#!perl use 5.008001; use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; BEGIN { if (!eval { require Socket }) { plan skip_all => "no Socket"; } elsif (ord('A') == 193 && !eval { require Convert::EBCDIC }) { plan skip_all => "EBCDIC but no Convert::EBCDIC"; } } use Config; use File::Temp 'tempfile'; use Net::NNTP; my $debug = 0; # Net::NNTP->new( Debug => .. ) my $inet6class = Net::NNTP->can_inet6; plan skip_all => "no IPv6 support found in Net::NNTP" if ! $inet6class; plan skip_all => "fork not supported on this platform" unless $Config::Config{d_fork} || $Config::Config{d_pseudofork} || (($^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'NetWare') and $Config::Config{useithreads} and $Config::Config{ccflags} =~ /-DPERL_IMPLICIT_SYS/); my $srv = $inet6class->new( LocalAddr => '::1', Listen => 10 ); plan skip_all => "cannot create listener on ::1: $!" if ! $srv; my $host = $srv->sockhost; my $port = $srv->sockport; note("server on $host port $port"); plan tests => 1; defined( my $pid = fork()) or die "fork failed: $!"; exit(nntp_server()) if ! $pid; my $cl = Net::NNTP->new(Host => $host, Port => $port,, Debug => $debug); note("created Net::NNTP object"); if (!$cl) { fail("IPv6 NNTP connect failed"); } else { $cl->quit; pass("IPv6 success"); } wait; sub nntp_server { my $ssl = shift; my $cl = $srv->accept or die "accept failed: $!"; print $cl "200 nntp.example.com\r\n"; while (<$cl>) { my ($cmd,$arg) = m{^(\S+)(?: +(.*))?\r\n} or die $_; $cmd = uc($cmd); if ($cmd eq 'QUIT' ) { print $cl "205 bye\r\n"; last; } elsif ( $cmd eq 'MODE' ) { print $cl "201 Posting denied\r\n"; } else { diag("received unknown command: $cmd"); print "500 unknown cmd\r\n"; } } note("NNTP dialog done"); return 0; }