BEGIN { use File::Spec::Functions ':ALL'; @INC = map { rel2abs($_) } (qw| ./lib ./t/lib ../../lib |); } use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Testing qw( setup_testing_dir xconvert ); use Cwd; my $debug = 0; my $startdir = cwd(); END { chdir($startdir) or die("Cannot change back to $startdir: $!"); } my ($expect_raw, $args); { local $/; $expect_raw = ; } my $tdir = setup_testing_dir( { debug => $debug, } ); my ($v, $d) = splitpath(cwd(), 1); my @dirs = splitdir($d); shift @dirs if $dirs[0] eq ''; my $relcwd = join '/', @dirs; $args = { podstub => "htmldir1", description => "test --htmldir and --htmlroot 1a", expect => $expect_raw, p2h => { podpath => File::Spec::Unix->catdir($relcwd, 't') . ":" . File::Spec::Unix->catdir($relcwd, 'corpus/test.lib'), podroot => catpath($v, '/', ''), htmldir => 't', quiet => 1, }, debug => $debug, }; xconvert($args); $args = { podstub => "htmldir1", description => "test --htmldir and --htmlroot 1b", expect => $expect_raw, p2h => { podpath => $relcwd, podroot => catpath($v, '/', ''), htmldir => catdir($relcwd, 't'), htmlroot => '/', quiet => 1, }, debug => $debug, }; xconvert($args); done_testing; __DATA__ htmldir - Test --htmldir feature


htmldir - Test --htmldir feature


Verbatim B<means> verbatim.

Normal text, a link to nowhere,

a link to var-copy,


"Another Head 1" in feature,

and another "Another Head 1" in feature.