use Test::More tests => 5; use XS::APItest; sub fribbler { 2*shift } { BEGIN { lexical_import fribbler => sub { 3*shift } } is fribbler(15), 45, 'lexical subs via pad_add_name'; } is fribbler(15), 30, 'XS-allocated lexical subs falling out of scope'; { BEGIN { lexical_import fribbler => sub { 3*shift } } is fribbler(15), 45, 'lexical subs via pad_add_name'; no warnings; use feature 'lexical_subs'; our sub fribbler; is fribbler(15), 30, 'our sub overrides XS-registered lexical sub'; } # With ‘use’ rather than explicit BEGIN: package Lexical::Exporter { sub import { shift; ::lexical_import @_; return } } BEGIN { ++$INC{"Lexical/"} } { use Lexical::Exporter fribbler => sub { shift() . "foo" }; is fribbler("bar"), "barfoo"; }