.\" $OpenBSD: cac.4,v 1.26 2022/03/31 17:27:20 naddy Exp $ .\" .\" Michael Shalayeff, 2000. Public Domain. .\" .Dd $Mdocdate: April 18 2015 $ .Dt CAC 4 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm cac .Nd Compaq Smart Array 2/3/4 SCSI RAID controller .Sh SYNOPSIS .Cd "cac* at pci?" .Cd "cac* at eisa?" .Sh DESCRIPTION The .Nm driver provides support for the following RAID controllers: .Pp .Bl -bullet -offset indent -compact .It Compaq Integrated Array .It Compaq IAES .It Compaq IDA .It Compaq IDA-2 .It Compaq RAID LC2 .It Compaq Smart Array 221 .It Compaq Smart Array 3100ES .It Compaq Smart Array 3200 .It Compaq Smart Array 4200 .It Compaq Smart Array 4250ES .It Compaq Smart Array 431 .It Compaq SMART .It Compaq SMART-2/E .It Compaq SMART-2/P .It Compaq SMART-2DH .It Compaq SMART-2SL .El .Pp All the RAID set volume management is done via the card BIOS. .Pp Although the controllers are actual RAID controllers, the driver makes them look just like SCSI controllers. All RAID configuration is done through the controllers' BIOSes. .Pp Monitoring status for the volume and drives in it is done through the .Xr bioctl 8 utility; the current status is provided by the .Xr sysctl 8 variable .Va hw.sensors . .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr bio 4 , .Xr eisa 4 , .Xr intro 4 , .Xr pci 4 , .Xr scsi 4 , .Xr sd 4 , .Xr bioctl 8 , .Xr sensorsd 8 , .Xr sysctl 8 .Sh HISTORY The .Nm driver first appeared in .Ox 2.9 . .Sh AUTHORS .An -nosplit The .Nm driver was written by .An Michael Shalayeff Aq Mt mickey@openbsd.org , inspired by the .Nx driver by .An Andrew Doran Aq Mt ad@netbsd.org .