/* $Id: server6_parse.y,v 2006/12/04 00:45:34 Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (C) International Business Machines Corp., 2003 * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the project nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE PROJECT AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE PROJECT OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* Author: Shirley Ma, xma@us.ibm.com */ %{ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "queue.h" #include "dhcp6.h" #include "config.h" #include "common.h" #include "server6_conf.h" #include "hash.h" #include "lease.h" extern int num_lines; extern char *sfyytext; extern int sock; static struct interface *ifnetworklist = NULL; static struct link_decl *linklist = NULL; static struct host_decl *hostlist = NULL; static struct pool_decl *poollist = NULL; static struct interface *ifnetwork = NULL; static struct link_decl *link = NULL; static struct host_decl *host = NULL; static struct pool_decl *pool = NULL; static struct scopelist *currentscope = NULL; static struct scopelist *currentgroup = NULL; static int allow = 0; static void cleanup(void); void sfyyerror(char *msg); #define ABORT do { cleanup(); YYABORT; } while (0) extern int sfyylex __P((void)); %} %token INTERFACE IFNAME %token PREFIX %token LINK %token RELAY %token STRING %token NUMBER %token SIGNEDNUMBER %token DECIMAL %token BOOLEAN %token IPV6ADDR %token INFINITY %token HOST %token POOL %token RANGE %token GROUP %token LINKLOCAL %token OPTION ALLOW SEND %token PREFERENCE %token RENEWTIME %token REBINDTIME %token RAPIDCOMMIT %token ADDRESS %token VALIDLIFETIME %token PREFERLIFETIME %token UNICAST %token TEMPIPV6ADDR %token DNS_SERVERS %token SIP_SERVERS %token NTP_SERVERS %token DUID DUID_ID %token IAID IAIDINFO %token INFO_ONLY %token TO %token BAD_TOKEN %type name %type number_or_infinity %type hostaddr6 hostprefix6 addr6para v6address %union { unsigned int num; int snum; char *str; int dec; int bool; struct in6_addr addr; struct dhcp6_addr *dhcp6addr; } %% statements : | statements networkdef ; networkdef : ifdef | groupdef | confdecl | linkdef ; ifdef : ifhead '{' ifbody '}' ';' { if (linklist) { ifnetwork->linklist = linklist; linklist = NULL; } if (hostlist) { ifnetwork->hostlist = hostlist; hostlist = NULL; } if (currentgroup) ifnetwork->group = currentgroup->scope; dprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "interface definition for %s is ok", ifnetwork->name); ifnetwork->next = ifnetworklist; ifnetworklist = ifnetwork; ifnetwork = NULL; globalgroup->iflist = ifnetworklist; /* leave interface scope we know the current scope is not point to NULL*/ currentscope = pop_double_list(currentscope); } ; ifhead : INTERFACE IFNAME { struct interface *temp_if = ifnetworklist; while (temp_if) { if (!strcmp(temp_if->name, $2)) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "duplicate interface definition for %s", temp_if->name); ABORT; } temp_if = temp_if->next; } ifnetwork = (struct interface *)malloc(sizeof(*ifnetwork)); if (ifnetwork == NULL) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "failed to allocate memory"); ABORT; } memset(ifnetwork, 0, sizeof(*ifnetwork)); TAILQ_INIT(&ifnetwork->ifscope.dnslist.addrlist); TAILQ_INIT(&ifnetwork->ifscope.siplist); TAILQ_INIT(&ifnetwork->ifscope.ntplist); strncpy(ifnetwork->name, $2, strlen($2)); if (get_linklocal(ifnetwork->name, &ifnetwork->linklocal) < 0) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "get device %s linklocal failed", ifnetwork->name); } /* check device, if the device is not available, * it is OK, it might be added later * so keep this in the configuration file. */ if (if_nametoindex(ifnetwork->name) == 0) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "this device %s doesn't exist.", $2); } /* set up hw_addr, link local, primary ipv6addr */ /* enter interface scope */ currentscope = push_double_list(currentscope, &ifnetwork->ifscope); if (currentscope == NULL) ABORT; } ; ifbody : | ifbody ifparams ; ifparams : linkdef | hostdef | groupdef | confdecl ; linkdef : linkhead '{' linkbody '}' ';' { if (poollist) { link->poollist = poollist; poollist = NULL; } if (currentgroup) link->group = currentgroup->scope; link->next = linklist; linklist = link; link = NULL; /* leave iink scope we know the current scope is not point to NULL*/ currentscope = pop_double_list(currentscope); } ; linkhead : LINK name { struct link_decl *temp_sub = linklist; /* memory allocation for link */ link = (struct link_decl *)malloc(sizeof(*link)); if (link == NULL) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "failed to allocate memory"); ABORT; } memset(link, 0, sizeof(*link)); TAILQ_INIT(&link->linkscope.dnslist.addrlist); TAILQ_INIT(&link->linkscope.siplist); TAILQ_INIT(&link->linkscope.ntplist); while (temp_sub) { if (!strcmp(temp_sub->name, $2)) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "duplicate link definition for %s", $2); ABORT; } temp_sub = temp_sub->next; } /* link set */ strncpy(link->name, $2, strlen($2)); if (ifnetwork) link->network = ifnetwork; else { /* create a ifnetwork for this interface */ } link->relaylist = NULL; link->seglist = NULL; /* enter link scope */ currentscope = push_double_list(currentscope, &link->linkscope); if (currentscope == NULL) ABORT; } ; linkbody : | linkbody linkparams ; linkparams : pooldef | rangedef | prefixdef | hostdef | groupdef | confdecl | relaylist ; relaylist : relaylist relaypara | relaypara ; relaypara : RELAY IPV6ADDR '/' NUMBER ';' { struct v6addrlist *temprelay; if (!link) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "relay must be defined under link"); ABORT; } temprelay = (struct v6addrlist *)malloc(sizeof(*temprelay)); if (temprelay == NULL) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "failed to allocate memory"); ABORT; } memset(temprelay, 0, sizeof(*temprelay)); memcpy(&temprelay->v6addr.addr, &$2, sizeof(temprelay->v6addr.addr)); temprelay->v6addr.plen = $4; temprelay->next = link->relaylist; link->relaylist = temprelay; temprelay = NULL; } ; pooldef : poolhead '{' poolbody '}' ';' { if (currentgroup) pool->group = currentgroup->scope; pool->next = poollist; poollist = pool; pool = NULL; /* leave pool scope we know the current scope is not point to NULL*/ currentscope = pop_double_list(currentscope); } ; poolhead : POOL { if (!link) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "pooldef must be defined under link"); ABORT; } pool = (struct pool_decl *)malloc(sizeof(*pool)); if (pool == NULL) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "fail to allocate memory"); ABORT; } memset(pool, 0, sizeof(*pool)); TAILQ_INIT(&pool->poolscope.dnslist.addrlist); TAILQ_INIT(&pool->poolscope.siplist); TAILQ_INIT(&pool->poolscope.ntplist); if (link) pool->link = link; /* enter pool scope */ currentscope = push_double_list(currentscope, &pool->poolscope); if (currentscope == NULL) ABORT; } ; poolbody : | poolbody poolparas ; poolparas : hostdef | groupdef | rangedef | prefixdef | confdecl ; prefixdef : PREFIX IPV6ADDR '/' NUMBER ';' { struct v6prefix *v6prefix, *v6prefix0; struct v6addr *prefix; if (!link) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "prefix must be defined under link"); ABORT; } v6prefix = (struct v6prefix *)malloc(sizeof(*v6prefix)); if (v6prefix == NULL) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "failed to allocate memory"); ABORT; } memset(v6prefix, 0, sizeof(*v6prefix)); v6prefix->link = link; if (pool) v6prefix->pool = pool; /* make sure the range ipv6 address within the prefixaddr */ if ($4 > 128 || $4 < 0) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "invalid prefix length in line %d", num_lines); ABORT; } prefix = getprefix(&$2, $4); for (v6prefix0 = link->prefixlist; v6prefix0; v6prefix0 = v6prefix0->next) { if (IN6_ARE_ADDR_EQUAL(prefix, &v6prefix0->prefix.addr) && $4 == v6prefix0->prefix.plen) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "duplicated prefix defined within same link"); ABORT; } } /* check the assigned prefix is not reserved pv6 addresses */ if (IN6_IS_ADDR_RESERVED(prefix)) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "config reserved prefix"); ABORT; } memcpy(&v6prefix->prefix, prefix, sizeof(v6prefix->prefix)); v6prefix->next = link->prefixlist; link->prefixlist = v6prefix; free(prefix); } ; rangedef : RANGE IPV6ADDR TO IPV6ADDR '/' NUMBER ';' { struct v6addrseg *seg, *temp_seg; struct v6addr *prefix1, *prefix2; if (!link) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "range must be defined under link"); ABORT; } seg = (struct v6addrseg *)malloc(sizeof(*seg)); if (seg == NULL) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "failed to allocate memory"); ABORT; } memset(seg, 0, sizeof(*seg)); temp_seg = link->seglist; seg->link = link; if (pool) seg->pool = pool; /* make sure the range ipv6 address within the prefixaddr */ if ($6 > 128 || $6 < 0) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "invalid prefix length in line %d", num_lines); ABORT; } prefix1 = getprefix(&$2, $6); prefix2 = getprefix(&$4, $6); if (!prefix1 || !prefix2) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "address range defined error"); ABORT; } if (ipv6addrcmp(&prefix1->addr, &prefix2->addr)) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "address range defined doesn't in the same prefix range"); ABORT; } if (ipv6addrcmp(&$2, &$4) < 0) { memcpy(&seg->min, &$2, sizeof(seg->min)); memcpy(&seg->max, &$4, sizeof(seg->max)); } else { memcpy(&seg->max, &$2, sizeof(seg->max)); memcpy(&seg->min, &$4, sizeof(seg->min)); } /* check the assigned addresses are not reserved ipv6 addresses */ if (IN6_IS_ADDR_RESERVED(&seg->max) || IN6_IS_ADDR_RESERVED(&seg->max)) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "config reserved ipv6address"); ABORT; } memcpy(&seg->prefix, prefix1, sizeof(seg->prefix)); memcpy(&seg->free, &seg->min, sizeof(seg->free)); if (pool) seg->pool = pool; /* make sure there is no overlap in the rangelist */ /* the segaddr is sorted by prefix len, thus most specific ipv6 address is going to be assigned. */ if (!temp_seg) { seg->next = NULL; seg->prev = NULL; link->seglist = seg; } else { for (; temp_seg; temp_seg = temp_seg->next) { if ( prefix1->plen < temp_seg->prefix.plen) { if (temp_seg->next == NULL) { temp_seg->next = seg; seg->prev = temp_seg; seg->next = NULL; break; } continue; } if (prefix1->plen == temp_seg->prefix.plen) { if (!(ipv6addrcmp(&seg->min, &temp_seg->max) > 0 || ipv6addrcmp(&seg->max, &temp_seg->min) < 0)) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "overlap range addr defined"); ABORT; } } if (temp_seg->prev == NULL) { link->seglist = seg; seg->prev = NULL; } else { temp_seg->prev->next = seg; seg->prev = temp_seg->prev; } temp_seg->prev = seg; seg->next = temp_seg; break; } } free(prefix1); free(prefix2); } ; groupdef : grouphead '{' groupbody '}' ';' { /* return to prev group scope if any */ currentgroup = pop_double_list(currentgroup); /* leave current group scope */ currentscope = pop_double_list(currentscope); } ; groupbody : | groupbody groupparas ; groupparas : hostdef | pooldef | linkdef | rangedef | prefixdef | ifdef | confdecl ; grouphead : GROUP { struct scope *groupscope; groupscope = (struct scope *)malloc(sizeof(*groupscope)); if (groupscope == NULL) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "group memory allocation failed"); ABORT; } memset(groupscope, 0, sizeof(*groupscope)); TAILQ_INIT(&groupscope->dnslist.addrlist); TAILQ_INIT(&groupscope->siplist); TAILQ_INIT(&groupscope->ntplist); /* set up current group */ currentgroup = push_double_list(currentgroup, groupscope); if (currentgroup == NULL) ABORT; /* enter group scope */ currentscope = push_double_list(currentscope, groupscope); if (currentscope == NULL) ABORT; } ; hostdef : hosthead '{' hostbody '}' ';' { struct host_decl *temp_host = hostlist; while (temp_host) { if (temp_host->iaidinfo.iaid == host->iaidinfo.iaid) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "duplicated host %d redefined", host->iaidinfo.iaid); ABORT; } temp_host = temp_host->next; } if (currentgroup) host->group = currentgroup->scope; host->next = hostlist; hostlist = host; host = NULL; /* leave host scope we know the current scope is not point to NULL*/ currentscope = pop_double_list(currentscope); } ; hosthead : HOST name { struct host_decl *temp_host = hostlist; while (temp_host) { if (!strcmp(temp_host->name, $2)) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "duplicated host %s redefined", $2); ABORT; } temp_host = temp_host->next; } host = (struct host_decl *)malloc(sizeof(*host)); if (host == NULL) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "fail to allocate memory"); ABORT; } memset(host, 0, sizeof(*host)); TAILQ_INIT(&host->addrlist); TAILQ_INIT(&host->prefixlist); TAILQ_INIT(&host->hostscope.dnslist.addrlist); TAILQ_INIT(&host->hostscope.siplist); TAILQ_INIT(&host->hostscope.ntplist); host->network = ifnetwork; strncpy(host->name, $2, strlen($2)); /* enter host scope */ currentscope = push_double_list(currentscope, &host->hostscope); if (currentscope == NULL) ABORT; } ; hostbody : hostbody hostdecl | hostdecl ; hostdecl : DUID DUID_ID ';' { if (host == NULL) { dprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "duid should be defined under host decl"); ABORT; } configure_duid($2, &host->cid); } | iaiddef | hostparas ; iaiddef : IAIDINFO '{' iaidbody '}' ';' { } ; iaidbody : iaidbody RENEWTIME number_or_infinity ';' { host->iaidinfo.renewtime = $3; } | iaidbody REBINDTIME number_or_infinity ';' { host->iaidinfo.rebindtime = $3; } | iaidpara ; iaidpara : IAID NUMBER ';' { if (host == NULL) { dprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "iaid should be defined under host decl"); ABORT; } host->iaidinfo.iaid = $2; } ; hostparas : hostparas hostpara | hostpara ; hostpara : hostaddr6 { if (host == NULL) { dprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "address should be defined under host decl"); ABORT; } dhcp6_add_listval(&host->addrlist, $1, DHCP6_LISTVAL_DHCP6ADDR); if (hash_add(host_addr_hash_table, &($1->addr), $1) != 0) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "hash add lease failed for %s", FNAME, in6addr2str(&($1->addr), 0)); free($1); return (-1); } } | hostprefix6 { if (host == NULL) { dprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "prefix should be defined under host decl"); ABORT; } dhcp6_add_listval(&host->prefixlist, $1, DHCP6_LISTVAL_DHCP6ADDR); } | optiondecl ; hostaddr6 : ADDRESS '{' addr6para '}' ';' { $3->type = IANA; $$ = $3; } ; hostprefix6 : PREFIX '{' addr6para '}' ';' { $3->type = IAPD; $$ = $3; } ; addr6para : addr6para VALIDLIFETIME number_or_infinity ';' { $1->validlifetime = $3; } | addr6para PREFERLIFETIME number_or_infinity ';' { $1->preferlifetime = $3; } | v6address { $$ = $1; } ; v6address : IPV6ADDR '/' NUMBER ';' { struct dhcp6_addr *temp; temp = (struct dhcp6_addr *)malloc(sizeof(*temp)); if (temp == NULL) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "v6addr memory allocation failed"); ABORT; } memset(temp, 0, sizeof(*temp)); memcpy(&temp->addr, &$1, sizeof(temp->addr)); if ($3 > 128 || $3 < 0) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "invalid prefix length in line %d", num_lines); ABORT; } temp->plen = $3; $$ = temp; } ; optiondecl : optionhead optionpara ; optionhead : SEND { if (!currentscope) { currentscope = push_double_list(currentscope, &globalgroup->scope); if (currentscope == NULL) ABORT; } } | ALLOW { if (!currentscope) { currentscope = push_double_list(currentscope, &globalgroup->scope); if (currentscope == NULL) ABORT; } allow = 1; } | OPTION { if (!currentscope) { currentscope = push_double_list(currentscope, &globalgroup->scope); if (currentscope == NULL) ABORT; } } ; optionpara : RAPIDCOMMIT ';' { if (allow) currentscope->scope->allow_flags |= DHCIFF_RAPID_COMMIT; else currentscope->scope->send_flags |= DHCIFF_RAPID_COMMIT; } | TEMPIPV6ADDR ';' { if (allow) currentscope->scope->allow_flags |= DHCIFF_TEMP_ADDRS; else currentscope->scope->send_flags |= DHCIFF_TEMP_ADDRS; } | UNICAST ';' { if (allow) currentscope->scope->allow_flags |= DHCIFF_UNICAST; else currentscope->scope->send_flags |= DHCIFF_UNICAST; } | INFO_ONLY ';' { if (allow) currentscope->scope->allow_flags |= DHCIFF_INFO_ONLY; else currentscope->scope->send_flags |= DHCIFF_INFO_ONLY; } | DNS_SERVERS dns_paras ';' { } | SIP_SERVERS sip_paras ';' { } | NTP_SERVERS ntp_paras ';' { } ; dns_paras : dns_paras dns_para | dns_para ; dns_para : IPV6ADDR { dhcp6_add_listval(¤tscope->scope->dnslist.addrlist, &$1, DHCP6_LISTVAL_ADDR6); } sip_paras : sip_paras sip_para | sip_para ; sip_para : IPV6ADDR { dhcp6_add_listval(¤tscope->scope->siplist, &$1, DHCP6_LISTVAL_ADDR6); } ntp_paras : ntp_paras ntp_para | ntp_para ; ntp_para : IPV6ADDR { dhcp6_add_listval(¤tscope->scope->ntplist, &$1, DHCP6_LISTVAL_ADDR6); } | STRING { struct domain_list *domainname, *temp; int len = 0; domainname = (struct domain_list *)malloc(sizeof(*domainname)); if (domainname == NULL) ABORT; len = strlen($1); if (len > MAXDNAME) ABORT; strncpy(domainname->name, $1, len); domainname->name[len] = '\0'; domainname->next = NULL; if (currentscope->scope->dnslist.domainlist == NULL) { currentscope->scope->dnslist.domainlist = domainname; dprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "add domain name %s", domainname->name); } else { for (temp = currentscope->scope->dnslist.domainlist; temp; temp = temp->next) { if (temp->next == NULL) { dprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "add domain name %s", domainname->name); temp->next = domainname; break; } } } } ; confdecl : paradecl | optiondecl ; paradecl : RENEWTIME number_or_infinity ';' { if (!currentscope) { currentscope = push_double_list(currentscope, &globalgroup->scope); if (currentscope == NULL) ABORT; } currentscope->scope->renew_time = $2; } | REBINDTIME number_or_infinity ';' { if (!currentscope) { currentscope = push_double_list(currentscope, &globalgroup->scope); if (currentscope == NULL) ABORT; } currentscope->scope->rebind_time = $2; } | VALIDLIFETIME number_or_infinity ';' { if (!currentscope) { currentscope = push_double_list(currentscope, &globalgroup->scope); if (currentscope == NULL) ABORT; } currentscope->scope->valid_life_time = $2; if (currentscope->scope->prefer_life_time != 0 && currentscope->scope->valid_life_time < currentscope->scope->prefer_life_time) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "validlifetime is less than preferlifetime", FNAME); ABORT; } } | PREFERLIFETIME number_or_infinity ';' { if (!currentscope) { currentscope = push_double_list(currentscope, &globalgroup->scope); if (currentscope == NULL) ABORT; } currentscope->scope->prefer_life_time = $2; if (currentscope->scope->valid_life_time != 0 && currentscope->scope->valid_life_time < currentscope->scope->prefer_life_time) { dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "validlifetime is less than preferlifetime", FNAME); ABORT; } } | PREFERENCE NUMBER ';' { if (!currentscope) { currentscope = push_double_list(currentscope, &globalgroup->scope); if (currentscope == NULL) ABORT; } if ($2 < 0 || $2 > 255) dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s" "bad server preference number", FNAME); currentscope->scope->server_pref = $2; } ; number_or_infinity : NUMBER { $$ = $1; } | INFINITY { $$ = DHCP6_DURATITION_INFINITE; } ; name : STRING { $$ = $1; } ; %% static void cleanup(void) { /* it is not necessary to free all the pre malloc(), if it fails, * exit will free them automatically. */ } void sfyyerror(char *msg) { cleanup(); dprintf(LOG_ERR, "%s in line %d: %s ", msg, num_lines, sfyytext); }