append('\\'); } outBuffer.append(aChar); } } } return outBuffer.toString(); } private static String toLanguageTag(String locName) { if (locName.indexOf('_') == -1) { return locName; } String tag = locName.replaceAll("_", "-"); Locale loc = Locale.forLanguageTag(tag); return loc.toLanguageTag(); } private static String toLocaleName(String tag) { if (tag.indexOf('-') == -1) { return tag; } return tag.replaceAll("-", "_"); } }