=head1 NAME Test HTML Rendering =head1 SYNOPSIS use My::Module; my $module = My::Module->new(); =head1 DESCRIPTION This is the description. Here is a verbatim section. This is some more regular text. Here is some B text, some I and something that looks like an EhtmlE tag. This is some C<$code($arg1)>. This C and I tags>. These can be nested, allowing B italic> text>. The module also supports the extended B<< syntax >> and permits I<< nested tags E other B<<< cool >>> stuff >> =head1 METHODS =E OTHER STUFF Here is a list of methods =head2 new() Constructor method. Accepts the following config options: =over 4 =item foo The foo item. =item bar The bar item. =over 4 This is a list within a list =item * The wiz item. =item * The waz item. =back =item baz The baz item. =over 4 =item * A correct list within a list =item * Boomerang =back =back Title on the same line as the =item + * bullets =over =item * C Cat =item * Sat S the> =item * MatE!E =back Title on the same line as the =item + numerical bullets =over =item 1 Cat =item 2 Sat =item 3 Mat =back Numbered list with text on the same line =over =item 1 Cat =item 2 Sat =item 3 Mat =back No bullets, no title =over =item Cat =item Sat =item Mat =back =head2 old() Destructor method =head1 TESTING FOR AND BEGIN =for html

blah blah

intermediate text =begin html HTML some text =end html =head1 TESTING URLs hyperlinking This is an href link1: http://example.com This is an href link2: http://example.com/foo/bar.html This is an email link: mailto:foo@bar.com This is a link in a verbatim block Perl =head1 SEE ALSO See also L, the L and L manpages and the other interesting file F as well. =cut