#include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" #define NO_XSLOCKS #include "XSUB.h" static void throws_exception(int throw_e) { if (throw_e) croak("boo\n"); } /* Don't give this the same name as exection() in ext/Devel/PPPort/module3.c as otherwise building entirely staticly will cause a test to fail, as PPPort's execption() gets used in place of this one. */ int apitest_exception(int throw_e) { dTHR; dXCPT; SV *caught = get_sv("XS::APItest::exception_caught", 0); XCPT_TRY_START { throws_exception(throw_e); } XCPT_TRY_END XCPT_CATCH { sv_setiv(caught, 1); XCPT_RETHROW; } sv_setiv(caught, 0); return 42; }