BEGIN { use File::Spec::Functions ':ALL'; @INC = map { rel2abs($_) } (qw| ./lib ./t/lib ../../lib |); } use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Testing qw( setup_testing_dir xconvert ); use Cwd; my $debug = 0; my $startdir = cwd(); END { chdir($startdir) or die("Cannot change back to $startdir: $!"); } my ($expect_raw, $args); { local $/; $expect_raw = ; } my $tdir = setup_testing_dir( { debug => $debug, } ); $args = { podstub => "htmlescp", description => "html escape", expect => $expect_raw, debug => $debug, }; xconvert($args); done_testing; __DATA__ Escape Sequences Test: Recalling the Glory "<&&&>" of Ampersands


Escape Sequences Test: Recalling the Glory "<&&&>" of Ampersands


I am a stupid fool who puts naked < & > characters in my POD instead of escaping them as < and >.

Here is some bold text, some italic plus /etc/fstab file and something that looks like an <html> tag. This is some $code($arg1).

Some numeric escapes: P e r l