BEGIN { use File::Spec::Functions ':ALL'; @INC = map { rel2abs($_) } (qw| ./lib ./t/lib ../../lib |); } use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Testing qw( setup_testing_dir xconvert ); use Cwd; my $debug = 0; my $startdir = cwd(); END { chdir($startdir) or die("Cannot change back to $startdir: $!"); } my ($expect_raw, $args); { local $/; $expect_raw = ; } my $tdir = setup_testing_dir( { debug => $debug, } ); my $cwd = cwd(); my $warn; $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warn .= $_[0] }; $args = { podstub => "feature2", description => "misc pod-html features 2", expect => $expect_raw, p2h => { backlink => 1, header => 1, podpath => '.', podroot => $cwd, norecurse => 1, verbose => 1, }, debug => $debug, }; xconvert($args); like($warn, qr( \Acaching\ directories\ for\ later\ use\n Converting\ input\ file\ \S+[/\\\]]feature2\.pod\n Cannot\ find\ file\ "crossref\.\*"\ directly\ under\ podpath,\ cannot\ find \ suitable\ replacement:\ link\ remains\ unresolved\.\n\z )x, "misc pod-html --verbose warnings"); done_testing; __DATA__

Head 1

A paragraph

some html

Another paragraph

Another Head 1

some text and a link crossref