#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use Cwd; use File::Spec; use File::Temp qw( tempdir ); use Test::More tests => 13; use lib qw( lib t/lib ); use ExtUtils::ParseXS; use ExtUtils::ParseXS::Utilities qw( check_conditional_preprocessor_statements ); use PrimitiveCapture; my $self = bless({} => 'ExtUtils::ParseXS'); $self->{line} = []; $self->{XSStack} = []; $self->{XSStack}->[0] = {}; { $self->{line} = [ "#if this_is_an_if_statement", "Alpha this is not an if/elif/elsif/endif", "#elif this_is_an_elif_statement", "Beta this is not an if/elif/elsif/endif", "#else this_is_an_else_statement", "Gamma this is not an if/elif/elsif/endif", "#endif this_is_an_endif_statement", ]; $self->{line_no} = [ 17 .. 23 ]; $self->{XSStack}->[-1]{type} = 'if'; $self->{filename} = 'myfile1'; my $rv; my $stderr = PrimitiveCapture::capture_stderr(sub { $rv = check_conditional_preprocessor_statements($self); }); is( $rv, 0, "Basic case: returned 0: all ifs resolved" ); ok( ! $stderr, "No warnings captured, as expected" ); } { $self->{line} = [ "#if this_is_an_if_statement", "Alpha this is not an if/elif/elsif/endif", "#if this_is_a_different_if_statement", "Beta this is not an if/elif/elsif/endif", "#endif this_is_a_different_endif_statement", "Gamma this is not an if/elif/elsif/endif", "#endif this_is_an_endif_statement", ]; $self->{line_no} = [ 17 .. 23 ]; $self->{XSStack}->[-1]{type} = 'if'; $self->{filename} = 'myfile1'; my $rv; my $stderr = PrimitiveCapture::capture_stderr(sub { $rv = check_conditional_preprocessor_statements($self); }); is( $rv, 0, "One nested if case: returned 0: all ifs resolved" ); ok( ! $stderr, "No warnings captured, as expected" ); } { $self->{line} = [ "Alpha this is not an if/elif/elsif/endif", "#elif this_is_an_elif_statement", "Beta this is not an if/elif/elsif/endif", "#else this_is_an_else_statement", "Gamma this is not an if/elif/elsif/endif", "#endif this_is_an_endif_statement", ]; $self->{line_no} = [ 17 .. 22 ]; $self->{XSStack}->[-1]{type} = 'if'; $self->{filename} = 'myfile1'; my $rv; my $stderr = PrimitiveCapture::capture_stderr(sub { $rv = check_conditional_preprocessor_statements($self); }); is( $rv, undef, "Missing 'if' case: returned undef: all ifs resolved" ); like( $stderr, qr/Warning: #else\/elif\/endif without #if in this function/, "Got expected warning: lack of #if" ); like( $stderr, qr/precede it with a blank line/s, "Got expected warning: advice re blank line" ); } { $self->{line} = [ "Alpha this is not an if/elif/elsif/endif", "#elif this_is_an_elif_statement", "Beta this is not an if/elif/elsif/endif", "#else this_is_an_else_statement", "Gamma this is not an if/elif/elsif/endif", "#endif this_is_an_endif_statement", ]; $self->{line_no} = [ 17 .. 22 ]; $self->{XSStack}->[-1]{type} = 'file'; $self->{filename} = 'myfile1'; my $rv; my $stderr = PrimitiveCapture::capture_stderr(sub { $rv = check_conditional_preprocessor_statements($self); }); is( $rv, undef, "Missing 'if' case: returned undef: all ifs resolved" ); like( $stderr, qr/Warning: #else\/elif\/endif without #if in this function/, "Got expected warning: lack of #if" ); unlike( $stderr, qr/precede it with a blank line/s, "Did not get unexpected stderr" ); } { $self->{line} = [ "#if this_is_an_if_statement", "Alpha this is not an if/elif/elsif/endif", "#elif this_is_an_elif_statement", "Beta this is not an if/elif/elsif/endif", "#else this_is_an_else_statement", "Gamma this is not an if/elif/elsif/endif", ]; $self->{line_no} = [ 17 .. 22 ]; $self->{XSStack}->[-1]{type} = 'if'; $self->{filename} = 'myfile1'; my $rv; my $stderr = PrimitiveCapture::capture_stderr(sub { $rv = check_conditional_preprocessor_statements($self); }); isnt( $rv, 0, "Missing 'endif' case: returned non-zero as expected" ); like( $stderr, qr/Warning: #if without #endif in this function/s, "Got expected warning: lack of #endif" ); } pass("Passed all tests in $0");