//===- Driver.cpp ---------------------------------------------------------===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "Driver.h" #include "Config.h" #include "InputFiles.h" #include "OutputSection.h" #include "OutputSegment.h" #include "SymbolTable.h" #include "Symbols.h" #include "Target.h" #include "Writer.h" #include "lld/Common/Args.h" #include "lld/Common/Driver.h" #include "lld/Common/ErrorHandler.h" #include "lld/Common/LLVM.h" #include "lld/Common/Memory.h" #include "lld/Common/Version.h" #include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h" #include "llvm/BinaryFormat/MachO.h" #include "llvm/BinaryFormat/Magic.h" #include "llvm/Object/Archive.h" #include "llvm/Option/ArgList.h" #include "llvm/Option/Option.h" #include "llvm/Support/Host.h" #include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h" #include "llvm/Support/Path.h" using namespace llvm; using namespace llvm::MachO; using namespace llvm::sys; using namespace llvm::opt; using namespace lld; using namespace lld::macho; Configuration *lld::macho::config; // Create prefix string literals used in Options.td #define PREFIX(NAME, VALUE) const char *NAME[] = VALUE; #include "Options.inc" #undef PREFIX // Create table mapping all options defined in Options.td static const opt::OptTable::Info optInfo[] = { #define OPTION(X1, X2, ID, KIND, GROUP, ALIAS, X7, X8, X9, X10, X11, X12) \ {X1, X2, X10, X11, OPT_##ID, opt::Option::KIND##Class, \ X9, X8, OPT_##GROUP, OPT_##ALIAS, X7, X12}, #include "Options.inc" #undef OPTION }; MachOOptTable::MachOOptTable() : OptTable(optInfo) {} opt::InputArgList MachOOptTable::parse(ArrayRef argv) { // Make InputArgList from string vectors. unsigned missingIndex; unsigned missingCount; SmallVector vec(argv.data(), argv.data() + argv.size()); opt::InputArgList args = ParseArgs(vec, missingIndex, missingCount); if (missingCount) error(Twine(args.getArgString(missingIndex)) + ": missing argument"); for (opt::Arg *arg : args.filtered(OPT_UNKNOWN)) error("unknown argument: " + arg->getSpelling()); return args; } void MachOOptTable::printHelp(const char *argv0, bool showHidden) const { PrintHelp(lld::outs(), (std::string(argv0) + " [options] file...").c_str(), "LLVM Linker", showHidden); lld::outs() << "\n"; } static Optional findLibrary(StringRef name) { std::string stub = (llvm::Twine("lib") + name + ".tbd").str(); std::string shared = (llvm::Twine("lib") + name + ".dylib").str(); std::string archive = (llvm::Twine("lib") + name + ".a").str(); llvm::SmallString<260> location; for (StringRef dir : config->librarySearchPaths) { for (StringRef library : {stub, shared, archive}) { location = dir; llvm::sys::path::append(location, library); if (fs::exists(location)) return location.str().str(); } } return {}; } static TargetInfo *createTargetInfo(opt::InputArgList &args) { StringRef arch = args.getLastArgValue(OPT_arch, "x86_64"); config->arch = llvm::MachO::getArchitectureFromName( args.getLastArgValue(OPT_arch, arch)); switch (config->arch) { case llvm::MachO::AK_x86_64: case llvm::MachO::AK_x86_64h: return createX86_64TargetInfo(); default: fatal("missing or unsupported -arch " + arch); } } static bool isDirectory(StringRef option, StringRef path) { if (!fs::exists(path)) { warn("directory not found for option -" + option + path); return false; } else if (!fs::is_directory(path)) { warn("option -" + option + path + " references a non-directory path"); return false; } return true; } static void getSearchPaths(std::vector &paths, unsigned optionCode, opt::InputArgList &args, const SmallVector &systemPaths) { StringRef optionLetter{(optionCode == OPT_F ? "F" : "L")}; for (auto const &path : args::getStrings(args, optionCode)) { if (isDirectory(optionLetter, path)) paths.push_back(path); } if (!args.hasArg(OPT_Z) && Triple(sys::getProcessTriple()).isOSDarwin()) { for (auto const &path : systemPaths) { if (isDirectory(optionLetter, path)) paths.push_back(path); } } } static void getLibrarySearchPaths(std::vector &paths, opt::InputArgList &args) { getSearchPaths(paths, OPT_L, args, {"/usr/lib", "/usr/local/lib"}); } static void getFrameworkSearchPaths(std::vector &paths, opt::InputArgList &args) { getSearchPaths(paths, OPT_F, args, {"/Library/Frameworks", "/System/Library/Frameworks"}); } static void addFile(StringRef path) { Optional buffer = readFile(path); if (!buffer) return; MemoryBufferRef mbref = *buffer; switch (identify_magic(mbref.getBuffer())) { case file_magic::archive: { std::unique_ptr file = CHECK( object::Archive::create(mbref), path + ": failed to parse archive"); if (!file->isEmpty() && !file->hasSymbolTable()) error(path + ": archive has no index; run ranlib to add one"); inputFiles.push_back(make(std::move(file))); break; } case file_magic::macho_object: inputFiles.push_back(make(mbref)); break; case file_magic::macho_dynamically_linked_shared_lib: inputFiles.push_back(make(mbref)); break; case file_magic::tapi_file: { llvm::Expected> result = TextAPIReader::get(mbref); if (!result) return; inputFiles.push_back(make(std::move(*result))); break; } default: error(path + ": unhandled file type"); } } static std::array archNames{"arm", "arm64", "i386", "x86_64", "ppc", "ppc64"}; static bool isArchString(StringRef s) { static DenseSet archNamesSet(archNames.begin(), archNames.end()); return archNamesSet.find(s) != archNamesSet.end(); } // An order file has one entry per line, in the following format: // // :: // // and are optional. If not specified, then that entry // matches any symbol of that name. // // If a symbol is matched by multiple entries, then it takes the lowest-ordered // entry (the one nearest to the front of the list.) // // The file can also have line comments that start with '#'. void parseOrderFile(StringRef path) { Optional buffer = readFile(path); if (!buffer) { error("Could not read order file at " + path); return; } MemoryBufferRef mbref = *buffer; size_t priority = std::numeric_limits::max(); for (StringRef rest : args::getLines(mbref)) { StringRef arch, objectFile, symbol; std::array fields; uint8_t fieldCount = 0; while (rest != "" && fieldCount < 3) { std::pair p = getToken(rest, ": \t\n\v\f\r"); StringRef tok = p.first; rest = p.second; // Check if we have a comment if (tok == "" || tok[0] == '#') break; fields[fieldCount++] = tok; } switch (fieldCount) { case 3: arch = fields[0]; objectFile = fields[1]; symbol = fields[2]; break; case 2: (isArchString(fields[0]) ? arch : objectFile) = fields[0]; symbol = fields[1]; break; case 1: symbol = fields[0]; break; case 0: break; default: llvm_unreachable("too many fields in order file"); } if (!arch.empty()) { if (!isArchString(arch)) { error("invalid arch \"" + arch + "\" in order file: expected one of " + llvm::join(archNames, ", ")); continue; } // TODO: Update when we extend support for other archs if (arch != "x86_64") continue; } if (!objectFile.empty() && !objectFile.endswith(".o")) { error("invalid object file name \"" + objectFile + "\" in order file: should end with .o"); continue; } if (!symbol.empty()) { SymbolPriorityEntry &entry = config->priorities[symbol]; if (!objectFile.empty()) entry.objectFiles.insert(std::make_pair(objectFile, priority)); else entry.anyObjectFile = std::max(entry.anyObjectFile, priority); } --priority; } } // We expect sub-library names of the form "libfoo", which will match a dylib // with a path of .*/libfoo.dylib. static bool markSubLibrary(StringRef searchName) { for (InputFile *file : inputFiles) { if (auto *dylibFile = dyn_cast(file)) { StringRef filename = path::filename(dylibFile->getName()); if (filename.consume_front(searchName) && filename == ".dylib") { dylibFile->reexport = true; return true; } } } return false; } static void handlePlatformVersion(const opt::Arg *arg) { // TODO: implementation coming very soon ... } static void warnIfDeprecatedOption(const opt::Option &opt) { if (!opt.getGroup().isValid()) return; if (opt.getGroup().getID() == OPT_grp_deprecated) { warn("Option `" + opt.getPrefixedName() + "' is deprecated in ld64:"); warn(opt.getHelpText()); } } static void warnIfUnimplementedOption(const opt::Option &opt) { if (!opt.getGroup().isValid()) return; switch (opt.getGroup().getID()) { case OPT_grp_deprecated: // warn about deprecated options elsewhere break; case OPT_grp_undocumented: warn("Option `" + opt.getPrefixedName() + "' is undocumented. Should lld implement it?"); break; case OPT_grp_obsolete: warn("Option `" + opt.getPrefixedName() + "' is obsolete. Please modernize your usage."); break; case OPT_grp_ignored: warn("Option `" + opt.getPrefixedName() + "' is ignored."); break; default: warn("Option `" + opt.getPrefixedName() + "' is not yet implemented. Stay tuned..."); break; } } bool macho::link(llvm::ArrayRef argsArr, bool canExitEarly, raw_ostream &stdoutOS, raw_ostream &stderrOS) { lld::stdoutOS = &stdoutOS; lld::stderrOS = &stderrOS; stderrOS.enable_colors(stderrOS.has_colors()); // TODO: Set up error handler properly, e.g. the errorLimitExceededMsg MachOOptTable parser; opt::InputArgList args = parser.parse(argsArr.slice(1)); if (args.hasArg(OPT_help_hidden)) { parser.printHelp(argsArr[0], /*showHidden=*/true); return true; } else if (args.hasArg(OPT_help)) { parser.printHelp(argsArr[0], /*showHidden=*/false); return true; } config = make(); symtab = make(); target = createTargetInfo(args); config->entry = symtab->addUndefined(args.getLastArgValue(OPT_e, "_main")); config->outputFile = args.getLastArgValue(OPT_o, "a.out"); config->installName = args.getLastArgValue(OPT_install_name, config->outputFile); getLibrarySearchPaths(config->librarySearchPaths, args); getFrameworkSearchPaths(config->frameworkSearchPaths, args); config->outputType = args.hasArg(OPT_dylib) ? MH_DYLIB : MH_EXECUTE; if (args.hasArg(OPT_v)) { message(getLLDVersion()); message(StringRef("Library search paths:") + (config->librarySearchPaths.size() ? "\n\t" + llvm::join(config->librarySearchPaths, "\n\t") : "")); message(StringRef("Framework search paths:") + (config->frameworkSearchPaths.size() ? "\n\t" + llvm::join(config->frameworkSearchPaths, "\n\t") : "")); freeArena(); return !errorCount(); } for (const auto &arg : args) { const auto &opt = arg->getOption(); warnIfDeprecatedOption(opt); switch (arg->getOption().getID()) { case OPT_INPUT: addFile(arg->getValue()); break; case OPT_l: { StringRef name = arg->getValue(); if (Optional path = findLibrary(name)) { addFile(*path); break; } error("library not found for -l" + name); break; } case OPT_platform_version: handlePlatformVersion(arg); break; case OPT_o: case OPT_dylib: case OPT_e: case OPT_L: case OPT_Z: case OPT_arch: // handled elsewhere break; default: warnIfUnimplementedOption(opt); break; } } // Now that all dylibs have been loaded, search for those that should be // re-exported. for (opt::Arg *arg : args.filtered(OPT_sub_library)) { config->hasReexports = true; StringRef searchName = arg->getValue(); if (!markSubLibrary(searchName)) error("-sub_library " + searchName + " does not match a supplied dylib"); } StringRef orderFile = args.getLastArgValue(OPT_order_file); if (!orderFile.empty()) parseOrderFile(orderFile); if (config->outputType == MH_EXECUTE && !isa(config->entry)) { error("undefined symbol: " + config->entry->getName()); return false; } createSyntheticSections(); // Initialize InputSections. for (InputFile *file : inputFiles) { for (SubsectionMap &map : file->subsections) { for (auto &p : map) { InputSection *isec = p.second; inputSections.push_back(isec); } } } // Write to an output file. writeResult(); if (canExitEarly) exitLld(errorCount() ? 1 : 0); freeArena(); return !errorCount(); }