/* MiniDLNA media server * Copyright (C) 2009 Justin Maggard * * This file is part of MiniDLNA. * * MiniDLNA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * MiniDLNA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MiniDLNA. If not, see . */ /* These functions are mostly based on code from other projects. * There are function to effiently resize a JPEG image, and some utility functions. * They are here to allow loading and saving JPEG data directly to or from memory with libjpeg. * The standard functions only allow you to read from or write to a file. * * The reading code comes from the JpgAlleg library, at http://wiki.allegro.cc/index.php?title=Libjpeg * The writing code was posted on a Google group from openjpeg, at http://groups.google.com/group/openjpeg/browse_thread/thread/331e6cf60f70797f * The resize functions come from the resize_image project, at http://www.golac.fr/Image-Resizer */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "upnpreplyparse.h" #include "image_utils.h" #include "log.h" #if __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN # define SWAP16(w) ( (((w) >> 8) & 0x00ff) | (((w) << 8) & 0xff00) ) #else # define SWAP16(w) (w) #endif #define JPEG_QUALITY 96 #define COL(red, green, blue) (((red) << 24) | ((green) << 16) | ((blue) << 8) | 0xFF) #define COL_FULL(red, green, blue, alpha) (((red) << 24) | ((green) << 16) | ((blue) << 8) | (alpha)) #define COL_RED(col) (col >> 24) #define COL_GREEN(col) ((col >> 16) & 0xFF) #define COL_BLUE(col) ((col >> 8) & 0xFF) #define COL_ALPHA(col) (col & 0xFF) #define BLACK 0x000000FF struct my_dst_mgr { struct jpeg_destination_mgr jdst; JOCTET *buf; JOCTET *off; size_t sz; size_t used; }; /* Destination manager to store data in a buffer */ static void my_dst_mgr_init(j_compress_ptr cinfo) { struct my_dst_mgr *dst = (void *)cinfo->dest; dst->used = 0; dst->sz = cinfo->image_width * cinfo->image_height * cinfo->input_components; dst->buf = malloc(dst->sz * sizeof *dst->buf); dst->off = dst->buf; dst->jdst.next_output_byte = dst->off; dst->jdst.free_in_buffer = dst->sz; return; } static boolean my_dst_mgr_empty(j_compress_ptr cinfo) { struct my_dst_mgr *dst = (void *)cinfo->dest; dst->sz *= 2; dst->used = dst->off - dst->buf; dst->buf = realloc(dst->buf, dst->sz * sizeof *dst->buf); dst->off = dst->buf + dst->used; dst->jdst.next_output_byte = dst->off; dst->jdst.free_in_buffer = dst->sz - dst->used; return TRUE; } static void my_dst_mgr_term(j_compress_ptr cinfo) { struct my_dst_mgr *dst = (void *)cinfo->dest; dst->used += dst->sz - dst->jdst.free_in_buffer; dst->off = dst->buf + dst->used; return; } static void jpeg_memory_dest(j_compress_ptr cinfo, struct my_dst_mgr *dst) { dst->jdst.init_destination = my_dst_mgr_init; dst->jdst.empty_output_buffer = my_dst_mgr_empty; dst->jdst.term_destination = my_dst_mgr_term; cinfo->dest = (void *)dst; return; } /* Source manager to read data from a buffer */ struct my_src_mgr { struct jpeg_source_mgr pub; JOCTET eoi_buffer[2]; }; static void init_source(j_decompress_ptr cinfo) { return; } static int fill_input_buffer(j_decompress_ptr cinfo) { struct my_src_mgr *src = (void *)cinfo->src; /* Create a fake EOI marker */ src->eoi_buffer[0] = (JOCTET) 0xFF; src->eoi_buffer[1] = (JOCTET) JPEG_EOI; src->pub.next_input_byte = src->eoi_buffer; src->pub.bytes_in_buffer = 2; return TRUE; } static void skip_input_data(j_decompress_ptr cinfo, long num_bytes) { struct my_src_mgr *src = (void *)cinfo->src; if (num_bytes > 0) { while (num_bytes > (long)src->pub.bytes_in_buffer) { num_bytes -= (long)src->pub.bytes_in_buffer; fill_input_buffer(cinfo); } } src->pub.next_input_byte += num_bytes; src->pub.bytes_in_buffer -= num_bytes; } static void term_source(j_decompress_ptr cinfo) { return; } void jpeg_memory_src(j_decompress_ptr cinfo, const unsigned char * buffer, size_t bufsize) { struct my_src_mgr *src; if (! cinfo->src) { cinfo->src = (*cinfo->mem->alloc_small)((void *)cinfo, JPOOL_PERMANENT, sizeof(struct my_src_mgr));; } src = (void *)cinfo->src; src->pub.init_source = init_source; src->pub.fill_input_buffer = fill_input_buffer; src->pub.skip_input_data = skip_input_data; src->pub.resync_to_restart = jpeg_resync_to_restart; src->pub.term_source = term_source; src->pub.next_input_byte = buffer; src->pub.bytes_in_buffer = bufsize; } jmp_buf setjmp_buffer; /* Don't exit on error like libjpeg likes to do */ static void libjpeg_error_handler(j_common_ptr cinfo) { cinfo->err->output_message(cinfo); longjmp(setjmp_buffer, 1); return; } void image_free(image_s *pimage) { free(pimage->buf); free(pimage); } pix get_pix(image_s *pimage, int32_t x, int32_t y) { if((x >= 0) && (y >= 0) && (x < pimage->width) && (y < pimage->height)) { return(pimage->buf[(y * pimage->width) + x]); } else { pix vpix = BLACK; return(vpix); } } void put_pix_alpha_replace(image_s *pimage, int32_t x, int32_t y, pix col) { if((x >= 0) && (y >= 0) && (x < pimage->width) && (y < pimage->height)) pimage->buf[(y * pimage->width) + x] = col; } int image_get_jpeg_resolution(const char * path, int * width, int * height) { FILE *img; unsigned char buf[8]; uint16_t offset, h, w; int ret = 1; size_t nread; long size; img = fopen(path, "r"); if( !img ) return -1; fseek(img, 0, SEEK_END); size = ftell(img); rewind(img); nread = fread(&buf, 2, 1, img); if( (nread < 1) || (buf[0] != 0xFF) || (buf[1] != 0xD8) ) { fclose(img); return -1; } memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); while( ftell(img) < size ) { while( nread > 0 && buf[0] != 0xFF && !feof(img) ) nread = fread(&buf, 1, 1, img); while( nread > 0 && buf[0] == 0xFF && !feof(img) ) nread = fread(&buf, 1, 1, img); if( (buf[0] >= 0xc0) && (buf[0] <= 0xc3) ) { nread = fread(&buf, 7, 1, img); *width = 0; *height = 0; if( nread < 1 ) break; memcpy(&h, buf+3, 2); *height = SWAP16(h); memcpy(&w, buf+5, 2); *width = SWAP16(w); ret = 0; break; } else { offset = 0; nread = fread(&buf, 2, 1, img); if( nread < 1 ) break; memcpy(&offset, buf, 2); offset = SWAP16(offset) - 2; if( fseek(img, offset, SEEK_CUR) == -1 ) break; } } fclose(img); return ret; } int image_get_jpeg_date_xmp(const char * path, char ** date) { FILE *img; unsigned char buf[8]; char *data = NULL, *newdata; uint16_t offset; struct NameValueParserData xml; char * exif; int ret = 1; size_t nread; img = fopen(path, "r"); if( !img ) return(-1); nread = fread(&buf, 2, 1, img); if( (nread < 1) || (buf[0] != 0xFF) || (buf[1] != 0xD8) ) { fclose(img); return(-1); } memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); while( !feof(img) ) { while( nread > 0 && buf[0] != 0xFF && !feof(img) ) nread = fread(&buf, 1, 1, img); while( nread > 0 && buf[0] == 0xFF && !feof(img) ) nread = fread(&buf, 1, 1, img); if( feof(img) ) break; if( buf[0] == 0xE1 ) // APP1 marker { offset = 0; nread = fread(&buf, 2, 1, img); if( nread < 1 ) break; memcpy(&offset, buf, 2); offset = SWAP16(offset) - 2; if( offset < 30 ) { fseek(img, offset, SEEK_CUR); continue; } newdata = realloc(data, 30); if( !newdata ) break; data = newdata; nread = fread(data, 29, 1, img); if( nread < 1 ) break; offset -= 29; if( strcmp(data, "http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/") != 0 ) { fseek(img, offset, SEEK_CUR); continue; } newdata = realloc(data, offset+1); if( !newdata ) break; data = newdata; nread = fread(data, offset, 1, img); if( nread < 1 ) break; ParseNameValue(data, offset, &xml); exif = GetValueFromNameValueList(&xml, "DateTimeOriginal"); if( !exif ) { ClearNameValueList(&xml); break; } *date = realloc(*date, strlen(exif)+1); strcpy(*date, exif); ClearNameValueList(&xml); ret = 0; break; } else { offset = 0; nread = fread(&buf, 2, 1, img); if( nread < 1 ) break; memcpy(&offset, buf, 2); offset = SWAP16(offset) - 2; fseek(img, offset, SEEK_CUR); } } fclose(img); if( data ) free(data); return ret; } image_s * image_new(int32_t width, int32_t height) { image_s *vimage; if((vimage = (image_s *)malloc(sizeof(image_s))) == NULL) { DPRINTF(E_WARN, L_METADATA, "malloc failed\n"); return NULL; } vimage->width = width; vimage->height = height; if((vimage->buf = (pix *)malloc(width * height * sizeof(pix))) == NULL) { DPRINTF(E_WARN, L_METADATA, "malloc failed\n"); free(vimage); return NULL; } return(vimage); } image_s * image_new_from_jpeg(const char * path, int is_file, const char * buf, int size, int scale, int rotate) { image_s *vimage; FILE *file = NULL; struct jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo; unsigned char *line[16], *ptr; int x, y, i, w, h, ofs; int maxbuf; struct jpeg_error_mgr pub; cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&pub); pub.error_exit = libjpeg_error_handler; jpeg_create_decompress(&cinfo); if( is_file ) { if( (file = fopen(path, "r")) == NULL ) { return NULL; } jpeg_stdio_src(&cinfo, file); } else { jpeg_memory_src(&cinfo, (const unsigned char *)buf, size); } if( setjmp(setjmp_buffer) ) { jpeg_destroy_decompress(&cinfo); if( is_file && file ) fclose(file); return NULL; } jpeg_read_header(&cinfo, TRUE); /* added by Michael Jiang, for CTT 1.56 */ cinfo.scale_num = 1; /* ended by Michael Jiang, for CTT 1.56 */ cinfo.scale_denom = scale; cinfo.do_fancy_upsampling = FALSE; cinfo.do_block_smoothing = FALSE; jpeg_start_decompress(&cinfo); w = cinfo.output_width; h = cinfo.output_height; vimage = (rotate & (ROTATE_90|ROTATE_270)) ? image_new(h, w) : image_new(w, h); if(!vimage) { jpeg_destroy_decompress(&cinfo); if( is_file ) fclose(file); return NULL; } if( setjmp(setjmp_buffer) ) { jpeg_destroy_decompress(&cinfo); if( is_file && file ) fclose(file); if( vimage ) { if( vimage->buf ) free(vimage->buf); free(vimage); } return NULL; } if(cinfo.rec_outbuf_height > 16) { DPRINTF(E_WARN, L_METADATA, "ERROR image_from_jpeg : (image_from_jpeg.c) JPEG uses line buffers > 16. Cannot load.\n"); image_free(vimage); if( is_file ) fclose(file); return NULL; } maxbuf = vimage->width * vimage->height; if(cinfo.output_components == 3) { int rx, ry; ofs = 0; if((ptr = malloc(w * 3 * cinfo.rec_outbuf_height + 16)) == NULL) { DPRINTF(E_WARN, L_METADATA, "malloc failed\n"); image_free(vimage); if( is_file ) fclose(file); return NULL; } for(y = 0; y < h; y += cinfo.rec_outbuf_height) { ry = (rotate & (ROTATE_90|ROTATE_180)) ? (y - h + 1) * -1 : y; for(i = 0; i < cinfo.rec_outbuf_height; i++) { line[i] = ptr + (w * 3 * i); } jpeg_read_scanlines(&cinfo, line, cinfo.rec_outbuf_height); for(x = 0; x < w * cinfo.rec_outbuf_height; x++) { rx = (rotate & (ROTATE_180|ROTATE_270)) ? (x - w + 1) * -1 : x; ofs = (rotate & (ROTATE_90|ROTATE_270)) ? ry + (rx * h) : rx + (ry * w); if( ofs < maxbuf ) vimage->buf[ofs] = COL(ptr[x + x + x], ptr[x + x + x + 1], ptr[x + x + x + 2]); } } free(ptr); } else if(cinfo.output_components == 1) { ofs = 0; for(i = 0; i < cinfo.rec_outbuf_height; i++) { if((line[i] = malloc(w)) == NULL) { int t = 0; for(t = 0; t < i; t++) free(line[t]); jpeg_destroy_decompress(&cinfo); image_free(vimage); if( is_file ) fclose(file); return NULL; } } for(y = 0; y < h; y += cinfo.rec_outbuf_height) { jpeg_read_scanlines(&cinfo, line, cinfo.rec_outbuf_height); for(i = 0; i < cinfo.rec_outbuf_height; i++) { for(x = 0; x < w; x++) { vimage->buf[ofs++] = COL(line[i][x], line[i][x], line[i][x]); } } } for(i = 0; i < cinfo.rec_outbuf_height; i++) { free(line[i]); } } jpeg_finish_decompress(&cinfo); jpeg_destroy_decompress(&cinfo); if( is_file ) fclose(file); return vimage; } void image_upsize(image_s * pdest, image_s * psrc, int32_t width, int32_t height) { int32_t vx, vy; #if !defined __i386__ && !defined __x86_64__ int32_t rx, ry; pix vcol; if((pdest == NULL) || (psrc == NULL)) return; for(vy = 0; vy < height; vy++) { for(vx = 0; vx < width; vx++) { rx = ((vx * psrc->width) / width); ry = ((vy * psrc->height) / height); vcol = get_pix(psrc, rx, ry); #else pix vcol,vcol1,vcol2,vcol3,vcol4; float rx,ry; float width_scale, height_scale; float x_dist, y_dist; width_scale = (float)psrc->width / (float)width; height_scale = (float)psrc->height / (float)height; for(vy = 0;vy < height; vy++) { for(vx = 0;vx < width; vx++) { rx = vx * width_scale; ry = vy * height_scale; vcol1 = get_pix(psrc, (int32_t)rx, (int32_t)ry); vcol2 = get_pix(psrc, ((int32_t)rx)+1, (int32_t)ry); vcol3 = get_pix(psrc, (int32_t)rx, ((int32_t)ry)+1); vcol4 = get_pix(psrc, ((int32_t)rx)+1, ((int32_t)ry)+1); x_dist = rx - ((float)((int32_t)rx)); y_dist = ry - ((float)((int32_t)ry)); vcol = COL_FULL( (uint8_t)((COL_RED(vcol1)*(1.0-x_dist) + COL_RED(vcol2)*(x_dist))*(1.0-y_dist) + (COL_RED(vcol3)*(1.0-x_dist) + COL_RED(vcol4)*(x_dist))*(y_dist)), (uint8_t)((COL_GREEN(vcol1)*(1.0-x_dist) + COL_GREEN(vcol2)*(x_dist))*(1.0-y_dist) + (COL_GREEN(vcol3)*(1.0-x_dist) + COL_GREEN(vcol4)*(x_dist))*(y_dist)), (uint8_t)((COL_BLUE(vcol1)*(1.0-x_dist) + COL_BLUE(vcol2)*(x_dist))*(1.0-y_dist) + (COL_BLUE(vcol3)*(1.0-x_dist) + COL_BLUE(vcol4)*(x_dist))*(y_dist)), (uint8_t)((COL_ALPHA(vcol1)*(1.0-x_dist) + COL_ALPHA(vcol2)*(x_dist))*(1.0-y_dist) + (COL_ALPHA(vcol3)*(1.0-x_dist) + COL_ALPHA(vcol4)*(x_dist))*(y_dist)) ); #endif put_pix_alpha_replace(pdest, vx, vy, vcol); } } } void image_downsize(image_s * pdest, image_s * psrc, int32_t width, int32_t height) { int32_t vx, vy; pix vcol; int32_t i, j; #if !defined __i386__ && !defined __x86_64__ int32_t rx, ry, rx_next, ry_next; int red, green, blue, alpha; int factor; if((pdest == NULL) || (psrc == NULL)) return; for(vy = 0; vy < height; vy++) { for(vx = 0; vx < width; vx++) { rx = ((vx * psrc->width) / width); ry = ((vy * psrc->height) / height); red = green = blue = alpha = 0; rx_next = rx + (psrc->width / width); ry_next = ry + (psrc->width / width); factor = 0; for( j = rx; j < rx_next; j++) { for( i = ry; i < ry_next; i++) { factor += 1; vcol = get_pix(psrc, j, i); red += COL_RED(vcol); green += COL_GREEN(vcol); blue += COL_BLUE(vcol); alpha += COL_ALPHA(vcol); } } red /= factor; green /= factor; blue /= factor; alpha /= factor; /* on sature les valeurs */ red = (red > 255) ? 255 : ((red < 0) ? 0 : red ); green = (green > 255) ? 255 : ((green < 0) ? 0 : green); blue = (blue > 255) ? 255 : ((blue < 0) ? 0 : blue ); alpha = (alpha > 255) ? 255 : ((alpha < 0) ? 0 : alpha); #else float rx,ry; float width_scale, height_scale; float red, green, blue, alpha; int32_t half_square_width, half_square_height; float round_width, round_height; if( (pdest == NULL) || (psrc == NULL) ) return; width_scale = (float)psrc->width / (float)width; height_scale = (float)psrc->height / (float)height; half_square_width = (int32_t)(width_scale / 2.0); half_square_height = (int32_t)(height_scale / 2.0); round_width = (width_scale / 2.0) - (float)half_square_width; round_height = (height_scale / 2.0) - (float)half_square_height; if(round_width > 0.0) half_square_width++; else round_width = 1.0; if(round_height > 0.0) half_square_height++; else round_height = 1.0; for(vy = 0;vy < height; vy++) { for(vx = 0;vx < width; vx++) { rx = vx * width_scale; ry = vy * height_scale; vcol = get_pix(psrc, (int32_t)rx, (int32_t)ry); red = green = blue = alpha = 0.0; for(j=0;j 255.0)? 255.0 : ((red < 0.0)? 0.0:red ); green = (green > 255.0)? 255.0 : ((green < 0.0)? 0.0:green); blue = (blue > 255.0)? 255.0 : ((blue < 0.0)? 0.0:blue ); alpha = (alpha > 255.0)? 255.0 : ((alpha < 0.0)? 0.0:alpha); #endif put_pix_alpha_replace(pdest, vx, vy, COL_FULL((uint8_t)red, (uint8_t)green, (uint8_t)blue, (uint8_t)alpha)); } } } image_s * image_resize(image_s * src_image, int32_t width, int32_t height) { image_s * dst_image; dst_image = image_new(width, height); if( !dst_image ) return NULL; if( (src_image->width < width) || (src_image->height < height) ) image_upsize(dst_image, src_image, width, height); else image_downsize(dst_image, src_image, width, height); return dst_image; } unsigned char * image_save_to_jpeg_buf(image_s * pimage, int * size) { struct jpeg_compress_struct cinfo; struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr; JSAMPROW row_pointer[1]; int row_stride; char *data; int i, x; struct my_dst_mgr dst; cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr); jpeg_create_compress(&cinfo); jpeg_memory_dest(&cinfo, &dst); cinfo.image_width = pimage->width; cinfo.image_height = pimage->height; cinfo.input_components = 3; cinfo.in_color_space = JCS_RGB; jpeg_set_defaults(&cinfo); jpeg_set_quality(&cinfo, JPEG_QUALITY, TRUE); jpeg_start_compress(&cinfo, TRUE); row_stride = cinfo.image_width * 3; if((data = malloc(row_stride)) == NULL) { DPRINTF(E_WARN, L_METADATA, "malloc failed\n"); return NULL; } i = 0; while(cinfo.next_scanline < cinfo.image_height) { for(x = 0; x < pimage->width; x++) { data[x * 3] = COL_RED(pimage->buf[i]); data[x * 3 + 1] = COL_GREEN(pimage->buf[i]); data[x * 3 + 2] = COL_BLUE(pimage->buf[i]); i++; } row_pointer[0] = (unsigned char *)data; jpeg_write_scanlines(&cinfo, row_pointer, 1); } jpeg_finish_compress(&cinfo); *size = dst.used; free(data); jpeg_destroy_compress(&cinfo); return dst.buf; } int image_save_to_jpeg_file(image_s * pimage, const char * path) { int nwritten, size = 0; unsigned char * buf; FILE * dst_file; buf = image_save_to_jpeg_buf(pimage, &size); if( !buf ) return -1; dst_file = fopen(path, "w"); if( !dst_file ) { free(buf); return -1; } nwritten = fwrite(buf, 1, size, dst_file); fclose(dst_file); free(buf); return (nwritten==size ? 0 : 1); }