/*- * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information. * * Copyright (c) 2002,2008 Oracle. All rights reserved. * * $Id: Evolver.java,v 1.2 2008/02/08 20:12:37 mark Exp $ */ package com.sleepycat.persist.impl; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import com.sleepycat.compat.DbCompat; import com.sleepycat.db.DatabaseException; import com.sleepycat.db.Transaction; import com.sleepycat.persist.evolve.Converter; import com.sleepycat.persist.evolve.Deleter; import com.sleepycat.persist.evolve.Mutation; import com.sleepycat.persist.evolve.Mutations; import com.sleepycat.persist.evolve.Renamer; import com.sleepycat.persist.model.SecondaryKeyMetadata; /** * Evolves each old format that is still relevant if necessary, using Mutations * to configure deleters, renamers, and converters. * * @author Mark Hayes */ class Evolver { static final int EVOLVE_NONE = 0; static final int EVOLVE_NEEDED = 1; static final int EVOLVE_FAILURE = 2; private PersistCatalog catalog; private String storePrefix; private Mutations mutations; private Map newFormats; private boolean forceEvolution; private boolean disallowClassChanges; private boolean nestedFormatsChanged; private Map changedFormats; private StringBuilder errors; private Set deleteDbs; private Map renameDbs; private Map renameFormats; private Map evolvedFormats; private List unprocessedFormats; private Map> subclassMap; Evolver(PersistCatalog catalog, String storePrefix, Mutations mutations, Map newFormats, boolean forceEvolution, boolean disallowClassChanges) { this.catalog = catalog; this.storePrefix = storePrefix; this.mutations = mutations; this.newFormats = newFormats; this.forceEvolution = forceEvolution; this.disallowClassChanges = disallowClassChanges; changedFormats = new IdentityHashMap(); errors = new StringBuilder(); deleteDbs = new HashSet(); renameDbs = new HashMap(); renameFormats = new IdentityHashMap(); evolvedFormats = new HashMap(); unprocessedFormats = new ArrayList(); subclassMap = catalog.getSubclassMap(); } final Mutations getMutations() { return mutations; } /** * Returns whether any formats were changed during evolution, and therefore * need to be stored in the catalog. */ boolean areFormatsChanged() { return !changedFormats.isEmpty(); } /** * Returns whether the given format was changed during evolution. */ boolean isFormatChanged(Format format) { return changedFormats.containsKey(format); } private void setFormatsChanged(Format oldFormat) { checkClassChangesAllowed(oldFormat); changedFormats.put(oldFormat, oldFormat); nestedFormatsChanged = true; /* PersistCatalog.expectNoClassChanges is true in unit tests only. */ if (PersistCatalog.expectNoClassChanges) { throw new IllegalStateException("expectNoClassChanges"); } } private void checkClassChangesAllowed(Format oldFormat) { if (disallowClassChanges) { throw new IllegalStateException ("When performing an upgrade changes are not allowed " + "but were made to: " + oldFormat.getClassName()); } } /** * Returns the set of formats for a specific superclass format, or null if * the superclass is not a complex type or has not subclasses. */ Set getSubclassFormats(Format superFormat) { return subclassMap.get(superFormat); } /** * Returns an error string if any mutations are invalid or missing, or * returns null otherwise. If non-null is returned, the store may not be * opened. */ String getErrors() { if (errors.length() > 0) { return errors.toString(); } else { return null; } } /** * Adds a newline and the given error. */ private void addError(String error) { if (errors.length() > 0) { errors.append("\n---\n"); } errors.append(error); } private String getClassVersionLabel(Format format, String prefix) { if (format != null) { return prefix + " class: " + format.getClassName() + " version: " + format.getVersion(); } else { return ""; } } /** * Adds a specified error when no specific mutation is involved. */ void addEvolveError(Format oldFormat, Format newFormat, String scenario, String error) { checkClassChangesAllowed(oldFormat); if (scenario == null) { scenario = "Error"; } addError(scenario + " when evolving" + getClassVersionLabel(oldFormat, "") + getClassVersionLabel(newFormat, " to") + " Error: " + error); } /** * Adds an error for an invalid mutation. */ void addInvalidMutation(Format oldFormat, Format newFormat, Mutation mutation, String error) { checkClassChangesAllowed(oldFormat); addError("Invalid mutation: " + mutation + getClassVersionLabel(oldFormat, " For") + getClassVersionLabel(newFormat, " New") + " Error: " + error); } /** * Adds an error for a missing mutation. */ void addMissingMutation(Format oldFormat, Format newFormat, String error) { checkClassChangesAllowed(oldFormat); addError("Mutation is missing to evolve" + getClassVersionLabel(oldFormat, "") + getClassVersionLabel(newFormat, " to") + " Error: " + error); } /** * Called by PersistCatalog for all non-entity formats. */ void addNonEntityFormat(Format oldFormat) { unprocessedFormats.add(oldFormat); } /** * Called by PersistCatalog after calling evolveFormat or * addNonEntityFormat for all old formats. * * We do not require deletion of an unreferenced class for three * reasons: 1) built-in proxy classes may not be referenced, 2) the * user may wish to declare persistent classes that are not yet used. */ void finishEvolution() { /* Process unreferenced classes. */ for (Format oldFormat : unprocessedFormats) { oldFormat.setUnused(true); Integer oldFormatId = oldFormat.getId(); if (!evolvedFormats.containsKey(oldFormatId)) { evolvedFormats.put(oldFormatId, true); boolean result = evolveFormatInternal(oldFormat); evolvedFormats.put(oldFormatId, result); } } } /** * Called by PersistCatalog for all entity formats, and by Format.evolve * methods for all potentially referenced non-entity formats. */ boolean evolveFormat(Format oldFormat) { boolean result; boolean trackEntityChanges = oldFormat.getLatestVersion().getEntityFormat() != null; boolean saveNestedFormatsChanged = nestedFormatsChanged; if (trackEntityChanges) { nestedFormatsChanged = false; } Integer oldFormatId = oldFormat.getId(); if (evolvedFormats.containsKey(oldFormatId)) { result = evolvedFormats.get(oldFormatId); } else { evolvedFormats.put(oldFormatId, true); result = evolveFormatInternal(oldFormat); evolvedFormats.put(oldFormatId, result); } if (oldFormat.getLatestVersion().isNew()) { nestedFormatsChanged = true; } if (trackEntityChanges) { if (nestedFormatsChanged) { Format latest = oldFormat.getLatestVersion().getEntityFormat(); if (latest != null) { latest.setEvolveNeeded(true); } } nestedFormatsChanged = saveNestedFormatsChanged; } return result; } /** * Tries to evolve a given existing format to the current version of the * class and returns false if an invalid mutation is encountered or the * configured mutations are not sufficient. */ private boolean evolveFormatInternal(Format oldFormat) { /* Predefined formats and deleted classes never need evolving. */ if (Format.isPredefined(oldFormat) || oldFormat.isDeleted()) { return true; } /* Get class mutations. */ String oldName = oldFormat.getClassName(); int oldVersion = oldFormat.getVersion(); Renamer renamer = mutations.getRenamer(oldName, oldVersion, null); Deleter deleter = mutations.getDeleter(oldName, oldVersion, null); Converter converter = mutations.getConverter(oldName, oldVersion, null); if (deleter != null && (converter != null || renamer != null)) { addInvalidMutation (oldFormat, null, deleter, "Class Deleter not allowed along with a Renamer or " + "Converter for the same class"); return false; } /* * For determining the new name, arrays get special treatment. The * component format is evolved in the process, and we disallow muations * for arrays. */ String newName; if (oldFormat.isArray()) { if (deleter != null || converter != null || renamer != null) { Mutation mutation = (deleter != null) ? deleter : ((converter != null) ? converter : renamer); addInvalidMutation (oldFormat, null, mutation, "Mutations not allowed for an array"); return false; } Format compFormat = oldFormat.getComponentType(); if (!evolveFormat(compFormat)) { return false; } Format latest = compFormat.getLatestVersion(); if (latest != compFormat) { newName = (latest.isArray() ? "[" : "[L") + latest.getClassName() + ';'; } else { newName = oldName; } } else { newName = (renamer != null) ? renamer.getNewName() : oldName; } /* Try to get the new class format. Save exception for later. */ Format newFormat; String newFormatException; try { Class newClass = SimpleCatalog.classForName(newName); try { newFormat = catalog.createFormat(newClass, newFormats); assert newFormat != oldFormat : newFormat.getClassName(); newFormatException = null; } catch (Exception e) { newFormat = null; newFormatException = e.toString(); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { newFormat = null; newFormatException = e.toString(); } if (newFormat != null) { /* * If the old format is not the existing latest version and the new * format is not an existing format, then we must evolve the latest * old version to the new format first. We cannot evolve old * format to a new format that may be discarded because it is equal * to the latest existing format (which will remain the current * version). */ if (oldFormat != oldFormat.getLatestVersion() && newFormat.getPreviousVersion() == null) { assert newFormats.containsValue(newFormat); Format oldLatestFormat = oldFormat.getLatestVersion(); evolveFormat(oldLatestFormat); if (oldLatestFormat == oldLatestFormat.getLatestVersion()) { assert !newFormats.containsValue(newFormat); /* newFormat equals oldLatestFormat and was discarded. */ newFormat = oldLatestFormat; } } /* * If the old format was previously evolved to the new format * (which means the new format is actually an existing format), * then there is nothing to do. This is the case where no class * changes were made. * * However, if mutations were specified when opening the catalog * that are different than the mutations last used, then we must * force the re-evolution of all old formats. */ if (!forceEvolution && newFormat == oldFormat.getLatestVersion()) { return true; } } /* Apply class Renamer and continue if successful. */ if (renamer != null) { if (!applyRenamer(renamer, oldFormat, newFormat)) { return false; } } /* Apply class Converter and return. */ if (converter != null) { if (oldFormat.isEntity()) { if (newFormat == null || !newFormat.isEntity()) { addInvalidMutation (oldFormat, newFormat, deleter, "Class converter not allowed for an entity class " + "that is no longer present or not having an " + "@Entity annotation"); return false; } if (!oldFormat.evolveMetadata(newFormat, converter, this)) { return false; } } return applyConverter(converter, oldFormat, newFormat); } /* Apply class Deleter and return. */ boolean needDeleter = (newFormat == null) || (newFormat.isEntity() != oldFormat.isEntity()); if (deleter != null) { if (!needDeleter) { addInvalidMutation (oldFormat, newFormat, deleter, "Class deleter not allowed when the class and its " + "@Entity or @Persistent annotation is still present"); return false; } return applyDeleter(deleter, oldFormat, newFormat); } else { if (needDeleter) { if (newFormat == null) { assert newFormatException != null; /* FindBugs newFormat known to be null excluded. */ addMissingMutation (oldFormat, newFormat, newFormatException); } else { addMissingMutation (oldFormat, newFormat, "@Entity switched to/from @Persistent"); } return false; } } /* * Class-level mutations have been applied. Now apply field mutations * (for complex classes) or special conversions (enum conversions, for * example) by calling the old format's evolve method. */ return oldFormat.evolve(newFormat, this); } /** * Use the old format and discard the new format. Called by * Format.evolve when the old and new formats are identical. */ void useOldFormat(Format oldFormat, Format newFormat) { Format renamedFormat = renameFormats.get(oldFormat); if (renamedFormat != null) { /* * The format was renamed but, because this method is called, we * know that no other class changes were made. Use the new/renamed * format as the reader. */ assert renamedFormat == newFormat; useEvolvedFormat(oldFormat, renamedFormat, renamedFormat); } else if (newFormat != null && oldFormat.getVersion() != newFormat.getVersion()) { /* The user wants a new version number, but no other changes. */ useEvolvedFormat(oldFormat, newFormat, newFormat); } else { /* The new format is discarded. */ catalog.useExistingFormat(oldFormat); if (newFormat != null) { newFormats.remove(newFormat.getClassName()); } } } /** * Install an evolver Reader in the old format. Called by Format.evolve * when the old and new formats are not identical. */ void useEvolvedFormat(Format oldFormat, Reader evolveReader, Format newFormat) { oldFormat.setReader(evolveReader); if (newFormat != null) { oldFormat.setLatestVersion(newFormat); } setFormatsChanged(oldFormat); } private boolean applyRenamer(Renamer renamer, Format oldFormat, Format newFormat) { if (!checkUpdatedVersion(renamer, oldFormat, newFormat)) { return false; } if (oldFormat.isEntity() && oldFormat.isCurrentVersion()) { String newClassName = newFormat.getClassName(); String oldClassName = oldFormat.getClassName(); /* Queue the renaming of the primary and secondary databases. */ renameDbs.put (Store.makePriDbName(storePrefix, oldClassName), Store.makePriDbName(storePrefix, newClassName)); for (SecondaryKeyMetadata keyMeta : oldFormat.getEntityMetadata().getSecondaryKeys().values()) { String keyName = keyMeta.getKeyName(); renameDbs.put (Store.makeSecDbName(storePrefix, oldClassName, keyName), Store.makeSecDbName(storePrefix, newClassName, keyName)); } } /* * Link the old format to the renamed format so that we can detect the * rename in useOldFormat. */ renameFormats.put(oldFormat, newFormat); setFormatsChanged(oldFormat); return true; } /** * Called by ComplexFormat when a secondary key name is changed. */ void renameSecondaryDatabase(Format oldFormat, Format newFormat, String oldKeyName, String newKeyName) { renameDbs.put (Store.makeSecDbName (storePrefix, oldFormat.getClassName(), oldKeyName), Store.makeSecDbName (storePrefix, newFormat.getClassName(), newKeyName)); } private boolean applyDeleter(Deleter deleter, Format oldFormat, Format newFormat) { if (!checkUpdatedVersion(deleter, oldFormat, newFormat)) { return false; } if (oldFormat.isEntity() && oldFormat.isCurrentVersion()) { /* Queue the deletion of the primary and secondary databases. */ String className = oldFormat.getClassName(); deleteDbs.add(Store.makePriDbName(storePrefix, className)); for (SecondaryKeyMetadata keyMeta : oldFormat.getEntityMetadata().getSecondaryKeys().values()) { deleteDbs.add(Store.makeSecDbName (storePrefix, className, keyMeta.getKeyName())); } } /* * Set the format to deleted last, so that the above test using * isCurrentVersion works properly. */ oldFormat.setDeleted(true); if (newFormat != null) { oldFormat.setLatestVersion(newFormat); } setFormatsChanged(oldFormat); return true; } /** * Called by ComplexFormat when a secondary key is dropped. */ void deleteSecondaryDatabase(Format oldFormat, String keyName) { deleteDbs.add(Store.makeSecDbName (storePrefix, oldFormat.getClassName(), keyName)); } private boolean applyConverter(Converter converter, Format oldFormat, Format newFormat) { if (!checkUpdatedVersion(converter, oldFormat, newFormat)) { return false; } Reader reader = new ConverterReader(converter); useEvolvedFormat(oldFormat, reader, newFormat); return true; } boolean isClassConverted(Format format) { return format.getReader() instanceof ConverterReader; } private boolean checkUpdatedVersion(Mutation mutation, Format oldFormat, Format newFormat) { if (newFormat != null && !oldFormat.isEnum() && newFormat.getVersion() <= oldFormat.getVersion()) { addInvalidMutation (oldFormat, newFormat, mutation, "A new higher version number must be assigned"); return false; } else { return true; } } boolean checkUpdatedVersion(String scenario, Format oldFormat, Format newFormat) { if (newFormat != null && !oldFormat.isEnum() && newFormat.getVersion() <= oldFormat.getVersion()) { addEvolveError (oldFormat, newFormat, scenario, "A new higher version number must be assigned"); return false; } else { return true; } } void renameAndRemoveDatabases(Store store, Transaction txn) throws DatabaseException { for (String dbName : deleteDbs) { try { String[] fileAndDbNames = store.parseDbName(dbName); DbCompat.removeDatabase (store.getEnvironment(), txn, fileAndDbNames[0], fileAndDbNames[1]); } catch (FileNotFoundException ignored) { } } for (Map.Entry entry : renameDbs.entrySet()) { String oldName = entry.getKey(); String newName = entry.getValue(); try { String[] oldFileAndDbNames = store.parseDbName(oldName); String[] newFileAndDbNames = store.parseDbName(newName); DbCompat.renameDatabase (store.getEnvironment(), txn, oldFileAndDbNames[0], oldFileAndDbNames[1], newFileAndDbNames[0], newFileAndDbNames[1]); } catch (FileNotFoundException ignored) { } } } /** * Evolves a primary key field or composite key field. */ int evolveRequiredKeyField(Format oldParent, Format newParent, FieldInfo oldField, FieldInfo newField) { int result = EVOLVE_NONE; String oldName = oldField.getName(); final String FIELD_KIND = "primary key field or composite key class field"; final String FIELD_LABEL = FIELD_KIND + ": " + oldName; if (newField == null) { addMissingMutation (oldParent, newParent, "Field is missing and deletion is not allowed for a " + FIELD_LABEL); return EVOLVE_FAILURE; } /* Check field mutations. Only a Renamer is allowed. */ Deleter deleter = mutations.getDeleter (oldParent.getClassName(), oldParent.getVersion(), oldName); if (deleter != null) { addInvalidMutation (oldParent, newParent, deleter, "Deleter is not allowed for a " + FIELD_LABEL); return EVOLVE_FAILURE; } Converter converter = mutations.getConverter (oldParent.getClassName(), oldParent.getVersion(), oldName); if (converter != null) { addInvalidMutation (oldParent, newParent, converter, "Converter is not allowed for a " + FIELD_LABEL); return EVOLVE_FAILURE; } Renamer renamer = mutations.getRenamer (oldParent.getClassName(), oldParent.getVersion(), oldName); String newName = newField.getName(); if (renamer != null) { if (!renamer.getNewName().equals(newName)) { addInvalidMutation (oldParent, newParent, converter, "Converter is not allowed for a " + FIELD_LABEL); return EVOLVE_FAILURE; } result = EVOLVE_NEEDED; } else { if (!oldName.equals(newName)) { addMissingMutation (oldParent, newParent, "Renamer is required when field name is changed from: " + oldName + " to: " + newName); return EVOLVE_FAILURE; } } /* * Evolve the declared version of the field format. */ Format oldFieldFormat = oldField.getType(); if (!evolveFormat(oldFieldFormat)) { return EVOLVE_FAILURE; } Format oldLatestFormat = oldFieldFormat.getLatestVersion(); Format newFieldFormat = newField.getType(); if (oldLatestFormat.getClassName().equals (newFieldFormat.getClassName())) { /* Formats are identical. */ return result; } else if ((oldLatestFormat.getWrapperFormat() != null && oldLatestFormat.getWrapperFormat().getId() == newFieldFormat.getId()) || (newFieldFormat.getWrapperFormat() != null && newFieldFormat.getWrapperFormat().getId() == oldLatestFormat.getId())) { /* Primitive <-> primitive wrapper type change. */ return EVOLVE_NEEDED; } else { /* Type was changed incompatibly. */ addEvolveError (oldParent, newParent, "Type may not be changed for a " + FIELD_KIND, "Old field type: " + oldLatestFormat.getClassName() + " is not compatible with the new type: " + newFieldFormat.getClassName() + " for field: " + oldName); return EVOLVE_FAILURE; } } }