#!/usr/bin/env python import binascii import json import optparse import os import pprint import socket import string import subprocess import sys import threading import time def dump_memory(base_addr, data, num_per_line, outfile): data_len = len(data) hex_string = binascii.hexlify(data) addr = base_addr ascii_str = '' i = 0 while i < data_len: outfile.write('0x%8.8x: ' % (addr + i)) bytes_left = data_len - i if bytes_left >= num_per_line: curr_data_len = num_per_line else: curr_data_len = bytes_left hex_start_idx = i * 2 hex_end_idx = hex_start_idx + curr_data_len * 2 curr_hex_str = hex_string[hex_start_idx:hex_end_idx] # 'curr_hex_str' now contains the hex byte string for the # current line with no spaces between bytes t = iter(curr_hex_str) # Print hex bytes separated by space outfile.write(' '.join(a + b for a, b in zip(t, t))) # Print two spaces outfile.write(' ') # Calculate ASCII string for bytes into 'ascii_str' ascii_str = '' for j in range(i, i + curr_data_len): ch = data[j] if ch in string.printable and ch not in string.whitespace: ascii_str += '%c' % (ch) else: ascii_str += '.' # Print ASCII representation and newline outfile.write(ascii_str) i = i + curr_data_len outfile.write('\n') def read_packet(f, verbose=False, trace_file=None): '''Decode a JSON packet that starts with the content length and is followed by the JSON bytes from a file 'f'. Returns None on EOF. ''' line = f.readline().decode("utf-8") if len(line) == 0: return None # EOF. # Watch for line that starts with the prefix prefix = 'Content-Length: ' if line.startswith(prefix): # Decode length of JSON bytes if verbose: print('content: "%s"' % (line)) length = int(line[len(prefix):]) if verbose: print('length: "%u"' % (length)) # Skip empty line line = f.readline() if verbose: print('empty: "%s"' % (line)) # Read JSON bytes json_str = f.read(length) if verbose: print('json: "%s"' % (json_str)) if trace_file: trace_file.write('from adaptor:\n%s\n' % (json_str)) # Decode the JSON bytes into a python dictionary return json.loads(json_str) raise Exception("unexpected malformed message from lldb-vscode: " + line) def packet_type_is(packet, packet_type): return 'type' in packet and packet['type'] == packet_type def dump_dap_log(log_file): print("========= DEBUG ADAPTER PROTOCOL LOGS =========") if log_file is None: print("no log file available") else: with open(log_file, "r") as file: print(file.read()) print("========= END =========") def read_packet_thread(vs_comm, log_file): done = False try: while not done: packet = read_packet(vs_comm.recv, trace_file=vs_comm.trace_file) # `packet` will be `None` on EOF. We want to pass it down to # handle_recv_packet anyway so the main thread can handle unexpected # termination of lldb-vscode and stop waiting for new packets. done = not vs_comm.handle_recv_packet(packet) finally: dump_dap_log(log_file) class DebugCommunication(object): def __init__(self, recv, send, init_commands, log_file=None): self.trace_file = None self.send = send self.recv = recv self.recv_packets = [] self.recv_condition = threading.Condition() self.recv_thread = threading.Thread(target=read_packet_thread, args=(self, log_file)) self.process_event_body = None self.exit_status = None self.initialize_body = None self.thread_stop_reasons = {} self.breakpoint_events = [] self.progress_events = [] self.sequence = 1 self.threads = None self.recv_thread.start() self.output_condition = threading.Condition() self.output = {} self.configuration_done_sent = False self.frame_scopes = {} self.init_commands = init_commands @classmethod def encode_content(cls, s): return ("Content-Length: %u\r\n\r\n%s" % (len(s), s)).encode("utf-8") @classmethod def validate_response(cls, command, response): if command['command'] != response['command']: raise ValueError('command mismatch in response') if command['seq'] != response['request_seq']: raise ValueError('seq mismatch in response') def get_modules(self): module_list = self.request_modules()['body']['modules'] modules = {} for module in module_list: modules[module['name']] = module return modules def get_output(self, category, timeout=0.0, clear=True): self.output_condition.acquire() output = None if category in self.output: output = self.output[category] if clear: del self.output[category] elif timeout != 0.0: self.output_condition.wait(timeout) if category in self.output: output = self.output[category] if clear: del self.output[category] self.output_condition.release() return output def collect_output(self, category, duration, clear=True): end_time = time.time() + duration collected_output = "" while end_time > time.time(): output = self.get_output(category, timeout=0.25, clear=clear) if output: collected_output += output return collected_output if collected_output else None def enqueue_recv_packet(self, packet): self.recv_condition.acquire() self.recv_packets.append(packet) self.recv_condition.notify() self.recv_condition.release() def handle_recv_packet(self, packet): '''Called by the read thread that is waiting for all incoming packets to store the incoming packet in "self.recv_packets" in a thread safe way. This function will then signal the "self.recv_condition" to indicate a new packet is available. Returns True if the caller should keep calling this function for more packets. ''' # If EOF, notify the read thread by enqueuing a None. if not packet: self.enqueue_recv_packet(None) return False # Check the packet to see if is an event packet keepGoing = True packet_type = packet['type'] if packet_type == 'event': event = packet['event'] body = None if 'body' in packet: body = packet['body'] # Handle the event packet and cache information from these packets # as they come in if event == 'output': # Store any output we receive so clients can retrieve it later. category = body['category'] output = body['output'] self.output_condition.acquire() if category in self.output: self.output[category] += output else: self.output[category] = output self.output_condition.notify() self.output_condition.release() # no need to add 'output' event packets to our packets list return keepGoing elif event == 'process': # When a new process is attached or launched, remember the # details that are available in the body of the event self.process_event_body = body elif event == 'stopped': # Each thread that stops with a reason will send a # 'stopped' event. We need to remember the thread stop # reasons since the 'threads' command doesn't return # that information. self._process_stopped() tid = body['threadId'] self.thread_stop_reasons[tid] = body elif event == 'breakpoint': # Breakpoint events come in when a breakpoint has locations # added or removed. Keep track of them so we can look for them # in tests. self.breakpoint_events.append(packet) # no need to add 'breakpoint' event packets to our packets list return keepGoing elif event.startswith('progress'): # Progress events come in as 'progressStart', 'progressUpdate', # and 'progressEnd' events. Keep these around in case test # cases want to verify them. self.progress_events.append(packet) # No need to add 'progress' event packets to our packets list. return keepGoing elif packet_type == 'response': if packet['command'] == 'disconnect': keepGoing = False self.enqueue_recv_packet(packet) return keepGoing def send_packet(self, command_dict, set_sequence=True): '''Take the "command_dict" python dictionary and encode it as a JSON string and send the contents as a packet to the VSCode debug adaptor''' # Set the sequence ID for this command automatically if set_sequence: command_dict['seq'] = self.sequence self.sequence += 1 # Encode our command dictionary as a JSON string json_str = json.dumps(command_dict, separators=(',', ':')) if self.trace_file: self.trace_file.write('to adaptor:\n%s\n' % (json_str)) length = len(json_str) if length > 0: # Send the encoded JSON packet and flush the 'send' file self.send.write(self.encode_content(json_str)) self.send.flush() def recv_packet(self, filter_type=None, filter_event=None, timeout=None): '''Get a JSON packet from the VSCode debug adaptor. This function assumes a thread that reads packets is running and will deliver any received packets by calling handle_recv_packet(...). This function will wait for the packet to arrive and return it when it does.''' while True: try: self.recv_condition.acquire() packet = None while True: for (i, curr_packet) in enumerate(self.recv_packets): if not curr_packet: raise EOFError packet_type = curr_packet['type'] if filter_type is None or packet_type in filter_type: if (filter_event is None or (packet_type == 'event' and curr_packet['event'] in filter_event)): packet = self.recv_packets.pop(i) break if packet: break # Sleep until packet is received len_before = len(self.recv_packets) self.recv_condition.wait(timeout) len_after = len(self.recv_packets) if len_before == len_after: return None # Timed out return packet except EOFError: return None finally: self.recv_condition.release() return None def send_recv(self, command): '''Send a command python dictionary as JSON and receive the JSON response. Validates that the response is the correct sequence and command in the reply. Any events that are received are added to the events list in this object''' self.send_packet(command) done = False while not done: response_or_request = self.recv_packet(filter_type=['response', 'request']) if response_or_request is None: desc = 'no response for "%s"' % (command['command']) raise ValueError(desc) if response_or_request['type'] == 'response': self.validate_response(command, response_or_request) return response_or_request else: if response_or_request['command'] == 'runInTerminal': subprocess.Popen(response_or_request['arguments']['args'], env=response_or_request['arguments']['env']) self.send_packet({ "type": "response", "seq": -1, "request_seq": response_or_request['seq'], "success": True, "command": "runInTerminal", "body": {} }, set_sequence=False) else: desc = 'unkonwn reverse request "%s"' % (response_or_request['command']) raise ValueError(desc) return None def wait_for_event(self, filter=None, timeout=None): while True: return self.recv_packet(filter_type='event', filter_event=filter, timeout=timeout) return None def wait_for_stopped(self, timeout=None): stopped_events = [] stopped_event = self.wait_for_event(filter=['stopped', 'exited'], timeout=timeout) exited = False while stopped_event: stopped_events.append(stopped_event) # If we exited, then we are done if stopped_event['event'] == 'exited': self.exit_status = stopped_event['body']['exitCode'] exited = True break # Otherwise we stopped and there might be one or more 'stopped' # events for each thread that stopped with a reason, so keep # checking for more 'stopped' events and return all of them stopped_event = self.wait_for_event(filter='stopped', timeout=0.25) if exited: self.threads = [] return stopped_events def wait_for_exited(self): event_dict = self.wait_for_event('exited') if event_dict is None: raise ValueError("didn't get exited event") return event_dict def wait_for_terminated(self): event_dict = self.wait_for_event('terminated') if event_dict is None: raise ValueError("didn't get terminated event") return event_dict def get_initialize_value(self, key): '''Get a value for the given key if it there is a key/value pair in the "initialize" request response body. ''' if self.initialize_body and key in self.initialize_body: return self.initialize_body[key] return None def get_threads(self): if self.threads is None: self.request_threads() return self.threads def get_thread_id(self, threadIndex=0): '''Utility function to get the first thread ID in the thread list. If the thread list is empty, then fetch the threads. ''' if self.threads is None: self.request_threads() if self.threads and threadIndex < len(self.threads): return self.threads[threadIndex]['id'] return None def get_stackFrame(self, frameIndex=0, threadId=None): '''Get a single "StackFrame" object from a "stackTrace" request and return the "StackFrame as a python dictionary, or None on failure ''' if threadId is None: threadId = self.get_thread_id() if threadId is None: print('invalid threadId') return None response = self.request_stackTrace(threadId, startFrame=frameIndex, levels=1) if response: return response['body']['stackFrames'][0] print('invalid response') return None def get_completions(self, text): response = self.request_completions(text) return response['body']['targets'] def get_scope_variables(self, scope_name, frameIndex=0, threadId=None): stackFrame = self.get_stackFrame(frameIndex=frameIndex, threadId=threadId) if stackFrame is None: return [] frameId = stackFrame['id'] if frameId in self.frame_scopes: frame_scopes = self.frame_scopes[frameId] else: scopes_response = self.request_scopes(frameId) frame_scopes = scopes_response['body']['scopes'] self.frame_scopes[frameId] = frame_scopes for scope in frame_scopes: if scope['name'] == scope_name: varRef = scope['variablesReference'] variables_response = self.request_variables(varRef) if variables_response: if 'body' in variables_response: body = variables_response['body'] if 'variables' in body: vars = body['variables'] return vars return [] def get_global_variables(self, frameIndex=0, threadId=None): return self.get_scope_variables('Globals', frameIndex=frameIndex, threadId=threadId) def get_local_variables(self, frameIndex=0, threadId=None): return self.get_scope_variables('Locals', frameIndex=frameIndex, threadId=threadId) def get_registers(self, frameIndex=0, threadId=None): return self.get_scope_variables('Registers', frameIndex=frameIndex, threadId=threadId) def get_local_variable(self, name, frameIndex=0, threadId=None): locals = self.get_local_variables(frameIndex=frameIndex, threadId=threadId) for local in locals: if 'name' in local and local['name'] == name: return local return None def get_local_variable_value(self, name, frameIndex=0, threadId=None): variable = self.get_local_variable(name, frameIndex=frameIndex, threadId=threadId) if variable and 'value' in variable: return variable['value'] return None def replay_packets(self, replay_file_path): f = open(replay_file_path, 'r') mode = 'invalid' set_sequence = False command_dict = None while mode != 'eof': if mode == 'invalid': line = f.readline() if line.startswith('to adapter:'): mode = 'send' elif line.startswith('from adapter:'): mode = 'recv' elif mode == 'send': command_dict = read_packet(f) # Skip the end of line that follows the JSON f.readline() if command_dict is None: raise ValueError('decode packet failed from replay file') print('Sending:') pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2).pprint(command_dict) # raw_input('Press ENTER to send:') self.send_packet(command_dict, set_sequence) mode = 'invalid' elif mode == 'recv': print('Replay response:') replay_response = read_packet(f) # Skip the end of line that follows the JSON f.readline() pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2).pprint(replay_response) actual_response = self.recv_packet() if actual_response: type = actual_response['type'] print('Actual response:') if type == 'response': self.validate_response(command_dict, actual_response) pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2).pprint(actual_response) else: print("error: didn't get a valid response") mode = 'invalid' def request_attach(self, program=None, pid=None, waitFor=None, trace=None, initCommands=None, preRunCommands=None, stopCommands=None, exitCommands=None, attachCommands=None, terminateCommands=None, coreFile=None, postRunCommands=None, sourceMap=None): args_dict = {} if pid is not None: args_dict['pid'] = pid if program is not None: args_dict['program'] = program if waitFor is not None: args_dict['waitFor'] = waitFor if trace: args_dict['trace'] = trace args_dict['initCommands'] = self.init_commands if initCommands: args_dict['initCommands'].extend(initCommands) if preRunCommands: args_dict['preRunCommands'] = preRunCommands if stopCommands: args_dict['stopCommands'] = stopCommands if exitCommands: args_dict['exitCommands'] = exitCommands if terminateCommands: args_dict['terminateCommands'] = terminateCommands if attachCommands: args_dict['attachCommands'] = attachCommands if coreFile: args_dict['coreFile'] = coreFile if postRunCommands: args_dict['postRunCommands'] = postRunCommands if sourceMap: args_dict['sourceMap'] = sourceMap command_dict = { 'command': 'attach', 'type': 'request', 'arguments': args_dict } return self.send_recv(command_dict) def request_configurationDone(self): command_dict = { 'command': 'configurationDone', 'type': 'request', 'arguments': {} } response = self.send_recv(command_dict) if response: self.configuration_done_sent = True return response def _process_stopped(self): self.threads = None self.frame_scopes = {} def request_continue(self, threadId=None): if self.exit_status is not None: raise ValueError('request_continue called after process exited') # If we have launched or attached, then the first continue is done by # sending the 'configurationDone' request if not self.configuration_done_sent: return self.request_configurationDone() args_dict = {} if threadId is None: threadId = self.get_thread_id() args_dict['threadId'] = threadId command_dict = { 'command': 'continue', 'type': 'request', 'arguments': args_dict } response = self.send_recv(command_dict) # Caller must still call wait_for_stopped. return response def request_disconnect(self, terminateDebuggee=None): args_dict = {} if terminateDebuggee is not None: if terminateDebuggee: args_dict['terminateDebuggee'] = True else: args_dict['terminateDebuggee'] = False command_dict = { 'command': 'disconnect', 'type': 'request', 'arguments': args_dict } return self.send_recv(command_dict) def request_evaluate(self, expression, frameIndex=0, threadId=None, context=None): stackFrame = self.get_stackFrame(frameIndex=frameIndex, threadId=threadId) if stackFrame is None: return [] args_dict = { 'expression': expression, 'context': context, 'frameId': stackFrame['id'], } command_dict = { 'command': 'evaluate', 'type': 'request', 'arguments': args_dict } return self.send_recv(command_dict) def request_initialize(self, sourceInitFile): command_dict = { 'command': 'initialize', 'type': 'request', 'arguments': { 'adapterID': 'lldb-native', 'clientID': 'vscode', 'columnsStartAt1': True, 'linesStartAt1': True, 'locale': 'en-us', 'pathFormat': 'path', 'supportsRunInTerminalRequest': True, 'supportsVariablePaging': True, 'supportsVariableType': True, 'sourceInitFile': sourceInitFile } } response = self.send_recv(command_dict) if response: if 'body' in response: self.initialize_body = response['body'] return response def request_launch(self, program, args=None, cwd=None, env=None, stopOnEntry=False, disableASLR=True, disableSTDIO=False, shellExpandArguments=False, trace=False, initCommands=None, preRunCommands=None, stopCommands=None, exitCommands=None, terminateCommands=None ,sourcePath=None, debuggerRoot=None, launchCommands=None, sourceMap=None, runInTerminal=False, expectFailure=False, postRunCommands=None): args_dict = { 'program': program } if args: args_dict['args'] = args if cwd: args_dict['cwd'] = cwd if env: args_dict['env'] = env if stopOnEntry: args_dict['stopOnEntry'] = stopOnEntry if disableASLR: args_dict['disableASLR'] = disableASLR if disableSTDIO: args_dict['disableSTDIO'] = disableSTDIO if shellExpandArguments: args_dict['shellExpandArguments'] = shellExpandArguments if trace: args_dict['trace'] = trace args_dict['initCommands'] = self.init_commands if initCommands: args_dict['initCommands'].extend(initCommands) if preRunCommands: args_dict['preRunCommands'] = preRunCommands if stopCommands: args_dict['stopCommands'] = stopCommands if exitCommands: args_dict['exitCommands'] = exitCommands if terminateCommands: args_dict['terminateCommands'] = terminateCommands if sourcePath: args_dict['sourcePath'] = sourcePath if debuggerRoot: args_dict['debuggerRoot'] = debuggerRoot if launchCommands: args_dict['launchCommands'] = launchCommands if sourceMap: args_dict['sourceMap'] = sourceMap if runInTerminal: args_dict['runInTerminal'] = runInTerminal if postRunCommands: args_dict['postRunCommands'] = postRunCommands command_dict = { 'command': 'launch', 'type': 'request', 'arguments': args_dict } response = self.send_recv(command_dict) if not expectFailure: # Wait for a 'process' and 'initialized' event in any order self.wait_for_event(filter=['process', 'initialized']) self.wait_for_event(filter=['process', 'initialized']) return response def request_next(self, threadId): if self.exit_status is not None: raise ValueError('request_continue called after process exited') args_dict = {'threadId': threadId} command_dict = { 'command': 'next', 'type': 'request', 'arguments': args_dict } return self.send_recv(command_dict) def request_stepIn(self, threadId): if self.exit_status is not None: raise ValueError('request_continue called after process exited') args_dict = {'threadId': threadId} command_dict = { 'command': 'stepIn', 'type': 'request', 'arguments': args_dict } return self.send_recv(command_dict) def request_stepOut(self, threadId): if self.exit_status is not None: raise ValueError('request_continue called after process exited') args_dict = {'threadId': threadId} command_dict = { 'command': 'stepOut', 'type': 'request', 'arguments': args_dict } return self.send_recv(command_dict) def request_pause(self, threadId=None): if self.exit_status is not None: raise ValueError('request_continue called after process exited') if threadId is None: threadId = self.get_thread_id() args_dict = {'threadId': threadId} command_dict = { 'command': 'pause', 'type': 'request', 'arguments': args_dict } return self.send_recv(command_dict) def request_scopes(self, frameId): args_dict = {'frameId': frameId} command_dict = { 'command': 'scopes', 'type': 'request', 'arguments': args_dict } return self.send_recv(command_dict) def request_setBreakpoints(self, file_path, line_array, data=None): ''' data is array of parameters for breakpoints in line_array. Each parameter object is 1:1 mapping with entries in line_entry. It contains optional location/hitCondition/logMessage parameters. ''' (dir, base) = os.path.split(file_path) source_dict = { 'name': base, 'path': file_path } args_dict = { 'source': source_dict, 'sourceModified': False, } if line_array is not None: args_dict['lines'] = '%s' % line_array breakpoints = [] for i, line in enumerate(line_array): breakpoint_data = None if data is not None and i < len(data): breakpoint_data = data[i] bp = {'line': line} if breakpoint_data is not None: if 'condition' in breakpoint_data and breakpoint_data['condition']: bp['condition'] = breakpoint_data['condition'] if 'hitCondition' in breakpoint_data and breakpoint_data['hitCondition']: bp['hitCondition'] = breakpoint_data['hitCondition'] if 'logMessage' in breakpoint_data and breakpoint_data['logMessage']: bp['logMessage'] = breakpoint_data['logMessage'] breakpoints.append(bp) args_dict['breakpoints'] = breakpoints command_dict = { 'command': 'setBreakpoints', 'type': 'request', 'arguments': args_dict } return self.send_recv(command_dict) def request_setExceptionBreakpoints(self, filters): args_dict = {'filters': filters} command_dict = { 'command': 'setExceptionBreakpoints', 'type': 'request', 'arguments': args_dict } return self.send_recv(command_dict) def request_setFunctionBreakpoints(self, names, condition=None, hitCondition=None): breakpoints = [] for name in names: bp = {'name': name} if condition is not None: bp['condition'] = condition if hitCondition is not None: bp['hitCondition'] = hitCondition breakpoints.append(bp) args_dict = {'breakpoints': breakpoints} command_dict = { 'command': 'setFunctionBreakpoints', 'type': 'request', 'arguments': args_dict } return self.send_recv(command_dict) def request_compileUnits(self, moduleId): args_dict = {'moduleId': moduleId} command_dict = { 'command': 'compileUnits', 'type': 'request', 'arguments': args_dict } response = self.send_recv(command_dict) return response def request_completions(self, text): args_dict = { 'text': text, 'column': len(text) } command_dict = { 'command': 'completions', 'type': 'request', 'arguments': args_dict } return self.send_recv(command_dict) def request_modules(self): return self.send_recv({ 'command': 'modules', 'type': 'request' }) def request_stackTrace(self, threadId=None, startFrame=None, levels=None, dump=False): if threadId is None: threadId = self.get_thread_id() args_dict = {'threadId': threadId} if startFrame is not None: args_dict['startFrame'] = startFrame if levels is not None: args_dict['levels'] = levels command_dict = { 'command': 'stackTrace', 'type': 'request', 'arguments': args_dict } response = self.send_recv(command_dict) if dump: for (idx, frame) in enumerate(response['body']['stackFrames']): name = frame['name'] if 'line' in frame and 'source' in frame: source = frame['source'] if 'sourceReference' not in source: if 'name' in source: source_name = source['name'] line = frame['line'] print("[%3u] %s @ %s:%u" % (idx, name, source_name, line)) continue print("[%3u] %s" % (idx, name)) return response def request_threads(self): '''Request a list of all threads and combine any information from any "stopped" events since those contain more information about why a thread actually stopped. Returns an array of thread dictionaries with information about all threads''' command_dict = { 'command': 'threads', 'type': 'request', 'arguments': {} } response = self.send_recv(command_dict) body = response['body'] # Fill in "self.threads" correctly so that clients that call # self.get_threads() or self.get_thread_id(...) can get information # on threads when the process is stopped. if 'threads' in body: self.threads = body['threads'] for thread in self.threads: # Copy the thread dictionary so we can add key/value pairs to # it without affecting the original info from the "threads" # command. tid = thread['id'] if tid in self.thread_stop_reasons: thread_stop_info = self.thread_stop_reasons[tid] copy_keys = ['reason', 'description', 'text'] for key in copy_keys: if key in thread_stop_info: thread[key] = thread_stop_info[key] else: self.threads = None return response def request_variables(self, variablesReference, start=None, count=None): args_dict = {'variablesReference': variablesReference} if start is not None: args_dict['start'] = start if count is not None: args_dict['count'] = count command_dict = { 'command': 'variables', 'type': 'request', 'arguments': args_dict } return self.send_recv(command_dict) def request_setVariable(self, containingVarRef, name, value, id=None): args_dict = { 'variablesReference': containingVarRef, 'name': name, 'value': str(value) } if id is not None: args_dict['id'] = id command_dict = { 'command': 'setVariable', 'type': 'request', 'arguments': args_dict } return self.send_recv(command_dict) def request_testGetTargetBreakpoints(self): '''A request packet used in the LLDB test suite to get all currently set breakpoint infos for all breakpoints currently set in the target. ''' command_dict = { 'command': '_testGetTargetBreakpoints', 'type': 'request', 'arguments': {} } return self.send_recv(command_dict) def terminate(self): self.send.close() # self.recv.close() class DebugAdaptor(DebugCommunication): def __init__(self, executable=None, port=None, init_commands=[], log_file=None, env=None): self.process = None if executable is not None: adaptor_env = os.environ.copy() if env is not None: adaptor_env.update(env) if log_file: adaptor_env['LLDBVSCODE_LOG'] = log_file self.process = subprocess.Popen([executable], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=adaptor_env) DebugCommunication.__init__(self, self.process.stdout, self.process.stdin, init_commands, log_file) elif port is not None: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect(('', port)) DebugCommunication.__init__(self, s.makefile('r'), s.makefile('w'), init_commands) def get_pid(self): if self.process: return self.process.pid return -1 def terminate(self): super(DebugAdaptor, self).terminate() if self.process is not None: self.process.terminate() self.process.wait() self.process = None def attach_options_specified(options): if options.pid is not None: return True if options.waitFor: return True if options.attach: return True if options.attachCmds: return True return False def run_vscode(dbg, args, options): dbg.request_initialize(options.sourceInitFile) if attach_options_specified(options): response = dbg.request_attach(program=options.program, pid=options.pid, waitFor=options.waitFor, attachCommands=options.attachCmds, initCommands=options.initCmds, preRunCommands=options.preRunCmds, stopCommands=options.stopCmds, exitCommands=options.exitCmds, terminateCommands=options.terminateCmds) else: response = dbg.request_launch(options.program, args=args, env=options.envs, cwd=options.workingDir, debuggerRoot=options.debuggerRoot, sourcePath=options.sourcePath, initCommands=options.initCmds, preRunCommands=options.preRunCmds, stopCommands=options.stopCmds, exitCommands=options.exitCmds, terminateCommands=options.terminateCmds) if response['success']: if options.sourceBreakpoints: source_to_lines = {} for file_line in options.sourceBreakpoints: (path, line) = file_line.split(':') if len(path) == 0 or len(line) == 0: print('error: invalid source with line "%s"' % (file_line)) else: if path in source_to_lines: source_to_lines[path].append(int(line)) else: source_to_lines[path] = [int(line)] for source in source_to_lines: dbg.request_setBreakpoints(source, source_to_lines[source]) if options.funcBreakpoints: dbg.request_setFunctionBreakpoints(options.funcBreakpoints) dbg.request_configurationDone() dbg.wait_for_stopped() else: if 'message' in response: print(response['message']) dbg.request_disconnect(terminateDebuggee=True) def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser( description=('A testing framework for the Visual Studio Code Debug ' 'Adaptor protocol')) parser.add_option( '--vscode', type='string', dest='vscode_path', help=('The path to the command line program that implements the ' 'Visual Studio Code Debug Adaptor protocol.'), default=None) parser.add_option( '--program', type='string', dest='program', help='The path to the program to debug.', default=None) parser.add_option( '--workingDir', type='string', dest='workingDir', default=None, help='Set the working directory for the process we launch.') parser.add_option( '--sourcePath', type='string', dest='sourcePath', default=None, help=('Set the relative source root for any debug info that has ' 'relative paths in it.')) parser.add_option( '--debuggerRoot', type='string', dest='debuggerRoot', default=None, help=('Set the working directory for lldb-vscode for any object files ' 'with relative paths in the Mach-o debug map.')) parser.add_option( '-r', '--replay', type='string', dest='replay', help=('Specify a file containing a packet log to replay with the ' 'current Visual Studio Code Debug Adaptor executable.'), default=None) parser.add_option( '-g', '--debug', action='store_true', dest='debug', default=False, help='Pause waiting for a debugger to attach to the debug adaptor') parser.add_option( '--sourceInitFile', action='store_true', dest='sourceInitFile', default=False, help='Whether lldb-vscode should source .lldbinit file or not') parser.add_option( '--port', type='int', dest='port', help="Attach a socket to a port instead of using STDIN for VSCode", default=None) parser.add_option( '--pid', type='int', dest='pid', help="The process ID to attach to", default=None) parser.add_option( '--attach', action='store_true', dest='attach', default=False, help=('Specify this option to attach to a process by name. The ' 'process name is the basename of the executable specified with ' 'the --program option.')) parser.add_option( '-f', '--function-bp', type='string', action='append', dest='funcBreakpoints', help=('Specify the name of a function to break at. ' 'Can be specified more than once.'), default=[]) parser.add_option( '-s', '--source-bp', type='string', action='append', dest='sourceBreakpoints', default=[], help=('Specify source breakpoints to set in the format of ' ':. ' 'Can be specified more than once.')) parser.add_option( '--attachCommand', type='string', action='append', dest='attachCmds', default=[], help=('Specify a LLDB command that will attach to a process. ' 'Can be specified more than once.')) parser.add_option( '--initCommand', type='string', action='append', dest='initCmds', default=[], help=('Specify a LLDB command that will be executed before the target ' 'is created. Can be specified more than once.')) parser.add_option( '--preRunCommand', type='string', action='append', dest='preRunCmds', default=[], help=('Specify a LLDB command that will be executed after the target ' 'has been created. Can be specified more than once.')) parser.add_option( '--stopCommand', type='string', action='append', dest='stopCmds', default=[], help=('Specify a LLDB command that will be executed each time the' 'process stops. Can be specified more than once.')) parser.add_option( '--exitCommand', type='string', action='append', dest='exitCmds', default=[], help=('Specify a LLDB command that will be executed when the process ' 'exits. Can be specified more than once.')) parser.add_option( '--terminateCommand', type='string', action='append', dest='terminateCmds', default=[], help=('Specify a LLDB command that will be executed when the debugging ' 'session is terminated. Can be specified more than once.')) parser.add_option( '--env', type='string', action='append', dest='envs', default=[], help=('Specify environment variables to pass to the launched ' 'process.')) parser.add_option( '--waitFor', action='store_true', dest='waitFor', default=False, help=('Wait for the next process to be launched whose name matches ' 'the basename of the program specified with the --program ' 'option')) (options, args) = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) if options.vscode_path is None and options.port is None: print('error: must either specify a path to a Visual Studio Code ' 'Debug Adaptor vscode executable path using the --vscode ' 'option, or a port to attach to for an existing lldb-vscode ' 'using the --port option') return dbg = DebugAdaptor(executable=options.vscode_path, port=options.port) if options.debug: raw_input('Waiting for debugger to attach pid "%i"' % ( dbg.get_pid())) if options.replay: dbg.replay_packets(options.replay) else: run_vscode(dbg, args, options) dbg.terminate() if __name__ == '__main__': main()