# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2018/07/11 20:24:35 schwarze Exp $ LAM = LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 lam REGRESS_TARGETS = noarg fonly Fback pminus stdio CLEANFILES = ${REGRESS_TARGETS:C/^/out_/:C/$/.txt/} noarg: ${LAM} ${.CURDIR}/in1.txt ${.CURDIR}/in2.txt ${.CURDIR}/in3.txt > \ out_noarg.txt diff -u ${.CURDIR}/expect_noarg.txt out_noarg.txt # also test padding (in1), truncation (in2), and back to default fonly: ${LAM} -f 9 ${.CURDIR}/in1.txt -f .9 ${.CURDIR}/in2.txt \ ${.CURDIR}/in3.txt > out_fonly.txt diff -u ${.CURDIR}/expect_fonly.txt out_fonly.txt # also test 0 padding, and padding combined with truncation Fback: ${LAM} -F 010 ${.CURDIR}/in1.txt ${.CURDIR}/in2.txt \ -f 7.6 ${.CURDIR}/in3.txt > out_Fback.txt diff -u ${.CURDIR}/expect_Fback.txt out_Fback.txt # also test separator, left alignment, and column padding pminus: ${LAM} -S '|' -F 9.9 ${.CURDIR}/in1.txt -P -9.9 ${.CURDIR}/in2.txt \ ${.CURDIR}/in3.txt > out_pminus.txt diff -u ${.CURDIR}/expect_pminus.txt out_pminus.txt # also test line ending and separators stdio: printf "11:12;21:22;" | ${LAM} -t ':' - -S= -t ';' - -s '%' > \ out_stdio.txt diff -u ${.CURDIR}/expect_stdio.txt out_stdio.txt .include