/* * $Id: pap.c,v 1.14 2009-10-16 01:10:59 didg Exp $ * * Copyright (c) 1990,1994 Regents of The University of Michigan. * All Rights Reserved. See COPYRIGHT. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H #include #endif /* HAVE_FCNTL_H */ #include #include #include #include #define FUCKED #define _PATH_PAPRC ".paprc" /* Forward Declarations */ static void updatestatus(char *s, int len); static int send_file(int fd, ATP atp, int lastfile); static void usage(char *path) { char *p; if (( p = strrchr( path, '/' )) == NULL ) { p = path; } else { p++; } fprintf( stderr, "Usage:\t%s [ -A address ] [ -c ] [ -d ] [ -e ] [ -E ] [ -p printer ]\n" " [ -s statusfile ] [ -w ] [ -W ] [ FILES ]\n" " -A address - printer Appletalk address\n" " -c - take cuts (lie about wait time)\n" " -d - enable debug\n" " -e - send stdout to stderr\n" " -E - don't wait for EOF from printer\n" " -p printer - printer name\n" " -s statusfile - put current printer status in statusfile\n" " -w - wait for printer status = 'waiting'\n" " -W - wait for printer status = 'idle'\n" " FILES - send FILES to printer\n" , p ); exit( 2 ); } static char * paprc(void) { static char s[ 32 + 1 + 32 + 1 + 32 ]; char *name = NULL; FILE *f; if (( f = fopen( _PATH_PAPRC, "r" )) == NULL ) { if ( errno == ENOENT ) { return( NULL ); } else { perror( _PATH_PAPRC ); exit( 2 ); } } while ( fgets( s, sizeof( s ), f ) != NULL ) { s[ strlen( s ) - 1 ] = '\0'; /* remove trailing newline */ if ( *s == '#' ) { continue; } name = s; break; } fclose( f ); return( name ); } static char *printer = NULL; static char *status = NULL; static int noeof = 0; static int waitforprinter = 0; static unsigned char connid, quantum, oquantum = PAP_MAXQUANTUM; static struct sockaddr_at sat; static char cbuf[ 8 ]; static struct nbpnve nn; static ATP satp; static char fbuf[ PAP_MAXQUANTUM ][ 4 + PAP_MAXDATA ]; static struct iovec rfiov[ PAP_MAXQUANTUM ] = { { fbuf[ 0 ] + 4, 0 }, { fbuf[ 1 ] + 4, 0 }, { fbuf[ 2 ] + 4, 0 }, { fbuf[ 3 ] + 4, 0 }, { fbuf[ 4 ] + 4, 0 }, { fbuf[ 5 ] + 4, 0 }, { fbuf[ 6 ] + 4, 0 }, { fbuf[ 7 ] + 4, 0 }, }; static struct iovec sniov[ PAP_MAXQUANTUM ] = { { fbuf[ 0 ], 0 }, { fbuf[ 1 ], 0 }, { fbuf[ 2 ], 0 }, { fbuf[ 3 ], 0 }, { fbuf[ 4 ], 0 }, { fbuf[ 5 ], 0 }, { fbuf[ 6 ], 0 }, { fbuf[ 7 ], 0 }, }; static char nbuf[ PAP_MAXQUANTUM ][ 4 + PAP_MAXDATA ]; static struct iovec rniov[ PAP_MAXQUANTUM ] = { { nbuf[ 0 ], 0 }, { nbuf[ 1 ], 0 }, { nbuf[ 2 ], 0 }, { nbuf[ 3 ], 0 }, { nbuf[ 4 ], 0 }, { nbuf[ 5 ], 0 }, { nbuf[ 6 ], 0 }, { nbuf[ 7 ], 0 }, }; static struct iovec sfiov[ PAP_MAXQUANTUM ] = { { nbuf[ 0 ] + 4, 0 }, { nbuf[ 1 ] + 4, 0 }, { nbuf[ 2 ] + 4, 0 }, { nbuf[ 3 ] + 4, 0 }, { nbuf[ 4 ] + 4, 0 }, { nbuf[ 5 ] + 4, 0 }, { nbuf[ 6 ] + 4, 0 }, { nbuf[ 7 ] + 4, 0 }, }; static int debug; int main( int ac, char **av) { ATP atp; struct atp_block atpb; int c, err = 0, fd, cuts = 0; char *obj = NULL, *type = "LaserWriter", *zone = "*"; struct timeval stv, tv; char rbuf[ ATP_MAXDATA ]; struct iovec iov; unsigned short waiting, result; int connattempts = 10; int waitforidle = 0; struct at_addr addr; extern char *optarg; extern int optind; memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); while (( c = getopt( ac, av, "dWwcep:s:EA:" )) != EOF ) { switch ( c ) { #ifdef FUCKED case 'w' : waitforprinter = 1; break; case 'W' : waitforidle = 1; break; #endif /* FUCKED */ /* enable debugging */ case 'd' : debug++; break; case 'c' : cuts++; break; case 'e' : /* send stdout to stderr */ dup2( 2, 1 ); break; case 'p' : printer = optarg; break; case 's' : status = optarg; break; case 'E' : noeof = 1; break; case 'A': if (!atalk_aton(optarg, &addr)) { fprintf(stderr, "Bad address.\n"); exit(1); } break; default : err++; } } if ( err ) { usage( *av ); } if ( printer == NULL && (( printer = paprc()) == NULL )) { fprintf( stderr, "No printer specified and ./.paprc not found.\n" ); exit( 2 ); } /* * Open connection. */ if ( nbp_name( printer, &obj, &type, &zone ) < 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: Bad name\n", printer ); exit( 2 ); } if ( obj == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: Bad name\n", printer ); exit( 2 ); } if ( nbp_lookup( obj, type, zone, &nn, 1, &addr ) <= 0 ) { if ( errno != 0 ) { perror( "nbp_lookup" ); exit( 2 ); } fprintf( stderr, "%s:%s@%s: NBP Lookup failed\n", obj, type, zone ); exit( 1 ); } if ( isatty( 1 )) { printf( "Trying %u.%d:%d ...\n", ntohs( nn.nn_sat.sat_addr.s_net ), nn.nn_sat.sat_addr.s_node, nn.nn_sat.sat_port ); } if (( atp = atp_open( ATADDR_ANYPORT, &addr )) == NULL ) { perror( "atp_open" ); exit( 2 ); } if (( satp = atp_open( ATADDR_ANYPORT, &addr )) == NULL ) { perror( "atp_open" ); exit( 2 ); } while ( waitforidle ) { char st_buf[ 1024 ]; /* XXX too big */ cbuf[ 0 ] = 0; cbuf[ 1 ] = PAP_SENDSTATUS; cbuf[ 2 ] = cbuf[ 3 ] = 0; atpb.atp_saddr = &nn.nn_sat; atpb.atp_sreqdata = cbuf; atpb.atp_sreqdlen = 4; /* bytes in SendStatus request */ atpb.atp_sreqto = 2; /* retry timer */ atpb.atp_sreqtries = 5; /* retry count */ if ( atp_sreq( satp, &atpb, 1, 0 ) < 0 ) { perror( "atp_sreq" ); exit( 1 ); } if(debug){ printf( "SENDSTATUS >\n" ), fflush( stdout );} atpb.atp_saddr = &nn.nn_sat; rniov[ 0 ].iov_len = PAP_MAXDATA + 4; atpb.atp_rresiov = rniov; atpb.atp_rresiovcnt = 1; if ( atp_rresp( satp, &atpb ) < 0 ) { perror( "atp_rresp" ); continue; } #ifndef NONZEROSTATUS /* * The stinking LaserWriter IINTX puts crap in this * field. */ if ( ((char *)rniov[ 0 ].iov_base)[ 0 ] != 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Bad status response!\n" ); exit( 1 ); } #endif /* NONZEROSTATUS */ if ( ((char *)rniov[ 0 ].iov_base)[ 1 ] != PAP_STATUS || atpb.atp_rresiovcnt != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Bad status response!\n" ); exit( 1 ); } if(debug){ printf( "< STATUS\n" ), fflush( stdout );} memcpy( st_buf, (char *) rniov[ 0 ].iov_base + 9, ((char *)rniov[ 0 ].iov_base)[ 8 ] ); st_buf[ (int) ((char *)rniov[ 0 ].iov_base)[ 8 ]] = '\0'; if ( strstr( st_buf, "idle" ) != NULL ) { waitforidle = 0; } else { updatestatus( (char *) rniov[ 0 ].iov_base + 9, ((char *)rniov[ 0 ].iov_base)[ 8 ] ); sleep( 5 ); } } cbuf[ 0 ] = connid = getpid() & 0xff; cbuf[ 1 ] = PAP_OPEN; cbuf[ 2 ] = cbuf[ 3 ] = 0; cbuf[ 4 ] = atp_sockaddr( atp )->sat_port; cbuf[ 5 ] = oquantum; /* flow quantum */ if ( gettimeofday( &stv, NULL ) < 0 ) { perror( "gettimeofday" ); exit( 2 ); } for (;;) { if ( cuts ) { waiting = 0xffff; } else { if ( gettimeofday( &tv, NULL ) < 0 ) { perror( "gettimeofday" ); exit( 2 ); } waiting = htons( tv.tv_sec - stv.tv_sec ); } memcpy(cbuf + 6, &waiting, sizeof( waiting )); atpb.atp_saddr = &nn.nn_sat; atpb.atp_sreqdata = cbuf; atpb.atp_sreqdlen = 8; /* bytes in OpenConn request */ atpb.atp_sreqto = 2; /* retry timer */ atpb.atp_sreqtries = 5; /* retry count */ if ( atp_sreq( atp, &atpb, 1, ATP_XO ) < 0 ) { perror( "atp_sreq" ); exit( 1 ); } if(debug){ printf( "OPEN >\n" ), fflush( stdout );} iov.iov_base = rbuf; iov.iov_len = sizeof( rbuf ); atpb.atp_rresiov = &iov; atpb.atp_rresiovcnt = 1; if ( atp_rresp( atp, &atpb ) < 0 ) { perror( "atp_rresp" ); if ( connattempts-- <= 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Can't connect!\n" ); exit( 1 ); } continue; } /* sanity */ if ( iov.iov_len < 8 || (unsigned char)rbuf[ 0 ] != connid || rbuf[ 1 ] != PAP_OPENREPLY ) { fprintf( stderr, "Bad response!\n" ); continue; /* This is weird, since TIDs must match... */ } if(debug){ printf( "< OPENREPLY\n" ), fflush( stdout );} if ( isatty( 1 )) { printf( "%.*s\n", (int)iov.iov_len - 9, (char *) iov.iov_base + 9 ); } updatestatus( (char *) iov.iov_base + 9, iov.iov_len - 9 ); memcpy( &result, rbuf + 6, sizeof( result )); if ( result != 0 ) { sleep( 2 ); } else { memcpy( &sat, &nn.nn_sat, sizeof( struct sockaddr_at )); sat.sat_port = rbuf[ 4 ]; quantum = rbuf[ 5 ]; break; } } if ( isatty( 1 )) { printf( "Connected to %.*s:%.*s@%.*s.\n", nn.nn_objlen, nn.nn_obj, nn.nn_typelen, nn.nn_type, nn.nn_zonelen, nn.nn_zone ); } if ( optind == ac ) { send_file( 0, atp, 1 ); } else { for (; optind < ac; optind++ ) { if ( strcmp( av[ optind ], "-" ) == 0 ) { fd = 0; } else if (( fd = open( av[ optind ], O_RDONLY )) < 0 ) { perror( av[ optind ] ); continue; } send_file( fd, atp, ( optind == ac - 1 ) ? 1 : 0 ); if ( fd != 0 ) { close( fd ); } } } /* * Close connection. */ cbuf[ 0 ] = connid; cbuf[ 1 ] = PAP_CLOSE; cbuf[ 2 ] = cbuf[ 3 ] = 0; atpb.atp_saddr = &sat; atpb.atp_sreqdata = cbuf; atpb.atp_sreqdlen = 4; /* bytes in CloseConn request */ atpb.atp_sreqto = 2; /* retry timer */ atpb.atp_sreqtries = 5; /* retry count */ if ( atp_sreq( atp, &atpb, 1, ATP_XO ) < 0 ) { perror( "atp_sreq" ); exit( 1 ); } if(debug){ printf( "CLOSE >\n" ), fflush( stdout );} iov.iov_base = rbuf; iov.iov_len = sizeof( rbuf ); atpb.atp_rresiov = &iov; atpb.atp_rresiovcnt = 1; if ( atp_rresp( atp, &atpb ) < 0 ) { perror( "atp_rresp" ); exit( 1 ); } /* sanity */ if ( iov.iov_len != 4 || rbuf[ 1 ] != PAP_CLOSEREPLY ) { fprintf( stderr, "Bad response!\n" ); exit( 1 ); } #ifndef ZEROCONNID /* * The AGFA Viper Rip doesn't have the connection id in the close request. */ if ((unsigned char)rbuf[ 0 ] != connid ) { fprintf( stderr, "Bad connid in close!\n" ); exit( 1 ); } #endif /* ZEROCONNID */ if(debug){ printf( "< CLOSEREPLY\n" ), fflush( stdout );} if ( isatty( 1 )) { printf( "Connection closed.\n" ); } exit( 0 ); } static int data = 0; static unsigned char port; static u_int16_t seq = 0; static int send_file( int fd, ATP atp, int lastfile) { struct timeval stv, tv; struct sockaddr_at ssat; struct atp_block atpb; fd_set fds; int fiovcnt = 0, eof = 0, senteof = 0, to = 0; int cc, i; unsigned short netseq; if ( gettimeofday( &stv, NULL ) < 0 ) { perror( "gettimeofday" ); exit( 2 ); } /* * Ask for more data. */ cbuf[ 0 ] = connid; cbuf[ 1 ] = PAP_READ; if ( ++seq == 0 ) seq = 1; netseq = htons( seq ); memcpy( cbuf + 2, &netseq, sizeof( netseq )); atpb.atp_saddr = &sat; atpb.atp_sreqdata = cbuf; atpb.atp_sreqdlen = 4; /* bytes in SendData request */ atpb.atp_sreqto = 15; /* retry timer */ atpb.atp_sreqtries = -1; /* retry count */ if ( atp_sreq( atp, &atpb, oquantum, ATP_XO ) < 0 ) { perror( "atp_sreq" ); exit( 1 ); } if(debug){ printf( "READ %d >\n", seq ), fflush( stdout );} for (;;) { if ( gettimeofday( &tv, NULL ) < 0 ) { perror( "gettimeofday" ); exit( 2 ); } if (( tv.tv_sec - stv.tv_sec ) >= 60 ) { stv = tv; /* * Send a tickle. */ cbuf[ 0 ] = connid; cbuf[ 1 ] = PAP_TICKLE; cbuf[ 2 ] = cbuf[ 3 ] = 0; atpb.atp_saddr = &sat; atpb.atp_sreqdata = cbuf; atpb.atp_sreqdlen = 4; /* bytes in Tickle request */ atpb.atp_sreqto = 0; /* retry timer */ atpb.atp_sreqtries = 1; /* retry count */ if ( atp_sreq( satp, &atpb, 0, 0 ) < 0 ) { perror( "atp_sreq" ); exit( 1 ); } if(debug){ printf( "TICKLE >\n" ), fflush( stdout );} } tv.tv_sec = stv.tv_sec + 60 - tv.tv_sec; tv.tv_usec = 0; FD_ZERO( &fds ); if ( !waitforprinter && !eof && fiovcnt == 0 ) { FD_SET( fd, &fds ); } FD_SET( atp_fileno( atp ), &fds ); if (( cc = select( FD_SETSIZE, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv )) < 0 ) { perror( "select" ); exit( 2 ); } /* * A timeout has occured. Keep track of it. */ if ( cc == 0 ) { if ( to++ > 2 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Connection timed out.\n" ); exit( 1 ); } continue; } /* * Read data. */ if ( !fiovcnt && FD_ISSET( fd, &fds )) { for ( i = 0; i < quantum; i++ ) { rfiov[ i ].iov_len = PAP_MAXDATA; } if (( cc = readv( fd, rfiov, quantum )) < 0 ) { perror( "readv" ); exit( 2 ); } if ( cc == 0 ) { eof = 1; } fiovcnt = cc / PAP_MAXDATA + ( cc % PAP_MAXDATA > 0 ); for ( i = 0; cc > 0; i++ ) { rfiov[ i ].iov_len = ( cc > PAP_MAXDATA ) ? PAP_MAXDATA : cc; cc -= ( cc > PAP_MAXDATA ) ? PAP_MAXDATA : cc; } } if ( FD_ISSET( atp_fileno( atp ), &fds )) { ssat = sat; ssat.sat_port = ATADDR_ANYPORT; switch( atp_rsel( atp, &ssat, ATP_TRESP | ATP_TREQ )) { case ATP_TREQ : atpb.atp_saddr = &ssat; atpb.atp_rreqdata = cbuf; atpb.atp_rreqdlen = sizeof( cbuf ); if ( atp_rreq( atp, &atpb ) < 0 ) { perror( "atp_rreq" ); exit( 1 ); } if ( (unsigned char)cbuf[ 0 ] != connid ) { break; } /* reset timeout counter for all valid requests */ to = 0; switch ( cbuf[ 1 ] ) { case PAP_READ : memcpy( cbuf + 2, &netseq, sizeof( netseq )); if(debug){ printf( "< READ %d\n", ntohs( netseq )), fflush( stdout );} #ifdef notdef if ( netseq != 0 ) { if ( rseq != ntohs( netseq )) { if(debug){ printf( "| DUP %d\n", rseq ), fflush( stdout );} break; } if ( rseq++ == 0xffff ) rseq = 1; } #endif /* notdef */ data = 1; port = ssat.sat_port; break; case PAP_CLOSE : if(debug){ printf( "< CLOSE\n" ), fflush( stdout );} /* * Respond to the close request, and fail. */ sniov[ 0 ].iov_len = 4; ((char *)sniov[ 0 ].iov_base)[ 0 ] = connid; ((char *)sniov[ 0 ].iov_base)[ 1 ] = PAP_CLOSEREPLY; ((char *)sniov[ 0 ].iov_base)[ 2 ] = ((char *)sniov[ 0 ].iov_base)[ 3 ] = 0; atpb.atp_sresiov = sniov; atpb.atp_sresiovcnt = 1; if ( atp_sresp( atp, &atpb ) < 0 ) { perror( "atp_sresp" ); exit( 1 ); } if(debug){ printf( "CLOSEREPLY >\n" ), fflush( stdout );} fprintf( stderr, "Connection closed by foreign host.\n" ); exit( 1 ); case PAP_TICKLE : if(debug){ printf( "< TICKLE\n" ), fflush( stdout );} break; default : fprintf( stderr, "Bad PAP request!\n" ); exit( 1 ); } break; case ATP_TRESP : /* reset timeout counter for all valid requests */ to = 0; atpb.atp_saddr = &ssat; for ( i = 0; i < oquantum; i++ ) { rniov[ i ].iov_len = PAP_MAXDATA + 4; } atpb.atp_rresiov = rniov; atpb.atp_rresiovcnt = oquantum; if ( atp_rresp( atp, &atpb ) < 0 ) { perror( "atp_rresp" ); exit( 1 ); } #ifndef ZEROCONNID /* * The HP LJIIISI w/ BridgePort LocalTalk card sends * zero instead of the connid. */ if ( ((unsigned char *)rniov[ 0 ].iov_base)[ 0 ] != connid ) { fprintf( stderr, "Bad data response!\n" ); exit( 1 ); } #endif /* ZEROCONNID */ if ( ((char *)rniov[ 0 ].iov_base)[ 1 ] != PAP_DATA ) { fprintf( stderr, "Bad data response!\n" ); exit( 1 ); } for ( cc = 0, i = 0; i < atpb.atp_rresiovcnt; i++ ) { sfiov[ i ].iov_len = rniov[ i ].iov_len - 4; cc += sfiov[ i ].iov_len; } if ( cc && writev( 1, sfiov, atpb.atp_rresiovcnt ) < cc ) { perror( "writev" ); exit( 2 ); } /* eof */ if ( ((char *)rniov[ 0 ].iov_base)[ 2 ] ) { if(debug){ printf( "< DATA (eof)\n" ), fflush( stdout );} return( 0 ); } if(debug){ printf( "< DATA\n" ), fflush( stdout );} /* * Ask for more data. */ cbuf[ 0 ] = connid; cbuf[ 1 ] = PAP_READ; if ( ++seq == 0 ) seq = 1; netseq = htons( seq ); memcpy( cbuf + 2, &netseq, sizeof( netseq )); atpb.atp_saddr = &sat; atpb.atp_sreqdata = cbuf; atpb.atp_sreqdlen = 4; /* bytes in SendData request */ atpb.atp_sreqto = 15; /* retry timer */ atpb.atp_sreqtries = -1; /* retry count */ if ( atp_sreq( atp, &atpb, oquantum, ATP_XO ) < 0 ) { perror( "atp_sreq" ); exit( 1 ); } if(debug){ printf( "READ %d >\n", seq ), fflush( stdout );} break; case 0: if(debug){ printf( "| RETRANS\n" ), fflush( stdout );} break; default: perror( "atp_rsel" ); exit( 1 ); } } /* * Send whatever is pending. */ if ( !waitforprinter && !senteof && data && ( fiovcnt || eof )) { ssat.sat_port = port; atpb.atp_saddr = &ssat; if ( fiovcnt ) { for ( i = 0; i < fiovcnt; i++ ) { sniov[ i ].iov_len = rfiov[ i ].iov_len + 4; ((char *)sniov[ i ].iov_base)[ 0 ] = connid; ((char *)sniov[ i ].iov_base)[ 1 ] = PAP_DATA; senteof = ((char *)sniov[ i ].iov_base)[ 2 ] = eof; ((char *)sniov[ i ].iov_base)[ 3 ] = 0; } } else { sniov[ 0 ].iov_len = 4; ((char *)sniov[ 0 ].iov_base)[ 0 ] = connid; ((char *)sniov[ 0 ].iov_base)[ 1 ] = PAP_DATA; senteof = ((char *)sniov[ 0 ].iov_base)[ 2 ] = eof; ((char *)sniov[ 0 ].iov_base)[ 3 ] = 0; } atpb.atp_sresiov = sniov; atpb.atp_sresiovcnt = fiovcnt ? fiovcnt : 1; if ( atp_sresp( atp, &atpb ) < 0 ) { perror( "atp_sresp" ); exit( 1 ); } data = fiovcnt = 0; if(debug){ printf( "DATA %s\n", eof ? "(eof) >" : ">" ), fflush( stdout );} /* * The Apple LaserWriter IIf, the HP LWIIISi, and IV, don't * seem to send us an EOF on large jobs. To work around * this heinous protocol violation, we won't wait for their * EOF before closing. */ if ( eof && noeof && lastfile ) { return( 0 ); } } else { /* * If we can't send data right now, go ahead and get the * status. This is cool, because we get here reliably * if there is a problem. */ cbuf[ 0 ] = 0; cbuf[ 1 ] = PAP_SENDSTATUS; cbuf[ 2 ] = cbuf[ 3 ] = 0; atpb.atp_saddr = &nn.nn_sat; atpb.atp_sreqdata = cbuf; atpb.atp_sreqdlen = 4; /* bytes in SendStatus request */ atpb.atp_sreqto = 2; /* retry timer */ atpb.atp_sreqtries = 5; /* retry count */ if ( atp_sreq( satp, &atpb, 1, 0 ) < 0 ) { perror( "atp_sreq" ); exit( 1 ); } if(debug){ printf( "SENDSTATUS >\n" ), fflush( stdout );} atpb.atp_saddr = &nn.nn_sat; rniov[ 0 ].iov_len = PAP_MAXDATA + 4; atpb.atp_rresiov = rniov; atpb.atp_rresiovcnt = 1; if ( atp_rresp( satp, &atpb ) < 0 ) { perror( "atp_rresp" ); continue; } #ifndef NONZEROSTATUS /* * The stinking LaserWriter IINTX puts crap in this * field. */ if ( ((char *)rniov[ 0 ].iov_base)[ 0 ] != 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Bad status response!\n" ); exit( 1 ); } #endif /* NONZEROSTATUS */ if ( ((char *)rniov[ 0 ].iov_base)[ 1 ] != PAP_STATUS || atpb.atp_rresiovcnt != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Bad status response!\n" ); exit( 1 ); } if(debug){ printf( "< STATUS\n" ), fflush( stdout );} #ifdef FUCKED if ( waitforprinter ) { char st_buf[ 1024 ]; /* XXX too big */ memcpy( st_buf, (char *) rniov[ 0 ].iov_base + 9, ((char *)rniov[ 0 ].iov_base)[ 8 ] ); st_buf[ (int) ((char *)rniov[ 0 ].iov_base)[ 8 ]] = '\0'; if ( strstr( st_buf, "waiting" ) != NULL ) { waitforprinter = 0; } } #endif /* FUCKED */ updatestatus( (char *) rniov[ 0 ].iov_base + 9, ((char *)rniov[ 0 ].iov_base)[ 8 ] ); } } } static void updatestatus(char *s, int len) { int fd = -1; struct iovec iov[ 3 ]; if ( status ) { if (( fd = open( status, O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC )) < 0 ) { perror( status ); status = NULL; } } if ( fd < 0 ) { fd = 2; } iov[ 0 ].iov_base = "%%[ "; iov[ 0 ].iov_len = 4; iov[ 1 ].iov_base = s; iov[ 1 ].iov_len = len; iov[ 2 ].iov_base = " ]%%\n"; iov[ 2 ].iov_len = 5; writev( fd, iov, 3 ); if ( status ) { close( fd ); } }