/* * Copyright (c) 1999. Adrian Sun (asun@zoology.washington.edu) * All Rights Reserved. See COPYRIGHT. * * CNID database support. * * here's the deal: * 1) afpd already caches did's. * 2) the database stores cnid's as both did/name and dev/ino pairs. * 3) RootInfo holds the value of the NextID. * 4) the cnid database gets called in the following manner -- * start a database: * cnid = cnid_open(root_dir); * * allocate a new id: * newid = cnid_add(cnid, dev, ino, parent did, * name, id); id is a hint for a specific id. pass 0 if you don't * care. if the id is already assigned, you won't get what you * requested. * * given an id, get a did/name and dev/ino pair. * name = cnid_get(cnid, &id); given an id, return the corresponding * info. * return code = cnid_delete(cnid, id); delete an entry. * * with AFP, CNIDs 0-2 have special meanings. here they are: * 0 -- invalid cnid * 1 -- parent of root directory (handled by afpd) * 2 -- root directory (handled by afpd) * * CNIDs 4-16 are reserved according to page 31 of the AFP 3.0 spec so, * CNID_START begins at 17. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */ #ifdef CNID_BACKEND_CDB #include #include "cnid_cdb_private.h" #ifndef MIN #define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) #endif /* ! MIN */ #define DBHOME ".AppleDB" #define DBCNID "cnid2.db" #define DBDEVINO "devino.db" #define DBDIDNAME "didname.db" /* did/full name mapping */ #define DBLOCKFILE "cnid.lock" #define DBHOMELEN 8 #define DBLEN 10 #define DBOPTIONS (DB_CREATE | DB_INIT_CDB | DB_INIT_MPOOL) #define MAXITER 0xFFFF /* maximum number of simultaneously open CNID * databases. */ static char *old_dbfiles[] = {"cnid.db", NULL}; /* ----------------------- * bandaid for LanTest performance pb. for now not used, cf. ifdef 0 below */ static int my_yield(void) { struct timeval t; int ret; t.tv_sec = 0; t.tv_usec = 1000; ret = select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &t); return 0; } /* --------------- */ static int didname(DB *dbp _U_, const DBT *pkey _U_, const DBT *pdata, DBT *skey) { int len; memset(skey, 0, sizeof(DBT)); skey->data = (char *)pdata->data + CNID_DID_OFS; len = strlen((char *)skey->data + CNID_DID_LEN); skey->size = CNID_DID_LEN + len + 1; return (0); } /* --------------- */ static int devino(DB *dbp _U_, const DBT *pkey _U_, const DBT *pdata, DBT *skey) { memset(skey, 0, sizeof(DBT)); skey->data = (char *)pdata->data + CNID_DEVINO_OFS; skey->size = CNID_DEVINO_LEN; return (0); } /* --------------- */ static int my_associate (DB *p, DB *s, int (*callback)(DB *, const DBT *,const DBT *, DBT *), u_int32_t flags) { #if DB_VERSION_MAJOR > 4 || (DB_VERSION_MAJOR == 4 && DB_VERSION_MINOR >= 1) return p->associate(p, NULL, s, callback, flags); #else #if (DB_VERSION_MAJOR == 4 && DB_VERSION_MINOR == 0) return p->associate(p, s, callback, flags); #else return 0; /* FIXME */ #endif #endif } /* --------------- */ static int my_open(DB * p, const char *f, const char *d, DBTYPE t, u_int32_t flags, int mode) { #if DB_VERSION_MAJOR > 4 || (DB_VERSION_MAJOR == 4 && DB_VERSION_MINOR >= 1) return p->open(p, NULL, f, d, t, flags, mode); #else return p->open(p, f, d, t, flags, mode); #endif } /* --------------- */ static struct _cnid_db *cnid_cdb_new(const char *volpath) { struct _cnid_db *cdb; int major, minor, patch; char *version_str; version_str = db_version(&major, &minor, &patch); /* check library match, ignore if only patch level changed */ if ( major != DB_VERSION_MAJOR || minor != DB_VERSION_MINOR) { LOG(log_error, logtype_cnid, "cnid_cdb_new: the Berkeley DB library version used does not match the version compiled with: (%u.%u)/(%u.%u)", DB_VERSION_MAJOR, DB_VERSION_MINOR, major, minor); return NULL; } if ((cdb = (struct _cnid_db *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct _cnid_db))) == NULL) return NULL; if ((cdb->volpath = strdup(volpath)) == NULL) { free(cdb); return NULL; } cdb->flags = CNID_FLAG_PERSISTENT; cdb->cnid_add = cnid_cdb_add; cdb->cnid_delete = cnid_cdb_delete; cdb->cnid_get = cnid_cdb_get; cdb->cnid_lookup = cnid_cdb_lookup; cdb->cnid_nextid = NULL; /*cnid_cdb_nextid;*/ cdb->cnid_resolve = cnid_cdb_resolve; cdb->cnid_update = cnid_cdb_update; cdb->cnid_close = cnid_cdb_close; cdb->cnid_getstamp = cnid_cdb_getstamp; cdb->cnid_rebuild_add = cnid_cdb_rebuild_add; return cdb; } /* --------------- */ static int upgrade_required(char *dbdir) { char path[MAXPATHLEN + 1]; int len, i; int found = 0; struct stat st; strcpy(path, dbdir); len = strlen(path); if (path[len - 1] != '/') { strcat(path, "/"); len++; } for (i = 0; old_dbfiles[i] != NULL; i++) { strcpy(path + len, old_dbfiles[i]); if ( !(stat(path, &st) < 0) ) { found++; continue; } if (errno != ENOENT) { LOG(log_error, logtype_default, "cnid_open: Checking %s gave %s", path, strerror(errno)); found++; } } return found; } /* --------------- */ struct _cnid_db *cnid_cdb_open(struct cnid_open_args *args) { struct stat st; char path[MAXPATHLEN + 1]; CNID_private *db; struct _cnid_db *cdb; int open_flag, len; static int first = 0; int rc; if (!args->dir || *args->dir == 0) { return NULL; } /* this checks .AppleDB. We need space for dir + '/' + DBHOMELEN + '/' + DBLEN */ if ((len = strlen(args->dir)) > (MAXPATHLEN - DBHOMELEN - DBLEN - 2)) { LOG(log_error, logtype_default, "cnid_open: Pathname too large: %s", args->dir); return NULL; } if ((cdb = cnid_cdb_new(args->dir)) == NULL) { LOG(log_error, logtype_default, "cnid_open: Unable to allocate memory for database"); return NULL; } if ((db = (CNID_private *) calloc(1, sizeof(CNID_private))) == NULL) { LOG(log_error, logtype_default, "cnid_open: Unable to allocate memory for database"); goto fail_cdb; } cdb->_private = (void *) db; db->magic = CNID_DB_MAGIC; strcpy(path, args->dir); if (path[len - 1] != '/') { strcat(path, "/"); len++; } strcpy(path + len, DBHOME); if ((stat(path, &st) < 0) && (ad_mkdir(path, 0777 & ~args->mask) < 0)) { LOG(log_error, logtype_default, "cnid_open: DBHOME mkdir failed for %s", path); goto fail_adouble; } if (upgrade_required(path)) { LOG(log_error, logtype_default, "cnid_open: Found version 1 of the CNID database. Please upgrade to version 2"); goto fail_adouble; } /* Print out the version of BDB we're linked against. */ if (!first) { first = 1; LOG(log_info, logtype_default, "CNID DB initialized using %s", db_version(NULL, NULL, NULL)); } open_flag = DB_CREATE; /* We need to be able to open the database environment with full * transaction, logging, and locking support if we ever hope to * be a true multi-acess file server. */ if ((rc = db_env_create(&db->dbenv, 0)) != 0) { LOG(log_error, logtype_default, "cnid_open: db_env_create: %s", db_strerror(rc)); goto fail_lock; } /* Open the database environment. */ if ((rc = db->dbenv->open(db->dbenv, path, DBOPTIONS, 0666 & ~args->mask)) != 0) { LOG(log_error, logtype_default, "cnid_open: dbenv->open (rw) of %s failed: %s", path, db_strerror(rc)); /* FIXME: This should probably go. Even if it worked, any use for a read-only DB? Didier? */ if (rc == DB_RUNRECOVERY) { /* This is the mother of all errors. We _must_ fail here. */ LOG(log_error, logtype_default, "cnid_open: CATASTROPHIC ERROR opening database environment %s. Run db_recovery -c immediately", path); goto fail_lock; } /* We can't get a full transactional environment, so multi-access * is out of the question. Let's assume a read-only environment, * and try to at least get a shared memory pool. */ if ((rc = db->dbenv->open(db->dbenv, path, DB_INIT_MPOOL, 0666 & ~args->mask)) != 0) { /* Nope, not a MPOOL, either. Last-ditch effort: we'll try to * open the environment with no flags. */ if ((rc = db->dbenv->open(db->dbenv, path, 0, 0666 & ~args->mask)) != 0) { LOG(log_error, logtype_default, "cnid_open: dbenv->open of %s failed: %s", path, db_strerror(rc)); goto fail_lock; } } db->flags |= CNIDFLAG_DB_RO; open_flag = DB_RDONLY; LOG(log_info, logtype_default, "cnid_open: Obtained read-only database environment %s", path); } /* ---------------------- */ /* Main CNID database. Use a hash for this one. */ if ((rc = db_create(&db->db_cnid, db->dbenv, 0)) != 0) { LOG(log_error, logtype_default, "cnid_open: Failed to create cnid database: %s", db_strerror(rc)); goto fail_appinit; } if ((rc = my_open(db->db_cnid, DBCNID, DBCNID, DB_BTREE, open_flag, 0666 & ~args->mask)) != 0) { LOG(log_error, logtype_default, "cnid_open: Failed to open dev/ino database: %s", db_strerror(rc)); goto fail_appinit; } /* ---------------------- */ /* did/name reverse mapping. We use a BTree for this one. */ if ((rc = db_create(&db->db_didname, db->dbenv, 0)) != 0) { LOG(log_error, logtype_default, "cnid_open: Failed to create did/name database: %s", db_strerror(rc)); goto fail_appinit; } if ((rc = my_open(db->db_didname, DBCNID, DBDIDNAME, DB_BTREE, open_flag, 0666 & ~args->mask))) { LOG(log_error, logtype_default, "cnid_open: Failed to open did/name database: %s", db_strerror(rc)); goto fail_appinit; } /* ---------------------- */ /* dev/ino reverse mapping. Use a hash for this one. */ if ((rc = db_create(&db->db_devino, db->dbenv, 0)) != 0) { LOG(log_error, logtype_default, "cnid_open: Failed to create dev/ino database: %s", db_strerror(rc)); goto fail_appinit; } if ((rc = my_open(db->db_devino, DBCNID, DBDEVINO, DB_BTREE, open_flag, 0666 & ~args->mask)) != 0) { LOG(log_error, logtype_default, "cnid_open: Failed to open devino database: %s", db_strerror(rc)); goto fail_appinit; } /* ---------------------- */ /* Associate the secondary with the primary. */ if ((rc = my_associate(db->db_cnid, db->db_didname, didname, 0)) != 0) { LOG(log_error, logtype_default, "cnid_open: Failed to associate didname database: %s", db_strerror(rc)); goto fail_appinit; } if ((rc = my_associate(db->db_cnid, db->db_devino, devino, 0)) != 0) { LOG(log_error, logtype_default, "cnid_open: Failed to associate devino database: %s", db_strerror(rc)); goto fail_appinit; } /* ---------------------- */ /* Check for version. "cdb" only supports CNID_VERSION_0, cf cnid_private.h */ DBT key, data; uint32_t version; memset(&key, 0, sizeof(key)); memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); key.data = ROOTINFO_KEY; key.size = ROOTINFO_KEYLEN; if ((rc = db->db_cnid->get(db->db_cnid, NULL, &key, &data, 0)) == 0) { /* If not found, ignore it */ memcpy(&version, data.data + CNID_DID_OFS, sizeof(version)); version = ntohl(version); LOG(log_debug, logtype_default, "CNID db version %u", version); if (version != CNID_VERSION_0) { LOG(log_error, logtype_default, "Unsupported CNID db version %u, use CNID backend \"dbd\"", version); goto fail_appinit; } } db_env_set_func_yield(my_yield); return cdb; fail_appinit: if (db->db_didname) db->db_didname->close(db->db_didname, 0); if (db->db_devino) db->db_devino->close(db->db_devino, 0); if (db->db_cnid) db->db_cnid->close(db->db_cnid, 0); LOG(log_error, logtype_default, "cnid_open: Failed to setup CNID DB environment"); db->dbenv->close(db->dbenv, 0); fail_lock: fail_adouble: free(db); fail_cdb: if (cdb->volpath != NULL) free(cdb->volpath); free(cdb); return NULL; } struct _cnid_module cnid_cdb_module = { "cdb", {NULL, NULL}, cnid_cdb_open, CNID_FLAG_SETUID | CNID_FLAG_BLOCK }; #endif /* CNID_BACKEND_CDB */