#---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Clients fill in the source files to build #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # C_SOURCES := main.c # CXX_SOURCES := # OBJC_SOURCES := # OBJCXX_SOURCES := # DYLIB_C_SOURCES := # DYLIB_OBJC_SOURCES := # DYLIB_CXX_SOURCES := # # Specifying DYLIB_ONLY has the effect of building dylib only, skipping # the building of the a.out executable program. For example, # DYLIB_ONLY := YES # # Specifying FRAMEWORK and its variants has the effect of building a NeXT-style # framework. # FRAMEWORK := "Foo" # FRAMEWORK_HEADERS := "Foo.h" # FRAMEWORK_MODULES := "module.modulemap" # # Also might be of interest: # FRAMEWORK_INCLUDES (Darwin only) := # CFLAGS_EXTRAS := # LD_EXTRAS := # SPLIT_DEBUG_SYMBOLS := YES # CROSS_COMPILE := # USE_PRIVATE_MODULE_CACHE := YES # Uncomment line below for debugging shell commands # SHELL = /bin/sh -x # Suppress built-in suffix rules. We explicitly define rules for %.o. .SUFFIXES: SRCDIR := $(shell dirname $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))) BUILDDIR := $(shell pwd) MAKEFILE_RULES := $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) THIS_FILE_DIR := $(shell dirname $(MAKEFILE_RULES)) LLDB_BASE_DIR := $(THIS_FILE_DIR)/../../../../../ # The test harness invokes the test Makefiles with an explicit 'all' # target, but its handy to be able to recursively call this Makefile # without specifying a goal. You almost certainly want to build 'all', # and not only the first target defined in this file (which might vary # according to variable values). .DEFAULT_GOAL := all #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # If OS is not defined, use 'uname -s' to determine the OS name. # # GNUWin32 uname gives "windows32" or "server version windows32" while # some versions of MSYS uname return "MSYS_NT*", but most environments # standardize on "Windows_NT", so we'll make it consistent here. # When running tests from Visual Studio, the environment variable isn't # inherited all the way down to the process spawned for make. #---------------------------------------------------------------------- HOST_OS := $(shell uname -s) ifneq (,$(findstring windows32,$(HOST_OS))) HOST_OS := Windows_NT endif ifneq (,$(findstring MSYS_NT,$(HOST_OS))) HOST_OS := Windows_NT endif ifeq "$(OS)" "" OS := $(HOST_OS) endif #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # If OS is Windows, force SHELL to be cmd # # Some versions of make on Windows will search for other shells such as # C:\cygwin\bin\sh.exe. This shell fails for numerous different reasons # so default to using cmd.exe. # Also reset BUILDDIR value because "pwd" returns cygwin or msys path # which needs to be converted to windows path. #---------------------------------------------------------------------- ifeq "$(OS)" "Windows_NT" SHELL = $(WINDIR)\system32\cmd.exe BUILDDIR := $(shell echo %cd%) endif #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # If the OS is Windows use double-quotes in commands # # For other operating systems, single-quotes work fine, but on Windows # we strictly required double-quotes #---------------------------------------------------------------------- ifeq "$(HOST_OS)" "Windows_NT" QUOTE = " FIXUP_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTING_IN_MY_EDITOR = " else QUOTE = ' FIXUP_SYNTAX_HIGHLIGHTING_IN_MY_EDITOR = ' endif #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # If TRIPLE is not defined try to set the ARCH, CC, CFLAGS, and more # from the triple alone #---------------------------------------------------------------------- ARCH_CFLAGS := ifeq "$(OS)" "Android" include $(THIS_FILE_DIR)/Android.rules endif #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # If ARCH is not defined, default to x86_64. #---------------------------------------------------------------------- ifeq "$(ARCH)" "" ifeq "$(OS)" "Windows_NT" ARCH = x86 else ARCH = x86_64 endif endif #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # CC defaults to clang. # # If you change the defaults of CC, be sure to also change it in the file # test/builders/builder_base.py, which provides a Python way to return the # value of the make variable CC -- getCompiler(). # # See also these functions: # o cxx_compiler # o cxx_linker #---------------------------------------------------------------------- ifeq "$(CC)" "" $(error "C compiler is not specified. Please run tests through lldb-dotest or lit") endif #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Handle SDKROOT on Darwin #---------------------------------------------------------------------- ifeq "$(OS)" "Darwin" ifeq "$(SDKROOT)" "" # We haven't otherwise set the SDKROOT, so set it now to macosx SDKROOT := $(shell xcrun --sdk macosx --show-sdk-path) endif endif #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # ARCHFLAG is the flag used to tell the compiler which architecture # to compile for. The default is the flag that clang accepts. #---------------------------------------------------------------------- ARCHFLAG ?= -arch #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Change any build/tool options needed #---------------------------------------------------------------------- ifeq "$(OS)" "Darwin" DS := $(DSYMUTIL) DSFLAGS = DSYM = $(EXE).dSYM AR := $(CROSS_COMPILE)libtool ARFLAGS := -static -o else AR := $(CROSS_COMPILE)ar # On non-Apple platforms, -arch becomes -m ARCHFLAG := -m # i386, i686, x86 -> 32 # amd64, x86_64, x64 -> 64 ifeq "$(ARCH)" "amd64" override ARCH := $(subst amd64,64,$(ARCH)) endif ifeq "$(ARCH)" "x86_64" override ARCH := $(subst x86_64,64,$(ARCH)) endif ifeq "$(ARCH)" "x64" override ARCH := $(subst x64,64,$(ARCH)) endif ifeq "$(ARCH)" "x86" override ARCH := $(subst x86,32,$(ARCH)) endif ifeq "$(ARCH)" "i386" override ARCH := $(subst i386,32,$(ARCH)) endif ifeq "$(ARCH)" "i686" override ARCH := $(subst i686,32,$(ARCH)) endif ifeq "$(ARCH)" "powerpc" override ARCH := $(subst powerpc,32,$(ARCH)) endif ifeq "$(ARCH)" "powerpc64" override ARCH := $(subst powerpc64,64,$(ARCH)) endif ifeq "$(ARCH)" "powerpc64le" override ARCH := $(subst powerpc64le,64,$(ARCH)) endif ifeq "$(ARCH)" "aarch64" override ARCH := override ARCHFLAG := endif ifeq "$(findstring arm,$(ARCH))" "arm" override ARCH := override ARCHFLAG := endif ifeq "$(ARCH)" "s390x" override ARCH := override ARCHFLAG := endif ifeq "$(findstring mips,$(ARCH))" "mips" override ARCHFLAG := - endif ifeq "$(SPLIT_DEBUG_SYMBOLS)" "YES" DSYM = $(EXE).debug endif endif LIMIT_DEBUG_INFO_FLAGS = NO_LIMIT_DEBUG_INFO_FLAGS = MODULE_DEBUG_INFO_FLAGS = ifneq (,$(findstring clang,$(CC))) LIMIT_DEBUG_INFO_FLAGS += -flimit-debug-info NO_LIMIT_DEBUG_INFO_FLAGS += -fno-limit-debug-info MODULE_DEBUG_INFO_FLAGS += -gmodules endif # If the OS is Windows, we need to pass -gdwarf to clang, otherwise it will build # with codeview by default but all the tests rely on dwarf. ifeq "$(OS)" "Windows_NT" DEBUG_INFO_FLAG ?= -gdwarf endif DEBUG_INFO_FLAG ?= -g CFLAGS ?= $(DEBUG_INFO_FLAG) -O0 ifeq "$(OS)" "Darwin" ifneq "$(SDKROOT)" "" CFLAGS += -isysroot "$(SDKROOT)" endif endif ifeq "$(OS)" "Darwin" CFLAGS += $(ARCHFLAG) $(ARCH) $(FRAMEWORK_INCLUDES) -I$(LLDB_BASE_DIR)include else CFLAGS += $(ARCHFLAG)$(ARCH) $(FRAMEWORK_INCLUDES) -I$(LLDB_BASE_DIR)include endif CFLAGS += -I$(SRCDIR) -I$(THIS_FILE_DIR) ifndef NO_TEST_COMMON_H CFLAGS += -include $(THIS_FILE_DIR)/test_common.h endif CFLAGS += $(NO_LIMIT_DEBUG_INFO_FLAGS) $(ARCH_CFLAGS) # Use this one if you want to build one part of the result without debug information: ifeq "$(OS)" "Darwin" CFLAGS_NO_DEBUG = -O0 $(ARCHFLAG) $(ARCH) $(FRAMEWORK_INCLUDES) $(ARCH_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_EXTRAS) -isysroot "$(SDKROOT)" else CFLAGS_NO_DEBUG = -O0 $(ARCHFLAG)$(ARCH) $(FRAMEWORK_INCLUDES) $(ARCH_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_EXTRAS) endif ifeq "$(MAKE_DWO)" "YES" CFLAGS += -gsplit-dwarf endif ifeq "$(USE_PRIVATE_MODULE_CACHE)" "YES" THE_CLANG_MODULE_CACHE_DIR := $(BUILDDIR)/private-module-cache else THE_CLANG_MODULE_CACHE_DIR := $(CLANG_MODULE_CACHE_DIR) endif MODULE_BASE_FLAGS := -fmodules -gmodules -fmodules-cache-path=$(THE_CLANG_MODULE_CACHE_DIR) MANDATORY_MODULE_BUILD_CFLAGS := $(MODULE_BASE_FLAGS) -gmodules # Build flags for building with C++ modules. # -glldb is necessary for emitting information about what modules were imported. MANDATORY_CXXMODULE_BUILD_CFLAGS := $(MODULE_BASE_FLAGS) -fcxx-modules -glldb ifeq "$(OS)" "Darwin" MANDATORY_MODULE_BUILD_CFLAGS += -fcxx-modules endif ifeq "$(MAKE_GMODULES)" "YES" CFLAGS += $(MANDATORY_MODULE_BUILD_CFLAGS) CXXFLAGS += $(MANDATORY_MODULE_BUILD_CFLAGS) endif CFLAGS += $(CFLAGS_EXTRAS) CXXFLAGS += -std=c++11 $(CFLAGS) $(ARCH_CXXFLAGS) LD = $(CC) LDFLAGS ?= $(CFLAGS) LDFLAGS += $(LD_EXTRAS) $(ARCH_LDFLAGS) ifeq (,$(filter $(OS), Windows_NT Android Darwin)) ifneq (,$(filter YES,$(ENABLE_THREADS))) LDFLAGS += -pthread endif endif OBJECTS = EXE ?= a.out ifneq "$(FRAMEWORK)" "" DYLIB_NAME ?= $(FRAMEWORK).framework/Versions/A/$(FRAMEWORK) DYLIB_FILENAME ?= $(FRAMEWORK).framework/Versions/A/$(FRAMEWORK) endif ifneq "$(DYLIB_NAME)" "" ifeq "$(OS)" "Darwin" ifneq "$(FRAMEWORK)" "" DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME ?= @executable_path/$(FRAMEWORK).framework/Versions/A/$(FRAMEWORK) else DYLIB_FILENAME = lib$(DYLIB_NAME).dylib DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME ?= @executable_path/$(DYLIB_FILENAME) endif else ifeq "$(OS)" "Windows_NT" DYLIB_FILENAME = $(DYLIB_NAME).dll else DYLIB_FILENAME = lib$(DYLIB_NAME).so endif endif # Function that returns the counterpart C++ compiler, given $(CC) as arg. cxx_compiler_notdir = $(if $(findstring icc,$(1)), \ $(subst icc,icpc,$(1)), \ $(if $(findstring llvm-gcc,$(1)), \ $(subst llvm-gcc,llvm-g++,$(1)), \ $(if $(findstring gcc,$(1)), \ $(subst gcc,g++,$(1)), \ $(subst cc,c++,$(1))))) cxx_compiler = $(if $(findstring /,$(1)),$(join $(dir $(1)), $(call cxx_compiler_notdir,$(notdir $(1)))),$(call cxx_compiler_notdir,$(1))) # Function that returns the C++ linker, given $(CC) as arg. cxx_linker_notdir = $(if $(findstring icc,$(1)), \ $(subst icc,icpc,$(1)), \ $(if $(findstring llvm-gcc,$(1)), \ $(subst llvm-gcc,llvm-g++,$(1)), \ $(if $(findstring gcc,$(1)), \ $(subst gcc,g++,$(1)), \ $(subst cc,c++,$(1))))) cxx_linker = $(if $(findstring /,$(1)),$(join $(dir $(1)), $(call cxx_linker_notdir,$(notdir $(1)))),$(call cxx_linker_notdir,$(1))) ifneq "$(OS)" "Darwin" CLANG_OR_GCC := $(strip $(if $(findstring clang,$(CC)), \ $(findstring clang,$(CC)), \ $(if $(findstring gcc,$(CC)), \ $(findstring gcc,$(CC)), \ cc))) CC_LASTWORD := $(strip $(lastword $(subst -, ,$(CC)))) replace_with = $(strip $(if $(findstring $(3),$(CC_LASTWORD)), \ $(subst $(3),$(1),$(2)), \ $(subst $(3),$(1),$(subst -$(CC_LASTWORD),,$(2))))) ifeq "$(notdir $(CC))" "$(CC)" replace_cc_with = $(call replace_with,$(1),$(CC),$(CLANG_OR_GCC)) else replace_cc_with = $(join $(dir $(CC)),$(call replace_with,$(1),$(notdir $(CC)),$(CLANG_OR_GCC))) endif OBJCOPY ?= $(call replace_cc_with,objcopy) ARCHIVER ?= $(call replace_cc_with,ar) override AR = $(ARCHIVER) endif ifdef PIE LDFLAGS += -pie endif #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Windows specific options #---------------------------------------------------------------------- ifeq "$(OS)" "Windows_NT" ifneq (,$(findstring clang,$(CC))) # Clang for Windows doesn't support C++ Exceptions CXXFLAGS += -fno-exceptions CXXFLAGS += -D_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=0 # MSVC 2015 or higher is required, which depends on c++14, so # append these values unconditionally. CXXFLAGS += -fms-compatibility-version=19.0 CXXFLAGS += -std=c++14 # The MSVC linker doesn't understand long section names # generated by the clang compiler. LDFLAGS += -fuse-ld=lld endif endif #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # C++ standard library options #---------------------------------------------------------------------- ifneq ($(and $(USE_LIBSTDCPP), $(USE_LIBCPP)),) $(error Libcxx and Libstdc++ cannot be used together) endif ifeq (1, $(USE_SYSTEM_STDLIB)) ifneq ($(or $(USE_LIBSTDCPP), $(USE_LIBCPP)),) $(error Cannot use system's standard library and a custom standard library together) endif endif ifeq (1,$(USE_LIBSTDCPP)) # Clang requires an extra flag: -stdlib=libstdc++ ifneq (,$(findstring clang,$(CC))) CXXFLAGS += -stdlib=libstdc++ LDFLAGS += -stdlib=libstdc++ endif endif ifeq (1,$(USE_LIBCPP)) ifneq ($(and $(LIBCPP_INCLUDE_DIR), $(LIBCPP_LIBRARY_DIR)),) CXXFLAGS += -nostdlib++ -nostdinc++ -cxx-isystem $(LIBCPP_INCLUDE_DIR) ifneq "$(LIBCPP_INCLUDE_TARGET_DIR)" "" CXXFLAGS += -cxx-isystem $(LIBCPP_INCLUDE_TARGET_DIR) endif LDFLAGS += -L$(LIBCPP_LIBRARY_DIR) -Wl,-rpath,$(LIBCPP_LIBRARY_DIR) -lc++ else ifeq "$(OS)" "Android" # Nothing to do, this is already handled in # Android.rules. else CXXFLAGS += -stdlib=libc++ LDFLAGS += -stdlib=libc++ endif ifneq (,$(filter $(OS), FreeBSD Linux NetBSD)) ifneq (,$(LLVM_LIBS_DIR)) LDFLAGS += -Wl,-rpath,$(LLVM_LIBS_DIR) endif endif endif endif # If no explicit request was made, but we have paths to a custom libcxx, use # them. ifeq ($(or $(USE_LIBSTDCPP), $(USE_LIBCPP), $(USE_SYSTEM_STDLIB)),) ifneq ($(and $(LIBCPP_INCLUDE_DIR), $(LIBCPP_LIBRARY_DIR)),) CXXFLAGS += -nostdlib++ -nostdinc++ -cxx-isystem $(LIBCPP_INCLUDE_DIR) ifneq "$(LIBCPP_INCLUDE_TARGET_DIR)" "" CXXFLAGS += -cxx-isystem $(LIBCPP_INCLUDE_TARGET_DIR) endif LDFLAGS += -L$(LIBCPP_LIBRARY_DIR) -Wl,-rpath,$(LIBCPP_LIBRARY_DIR) -lc++ endif endif #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Additional system libraries #---------------------------------------------------------------------- ifeq (1,$(USE_LIBDL)) ifeq (,$(filter $(OS), NetBSD Windows_NT)) LDFLAGS += -ldl endif endif CXXFLAGS += $(CXXFLAGS_EXTRAS) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # dylib settings #---------------------------------------------------------------------- DYLIB_OBJECTS +=$(strip $(DYLIB_C_SOURCES:.c=.o)) DYLIB_OBJECTS +=$(strip $(DYLIB_OBJC_SOURCES:.m=.o)) ifneq "$(strip $(DYLIB_CXX_SOURCES))" "" DYLIB_OBJECTS +=$(strip $(patsubst %.mm, %.o, $(DYLIB_CXX_SOURCES:.cpp=.o))) CXX = $(call cxx_compiler,$(CC)) LD = $(call cxx_linker,$(CC)) endif #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check if we have a precompiled header #---------------------------------------------------------------------- ifneq "$(strip $(PCH_CXX_SOURCE))" "" PCH_OUTPUT = $(PCH_CXX_SOURCE:.h=.h.pch) PCHFLAGS = -include $(PCH_CXX_SOURCE) endif #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check if we have any C source files #---------------------------------------------------------------------- ifneq "$(strip $(C_SOURCES))" "" OBJECTS +=$(strip $(C_SOURCES:.c=.o)) endif #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check if we have any C++ source files #---------------------------------------------------------------------- ifneq "$(strip $(CXX_SOURCES))" "" OBJECTS +=$(strip $(CXX_SOURCES:.cpp=.o)) CXX = $(call cxx_compiler,$(CC)) LD = $(call cxx_linker,$(CC)) endif #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check if we have any ObjC source files #---------------------------------------------------------------------- ifneq "$(strip $(OBJC_SOURCES))" "" OBJECTS +=$(strip $(OBJC_SOURCES:.m=.o)) LDFLAGS +=-lobjc endif #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check if we have any ObjC++ source files #---------------------------------------------------------------------- ifneq "$(strip $(OBJCXX_SOURCES))" "" OBJECTS +=$(strip $(OBJCXX_SOURCES:.mm=.o)) CXX = $(call cxx_compiler,$(CC)) LD = $(call cxx_linker,$(CC)) ifeq "$(findstring lobjc,$(LDFLAGS))" "" LDFLAGS +=-lobjc endif endif ifeq ($(findstring clang, $(CXX)), clang) CXXFLAGS += --driver-mode=g++ endif ifneq "$(CXX)" "" ifeq ($(findstring clang, $(LD)), clang) LDFLAGS += --driver-mode=g++ endif endif #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # DYLIB_ONLY variable can be used to skip the building of a.out. # See the sections below regarding dSYM file as well as the building of # EXE from all the objects. #---------------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Compile the executable from all the objects. #---------------------------------------------------------------------- ifneq "$(DYLIB_NAME)" "" ifeq "$(DYLIB_ONLY)" "" $(EXE) : $(OBJECTS) $(DYLIB_FILENAME) $(LD) $(OBJECTS) -L. -l$(DYLIB_NAME) $(LDFLAGS) -o "$(EXE)" ifneq "$(CODESIGN)" "" $(CODESIGN) -s - "$(EXE)" endif else EXE = $(DYLIB_FILENAME) endif else $(EXE) : $(OBJECTS) $(LD) $(OBJECTS) $(LDFLAGS) -o "$(EXE)" ifneq "$(CODESIGN)" "" $(CODESIGN) -s - "$(EXE)" endif endif #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Make the dSYM file from the executable if $(MAKE_DSYM) != "NO" #---------------------------------------------------------------------- $(DSYM) : $(EXE) ifeq "$(OS)" "Darwin" ifneq "$(MAKE_DSYM)" "NO" "$(DS)" $(DSFLAGS) -o "$(DSYM)" "$(EXE)" else endif else ifeq "$(SPLIT_DEBUG_SYMBOLS)" "YES" $(OBJCOPY) --only-keep-debug "$(EXE)" "$(DSYM)" $(OBJCOPY) --strip-debug --add-gnu-debuglink="$(DSYM)" "$(EXE)" "$(EXE)" endif endif #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Make the dylib #---------------------------------------------------------------------- $(DYLIB_OBJECTS) : CFLAGS += -DCOMPILING_LLDB_TEST_DLL ifneq "$(OS)" "Windows_NT" $(DYLIB_OBJECTS) : CFLAGS += -fPIC $(DYLIB_OBJECTS) : CXXFLAGS += -fPIC endif $(DYLIB_FILENAME) : $(DYLIB_OBJECTS) ifeq "$(OS)" "Darwin" ifneq "$(FRAMEWORK)" "" mkdir -p $(FRAMEWORK).framework/Versions/A/Headers mkdir -p $(FRAMEWORK).framework/Versions/A/Modules mkdir -p $(FRAMEWORK).framework/Versions/A/Resources ifneq "$(FRAMEWORK_MODULES)" "" cp -r $(FRAMEWORK_MODULES) $(FRAMEWORK).framework/Versions/A/Modules endif ifneq "$(FRAMEWORK_HEADERS)" "" cp -r $(FRAMEWORK_HEADERS) $(FRAMEWORK).framework/Versions/A/Headers endif (cd $(FRAMEWORK).framework/Versions; ln -sf A Current) (cd $(FRAMEWORK).framework/; ln -sf Versions/A/Headers Headers) (cd $(FRAMEWORK).framework/; ln -sf Versions/A/Modules Modules) (cd $(FRAMEWORK).framework/; ln -sf Versions/A/Resources Resources) (cd $(FRAMEWORK).framework/; ln -sf Versions/A/$(FRAMEWORK) $(FRAMEWORK)) endif $(LD) $(DYLIB_OBJECTS) $(LDFLAGS) -install_name "$(DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME)" -dynamiclib -o "$(DYLIB_FILENAME)" ifneq "$(CODESIGN)" "" $(CODESIGN) -s - "$(DYLIB_FILENAME)" endif ifneq "$(MAKE_DSYM)" "NO" ifneq "$(DS)" "" "$(DS)" $(DSFLAGS) "$(DYLIB_FILENAME)" endif endif else $(LD) $(DYLIB_OBJECTS) $(LDFLAGS) -shared -o "$(DYLIB_FILENAME)" ifeq "$(SPLIT_DEBUG_SYMBOLS)" "YES" $(OBJCOPY) --only-keep-debug "$(DYLIB_FILENAME)" "$(DYLIB_FILENAME).debug" $(OBJCOPY) --strip-debug --add-gnu-debuglink="$(DYLIB_FILENAME).debug" "$(DYLIB_FILENAME)" "$(DYLIB_FILENAME)" endif endif #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Make the precompiled header and compile C++ sources against it #---------------------------------------------------------------------- ifneq "$(PCH_OUTPUT)" "" $(PCH_OUTPUT) : $(PCH_CXX_SOURCE) $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -x c++-header -o $@ $< endif %.o: %.c %.d $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $*.d -c -o $@ $< %.o: %.cpp %.d $(PCH_OUTPUT) $(CXX) $(PCHFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $*.d -c -o $@ $< %.o: %.m %.d $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $*.d -c -o $@ $< %.o: %.mm %.d $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -MT $@ -MD -MP -MF $*.d -c -o $@ $< #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Automatic variables based on items already entered. Below we create # an object's lists from the list of sources by replacing all entries # that end with .c with .o, and we also create a list of prerequisite # files by replacing all .c files with .d. #---------------------------------------------------------------------- PREREQS := $(OBJECTS:.o=.d) DWOS := $(OBJECTS:.o=.dwo) ifneq "$(DYLIB_NAME)" "" DYLIB_PREREQS := $(DYLIB_OBJECTS:.o=.d) DYLIB_DWOS := $(DYLIB_OBJECTS:.o=.dwo) endif # Don't error if a .d file is deleted. $(PREREQS) $(DYLIB_PREREQS): ; #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Include all of the makefiles for each source file so we don't have # to manually track all of the prerequisites for each source file. #---------------------------------------------------------------------- include $(wildcard $(PREREQS) $(DYLIB_PREREQS)) .PHONY: clean dsym: $(DSYM) all: $(EXE) $(DSYM) clean:: ifeq "$(findstring lldb-test-build.noindex, $(BUILDDIR))" "" $(error Trying to invoke the clean rule, but not using the default build tree layout) else $(RM) -r $(wildcard $(BUILDDIR)/*) endif #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # From http://blog.melski.net/tag/debugging-makefiles/ # # Usage: make print-CC print-CXX print-LD #---------------------------------------------------------------------- print-%: @echo '$*=$($*)' @echo ' origin = $(origin $*)' @echo ' flavor = $(flavor $*)' @echo ' value = $(value $*)' ### Local Variables: ### ### mode:makefile ### ### End: ###