/* ** BPALogin - lightweight portable BIDS2 login client ** Copyright (c) 2001-3 Shane Hyde, and others. ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ** */ /** * Changes: * 2001-09-19: wdrose Fixed incorrect use of single fork() to put * BPALogin into background. Replaced with * fork(), setsid(), fork(). * * 2001-12-05: wdrose Added fix gleaned from Sam Johnston to include * errno.h for errno, rather than assuming it is an * extern int. */ #include "bpalogin.h" #define BPALOGIN_BANNER \ "BPALogin v2.0.2 - portable BigPond Broadband login client" struct session s; int debug_level = DEFAULT_DEBUG; int dosyslog = 1; int parse_parms(struct session *,char * conffile); void usage( void ); void debug(int l,char *s,...); void onconnected(int i) { if(strcmp(s.connectedprog,"")) { char buf[500]; sprintf(buf,"%.500s %d",s.connectedprog,s.listenport); debug(0,"Executing external command - %s\n",buf); system(buf); } } void ondisconnected(int reason) { if(strcmp(s.disconnectedprog,"killall bpalogin")) { char buf[500]; sprintf(buf,"%.500s %d",s.disconnectedprog,reason); debug(0,"Executing external command - %s\n",buf); system(buf); } } #if 0 int onstatechange(FILE *fp, int state) { fprintf(fp,"%s",state); fclose(fp); printf("state=%s\r\n",state); } #endif void critical(char *s) { #if defined(USE_SYSLOG) /* foxconn wklin added, 08/13/2007 */ if(dosyslog) syslog(LOG_CRIT,"Critical error: %s\n",s); else #endif printf("Critical error: %s\n",s); exit(1); } void debug(int l,char *s,...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap,s); if(debug_level > l) { int pri; char buf[256]; switch(l) { case 0: pri = LOG_INFO; break; case 1: pri = LOG_INFO; break; case 2: case 3: default: pri = LOG_INFO; break; } vsprintf(buf,s,ap); #if defined(USE_SYSLOG) /* foxconn wklin added, 08/13/2007 */ if(dosyslog) syslog(pri,"%s",buf); else #endif printf("%s",buf); } va_end(ap); } void noncritical(char *s,...) { char buf[256]; va_list ap; va_start(ap,s); vsprintf(buf,s,ap); #if defined(USE_SYSLOG) /* foxconn wklin added, 08/13/2007 */ if(dosyslog) syslog(LOG_CRIT,buf); else #endif printf(buf); va_end(ap); } void onsignal(int i) { logout(0,&s); /* Foxconn added start by EricHuang, 09/29/2007 */ #ifndef U12H092 s.ondisconnected(0); #endif /* Foxconn added end by EricHuang, 09/29/2007 */ /* Foxconn added start, zacker, 07/09/2008, * sometimes it can't logout seccessful */ s.state = STATE_IDLE_LOGOFF; bpa_state(s.state); /* Foxconn added end, zacker, 07/09/2008 */ closelog(); exit(1); } /* Foxconn added start, Jared Hsu, 03/15/2006 */ void bpa_state(int state) { FILE *pidfile; if ((pidfile = fopen("/tmp/bpa.conf", "w")) != NULL) { fprintf(pidfile, "%d\n", state); (void) fclose(pidfile); } else { error("Failed to create pid file\r\n"); } } /* Foxconn added end, Jared Hsu, 03/15/2006 */ int main(int argc,char* argv[]) { int makedaemon = 1; char conffile[256]; int c; int sock; struct ifreq ifr; /* ** Signal handler and Utility Func register */ signal(SIGINT,onsignal); signal(SIGHUP,onsignal); signal(SIGTERM,onsignal); signal(SIGALRM,onsignal); s.debug = debug; s.critical = critical; s.noncritical = noncritical; s.onconnected = onconnected; /* ** initiate value to the default ** some value will be override when parameters are parsed */ strcpy(s.authserver,DEFAULT_AUTHSERVER); strcpy(s.authdomain,DEFAULT_AUTHDOMAIN); s.authport = DEFAULT_AUTHPORT; strcpy(s.username,""); strcpy(s.password,""); /* ** Foxconn add : Steve Hsieh : 2005-10-21 : bpaclient porting */ strcpy(s.password_hashed,""); strcpy(s.connectedprog,""); strcpy(s.disconnectedprog,""); strcpy(s.localaddress,""); s.localport = 0; s.minheartbeat = 60; s.maxheartbeat = 420; /* Foxconn added start, Jared Hsu, 03/15/2006 */ s.state = STATE_NEED_PROTOCOL; bpa_state(s.state); /* Foxconn added end, Jared Hsu, 03/15/2006 */ /* ** Parse the arg passed in to set log method and dbg level */ optind = 1; /* Foxconn modified start, Jared Hsu, 2006/02/23 */ while( (c = getopt( argc, argv, "u:p:s:c:d:l:D" )) > -1 ) { switch( c ) { case 'u': strcpy(s.username, optarg); break; case 'p': strcpy(s.password, optarg); break; case 's': strcpy(s.authserver, optarg); break; /* Foxconn modified end, Jared Hsu, 2006/02/23 */ case 'D': makedaemon = 0; break; case 'c': break; case 'd': debug_level = atoi(optarg); break; case 'l': if( strcasecmp( optarg, "stdout" ) == 0 ) dosyslog = 0; else dosyslog = 1; break; case '?': usage(); exit(1); break; case ':': break; } } if(makedaemon) { /** * Original code did not perform the setsid() or second fork(), and * hence did not correctly make itself a daemon. There is a library * call in FreeBSD (daemon) that does the actions below, but the * portability is unknown. */ switch( fork() ) { case 0: break; case -1: perror("Could not run BPALogin in the background"); exit(1); break; default: exit(0); break; } if( setsid() < 0 ) { perror("Could not run BPALogin in the background"); exit(1); } /** * while not strictly necessary, the second fork ensures we stay * detached from a terminal by preventing the program using its * status as session leader to regain a terminal. */ switch( fork() ) { case 0: break; case -1: perror("Could not run BPALogin in the background"); exit(1); break; default: exit(0); break; } } openlog("bpalogin",LOG_PID,LOG_DAEMON); #if defined(USE_SYSLOG) /* foxconn wklin added, 08/13/2007 */ if(dosyslog) syslog( LOG_INFO, BPALOGIN_BANNER "\n" ); else #endif printf( BPALOGIN_BANNER "\n"); #if 0 //move into the mainloop so that the relogin can check para and ip first /* ** Parsing parameter from nvram */ if(!parse_parms(&s,conffile)) { printf("[ bpaclient ] : parameter read error" ); //usage(); exit(1); } s.debug(0,"parameter parsing:\n"); printf("username = %s\n",s.username); printf("password = %s\n",s.password); printf("server = %s\n",s.authserver); printf("minHB = %d\n",s.minheartbeat); printf("maxHB = %d\n",s.maxheartbeat); printf("localport= %d\n",s.localport); if(!strcmp(s.username,"")) { critical("Username has not been set"); exit(1); } if(!strcmp(s.password,"")) { critical("Password has not been set"); exit(1); } /* ** sleep until wanside get IP */ if ((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW)) < 0) printf("[ bpaclient ]: sock open error\n"); memset(&ifr,0,sizeof(struct ifreq)); strcpy(ifr.ifr_name,"eth0"); do { sleep(POLL_CYCLE); if (ioctl(sock, SIOCGIFADDR, &ifr)) s.debug(2,"ioctl error!!\n"); s.debug(2,"ipaddress of eth0 : %s",inet_ntoa(((struct sockaddr_in*)(&ifr.ifr_addr))->sin_addr)); }while(!strcmp(inet_ntoa(((struct sockaddr_in*)(&ifr.ifr_addr))->sin_addr),"")); //closesocket(sock); #endif while(mainloop(&s)); s.ondisconnected(0); //s.state = STATE_IDLE_LOGOFF; //s.onstatechange(s.fp,"STATE_IDLE_LOGOFF"); exit(0); } int parse_parms(struct session *s,char * conffile) { /* *** Foxconn Add Start : Steve Hsieh : 2005-10-17 (bpalogin porting) *** */ /* ** read the param from nvram */ char tmp[100], prefix[] = "wan_"; char *buf = 0; #if 0 if(!(buf = nvram_get(strcat_r(prefix, "bpa_username", tmp))) ) return FALSE; strcpy(s->username,buf); #else /* strcpy(s->username, "bpa-user"); */ /* Foxconn removed, Jared Hsu, 2006/02/23 */ #endif debug(2,"parse username : %s\n",s->username); #if 0 if((buf = nvram_get(strcat_r(prefix, "bpa_passwd", tmp))) == NULL ) return FALSE; strcpy(s->password,buf); #else /* strcpy(s->password, "bpa-passwd"); */ /* Foxconn removed, Jared Hsu, 2006/02/23 */ #endif debug(2,"parse password : %s\n",s->password); #if 0 if(!(buf = nvram_get(strcat_r(prefix, "bpa_server", tmp))) ) return FALSE; strcpy(s->authserver,buf); #else /* strcpy(s->authserver, ""); */ /* Foxconn removed, Jared Hsu, 2006/02/23 */ #endif debug(2,"parse server : %s\n",s->authserver); #if 0 if(!(buf = nvram_get(strcat_r(prefix, "bpa_minheartbeat", tmp))) ) return FALSE; s->minheartbeat = atoi(buf); #else s->minheartbeat = 2; #endif debug(2,"parse minheartbeat : %d\n",s->minheartbeat); #if 0 if(!(buf = nvram_get(strcat_r(prefix, "bpa_maxheartbeat", tmp))) ) return FALSE; s->maxheartbeat = atoi(buf); #else s->maxheartbeat = 600; #endif debug(2,"parse maxheartbeat : %d\n",s->maxheartbeat); #if 0 if(!(buf = nvram_get(strcat_r(prefix, "bpa_localport", tmp))) ) return FALSE; s->localport = atoi(buf); #else s->localport = 5050; #endif debug(2,"parse local port : %d\n",s->localport); return TRUE; } void usage( void ) { printf( BPALOGIN_BANNER "\n"); printf("Copyright (c) 2001-3 Shane Hyde and others\n\n"); printf("This program is *not* a product of Big Pond Advance\n\n"); printf("Usage: bpalogin [-c file] [-d level] [-l style] [-D]\n\n"); /* Foxconn added start, Jared Hsu, 2005/02/23 */ printf(" -u username Username\n"); printf(" -p password Password\n"); printf(" -s server Server\n"); /* Foxconn added end, Jared Hsu, 2005/02/23 */ printf(" -d level Set the verbosity of log messages\n"); printf(" (0 is quiet, 2 is most verbose)\n\n"); printf(" -l style Use syslog or stdout for messages\n\n" ); printf(" -D Dont run bpalogin as a daemon (run in " "foreground)\n\n"); } int closesocket(int s) { return close(s); } void socketerror(struct session *s, const char * str) { char buf[200]; sprintf(buf,"%.100s - %.80s",str,strerror(errno)); s->noncritical(buf); }